Re: [QUAD-L] Question

2014-10-29 Thread Billy Yahoo

I'm retired (65) this year. Since I left work in 2000 on disability at 70% tax 
free pay. My Insurance was paid with after tax dollars which made the payments 
to me tax free. So, if my pay was $100,000 I receive $70,000 tax free, for 

You can take any 401k money without penalty as long as you file as disabled. 
You will still be subjected to regular tax on the money as income. Your Soc. 
Sec. Also is taxed as income if it falls beyond the threshold for the tax year.
You are disabled automatically if you are receiving SSD. You can save into a 
401K anytime. By gov't do you mean state? Do they want money back from you from 
an award or settlement from a lawsuit? That they can and will do.

I received a settlement from a suit brought against property owners of the pier 
I got hurt on. At that  time I worked for Chase Manhattan bank. It took five 
years to bring the suit to fruition. I used $250k in medical expenses from 
insurance. The bank was self insured for their employees ergo it was my 
employer who wanted the $250k back. I argued that they were not part of the 
suit, had no steak in arguing the suit nor any downside if I had lost in court. 
Nope, by law they were entitled to that money back. Now, through arduous debate 
back and forth ( they knocked it down to $100k) 

Sent from my iPad

> On Oct 24, 2014, at 19:23, wrote:
> Anyone have luck saving in a 401k without the government declaring it an 
> assist. For services/care. Although not accessible until a certain age.
> Please advise...
> Nancy Pritchard 
> 802-355-3449
> Pall Spera Company Realtors, LLC
> PO Box 507
> Morrisville, Vermont 05661
>> On Oct 24, 2014, at 7:19 PM, Larry Willis  wrote:
>> Yes, but I am not classified as disabled as long as I qualify for regular 
>> retirement. Crazy, I know, but true.
>> Sent from my iPad
>> Begin forwarded message:
>>> Resent-From:
>>> From:
>>> Date: October 24, 2014 at 6:35:43 PM EDT
>>> To: Larry Willis , quad-list 
>>> Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Question
>>> You qualify for Medicare no matter your age if you are disabled.
>>> Meredith
>>> From: "Larry Willis" 
>>> To: "quad-list" 
>>> Sent: Friday, October 24, 2014 3:29:03 PM
>>> Subject: [QUAD-L] Question
>>> I have a serious insurance question for you guys. I have private health 
>>> insurance through the Kentucky Retired Teachers Assoc. I just learned that 
>>> it will pay only 70% for 2015. That leaves a whopping 30% to come from me. 
>>> Is it possible or even worthwhile to get a supplemental policy to cover the 
>>> 30%? Or do those only apply to Medicare? At age 65 I will switch to 
>>> Medicare automatically. I am 62 now. My peeps got any wisdom on this?

Re: [QUAD-L] sure is quite

2014-10-21 Thread Billy Yahoo
If u r asking, there might be a problem.

Sent from my iPad

> On Oct 21, 2014, at 13:10, Jim Lubin  wrote:
> did everyone get removed?

Re: [QUAD-L] sure is quite

2014-10-21 Thread Billy Yahoo
Hope not Jim

Sent from my iPad billy Lang

> On Oct 21, 2014, at 13:10, Jim Lubin  wrote:
> did everyone get removed?

Re: [QUAD-L] Why I Think This World Should End

2014-10-01 Thread Billy Yahoo
1. My knowledge of Muslim or Islam is not up to debate on this Quad List.
2. If u have something of substance to contribute to this list, or a problem u 
need help with re: This lists's subjects or participants, Post it. 

Sorry, tho, this is my last missive to you, SO JUST SHUT UP AND DIE.

