I am having a terrible time with part d for my husband which his plan he
uses goes through Humana...............Humana is saying he is not dually
eligible.  I have been on hold all morning trying to sort this out.  Does
anyone have there part B Medicare paid for by Medicaid?  I am confused on
this whole thing any help would be greatly appreciated.  I am getting
frustrated.  Why is it that these types of government places put people with
disabilities through so much hassle?  I am thankful it is out there but
there are some able bodied people who chose not to work and pop out kids
every year that just sit back and collect and have no hassle getting any
assistance.  I don't mean to offend anyone it just really makes me furious
that people with disabilities don't need any extra hassle.  In our state
right now NYS wants to cut home health care all together.............If i
could save the world and keep everyone out of nursing homes and have free
home health care in my area I would but What is the world coming too these



Caregiver to Jason c5-6 incomplete diving accident 2004

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