Re: [QUAD-L] Supra-pubic question, one more question

2006-10-13 Thread Danny Hearn
I used an indwelling folley for over 3 years, but due to recurring scar tissue and blockage I had to get a supra-pubic..I have had it about 6 years now and it has only clogged up twice and that was in the 1st year i had it put in. My wife loves to only drain the pee early in the morning and at night as compared to having used to cath me 3 times a day. I use a number 24 french size catheter and my wife changes the catheter once a month.. ( very easy to change ) The only drawback for me is that i get a lot of bladder infections ( But I got them a lot with an indwelling folley also ) so we really enjoy the freedom of not having to cath.  good luck !  Dan H.  c-6Dillon Ewa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Hello all,  I have mentioned before
 about my problem with sediment in my urine and the resulting blockage which have caused numerous problems.  In your opinion, with getting a suprapubic solve my problem with sediment, would blockage still occur, are the chances of an infection reduced and if you had an indwelling Foley prior to your suprapubic, which method to you prefer - a suprapubic or an indwelling Foley?  ThanksDillon"B. Kimberlin (Quadius)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:In addition to spinning the catheter, I would recommend pulling it slightly up.  I have also had problems with the catheter adhering to the bottom of my bladder.  Additionally I have to make sure the tubing is going straight to the bag in order to get drainage.  I have cut a 2000 bag for my wheelchair and I utilize a 4000 cc bag for my bed.  The only
 difference is my bed bag is in a basin at the foot of my bed so that the tubing is as straight as possible without being too taut.  What size is your catheter?  Right now I'm utilizing a 22, but I may have to go down to a 20 because there is some scar tissue which is making it difficult to insert the size 22 which I have been using for at least four years now.  Good luck.Quadius (I have had my suprapubic for 11 years now.)Dylan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Hey Friends,I've had the suprapubic for emptying my bladder for about a year and a half now and it has worked pretty well. Within the last week or two it has stopped working efficiently and I'm not sure what the problem is. I've been using catheters of all sorts for twenty years now so I'm quite familiar with all of the things that can go
 wrong with them. What is happening now is that the thing will just refuse to flow. I'm drinking plenty, the catheter is well irrigated and clear, and yet the liquid still will not flow. I'll even start everything new (bag, catheter, etc). irrigate a few times; and then by the end of the day, or in the early morning, (especially if I'm not careful and fall asleep too deeply, and wake up with an extreme case of it) I'll find myself with increasing levels of disreflexia(you know, the kind that makes your body convulse every 15secs or so and leaves you with the headache from hell). Until I use the 60cc syringe to draw the liquid out. There are usually about 3 syringe-fulls in the bladder by that point. When I begin to irrigate it can be quite difficult to pull, but the strange part is that the urine is clear, with little/no sediment build-up. After the initial difficulty in starting the emptying pull, the pull becomes easy as
 it normally was. The other strange thing however, is that if I stop drawing the liquid out, it just refuses to flow out on its own, as it normally used to.I did subsequently make some changes to my arrangements, and they did seem to help things a little bit, but the flow-stoppage is still happening. I cut the bed bag from the tubing and now have the tubing going in as direct and as downhill a path as possible into an open container (and this did work for awhile but the flow is still negligible and still ends up with me having the distended bladder problem).I seem to remember the urologist saying that I would likely have to increase the size of the catheter as I aged, so that might be the solution, but I've made the earliest MD appointment I could for Dec 12, and a phone conversation tomorrow.I pretty much value you alls' experience over anything else so I'm wondering if any of you have experienced these symptoms. And
 if so, what can be done to fix the situation? I would like to know if this is a unique experience, or if other quads have adapted to similar situations. Thank you so much for your time and consideration.DylanPS. Oh yeah, on a completely different topic, do any of you play World of Warcraft by an chance? If you do, and you want to, send me an email. I have been playing for over a year now and I can't believe how far I've gotten, considering I'm a quadriplegic. Its great fun, and just as in the real world, we have to find ways to adapt to our handicaps and I've figured out ways to work around my shortcomings so that I can at least contribute to a team effort. Its fun and challenging.   Do you Yahoo!?Everyone is raving about the all-new Yahoo! Mail.

