In a message dated 7/11/2013 9:52:57 A.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:

CALL Senator Moran  at (202) 224-6521. Tell the Senator's staff: 
I am calling to support Senator  Johanns' amendment in the Appropriations 
Committee to the Department of Labor  appropriation that would prevent the 
Department of Labor from finalizing,  implementing or enforcing changes to the 
Companionship Exemption that would  hurt people with disabilities and the 
workers who provide us with services and  supports to live independently in 
the community! Please urge the Senator to  support this amendment. 
The Department of  Labor (DOL) has proposed changes in federal labor rules 
that will hurt people  with disabilities and attendants who support our 
independence. These changes  will most seriously impact people who have the 
significant disabilities  and rely on Medicaid services to live in the 
community and their attendants.   
In short, the  proposed changes will: 
- Force seniors and people with disabilities into  institutions;
- Cut the take-home pay of attendants;
- Reduce the  attendant workforce;
- Force people with disabilities to cut the hours of  trusted attendants 
and bring strangers into their homes; and
- Devastate  consumer directed attendant programs. 
Many national  disability organizations -- including ADAPT, the National 
Council on  Independent Living (NCIL), and the National Council on Disability 
(NCD) --  have raised concerns about these proposed changes and urged the 
Department of  Labor to work with the disability community to resolve them. 
Instead of  acknowledging the issue and working with the Disability Community 
to resolve  it, the Department of Labor has continued to push ahead with 
these changes.  (You can learn more about this issue at _www.DOLoffMYbody.org_ 
( ) 
TODAY, Senator  Johanns will be submitting an amendment to the Department 
of Labor's  appropriation that prevents DOL from finalizing, implementing or 
enforcing  these changes until concerns about the proposed rules have been  
SO PLEASE TAKE ACTION,  call Senator Moran at (202) 224-6521 and tell the  
I am calling to support Senator  Johanns' amendment in the Appropriations 
Committee to the Department of Labor  appropriation that would prevent the 
Department of Labor from finalizing,  implementing or enforcing changes to the 
Companionship Exemption that would  hurt people with disabilities and the 
workers who provide us with services and  supports to live independently in 
the community! Please urge the Senator to  support his amendment. 
Share this alert  with family and friends and urge them to call as  well. 
Then email us back  and share how your call went.  
Thank  you! 
Bruce  Darling 

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