I recently received an email from an old Internet Friend regarding the  
lemons to lemonaid thing and hope that everyone takes the time to visit his  
website and make comments or suggestions regarding his AT Invention.
For some Quads, this just might be the answer to your prayers or be a  
complete nightmare.  You be the judge.  For the OTs and PTs that  review this 
board... here is a new device worth your time.
Best Wishes and Happy Halloween
 From: ddh...@atlanticbb.net
To: wheelch...@aol.com
Sent: 10/31/2009  11:30:34 A.M. Central Daylight Time
Subj: Quad-List posting

Read your Quad-List posting regarding cell phones  from last fall...thought 
I would let you know about a new option available. I  have a quadriplegic 
son who was in a car accident a couple of years ago so I  invented a 
Bluetooth headset for him. Then I started selling them on the  Web...
This is the address:    _http://www.nobuttonsheadset.com/_ 
I hope it will help with your needs.

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