[QUAD-L] Supra-pubic question, one more question

2006-10-12 Thread Dillon Ewa
Hello all,  I have mentioned before about my problem with sediment in my urine and the resulting blockage which have caused numerous problems.  In your opinion, with getting a suprapubic solve my problem with sediment, would blockage still occur, are the chances of an infection reduced and if you had an indwelling Foley prior to your suprapubic, which method to you prefer - a suprapubic or an indwelling Foley?  ThanksDillon"B. Kimberlin (Quadius)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:In addition to spinning the catheter, I would recommend pulling it slightly up.  I have also had problems with the catheter adhering to the bottom of my bladder.  Additionally I have to make sure the tubing is going straight to the bag in order to get drainage.  I have cut a 2000 bag for my wheelchair
 and I utilize a 4000 cc bag for my bed.  The only difference is my bed bag is in a basin at the foot of my bed so that the tubing is as straight as possible without being too taut.  What size is your catheter?  Right now I'm utilizing a 22, but I may have to go down to a 20 because there is some scar tissue which is making it difficult to insert the size 22 which I have been using for at least four years now.  Good luck.Quadius (I have had my suprapubic for 11 years now.)Dylan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Hey Friends,I've had the suprapubic for emptying my bladder for about a year and a half now and it has worked pretty well. Within the last week or two it has stopped working efficiently and I'm not sure what the problem is. I've been using catheters of all sorts for twenty years now so I'm
 quite familiar with all of the things that can go wrong with them. What is happening now is that the thing will just refuse to flow. I'm drinking plenty, the catheter is well irrigated and clear, and yet the liquid still will not flow. I'll even start everything new (bag, catheter, etc). irrigate a few times; and then by the end of the day, or in the early morning, (especially if I'm not careful and fall asleep too deeply, and wake up with an extreme case of it) I'll find myself with increasing levels of disreflexia(you know, the kind that makes your body convulse every 15secs or so and leaves you with the headache from hell). Until I use the 60cc syringe to draw the liquid out. There are usually about 3 syringe-fulls in the bladder by that point. When I begin to irrigate it can be quite difficult to pull, but the strange part is that the urine is clear, with little/no sediment build-up. After the initial difficulty in
 starting the emptying pull, the pull becomes easy as it normally was. The other strange thing however, is that if I stop drawing the liquid out, it just refuses to flow out on its own, as it normally used to.I did subsequently make some changes to my arrangements, and they did seem to help things a little bit, but the flow-stoppage is still happening. I cut the bed bag from the tubing and now have the tubing going in as direct and as downhill a path as possible into an open container (and this did work for awhile but the flow is still negligible and still ends up with me having the distended bladder problem).I seem to remember the urologist saying that I would likely have to increase the size of the catheter as I aged, so that might be the solution, but I've made the earliest MD appointment I could for Dec 12, and a phone conversation tomorrow.I pretty much value you alls' experience over anything else so I'm
 wondering if any of you have experienced these symptoms. And if so, what can be done to fix the situation? I would like to know if this is a unique experience, or if other quads have adapted to similar situations. Thank you so much for your time and consideration.DylanPS. Oh yeah, on a completely different topic, do any of you play World of Warcraft by an chance? If you do, and you want to, send me an email. I have been playing for over a year now and I can't believe how far I've gotten, considering I'm a quadriplegic. Its great fun, and just as in the real world, we have to find ways to adapt to our handicaps and I've figured out ways to work around my shortcomings so that I can at least contribute to a team effort. Its fun and challenging.   Do you Yahoo!?Everyone is raving about the all-new Yahoo! Mail.