Mark.....what is their stinkin problem???  People don't realize that it's not a new speaker system for your's your damn life!!
I can't wait to hear how your new monster-chair
----- Original Message -----
From: QuadPirate
Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2004 5:10 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Re: ...stuck in the sun

Hey Tony,
I know that sucks getting stuck and I get stuck in my electric chair every now and then, my phone has come in  real handy a few times.
I've been patiently waiting on my new Frontier and listen to this, it's been at the dealers since Monday and I've been waiting on a Roho seat and a V handle for my joystick which I have on my old chair but today I call and ask when he's delivering it and he told me the Roho just came in today along with the V handle and he has to put them on the chair tomorrow so it will be Monday before delivery.
It takes about 30 seconds to put a cushion in a chair and another 60 seconds to change handles but he thinks I'm buying this shit he's crazy. When he comes out I'm going to just ask him to show me how it took 1 week to put on a Roho and V handle, I mean if he was just real busy  shit tell me but fill my ears with crap!
Patiently waiting but aggravated!
-------Original Message-------
Date: Thursday, August 19, 2004 15:35:51
Subject: [QUAD-L] Re: ...stuck in the sun
Heyyy's storytime:
i was out at the end of my driveway, which is down kind of a steep grade, getting my tan in the hottass Fla sun....I  don't sweat at all since SCI, so it builds up in me, but i'd had enough of the oven, i tried to start my long push up the driveway...well, my two tires were stuck in deep dirt that was deposited there from the rains this summer.  Anyway, i worked HARD at getting out, but was digging in deeper...i'm a pretty strong quad, but in just 5 minutes, i was so worn out with the sun beating on me that i was as weak as a kitten...i love anything that resembles a workout, and this was kickin my ass. 
I FINALLY struggled out, but then i had to push the steep driveway, then my ramp in...i'm still feeling weak after an hour.
Moral to the story...don't get stuck in the sun
peace out...tony
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2004 4:04 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Concert access

Heyyy Riv....i once sat through an entire Brian Adams concert catching a few glimpses here n there - people stood the whole time, and i was in the wheelchair section...but one time i was right up front at a concert, and the girl behind me grabbed me and started kissing me like crazy...i never even got to see what she looked like!! lol  Hell, maybe it was a
tony c5/c6 car + tree
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2004 9:35 AM
Subject: [QUAD-L] Concert access

I wrote the following to the Lucinda Williams message board about what happened at her concert last night. I left out the part about my dream afterwards, that we took her out for a beer and flirted the whole night ;-)

do I have to come down off my cloud now? ;-) God I love that woman ;-)

On a more serious note, in regards to the concert in Columbus last night. We arrived at the venue at 6pm, doors were at 7. As I use a wheelchair, I usually arrive early especially at General Admission concerts. Since I didn't know this venue I thought it was best we arrive early. Once in, we were seated in the segregated wheelchair seating (no complaints really other than it was on the FAR left side). There was a big middle section where people stand, you could get right up to the stage. As we were so early, I could have gotten right up there, but my girlfriend didn't want to stand all night. As I'm a bit dependent on her to help me, I couldn't and didn't want to leave her to go up front. We decided that after the first band (the Awesome Bottlerockets), we would go up there. I was certain that the people down there would make way to the front for me. We got as far as two people deep to the front. Everyone up until that point was very polite and nice, very willing to let us through. As I tried to get closer to the stage and asked people to move so I could see the microphone (how rude of me), they refused. Claiming that they had staked their claim since 7pm, which I said I had as well. I was appalled !!!! Moving TWO feet to the left would have been fine, as I would have been able to see the stage. As it was, I could see nothing but people's backsides and a microphone stand and a speaker, that's it. The guy directly in front of me wouldn't even turn around and look at me. We hung around for ahwile and eventually went back to the "wheelchair seating". I told the individuals who were so rude that they had "won". Lu was late, so all of this happend before she came on. Why are people so mean? All I wanted was to see the stage. He wouldn't have had to forsake his precious place in front, just move over so I could see. Sometimes I wonder about our society. I also wonder if he was truly a Lu fan, as this kind of behavior is contrary to everything she writes about. As it turned out, the places in the wheelchair seating were WAY better for me, as I LOVE to dance and move to the music. Those folks up front stood like statues.

How on earth can you do that when Lu and awesome Pettibone jam? Oh Well...they (inconsiderate fans) took my joy and I GOT IT BACK !!!

Lu Forever
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