Billy Lang
C5/6 Tetraplegic
25 Years Post Injury


Sent from my iPad

> On Oct 1, 2014, at 14:46, HOSNI AL-KHATIB  wrote:
> you don't know anything about ISLAM and Muslims,but I will give some 
> informations
> When muslims do good things : It's humanity,But When muslims do bad things : 
> its islam. (so stop double standard hypocrisy)
> I'm a Muslim, Islam is perfect but I am not. If muslims makes some mistakes, 
> blame it on them, not on our religion
>  to see some of your double standard see this  
> about 9/11 if you still believe the lies that your government told you,just 
> go to youtube and see thousands of videos about the truth ,and what hillary 
> clinton said about al-Qaeda
> and that's the answer of some questions you may have in your mind,
> If you need more information,Just ask
>  Does Islam Permit Killing Civilians?
> Even in times of war, the Muslim must respect his adversaries� humanity. 
> Brutal and barbaric atrocities are prohibited in Islam. Islam condemns 
> barbaric killing of any human being. Therefore, Islam does not permit the 
> mutilation of the bodies of the dead enemy soldiers.
> Also, Islam prohibits the targeting and killing of all civilians, especially 
> women, children, the elderly, and religious clergy. Enemies, even at time of 
> war, must be treated justly. Prisoners of war have basic human rights, as 
> stated in the Shariah (Islamic Law), and must be provided and cared for and 
> not humiliated in any way.
> The following verses touch on some of these issues:
> "O Prophet! say to those who are captives in your hands: If Allah findeth any 
> good in your hearts, He will give you something better than what has been 
> taken from you, and He will forgive you: for Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most 
> Merciful." (Surah 8, Verse 70).
> And they feed, for the love of Allah, the indigent, the orphan, and the 
> captive, (Saying), We feed you for the sake of Allah alone: no reward do we 
> desire from you, nor thanks." (Surah 76, Verses 8-9).
>  In addition, the following were the instructions of Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) 
> to Muslims who are forced to fight a war:
> "Do not kill women or children or non-combatants and do not kill old people 
> or religious people,'' and he mentioned priests, nuns and rabbis. And he 
> said, "Do not cut down fruit-bearing trees and do not poison the wells of 
> your enemies." There are many more sayings and teachings of Prophet Mohammad 
> that instruct Muslims on these issues.
> In addition to all this, Islam prohibits oppression, revenge or injustice to 
> the people of the enemy in case of victory against them. Nor must there be 
> control over the sources of the wealth of the nation or people, or even 
> establishment of colonial regimes. Justice and freedom must be established. 
> Tolerance towards cultures and peoples is to be respected at all times.
> Islamic Principle: There is no Compulsion in Religion
> The verse from the Qur'an which states this principle of no compulsion in 
> religion is the following:
> "Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from Error: 
> whoever rejects Evil and believes in Allah hath grasped the most trustworthy 
> hand-hold, that never breaks. And Allah heareth and knoweth all things." 
> (Surah 2, Verse 256). The holy Qur'an reminds us that there must not be 
> compulsion in religion. It states that the truth stands out clear from error, 
> and that those who reject error and believe in God are the saved ones.
> This means that Muslims are not allowed to force people to convert to Islam. 
> Muslims should only seek to make the truth clear to others, and talk to them 
> about Islam, then let them decide for themselves. In fact, most people who 
> study Islam without having made a decision to hate it first come to love its 
> message and convert to Islam after learning about it's values and principles.
> Another verse that also states this principle is the following:
> "If one amongst the Pagans ask thee for asylum, grant it to him, so that he 
> may hear the word of Allah; and then escort him to where he can be secure. 
> That is because they are men without knowledge." (Surah 9, Verse 6). This 
> wonderful verse instructs Muslims to grant asylum to non-believers, and make 
> them safe, and allow them to hear the word of Allah. Then they are to be 
> escorted to whatever place they will be safe and secure in. This is because 
> these non-believers simply have no knowledge of Islam, and no knowledge of 
> the word of

Re: [QUAD-L] Why I Think This World Should End

2014-09-30 Thread Billy Yahoo
 If he creeps u out, block him. Personally, Muslim fundamentalist diatribe is 
abhorrent. They rant  about loving their God yet condemn to death all who do 
not practice it their way. It justifies  rape, genocide and murder. 
My son and sister were murdered by people who follow these beliefs on 9/11.  He 
lives in a country that does not give him the right to be anything but what he 
is. He has no rights here and should not be given any. Ignore his rantings. 
Jimmy has the power to ban him. It's his list and his right. I love this list 
where people like us and those who support us can go to get valued info on 
anything pertaining to their problems. The info is timely and given freely by 
those with experience. 

