2009-08-30 Thread Eric W Rudd
never assume i want credit 4 these lyrics just tryin 2 reach those who would 
say "what, me listen to that shit"...lol, u know who u are

Eric W Rudd

[QUAD-L] FYI in Ohio

2009-03-02 Thread DiannaL767
Below you will find information on an advocacy event that LEAP will be  
participating in on March 19 in Columbus Ohio.

We are looking for  self-advocates, family members, staff advocates, and 
consumers who believe that  Ohio can do better in providing home and community 
based options for persons  with disabilities.  We are participating as a member 
of the Ohio  Association of Centers for Independent Living (other sponsors of 
this event  include AARP, Area Agencies on Aging, Olmstead Task Force and 
Families of  Medically Fragile Children).  Registration for the event is 
the  member organizations and we can bring between 3-5 individuals.  We will  
arrange transportation on an as needed basis.  Event is free but is not  open 
the general public.  Legislators have been invited to attend and we  will 
also be setting up individual meetings with our legislators for the early  

If you are interested in attending, please contact myself or  Donna Prease 
(at x. 114) and we will work to accommodate you. First come, first  serve.

Here are the details:

"Home Care:  Serving Ohioans,  Saving for Ohio."

Ohio Statehouse Atrium

Thursday, March 19,  2009

Tentative Agenda:

8:00-8:50 Registration & Continental  Breakfast

8:50-9:00 Welcome and Introduction

9:00-9:20 Key Note  Address-State Rep. Barbara Boyd-Finance and 
Appropriation, Chair of the Health  Care Committee

9:20-9:50 Presentation of the Economic Report- Dr. Howard  Fleeter (Economic 
Value of Home and Community based services over institutional  care.)

9:55-10:05 Break

10:05-10:35 Presentation by Ohio Council  Legislative Council-State Budget

10:35-11:00 Senator Jimmy Stewart on the  importance of Advocacy.

11:00-Noon Panel Presentation 

Noon-1:00  Lunch with legislators.

As their schedules permit we will also schedule  visits with key NE Ohio 
legislators (depending on where we are in the budget  process---we will also 
to meet with your individual  legislator.

Please let us know if you are interested in  attending.

Deborah & Donna   

Deborah  Nebel

Linking Employment, Abilities & Potential  (LEAP)

Director of Public Policy

1468 W. 25th  Street

Cleveland, Ohio 44113

216-696-2716 x.  106



LEAP's Public Policy & Advocacy  work is funded in part by the Ohio 
Developmental Disabilities Council under the  Developmental Disabilities 
Assistance and 
Bill of Rights  Act.
**A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy 

[QUAD-L] FYI-Life Suit Demonstrattion

2008-06-05 Thread Matt Wermer
My VistaPrint Electronic Business CardMonty is the designer/engineer of a 
walking suit for paralyzed folks like us.
The US Military is working with such technology to create super soldiers.
Lookup Exoskeletal Suits on You Tube sometime.

Monty says, "Tell your friends they can see the LIFESUIT live in Shoreline July 
18 & 19.  We will have free T shirts and we will be fund raising by accepting 
donations.  www.theyshallwalk.org  Ask your friends to become fans of They 
Shall Walk on facebook.com  Monty".

Event: Shoreline SolarFest   "MontyReed & LIFESUIT Exoskeleton 14 
appearance at Fest"
What: Rally
Host: They Shall Walk
When: Friday, July 18 at 5:00pm
Where: Meridian Park Elementary, Shoreline, WI
Contact: 2062298234

Friday evening Monty Reed wearing LIFESUIT #14 will escort the models of the 
Haute Trash Fashion Show kicking off the Shoreline SolarFest.
On Saturday, starting @ 10 am They Shall Walk will be at the festival all day 
along with the other environmentally friendly exhibitors and the Taste of 
Shoreline. They Shall Walk will have videos, pictures and T shirts available. 
The LIFESUIT will be on display. 


2007-10-07 Thread Elizabeth Treston
DBTAC- Northeast ADA Technical Bulletin:  October 2007 

The DBTAC- Northeast ADA Center at Cornell University provides training,
technical assistance and materials on the ADA and accessible information
technology throughout New York, New Jersey, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin
Islands. This monthly technical bulletin is part of our dissemination
efforts and if you do not want to receive this document or would like others
from your organization added to our list, please call 1-800-949-4232 or
reply to this message. Thank you. 

Please Join us for the October Distance Learning Program - ADA Legal Update:
Current litigation trends under the ADA

The courts and federal agencies are shaping the ADA through their decisions
and settlements. This session will outline the key issues that are currently
before the courts as well as discuss some trends in case law at the lower
courts which will have an impact on decisions at all levels, including any
future cases to be argued before the Supreme Court.
Speaker: Barry Taylor, Director of Legal Services, Equip for Equality,
Chicago, Illinois
CEU Credits: CRC
Time: 1:00-2:30pm CT
Date:  October 17, 2007

To learn more or to register for the ADA Audio Conference please visit
www.ada-audio.org  . 

FEMA Releases Disability Disaster Reference Guide 
(from NCD Bulletin - August 2007) 

On August 21, the Department of Homeland Security's Federal Emergency
Management Agency (FEMA) released a new reference guide that outlines
existing legal requirements and standards relating to access for people with
disabilities. A Reference Guide for Accommodating Individuals with
Disabilities in the Provision of Disaster Mass Care, Housing and Human
Services is the first of a series of disability-related guidelines to be
produced by FEMA for disaster preparedness and response planners and service

The document summarizes equal access requirements for people with
disabilities within disaster mass care, housing, and human services
functions. The Guide explains how applicable federal laws relate to
government entities, the private sector, and religious organizations. A full
copy of the Guide may be accessed at www.fema.gov/oer/reference 

New Jersey Institute for Technology- Disability and Employment Training
Program Opportunity 
(from EmployME! website)

On December 22, 2006, the Board of Trustees of the Henry H. Kessler
Foundation in West Orange, NJ approved a two-year grant allocation totaling
$946,000 to New Jersey Institute of Technology - the state's science and
technology university - targeted largely towards people with physical
disabilities through training and special initiatives leading to employment.
The EmployME! Program is a public-private partnership to prepare unemployed
and underemployed men and women with disabilities for both entry level and
advanced jobs in information technology fields that are in demand in our
state.  Applicants can expedite the process by calling NJIT EmployME! at
973.596.3064 or applying online at http://cpe.njit.edu/EmployME 

New Disability Status Report for Region 2 (New York, New Jersey,  and Puerto

The Cornell University's Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on
Disability Demographics and Statistics will release the new Disability
Status Reports on November 7, 2007. 
The Status Reports will include the latest statistics related to disability
and employment, education, earnings, poverty, and more. The Annual
Disability Status Reports provide consistently measured indicators of the
demographic characteristics and economic status of working age (ages 21-64)
people with disabilities, based on the Census Bureau's American Community
Survey (ACS). 

Disability Status reports for Region 2 are developed in collaboration with
the DBTAC-Northeast and the new reports will be available after November 7,
2007 at the Disability Statistic
Website:  http://www.ilr.cornell.edu/edi/disabilitystatistics/

General Accounting Office has released a report on "Lack of Data and Limited
Enforcement Options, Limit Federal Oversight" for surface transportation
(excerpt from GAO's website)

The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) provides people with
disabilities the legal right to access transportation and public
rights-of-way, including sidewalks and street crossings. The Department of
Transportation (DOT) and Department of Justice (DOJ) share responsibility
for overseeing ADA compliance. GAO was asked to review federal oversight and
enforcement of ADA compliance, including (1) what is known about compliance,
(2) difficulties the federal government faces in overseeing and enforcing
compliance, and (3) the sources of federal help and any gaps in that help.
GAO's work encompassed a wide range of federal agencies and other entities,
such as industry associations, transportation providers, and disability
advocacy groups, as well as detailed reviews in eight cities across the

For a copy of the f

[QUAD-L] FYI--Black Rain by Ozzy

2007-05-22 Thread Eric W Rudd
Just as expected another dollar well spent! 

Eric W Rudd

[QUAD-L] FYI--Black Rain by Ozzy

2007-05-22 Thread Eric W Rudd
Just as expected another dollar well spent! 
Eric W Rudd

[QUAD-L] fyi

2007-05-12 Thread Elizabeth Treston
DBTAC- Northeast ADA Technical Bulletin:  May 2007 

The DBTAC- Northeast ADA Center at Cornell University provides training,
technical assistance and materials on the ADA and accessible information
technology throughout New York, New Jersey, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin
Islands. This monthly technical bulletin is part of our dissemination
efforts and if you do not want to receive this document or would like others
from your organization added to our list, please call 1-800-949-4232 or
reply to this message. Thank you. 

