It reminds me when I used to be in the nursing home but thank God I'm not
there anymore I was coming out of my room this stupid guy was standing
against the wall waiting to going in the room his mother room right beside
mine and they were busy with his mother we were talking and then she tells
me the stupid thing there is she said to me man you haven't made in life I
stared at him did not say anything and then you don't have any problems no
bills you don't have to get up early to work and repeat the same thing you
guys in your condition got it made in life I I just shake my head I could
not believe what he was saying she said also I bet you are very happy I said
to myself you don't know what you're saying I said to myself if you were
this wheelchair you will not be saying what you're saying stupid but I am
door him and I continue going down the hall that was several years back last
week 1 of my providers was given me a bath and she came out with the crap if
I did not have kids I will not mine being in your condition they do
everything for you and everybody is doing everything for you like a king
wipe your eyes give you some water scratch her head feet you and cleaning
your but what else you want you have it made I just sent to her sorry that
what I'm going to tell you you talking stupid if I was you just change the
subject and she did I got upset the following day in the morning she give me
the smart remark what my king which me to do for you I told her like I told
you yesterday just do what you're supposed to do and stop talking stupid


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