Billy Lang

Sent from my iPad

> On Sep 29, 2014, at 20:57, Lori Taylor  wrote:
> Does Jim not read these emails?  Do you know his email address?
> On Monday, September 29, 2014 7:40 PM, "" 
>  wrote:
> please people of earth.  send a private email to our host for his perusal.  I 
> can't speak for Jim but I don't think he would tolerate any form of threats, 
> discrimination and those speaking or advocating that which was mentioned.  
> But please, email Jim Lubin.
> Best Wishes
> In a message dated 9/29/2014 7:29:27 P.M. Central Daylight Time, 
> writes:
>  I am in support of Don's concerns.  I, personally, have never seen any quad 
> related posts by this person. 
> I have looked at his blog-site.  And, to be honest, my gut gets that "creep 
> factor" feeling.  One video talks about recruiting children for jihad.  I 
> couldn't bring myself to watch it.
> Just my 2 cents
> On Monday, September 29, 2014 7:16 PM, "" 
>  wrote:
> I truly hope you don't un-subscribe.  Your knowledge and opinions are worth 
> itHonestly, I haven't taken the time to read his website or blogs.  I 
> don't have the time.  If he is indeed, as you say... I would report it to Jim 
> Lubin as this is HIS group and we are all members.  If what you say is true, 
> then I don't have to read any of his further postings but I can't remove 
> him.  Again, Its Jim's Site.   Send him a lil note.
> Best Wishes
> In a message dated 9/29/2014 7:01:20 P.M. Central Daylight Time, 
> writes:
> With all due respect, if you haven't looked at Hosni's blog, other than 
> today, you really should before writing it off or just saying "hit the delete 
> button." Go ahead... take a look at his blog if you think it's innocent!
> Most of his blog entries are written in Arabic, so you won't be able to read 
> them, but there's absolutely no mistaking that Hosni is antisemitic. Also, 
> you can learn all you want about ISIS and the caliphate on his blog.
> AGAIN, I SAY it's fine for HOSNI to have his opinion and his blog. But the 
> QUAD-list is NOT the proper forum for his venomous propaganda (and I'm not 
> even Jewish.)
> Some of you say "just ignore or hit the delete button." That is not the 
> point. I am totally fine with political discussions and controversial topics, 
> and have NO trouble finding the delete button. However, his blogs are NOT 
> related to quads in any way, and furthermore they're NOT discussions. He 
> sends us his propaganda and then disappears. I've written to Hosni directly, 
> but he never replies. 
> "What harm can come from his posts?", you ask? Well, again, I say look at his 
> blog and tell me if you are OK being associated with his rhetoric. I am not, 
> and if it doesn't stop I'll be unsubscribing.
> Lastly, here's what I wrote way back in March:
> Sorry, but this isn't the forum for this type of 'blog.'
> I'm not the moderator of this list, but I request these blog emails be 
> stopped.
> Thank you,
> Don.
> On Saturday, March 1, 2014 8:06 AM, HOSNI AL-KHATIB 
>  wrote:
> HOSNI AL-KHATIB has sent you a link to a blog: 
> How would British, American, Chinese And Israeli React To "Fly" In Their Cup 
> Of Coffee ? 
> Post: How would British, American, Chinese And Israeli React To "Fly" In 
> Their Cup Of Coffee ? 
> Link: 
> --
> On Monday, September 29, 2014 11:11 AM, "" 
>  wrote:
> Hi Don,  Some of those postings don't get my immediate attention so I 
> haven't noticed anything political... yet.  This recent posting, I did not 
> see as spam, or political agenda.   I saw it as a pseudo promotion for 
> motivation in doing better or a better job.
> I'm sure our Host Jim may have comments as well, but I can't speak for Jim 
> Lubin, or any one else. Perhaps a direct email to Jim, may resolve your 
> immediate question.
> Lastly, I don't know the person, only his addy.  I wish you 
> well.
> Best Wishes
> In a message dated 9/29/