Please Join us for the May Distance Learning Program -  ADA Restoration Act:
Legislative Update
Date;  May 15, 2007
Time:  2:00 pm - 3:30 pm Eastern Time

Congressmen Sensenbrenner, Jr (R-WI) and Hoyer (D-MD) introduced a
bi-partisan bill that would restore protections for individuals intended to
be covered by the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 in September,
2006. This piece of legislation was not passed before the end of the 109th
Congress. It is anticipated that this piece of legislation will once again
be introduced during the new 110th Congress and under very different
circumstances given the outcome of the 2006 elections. The ADA Restoration
Act as it is currently known is intended to restore the ADA to its "original
intent" and address several decisions made by the US Supreme Court over the
past 16 years. Join this session to learn about the history and intent of
the ADA Restoration Act and the future of legislation that may affect the
civil rights of individuals with disabilities.
Imparato, President and Chief Executive Officer, American Association of
Persons with Disabilities (AAPD) (Additional speakers may be added)
CEU Credits:

Access Board's New Information on Bus and Van Guidelines 
(from Access Board)

As part of an effort to update its guidelines for transportation vehicles
covered by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the Board has released
for public comment draft revisions to sections covering buses and vans.
Published in 1991, these guidelines cover a range of vehicles in addition to
buses and vans, including various types of rail cars, trams, and other modes
of public transportation. Revisions to these other sections will be released
as drafts are completed.  For more information, please go to

Are you prepared for the outcome of the lawsuit involving Target's web site?

This blog entry from eTrafficJams.com and posted on April 12th, 2007, sends
a warning message to all businesses that they should be thinking about and
creating a plan for accessibility.  Prompted by a lawsuit by National
Federation of the Blind, its California affiliate, and a blind University of
California, Berkeley student against Target, the blogger sends a warning to
web developers: 

'The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) will undoubtedly affect websites
in the near future"Failing to plan is planning to fail."? Take advantage
of this probable turn of events and get your clients working with you to
move through recommended changes slowly and methodically. New clients are
out there waiting for a tip from you about this issue. Your client's
disabled users (read: paying customers) will appreciate it too.'  Read the
entire blog entry at
abilities-act/ .

There are many other articles that support the notion that accessible web
content contributes to Search Engine Optimization (favorable placement in
search engine results).  Read "SEO & Accessibility Prevent Lawsuits,
Increase Visibility" written by Mike Banks Vale and submitted to
webpronews.com on March 19, 2007  (
uits-increases-visibility ).

Employment and Disability Institute (EDI) on-line

The Employment and Disability Institute is pleased to announce the
inauguration of their new virtual classroom-ediONLINE. This new on-line
series of courses and public offerings focus on effective employment,
workplace and disability practice and are delivered using web-conferencing
as well as real-time transcription. This series is geared toward: 

*   managers 
*   practitioners 
*   advocates and 
*   policy makers 

in the disability field in order to improve and enhance effectiveness in
supporting employment outcomes and greater economic self-sufficiency for
people with disabilities. ediONLINE courses bridge the gap between policy
and practice by providing you with practical applications, hands-on
learning, leading-edge skills, and knowledge that you can immediately apply
to your work.  Courses will cover the following topical areas: Work
Incentive Knowledge and Utilization; Work Incentives Planning; Federal
Benefit Programs; SSA Advocac

[QUAD-L] fyi

2007-05-12 Thread Elizabeth Treston
DBTAC- Northeast ADA Technical Bulletin:  May 2007 

The DBTAC- Northeast ADA Center at Cornell University provides training,
technical assistance and materials on the ADA and accessible information
technology throughout New York, New Jersey, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin
Islands. This monthly technical bulletin is part of our dissemination
efforts and if you do not want to receive this document or would like others
from your organization added to our list, please call 1-800-949-4232 or
reply to this message. Thank you. 

Please Join us for the May Distance Learning Program -  ADA Restoration Act:
Legislative Update
Date;  May 15, 2007
Time:  2:00 pm - 3:30 pm Eastern Time

Congressmen Sensenbrenner, Jr (R-WI) and Hoyer (D-MD) introduced a
bi-partisan bill that would restore protections for individuals intended to
be covered by the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 in September,
2006. This piece of legislation was not passed before the end of the 109th
Congress. It is anticipated that this piece of legislation will once again
be introduced during the new 110th Congress and under very different
circumstances given the outcome of the 2006 elections. The ADA Restoration
Act as it is currently known is intended to restore the ADA to its "original
intent" and address several decisions made by the US Supreme Court over the
past 16 years. Join this session to learn about the history and intent of
the ADA Restoration Act and the future of legislation that may affect the
civil rights of individuals with disabilities.
Imparato, President and Chief Executive Officer, American Association of
Persons with Disabilities (AAPD) (Additional speakers may be added)
CEU Credits:

Access Board's New Information on Bus and Van Guidelines 
(from Access Board)

As part of an effort to update its guidelines for transportation vehicles
covered by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the Board has released
for public comment draft revisions to sections covering buses and vans.
Published in 1991, these guidelines cover a range of vehicles in addition to
buses and vans, including various types of rail cars, trams, and other modes
of public transportation. Revisions to these other sections will be released
as drafts are completed.  For more information, please go to

Are you prepared for the outcome of the lawsuit involving Target's web site?

This blog entry from eTrafficJams.com and posted on April 12th, 2007, sends
a warning message to all businesses that they should be thinking about and
creating a plan for accessibility.  Prompted by a lawsuit by National
Federation of the Blind, its California affiliate, and a blind University of
California, Berkeley student against Target, the blogger sends a warning to
web developers: 

'The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) will undoubtedly affect websites
in the near future"Failing to plan is planning to fail."? Take advantage
of this probable turn of events and get your clients working with you to
move through recommended changes slowly and methodically. New clients are
out there waiting for a tip from you about this issue. Your client's
disabled users (read: paying customers) will appreciate it too.'  Read the
entire blog entry at
abilities-act/ .

There are many other articles that support the notion that accessible web
content contributes to Search Engine Optimization (favorable placement in
search engine results).  Read "SEO & Accessibility Prevent Lawsuits,
Increase Visibility" written by Mike Banks Vale and submitted to
webpronews.com on March 19, 2007  (
uits-increases-visibility ).

Employment and Disability Institute (EDI) on-line

The Employment and Disability Institute is pleased to announce the
inauguration of their new virtual classroom-ediONLINE. This new on-line
series of courses and public offerings focus on effective employment,
workplace and disability practice and are delivered using web-conferencing
as well as real-time transcription. This series is geared toward: 

*   managers 
*   practitioners 
*   advocates and 
*   policy makers 

in the disability field in order to improve and enhance effectiveness in
supporting employment outcomes and greater economic self-sufficiency for
people with disabilities. ediONLINE courses bridge the gap between policy
and practice by providing you with practical applications, hands-on
learning, leading-edge skills, and knowledge that you can immediately apply
to your work.  Courses will cover the following topical areas: Work
Incentive Knowledge and Utilization; Work Incentives Planning; Federal
Benefit Programs; SSA Advocac

[QUAD-L] fyi

2007-02-07 Thread MissLiz


DBTAC- Northeast ADA Technical Bulletin:  February 2007

The DBTAC- Northeast ADA Center at Cornell University provides training,
technical assistance and materials on the ADA and accessible information
technology throughout New York, New Jersey, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin
Islands. This monthly technical bulletin is part of our dissemination
efforts and if you do not want to receive this document or would like others
from your organization added to our list, please call 1-800-949-4232 or
reply to this message. Thank you. 

Please Join us for the February Distance Learning Program-- Tapping a New
Resource: Veterans with Disabilities

Date:  February 20, 2007
Time:  2:00 pm - 3:30 pm EST

Veterans, including those with service-connected disabilities, have the
skills, training, and character to meet your toughest challenges. There are
an extensive number of veterans- resources to assist you in finding veteran
candidates for your job openings. In this second session of a two-part
series, the Employer Assistance & Recruiting Network (EARN) will showcase
some top resources and give you the opportunity to speak with key members of
these organizations to find out how they can assist you to reach out to
veterans in your employment efforts. 
Speaker:  Jane C. Ivey - Director, Private Sector Employment, Tyler T.
Matney -  EARN Program Coordinator, Robert J. Roundtree - Employment
Services Supervisor, VR&E Service, VA Central Office, Billy W. Wright -
EARN Program Coordinator, Veterans with Disabilities

Pricing:  http://www.ada-audio.org/ProgramInformation/prices.php 
Registration: https://ada-audioorg.secure.powweb.com/WebForms/Login/ 
Deadline for Registration:  Monday February 19, 2007 

New information on the Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) 

There have been several changes, expansions and revisions with WOTC.  One
change is Congress' combining the WOTC with the Welfare to Work Tax Credits.
Others include expanding the eligibility for food stamp recipients, revising
the eligibility requirements for ex-felons and modifying the filing deadline
for WOTC claimants.  For more information, please go to US Department of
Labor's website at,  http://www.doleta.gov/business/Incentives/opptax/

Mental Health Parity Bill:  Finally on the Way to Becoming Law

For the past 15 years, the Mental Health Parity Bill, guaranteeing that
mental health disabilities receive the same medical insurance coverage as
any other health problem,  has languished in Congress.  Recently, however,
the Mental Health Parity Bill was put on the fast track to passage in the
new Congress.  It is expected that the Bill will be signed early this year.
For more information, go to

New website that brings together employers and people with disabilities
seeking employment 
(excerpt from press release from Access Solutions)

SIOUX FALLS, SD, January 8, 2007-Access Solutions, LLC has announced the
launch of DisabilityWORK.com, a service that brings employers and people
with disabilities together. Employers can expect to reach an untapped pool
of qualified workers, while people with disabilities have a new venue in
which to showcase their talents.  DisabilityWORK.com consists of several
different services for both employers and people with disabilities.
Employers can search a database of resumes to find prospective candidates to
fill needed positions. They can also post their job openings on the website
and utilize DisabilityWORK.com's headhunting services. People with
disabilities can not only post their resumes on the website, but they can
also use an array of services ranging from resume-writing and career
coaching to job placement and job coaching.   For more information, please
go to  http://www.disabilitywork.com//default.aspx

Erasing offensive language in New Jersey's State Laws 

NJ Council on Developmental Disabilities', Monday Morning Advocacy Project
is spearheading a constitutional effort to eliminate offensive and outdated
language in NJ State Article II, Section I, regarding elections and voting.
When the law was adopted in 1789, the verbage read, "No idiot or insane
person shall enjoy the right of suffrage."  This amendment would erase that
language.  For more information, please go to

American Association for People with Disabilities (AAPD) joining National
Public Radio (NPR) for Legal Blogs and Discussion Forums

Beginning February 2007, AAPD will join the ranks of other legal analysts
and commentators on NPR on issues that affect Americans .  This is part of
NPR's Justice Talking Program, hosted by Margot Adler.  Among the
specialists with AAPD are the American Tort Reform Association, the Natural
Resources Defense Council, the Family Research Council, the National Council
of Churches, and the Council on American-Islamic Relations.  AAPD will be
featured on t

Re: [QUAD-L] FYI about cell phones

2007-01-05 Thread LINDA FERRELL
Hi Bobbie thanks for the info. Did you find a phone that you liked? Happy New 

[QUAD-L] FYI about cell phones

2007-01-01 Thread Bobbie299
Hi All,
I learned something new about cell phones I never knew and thought I'd 
pass on the information.
 On ANY cell phone ANY company if you need info regarding your cell phone 
just dial 611. It works. 

[QUAD-L] fyi

2006-10-19 Thread Miss Liz

National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) Technical 
Bulletin:  October 2006The Northeast ADA&IT Center has recently been 
awarded a grant for another five years of funding.  We are now called the 
DBTAC- Northeast ADA Center at Cornell University.  We provide training, 
technical assistance and materials as well as research on the ADA and accessible 
technology throughout New York, New Jersey, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin 
Islands. This monthly technical bulletin is part of our dissemination efforts 
and if you do not want to receive this document or would like others from your 
organization added to our list, please call 1-800-949-4232 or reply to this 
message. Thank you NDEAM Information (excerpt from US Department of Labor-Office on 
Disability Employment Policy) 
What is National 
Disability Employment Awareness Month? Congress designated each October as National 
Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM). This effort to educate 
the American public about issues related to disability and employment actually 
began in 1945, when Congress enacted a law declaring the first week in October 
each year "National Employ the Physically Handicapped Week." In 1962, the word 
"physically" was removed to acknowledge the employment needs and contributions 
of individuals with all types of disabilities. In 1988, Congress expanded the 
week to a month and changed the name to "National Disability Employment 
Awareness Month." Since 2001, the Office of Disability Employment Policy 
(ODEP) in the U.S. Department of 
Labor has been responsible for 
planning NDEAM activities and materials to increase the public's awareness of 
the contributions and skills of American workers with disabilities. Various 
programs carried out throughout the month also highlight the specific employment 
barriers that still need to be addressed and removed. ODEP provides information 
online that can be used for National Disability Employment Awareness Month, as 
well as other educational programs throughout the year on its Publications webpage.*US DOL NDEAM poster 
http://www.dol.gov/odep/pubs/posters.htm *Disability Employment 101 from US 
Department of Education  http://www.ed.gov/about/offices/list/osers/products/employmentguide/index.html A Proclamation by the President of the United States of 
from US Department of Labor-Office on Disability Employment 
Policy)During National Disability Employment Awareness Month, we pay 
tribute to the accomplishments of the men and women with disabilities whose work 
helps keep America's economy strong, and we underscore our commitment to 
ensuring equal employment opportunity for all of our citizens.Our 
country has made great progress to ensure that opportunities are accessible to 
everyone who is willing and able to work. Access to jobs was significantly 
expanded in 1990 when President George H. W. Bush signed the Americans with 
Disabilities Act (ADA) into law. This important legislation has served as a 
foundation for strengthening our Nation's workforce and advancing innovation and 
American leadership in a global marketplace. http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2006/10/20061003-7.htmlNew EEOC website in 
OctoberEEOC recently added to their 
initiative section of their website, LEAD- (Leadership for the Employment of 
Americans with Disabilities).  This is related to federal employees with 
disabilities and the decline of their employment with the federal 
government.  EEOC feels that the federal government should be the example 
for other employers and has created this initiative to help with such things as: 

  increase the awareness of hiring officials about the declining numbers of 
  people with disabilities in federal employment 
  reverse the trend of decreasing participation in federal employment 
  educate federal hiring officials about how to use special hiring 
  authorities to bring people with disabilities on board, particularly those 
  with severe disabilities 
  educate applicants with severe disabilities about how to apply using the 
  special hiring authorities available 
  provide information and resources on reasonable accommodation. 
  (excerpt from EEOC''s website) For more information, please go 
to: http://www.eeoc.gov/press/10-4-06.htmlUS DOL Mentoring Day Information(excerpt from US 
Department of Labor-Office on Disability Employment Policy)Students with 
disabilities (mentees) are matched with workplace mentors according to expressed 
career interests. Mentees experience a typical day on the job and learn how to 
prepare to enter the world of work. Employers gain an increased awareness that 
people with disabilities represent an overlooked talent pool. Disability 
Mentoring Day is a program of the American Association of People with 
Disabilities (AAPD).Disability Mentoring Day began in 1999 with fewer 
than three-dozen student participants as part of a White House effort to 
increase the profile of National Disability Emp

[QUAD-L] fyi info

2006-08-31 Thread Miss Liz

Accessible Information Technology Technical 
Bulletin: September 2006 The Northeast ADA & IT Center 
at Cornell University provides training, technical assistance and materials on 
the ADA and accessible information technology throughout New York, New Jersey, 
Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. This monthly technical bulletin is part 
of our dissemination efforts and if you do not want to receive this document or 
would like others from your organization added to our list, please call 
1-800-949-4232 or reply to this message. Thank you 
Alternate Format Textbooks in Higher Education: The Publisher Look-up 
ServiceThe Publisher Look-Up Service, A New Textbook 
Database Offering From The Association of American Publishers (AAP): This online 
database provides a new resource to help college and university Disability 
Support Services (DSS) professionals find the appropriate contacts at publishing 
houses from whom to request electronic formats of textbooks, and/or scanning 
permissions, to facilitate the DSS office's provision of alternate format 
instructional materials to students with print disabilities. The Publisher 
Look-Up Service, www.PublisherLookup.org, 
is a Web site interface that AAP launched in mid-August.  Read the 
AAPs press release announcing this 
service for more information.CommonLook: Tool for evaluating the accessibility 
of PDF filesNetCentric Technologies ( www.net-centric.com) has 
developed a unique tool, called CommonLook ( www.commonlook.com/pdf). 
CommonLook makes it possible to visually examine and repair a PDF document's 
logical structure and to check it against all the federal Government section 508 
standards related to 1194.22 (Web-based intranet and internet information and 
applications). It highlights any compliance problems and helps authors and 
testers repair them by providing a simple drag-and-drop graphical interface. By 
simplifying the problem of repairing PDF structure issues, it becomes possible 
to deal effectively with complex documents containing tables, forms and 
multi-column documents.Functional Accessibility Evaluator 
 Developed at 
the University of Illinois at Urbana/Champaign, the Functional Accessibility 
Evaluator is a free, open source tool that analyzes web resources for markup 
that is consistent with the use of DRES/CITES HTML best practices for 
development of functionally accessible web resources and resources that support 
interoperability. The HTML best practices are not a new standard, but rather a 
statement of techniques for implementation of the W3C Web Content Accessibility 
Guidelines and United States Federal Government Section 508 standards that not 
only improve accessibility for people with disabilities, but also the 
inter-operability of web resources for everyone so all people benefit by having 
more options to access and use web resources.For more information, visit 
http://fae.cita.uiuc.edu/about.php. Upcoming EASI Web Conferences 4-part 
Series: Making Podcasts and Vodcasts accessible Presenter: Dick 
BanksDates: September 12, 19, 26 and October 3Webinar: Section 255: Accessible 
TelecommunicationsPresenter: Debra Ruh, Founder and CEO, TecAccess 
LLCDate: Sept. 274-part Series: Authoring DAISY Documents: You Can Do 
It!Presenter: Karen McCallDates: October 3, 10, 17, 
Series: Learning Disabilities and Adaptive Technology Multiple 
PresentersDates: October 5, 12, 19 and 26 Webinar: Evaluating the Accessibility and 
Usability of Web-based Student Services at Community CollegesPresenters: 
William Erickson, Camille Lee and Sharon Trerise, Employment and Disability 
Institute, Cornell UniversityDate: October 18For more information 
and to register, visit http://easi.cc/clinic.htm. 
article: "Appropriate Use of Alternative Text"Excerpted from 
clear that there is still some confusion and divergent recommendations over what 
constitutes appropriate alternative text for images on the web, even among 
accessibility experts.  Alternative text for images is the first principle 
of web accessibility. Despite this, there seem to be examples of improper alt 
text all over the web, even on sites that claim to be very accessible.  
WebAIM has written an article offering some best practices in creating 
alternative text.This article presents the basics of alternative text 
and showcases many examples of proper implementation. These recommendations come 
from an understanding of accessibility standards and screen-reader users. 
Read the WebAIM ariticle "Appropriate Use of Alternative Text" at 
Northeast ADA&IT Center201 ILR Extension 
BuildingCornell UniversityIthaca, NY  148531-800-949-4232 
(TTY and voice)NY, NJ, PR, USVIwww.northeastada.org[EMAIL PROTECTED]

[QUAD-L] fyi

2006-07-14 Thread Miss Liz

Accessible Information Technology Technical 
Bulletin: July 2006The Northeast ADA & IT Center 
at Cornell University provides training, technical assistance and materials on 
the ADA and accessible information technology throughout New York, New Jersey, 
Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. This monthly technical bulletin is part 
of our dissemination efforts and if you do not want to receive this document or 
would like others from your organization added to our list, please call 
1-800-949-4232 or reply to this message. Thank youSeminar on Accessible Books for Readers with Print 
DisabilitiesRegister now for this full day seminar on 
Friday, July 28, 2006 hosted by the Association of American Publishers 
Rights and Permissions Advisory Committee, Higher Education Critical Issues Task 
Force and School Division.  Date: July 28, 
2006Time: 9:00 am to 5:00 pmLocation: The Helen and Martin 
Kimmel Center at New York University, 60 Washington Square South, New York, NY 
10012 Sessions include:* End User Perspectives* K-12 
Textbooks: IDEA and the National Instructional Materials Access Center* 
Accessible Instructional Materials at the Postsecondary Level   * 
State E-Text Laws   * California Perspectives   * 
National Higher Ed Initiatives* Trade Books* National Service 
OrganizationsFor more information and to register, visit:http://www.publishers.org/conference/eventdetail.cfm?EventID=78Web Design & Development Curriculum for students in grades 
9-12 Register for this Webcast demonstration of the 
free AccessIT Web Design & Development I CurriculumPresenter: 
Terry ThompsonDate: July 21, 2006Time: 2 pm 
ETThe AccessIT Web Design & Development I curriculum is an 
introduction to the design, creation, and maintenance of web pages and websites 
and was developed for use in secondary schools, grades 9-12. Students learn how 
to critically evaluate website quality; learn how to create and maintain quality 
web pages; learn about web design standards and why they're important; and learn 
to create and manipulate images. The course progresses from introductory work on 
web design to the capstone projects that demonstrate mastery of the information 
technology (IT) skills standards of the National Workforce Center for Emerging 
Technologies (NWCET).During this Live Meeting event, Terry Thompson will 
demonstrate this FREE AccessIT curriculum.If you would like to register 
for this webcast, contact us at 800-949-4232 or 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Prepare for the 
Greatest Workforce Shortage in American HistoryTap into 
underutilized, highly-qualified job applicants and advancers that include people 
with disabilities, seniors and others.July 18, 2006 at 2 p.m. EST 
(RSVP required)A must-attend, no-cost, sixty-minute online Webinar event 
targeted exclusively to human resources, employee development, and corporate 
training decision makers. Your organization is experiencing, or 
preparing for, the greatest workforce shortage in American history. Boomers are 
retiring and the pool of skilled, experienced workers is shrinking.   
And yet, a large number of qualified candidates are often overlooked and 
underutilized. Such candidates, be they existing or potential employees, include 
those with disabilities (amounting to one in five Americans) and seniors, people 
able to work and who often exhibit higher than normal levels of productivity and 
employee loyalty. Join this special online Webinar event during which 
attorney John D. Kemp, a leading expert on issues relating to disability rights, 

  Provide an overview of America's exponentially growing workforce shortage. 

  Review today's urgent employee development, training, and workforce 
  shortage needs. 
  Illustrate the value of sustaining existing employees (such as people 
  reaching retirement age). 
  Invite you to take a lead role in a contemporary talent management 
  solution that targets skilled candidates including those with disabilities, 
  seniors, and others. For more information and to register, 
visit:  http://nbsalliance.com/assessments/bus/email/ Designing an ergonomically correct computing work 
areaCornell University has recently posted information 
for creating an ergonomically correct computing work area.  Visit the CU 
Ergo website ( http://ergo.human.cornell.edu/CUEHinfo.html) for more 
detailed information on the following topics:Workstation Guidelines 

  10 tips for 
  arranging a Computer Workstation and Keyboard 
  5 tips for using 
  a Laptop Computer 
  10 Tips for using 
  a Computer Mouse 
  6 tips for 
  arranging a Child's Computer Workstation 
  Workstation Tips Diagram 
  How to 
  choose an Ergonomic Chair   New Technology: Handheld device will help people who are blind convert 
print to audioSource: AP via Yahoo News A whole 
new world opened up for Tommy Craig as he tested a new handheld device for the 
blind that converts print to audio.  Craig was able to "read" everything 
from menus to cooking directi


2006-03-30 Thread River Wolfe
h...a troubled man to say the least.RiverOn Mar 29, 2006, at 7:14 PM, Tim Syfert wrote:I received this email (below) and am just passing it on to help out.     Tim  http://thequadlink.com      ---     hi tim     i have been writing every day for three years.     just so i could send this to you.     i m sending it to the u.s. judiciary tomorrow- we need the help of people who are quads and the people who love them.  they are our natural constituency-  all i ask is that you send this address to as many people that you can. and ask them to pass it on.     http://home.earthlink.net/~murphysarena1     god will do the rest.  those that can help, will.     eugen 		Blab-away for as little as 1¢/min. Make  PC-to-Phone Calls using Yahoo! Messenger with Voice.


2006-03-29 Thread Tim Syfert
I received this email (below) and am just passing it on to help out.     Tim  http://thequadlink.com      ---     hi tim     i have been writing every day for three years.     just so i could send this to you.     i m sending it to the u.s. judiciary tomorrow- we need the help of people who are quads and the people who love them.  they are our natural constituency-  all i ask is that you send this address to as many people that you can. and ask them to pass it
 on.     http://home.earthlink.net/~murphysarena1     god will do the rest.  those that can help, will.     eugen
		Blab-away for as little as 1¢/min. Make  PC-to-Phone Calls using Yahoo! Messenger with Voice.

[QUAD-L] fyi

2006-03-22 Thread Miss Liz

As you may be aware, the Nassau-Suffolk TRAID Center is 
located at 250 Marcus Blvd, Hauppauge, N.Y. 11788. As part of our program, the 
N/S TRAID Center is distributing the Accessible Information Technology Technical 
Bulletin, which we feel you will benefit from. If you would like to be removed 
from the list, reply to this e-mail with the subject line "please remove." If 
you have any questions, you can call us at (631) 232-3203. Furthermore, you can 
find out more about the N/S TRAID Center at http://www.nstraid.com 
Sincerely, The Nassau-Suffolk TRAID Center 

March 2006 Accessible Information Technology Technical Bulletin 
The Northeast ADA & IT Center at Cornell University 
provides training, technical assistance and materials on the ADA and accessible 
inforation technology throughout New York, New Jersey, Puerto Rico and the U.S. 
Virgin Islands. This monthly technical bulletin is part of our new dissemination 
efforts and if you do not want to receive this document or would like others 
from your organization added to our list, please call 1-800-949-4232 or reply to 
this message. Thank you. 
Leadership Academy: Ensuring Campus Web Site Accessibility
March 14, 20069:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.Syracuse 
UniversitySyracuse, New York
Teams consisting of staff in IT, web development, publications, 
libraries and disability services from colleges throughout New York are invited 
to register for this full-day Leadership Academy covering many aspects of web 
accessibility. The program will address:

  Legal considerations 
  Costs and benefits of accessible design 
  Specific accessible design techniques 
  Creating accessible distance learning content 
  Evaluating your web pages for accessibility 
  Developing a campus-wide web accessibility policy 

Plan to have a team from your college attend. Visit the Events 
page of the Northeast 
ADA & IT Center for more information or to register for this event. Call 
800-949-4232 if you have questions. 
DEADLINE FOR REGISTRATION: Wednesday, March 8, 2006 
Target Corp. Sued for Inaccessible Web Site
The February 8, 2006 issue of the San Francisco Chronicle 
reports: "A blind UC Berkeley student has filed a class-action lawsuit against 
Target Corp., saying he retailer is committing civil-rights violations because 
its Web site is inaccessible to those who cannot see. " Read the full 
article. (http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2006/02/08/MNGO7H4VBP128.DTL&feed=rss.news)
New York State already has experienced web accessibility 
complaints and in August, 2004 issued a statement noting that Priceline.com and 
Ramada.com were making accessibility enhancements to their website as part of a 
settlement agreement (http://www.oag.state.ny.us/press/2004/aug/aug19a_04.htm). 
As more people become aware of their rights for equal access to information and 
services, cases like this may become more common. Retrofitting a web site for 
accessibility can be muc more costly than incorporating accessibility into the 
initial design and, in the meantime, can leave businesses and educational 
institutions vulnerable to legal action. 
Congress Lifts Distance Education Course Limit
The March 1, 2006 issue of the New York Times includes an 
article by Sam Dillon about the recent action by Congress to eliminate the 50% 
maximum on courses offered fully online versus on-campus. The article states 
that "Colleges will no longer be required to deliver at least half their courses 
on a campus instead of online to qualify for federal student aid." Read the full 
article at http://www.nytimes.com/2006/03/01/national/01educ.html?_r=1&oref=slogin. 
At this point we can only speculate on what this will mean for colleges and 
students, but it is reasonable to expect that online course delivery will grow 
given the financial advantages it offers to colleges and the flxibility that 
students gain. 
Considerations for accessibility of course content need to be 
kept in the forefront of discussions about developing and expanding online 
course offerings. It could become an overwhelming burden for colleges to try to 
make accommodations for students with disabilities taking courses at a distance. 
Universal design principles applied to course development could greatly improve 
accessibility and reduce the need for special accommodations. For more 
information about universal design and accessibility of online learning, visit 
the DO-IT Distance Learning web page, http://www.washington.edu/doit/Resources/accessdl.html 
and the National Center on Disability and Access to Education site: http://www.ncdae.org.
NIMAS in IDEA, What You Need to Know Now 
Source: www.NCDAE.org p 
class="verdana">The National Instructional Materials Accessibility Standard 
(NIMAS) is an important new piece of the reauthorized IDEA. It will guide the 
ways in which textbooks and core instructional materials are delivered so they 
may be converted easily int


2006-03-02 Thread Miss Liz

Accessible Information Technology Technical 
Bulletin: March 2006 The Northeast ADA & IT Center at 
Cornell University provides training, technical assistance and materials on the 
ADA and accessible information technology throughout New York, New Jersey, 
Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. This monthly technical bulletin is part 
of our dissemination efforts and if you do not want to receive this document or 
would like others from your organization added to our list, please call 
1-800-949-4232 or reply to this message. Thank youLAST CALL!Leadership Academy: 
Ensuring Campus Web Site AccessibilityMarch 14, 20069:00 
a.m. – 4:00 p.m.Syracuse UniversitySyracuse, New YorkTeams 
consisting of staff in IT, web development, publications, libraries and 
disability services from colleges throughout New York are invited to register 
for this full-day Leadership Academy covering many aspects of web 
accessibility.  The program will address:· Legal 
considerations· Costs and benefits of accessible design· 
Barriers created by inaccessible web pages for people with disabilities· 
Specific accessible design techniques· Creating accessible distance 
learning content· Evaluating your web pages for accessibility· 
Developing a campus-wide web accessibility policyPlan to have a team 
from your college attend.  Visit the Events page of the Northeast ADA & IT Center for more information or to register for this 
event.  Call 800-949-4232 if you have questions. DEADLINE FOR 
REGISTRATION: Wednesday, March 8, 2006Target Corp. Sued for Inaccessible Web 
SiteThe February 8, 2006 issue of the San Francisco Chronicle 
reports: “A blind UC Berkeley student has filed a class-action lawsuit 
against Target Corp., saying the retailer is committing civil-rights violations 
because its Web site is inaccessible to those who cannot see. “  Read the 
full article. ( http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2006/02/08/MNGO7H4VBP128.DTL&feed=rss.news )New York State already has experienced 
web accessibility complaints and in August, 2004 issued a statement noting that 
Priceline.com and Ramada.com were making accessibility enhancements to their 
website as part of a settlement agreement ( http://www.oag.state.ny.us/press/2004/aug/aug19a_04.html). 
.As more people become aware of 
their rights for equal access to information and services, cases like this may 
become more common.  Retrofitting a web site for accessibility can be much 
more costly than incorporating accessibility into the initial design and, in the 
meantime, can leave businesses and educational institutions vulnerable to legal 
action. Congress Lifts Distance Education Course 
Limit The March 1, 2006 issue of the New York Times 
includes an article by Sam Dillon about the recent action by Congress to 
eliminate the 50% maximum on courses offered fully online versus 
on-campus.  The article states that “Colleges will no longer be required to 
deliver at least half their courses on a campus instead of online to qualify for 
federal student aid.”  Read the full article at http://www.nytimes.com/2006/03/01/national/01educ.html?_r=1&oref=slogin .  At this point we can only speculate on 
what this will mean for colleges and students, but it is reasonable to expect 
that online course delivery will grow given the financial advantages it offers 
to colleges and the flexibility that students gain.  
 Considerations for accessibility of course content need to be kept 
in the forefront of discussions about developing and expanding online course 
offerings.  It could become an overwhelming burden for colleges to try to 
make accommodations for students with disabilities taking courses at a 
distance.  Universal design principles applied to course development could 
greatly improve accessibility and reduce the need for special 
accommodations.  For more information about universal design and 
accessibility of online learning, visit the DO-IT Distance Learning web page, 
http://www.washington.edu/doit/Resources/accessdl.html and the National Center on Disability and Access 
to Education site: http://www.ncdae.org/. NIMAS in IDEA, What You Need to Know 
NowSource: NCDAE.orgThe National Instructional Materials Accessibility 
Standard (NIMAS) is an important new piece of the reauthorized IDEA. It will 
guide the ways in which textbooks and core instructional materials are delivered 
so they may be converted easily into accessible formats for K12 students. 
Although the final federal regulations have yet to be released, directors of 
special education will need to know enough about NIMAS to understand how to fill 
out the federal forms for the coming year. Each state will be asked to provide 
assurances about NIMAS (e.g., checking the box) and to opt in or out of the 
national repository, the National Instructional Materials Access Center (NIMAC). 
 NCDAE offered a webcast on this important new piece of IDEA on 
February 28.  To listen to an archive of the webcast, visit the 


2005-10-07 Thread Liz


Accessible IT Technical Bulletin:  October 
2005The Northeast ADA & IT Center at Cornell University 
provides training, technical assistance and materials on the ADA and accessible 
information technology throughout New York, New Jersey, Puerto Rico and the U.S. 
Virgin Islands. This monthly technical bulletin is part of our dissemination 
efforts and if you do not want to receive this document or would like others 
from your organization added to our list, please call 1-800-949-4232 or reply to 
this message. Thank you.Americans with Disabilities Act 
Symposiums to Be Held In New York and New Jersey How far 
have we come since the passage of the ADA 15 years ago?  This question will 
provide the focus for two upcoming symposiums sponsored by the Northeast ADA 
& IT Center in New York and New Jersey.  These sessions will include 
presentations on new ADA/ABA guidelines, updates on employment issues, a look at 
Supreme Court cases, emergency preparedness, accessible IT, IDEA update and 
other topics.   The New York session will be held on October 
25, 2005 in Syracuse, NY at the OnCenter Complex, 800 South State St. from 8:30 
3:30pm (A VESID Town Meeting will be held separately from 3:30 
5:00pm.) The New Jersey session will be held on November 1, 2005 in 
Edison, NJ at The Pines Manor on 2085 Route 27 from 8:30 
3:30pm. For registration and for more information, please go to our 
website under our Events page at http://www.ilr.cornell.edu/extension/ped/northeastADA/events/index.html 
or call 800-949-4232.  SAVE THE DATE: Lightening the 
Load with Accessible Web Design Date: Wednesday, November 
Day-long Session on Producing Accessible Web SitesLocation: Warshof 
Conference Center, Monroe County Community College, Rochester, 
NYHosted by: NYS Forum's IT Accessibility Committee, the U. S. 
Government Services Administration and Intercon, 
Inc.Registration:  Visit http://www.nysforum.org/seminars/accessibledesign-11-2-05/ 
for more information and to register for this event. Cornell 
University's Northeast ADA & IT 
Center and the NYS Forum 
IT Accessibility Committee will present several modules on web site 

  Background in Policy and Law 
  Eating the Elephant (how to get started) 
  Images and Visual Elements 
  HTML Forms The U.S. Government Services Administration and 
Intercon, Inc. will build on the Committee's morning session to demonstrate a 
time-saving way of web-enabling your forms using Intercon's Accessible 
FormNet.  Video: Accessible Information Technology 
in Education: Building Toward a Better Future AccessIT has created a 
video entitled "Accessible Information Technology in Education: Building Toward 
a Better Future" that presents the voices of students with disabilities and 
experts in accessible IT as they discuss the importance of ensuring that 
information technology is accessible in educational settings. It will broadcast 
on the following dates on University of Washington Television (UWTV) which can 
be accessed nationwide on the DISH network.: 

  Tues Oct 4 at 9:30pm 
  Friday Oct 7 at 4:30pm 
  Sunday Oct 9 at 2:30pm 
  Wed Oct 12 at 10:30am 
  Thurs Oct 13 at 7pm If you are unable to see the video at these 
times or are unable to access UWTV, then keep an eye on the AccessIT website ( 
http://www.washington.edu/accessit/index.php) as they will soon be streaming 
the video via the Internet. DVD and VHS versions will also be available: Pricing 
and ordering information will be available 
soon.  New Software to assist with Creating 
Accessible Formats Legislation such as New York’s Chapter 
219 and the National Instructional Materials Accessibility Standard and similar 
legislation in other states has prompted software vendors to respond to the 
demand for easier ways to convert text and instructional content to alternative 
accessible formats.  Texthelp Systems is one vendor who has responded to 
this demand by developing Lexiflow which will convert textbook publisher’s 
content to a new digital format. Lexiflow works with Adobe Acrobat 
to convert publisher’s textbooks and other instructional materials saved in PDF 
format to an electronic “talking Flash” presentation.  Designed to work on 
both Macintosh and Windows platforms, this software will allow the student to 
view the document in its original format and see the words highlighted as they 
are read aloud using text-to-speech technology. Read more about 
this software in a Yahoo Financial News article, Texthelp 
Systems Enables Textbook Publishers to Meet Growing School Accessibility 
Requirements with New Software That Automatically Converts Digital Documents to 
Talking Flash Format.  Online Course: Designing 
Universally Accessible Web Resources: On-line Course If you 
are interested in designing web pages that are universally accessible by people 
using PDAs and other mobile technologies, various web browser, various types of 

[QUAD-L] FYI: Accessible IT Technical Bulletin: September 2005

2005-09-09 Thread Liz


Accessible IT Technical Bulletin:  September 
2005The Northeast ADA & IT Center at Cornell University 
provides training, technical assistance and materials on the ADA and accessible 
information technology throughout New York, New Jersey, Puerto Rico and the U.S. 
Virgin Islands. This monthly technical bulletin is part of our dissemination 
efforts and if you do not want to receive this document or would like others 
from your organization added to our list, please call 1-800-949-4232 or reply to 
this message. Thank youSAVE THE DATE: ADA Symposiums in New 
York and New JerseyADA & 15 Years:  Where Do We Go From 
Here?Tuesday, October 25th Syracuse, NY  Oncenter 
Complex, 800 South State Street, Syracuse, NY8:30 am - 3:30 pm (VESID Town 
Meeting is being held from 3:30-5)Tuesday, November 1st, Edison, NJ 
2085 Route 27, Edison, NJ 8:30 am - 3:30 pmWho Should Attend? 

  ILC Staff and Supervisors 
  ADA Coordinators 
  Disability Service Providers 
  Individuals with Disabilities 
  Anyone with an interest in the future of the ADA Topics to be 

  New ADA/ABA Guidelines 
  Supreme Court Update 
  Employment Update 
  IDEA Update 
  504 & ADA Update 
  Web Accessibility, Beyond the Basics 
  Good Use of Disability Statistics 
  Many others For registration and more information, stay tuned 
to www.northeastada.org or call 
1-800-949-4232Disaster Relief for Independent Living Centers 
in the Gulf Coast areaFrom:  ILRU"As you may know, the 
Centers for Independent Living in Biloxi, Mississippi and New Orleans have been 
gravely affected by the hurricane. In fact the Biloxi, MS center was totally 
destroyed. Many of you are asking how you can help. Here is what we have learned 
from colleagues in those states.  Sending money is the first priority. 
Sending supplies to those centers is helpful too but NOT RIGHT NOW, because they 
can't get through the water. Here are the suggested options for right 
now:1) Send a check or credit card payment to the Red Cross and 
designate it for Hurricane Relief, or designate it for people with disabilities 
in the Biloxi/Hattiesburg or New Orleans areas.2) If you want to send 
money for the CILs that are dealing with this disaster directly, here are your 
options:For the Biloxi Center, mail the check (payable to LIFE of 
Central MS and designated for the Biloxi Center) to:LIFE of Central 
Mississippi754 North President Street, Suite 1Jackson, MS 
39202For the centers in Louisiana (make checks payable to Resources for 
Independent Living - this is a branch of the N.O. center - and designate for the 
New Orleans center)and mail to:Resources for IL11931 Industriplex 
Blvd. Suite 200Baton Rouge, LA  70809We have also learned from 
Mack Marsh of the Shreveport Center that centers in Shreveport, Baton Rouge, and 
Lake Charles are assisting evacuees.  Mack says they would also appreciate 
supplies if there is any way to get those supplies to the centers.  His 
list includes: manual wheelchairs, hospital beds, adult diapers, bed pads, 
catheters and other supplies. The address for the Baton Rouge center is shown 
above, addresses for the Shreveport and Lake Charles centers 
follow.Southwest LA Independence Center, Inc. Mitch Granger 1202 
Kirkman, Suite CLake Charles, LA 70601New Horizons, Inc. Jerry 
Kidwell9300 Mansfield Road, Suite 204Shreveport, LA 71118We will 
keep you informed of any additional ways that you can help.  Feel free to 
forward this information to other people interested in the needs of people with 
disabilities affected by this disaster."New Resources for 
Creating Accessible PDF documents 1.  BOOK: 
Accessible and Useable PDF Documents: Techniques for Document AuthorsISBN 
0-9738246-1-1Author: Karen McCall, M.Ed.This 175 page book will be 
an invaluable reference tool for anyone working with PDF documents who wants to 
ensure their documents are accessible and usable. With the inclusion of 75 
support documents to work through and examine, you will already have many of the 
solutions you need.  Tips and techniques you work through will also help in 
making legacy PDF documents more accessible and usable.This book is only 
available through IRTI, Innovative Rehabilitation Technology, Inc..E-mail: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Catalogue web site: http://www.irti-cat.peachhost.com/ct_CGdaisytalkingbookproducts.htm 
The author, Karen McCall, provides on-site training and workshops on 
creating more accessible and usable PDF documents. Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
for more information on training sessions.2.  WEB 
CONFERENCES: EASI 4-part Live, Web Conference on Creating PDF 
DocumentsAccessible and Usable PDF Documents: Techniques for Document 
AuthorsPresenter: Karen McCallNovember 1, 8, 15 and 29The four 
Web conferences in the series are:Week One: Getting Our BearingsWeek 
Two: Tagging and Repair ToolsWeek three: Intermediate TechniquesWeek 
Four: The Next Step This PDF series is another in EASI's series of 
hands-on, online, inst


2005-08-09 Thread Liz

Accessible Information Technology Technical Bulletin: August 
2005The Northeast 
ADA & IT Center at Cornell University provides training, technical 
assistance and materials on the ADA and accessible information technology 
throughout New York, New Jersey, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. This 
monthly technical bulletin is part of our dissemination efforts and if you do 
not want to receive this document or would like others from your organization 
added to our list, please call 1-800-949-4232 or reply to this message. Thank 
Out about Inaccessible Information and Telecommunication 
Technology"This free resource provides an overview of 13 federal laws (or sections 
of laws) that support accessible technology, and it also presents step-by-step 
instructions on how to complain when you encounter barriers to use.  
Fictional scenarios, sample letters, and letter templates also are included to 
help consumers voice their opinions about inaccessible technology that they 
encounter in the workplace and the marketplace.Speak Out is available as a 
spiral-bound book and as in HTML format on CD.  If you are interested in 
receiving a copy of this publication, please contact the Northeast ADA & IT 
Center at 800-949-4232 or northeastada @cornell.edu.  Supplies are limited, so please 
make requests by the end of August.You may also find Speak Out online at 
http://www.ittatc.org/technical/speakout/ .The WebAIM Guide to Web 
AccessibilityThe third edition of WebAIM's training CD-ROM is now available. This is 
WebAIM's most comprehensive training product to date, with new and expanded 
information on Cascading Style Sheets, Adobe Acrobat, Macromedia Flash, and 
dozens of other topics, along with all of the core accessibility techniques and 
concepts you have come to expect from WebAIM. This extensive reference material 
is the equivalent of over 1000 printed pages, with hundreds of examples, plus 
all of the WebAIM disability simulations, high quality videos, and much 
more.To find out more out this great resource or to order a copy for 
yourself, visit http://www.webaim.org/products/training/.Jump to Main ContentPeople who are blind and people with physical 
disabilities who do not use a mouse, benefit greatly from the ability to skip 
over lengthy lists of repetitive navigation links on web pages.  But many 
web developers are reluctant to sacrifice the "look" and space on the web page 
to accommodate a visible link that jumps the user to the main body of the 
page.  You can observe how a couple of sites have handled this dilemma by 
visiting www.webaim.org and www.ittatc.org.People who navigate web pages using the keyboard only, generally 
use the Tab key to move between links on the page.  Once the desired link 
is reached, the Enter key is used to select the link.  Using the tab key to 
move the cursor between active links at either of the above mentioned sites, you 
will see that the first link or links that you reach are "Skip to main content" 
(in the case of the WebAIM site).  However, this link was not visible until 
the tab key landed on it.For techniques on how to create this 
keyboard-activated visible Skip navigation link, see the WebAIM article, "An 
Accessible Method of Hiding HTML Content" at http://www.webaim.org/techniques/articles/hiddentext.Microsoft Accessibility Resource Centers Empower People 
with DisabilitiesYahoo News (press release)The Microsoft Accessibility Resource 
Centers (MARC) program is one of the company's latest efforts to empower people 
with disabilities. For the MARC program, Microsoft partnered with two nonprofit 
organizations -- the Alliance for Technology Access (ATA) and the Association of 
Assistive Technology Act Programs (ATAP) -- to select 26 centers in the United 
States that provide technology training and assistance for people with a variety 
difficulties and disabilities that affect computer use, such as low vision, hand 
and wrist pain, and hearing loss. The MARC pilot program equips the centers with 
resources designed to train people on the accessibility options in Windows, 
Office and Internet Explorer so that they can adjust their computers and make 
them easier to use.The Microsoft Accessibility Resource 
Center in New York State is 
located at Enable in Syracuse, NY.Audio Book Rental Service Adds An Online Solution for 
Users Who Want the Convenience of Download-N-Gohttp://www.newstarget.com/009035.htmlJiggerbug, an online audio book rental service, 
announced a new way to deliver their extensive collection of best-selling audio 
book titles to subscribers - digitally! Based on the Netflix model, current 
Jiggerbug subscribers enjoy quick and simple mail service delivery of their 
favorite book titles on either CD-ROM or cassette tape. The new service gives 
Jiggerbug subscribers the option to instantly download their favorite titles in 
an easy-to-use, take-it-with-you digital format. Powered by OverDrive 
technology, digital delivery 


2004-12-09 Thread Liz

you may also contact us at   www.nstraid.com
Accessible Information Technology Technical Bulletin: December 
2004The Northeast ADA & IT Center at Cornell University 
provides training, technical assistance and materials on the ADA and accessible 
information technology throughout New York, New Jersey, Puerto Rico and the U.S. 
Virgin Islands. This monthly technical bulletin is part of our dissemination 
efforts and if you do not want to receive this document or would like others 
from your organization added to our list, please call 1-800-949-4232 or reply to 
this message. Thank youWeb Accessibility Leadership 
Academy Date: January 10, 2005Location: Utica College, 
Utica, NYTo increase awareness about the accessibility of web-based 
educational resources and implications for students with disabilities, the 
Northeast ADA & IT Center, in collaboration with the Offices of Learning 
Services and Integrated Informational Technology Services at Utica College, is 
hosting a Web Accessibility Leadership Academy for colleges in the Utica 
area.  This full-day leadership program focuses on the following 
topics:  * benefits and costs of accessible web sites   * 
accessibility implications for web-based distance learning content   * 
legal considerations   * evaluating web pages for accessibility 
  * getting started / making a plan  Visit the Events section of the Northeast 
ADA & IT Center website to 
learn more about this event.  If you are interested in hosting a Web 
Accessibility Leadership Academy at your school or college, please contact the 
Northeast ADA & IT Center by calling 800-949-4232 or via email at 
re-authorizationExcerpted from eSchool News article, November 
23, 2004"States and school systems should get more money from the 
federal government to pay for new technologies and other services for students 
with disabilities, under the final terms of a bill to re-authorize the landmark 
Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) that now serves some 6.7 
million children. The bill, which Congress passed November 19, aims to 
boost discipline in class, better identify children with disabilities, get help 
to students earlier, and reduce lawsuits by parents. It also reaffirms the 
federal government's commitment to pay its share of expenses--though it doesn't 
lock in mandatory spending as many had hoped."Find additional 
information at http://www.wrightslaw.com/law/idea/index.htm.Weekly 
UpdatesThe What's New Section of our web page is updated on a 
weekly basis.  Don't miss out on exciting opportunities!  Go to www.northeastada.org 
and click on What's New to see what is happening in the area of trainings, 
upcoming events, and new information.  If you have questions about what you 
see there, please call us toll free at 1-800-949-4232 or send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED].Universal 
Design for LearningTraining opportunities from Cast, Inc.: CAST 
Institutes are two-, or three-day sessions that offer information, awareness, 
and hands-on activities, focusing on Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and 
other important educational issues. Each institute features presentations from 
experts on UDL and other CAST professional development staff. Institutes have a 
maximum of 24 participants which allows for small group work, hands-on 
technology (one computer to two participants), individualized support from CAST 
staff, and direct application to participants practice. Visit the CAST website (http://www.cast.org/pd) for more 
information. Creating Accessible Web Pages in Microsoft 
FrontPageExcerpted from WebAIM November 2004 Newsletter (http://www.webaim.org/newsletter/); 
Author: Jon Whiting (WebAIM)FrontPage is one of the most popular HTML 
editors on the market. There are several reasons for this: 

  The price is relatively low when compared to Dreamweaver or many other 
  Its MS Office interface will be familiar to many people. 
  It has a powerful Spell Checker and other proofing tools. 
  It integrates with Office products like Word. 
FrontPage 2003 includes an accessibility checker as one of its new 
features. Many of the FrontPage accessibility techniques presented in an article 
are possible in FrontPage 2000 through 2003. Read the full article: Using FrontPage 2003 to 
Create Accessible ContentAble Web EditorA 
new HTML Editing program has recently been released that has been designed with 
web accessibility as a primary goal, Able Web Editor. The accessibility features 
are designed into the operation of the program as well as in the documentation 
for how to create accessible web pages.This program is an HTML Text 
Editor with all program controls accessible from the keyboard. The use of a 
mouse is optional. All the program documentation is contained in Web Pages that 
may be displayed in the built-in browser or through appropriate Assistive 
Technology. The documentation includes Page Samples that describe HTML and CSS 
showing how to c

[QUAD-L] FYI-Northeast IT

2004-11-04 Thread Liz

If anyone ants more info please let me 
Accessible IT Technical Bulletin: November 
2004The Northeast ADA & IT Center at Cornell University 
provides training, technical assistance and materials on the ADA and accessible 
information technology throughout New York, New Jersey, Puerto Rico and the U.S. 
Virgin Islands. This monthly technical bulletin is part of our dissemination 
efforts and if you do not want to receive this document or would like others 
from your organization added to our list, please call 1-800-949-4232 or reply to 
this message. Thank you Web Accessibility Leadership 
AcademyTo increase awareness about the accessibility of 
web-based educational resources and implications for students with disabilities, 
we are organizing mini-conferences at various regional locations across New York 
State.  The regional conferences are being termed a 'leadership academy' to 
reflect the goal of the program.  For each region, we are inviting "teams" 
of representatives from several schools or colleges within the local 
region.  The team, ideally, will consist of web developers, instructional 
technology staff, disabled student services support staff, other IT 
administrators and faculty representatives.   The objective is that 
those attending will become the leaders on their respective campuses in raising 
awareness about web accessibility issues as well as taking actions to improve 
the accessibility of new and existing web content.  This full-day 
leadership program focuses on the following topics:  * benefits and 
costs of accessible web sites  * accessibility implications for 
web-based distance learning content  * legal considerations  * 
evaluating web pages for accessibility  * getting started / making a 
planIf you would like more information about conferences being held in 
your area or are interested in hosting a Web Accessibility Leadership Academy at 
your school or college, please contact the Northeast ADA & IT Center by 
calling 800-949-4232 or emailing 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Assistive Technology Act Signed into 
LawPresident Bush has signed into law the Assistive Technology 
Act of 2004 (HR 4278). Every state and US territory has an Assistive Technology 
Act Program (AT Program) funded under the provisions of the Technology-Related 
Assistance Act of 1988. The State AT Programs were scheduled to sunset on 
September 30, 2004. The AT Act of 2004 supports the continuance of State AT 
Programs and eliminates the sunset provision for state programs. The Act 
also supports state grants for protection and advocacy programs related to 
assistive technology and national activities such as a national public awareness 
tool-kit, research and development, technical assistance and training, data 
collection and a national public internet site.   For more information 
about the Act, visit the Assistive Technology Act Programs website (www.ataporg.org). No Child Left 
Behind (NCLB): Parent's GuideThe National Center for Learning 
Disabilities (NCLD) and Schwab Learning, two national organizations, have 
collaborated to develop a handbook designed to provide simple, accessible 
information for parents on the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB). The 22-page 
guide addresses the special issues, challenges and opportunities facing parents 
whose children are struggling to learn, and provides parents with information 
about specific actions they can take to improve educational services for their 
children.  It is available at http://ld.org/press/PR2004/NCLBGuide_0904.cfm.The 
US Dept of Education also has a Parent's Guide to NCLB.  It summarizes the 
main provisions of the law, answers common questions, and provides information 
on where you can find additional resources.  To view or print this guide, 
visit the US DOE NCLB Parent Guide at http://www.ed.gov/parents/academic/involve/nclbguide/parentsguide.html 
.The Public Education Network has also published "An Action Guide for 
Community and Parent Leaders" regarding NCLB (http://www.publiceducation.org/pdf/NCLBBook.pdf ).  
The guide highlights ways NCLB can be used to strengthen the public's voice in 
education, and to increase community and parental involvement in school-level 
and district-level operations and decisions. eTEACH: 
multimedia authoring tooleTEACH is a new tool making the 
creation of multimedia easier for faculty and other content design people. This 
inexpensive authoring tool is easy to use and enables a teacher to stream video, 
PowerPoint, audio and more. It produces output that looks entirely professional 
and will also be fully accessible to viewers with disabilities. It also permits 
adding synchronized captions for viewers who are deaf. Visit the eTEACH 
on the Web: http://eteach.engr.wisc.edu/newEteach/home.html Web 
Accessibility ToolbarAccessible Information Solutions has 
developed an Internet Explorer toolbar which can be used for evaluating the 
accessibility of web pages for people with disabilities.  The Web 

[QUAD-L] FYI-NY,NY,PR and Virgin islands

2004-08-07 Thread Liz

  IT Technical Bulletin: August 2004The Northeast ADA & 
  IT Center at Cornell University provides training, technical assistance and 
  materials on the ADA and accessible information technology throughout New 
  York, New Jersey, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. This monthly 
  technical bulletin is part of our dissemination efforts and if you do not wish 
  to receive this document or would like others from your organization added to 
  our list, please call 1-800-949-4232 or reply to this message. Thank 
  you Breaking Down Barriers: K-12 and Beyond 
  (CD)The ADA and IT Technical Assistance Centers have created 
  an informational CD on how accessible electronic and information technology 
  can break down barriers for students with disabilities and improve educational 
  and employment outcomes.  This CD is available, free of 
  charge, by calling our office, 800-949-4232 or emailing us at 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] The use of technology is widespread in 
  schools and employment settings.  It has the potential to maximize the 
  independence, participation and productivity of students with 
  disabilities.  Call us for a copy of this CD to learn about the 
  advantages of accessible information technology and how you can advocate for 
  use of accessible and universally designed technology in your 
  school. Creating Accessible Online Course Content: 
  Version 2.0 of the Accessible Web Publishing Wizard for Microsoft 
  OfficeIf you have been using the Office Accessibility Wizard 
  to make your online PowerPoint presentations accessible, then you will want to 
  download the new release, Version 2.0.  The new version provides 
  additional features for Powerpoint and new support for Word and Excel.  
  Navigation controls generated by the wizard are available in German, Italian, 
  French and Spanish.  The license to the full version 2.0 will 
  cost $39.95 US dollars, with discounts for purchasing multiple copies.  
  Site licensing of the wizard is also available at additional discounts.  
  A demo version is available for you to try before you buy.  The revenues 
  are being used to support future features and enhancements to the 
  wizard.  A sample of the new Powerpoint output can be found at: 
  information on the wizard can be found at: http://cita.rehab.uiuc.edu/software/office aDesigner: 
  A new tool from IBM for evaluating the accessibility of web 
  pagesRecently, IBM announced it is previewing a new tool 
  called aDesigner, which helps developers ensure that Web pages are accessible 
  and usable by the visually impaired.The tool looks at such elements as 
  the degree of color contrast on the page, the ability of users to change the 
  font size, the appropriateness of alternate text for images, and the 
  availability of links in the page to promote navigability. The tool also 
  checks the pages compliance with accessibility guidelines. The result of this 
  analysis is a report listing the problems that would prevent accessibility and 
  usability by visually impaired users. In addition, each page is given an 
  overall score. With this information, Web developers get immediate feedback 
  and can address these obstacles before the pages are published.Read 
  more about AlphaWorks aDesigner or download the software, visit http://www.alphaworks.ibm.com/tech/adesigner courseGeniecourseGenie 
  is a tool that operates as an add-in to Microsoft Word. It allows a Word file 
  to be exported as a standards compliant (IMS or SCORM) content package for 
  dropping in to the most popular course management system products (WebCT, 
  Blackboard and others). Such content conforms to WAI (and hence Section 508 
  and SENDA) Accessibility Guidelines. Many teachers, faculty, staff, or 
  trainers in education, business, or government don't have the necessary time 
  or the necessary skills to put their course or training online in an 
  accessible format. courseGenie from Connected Learning in the UK allows the 
  conversion of a Microsoft Word document to various types of HTML. courseGenie 
  allows the user to assign text in the Word document as a specified part of an 
  HTML document. In order for the HTML to be accessible the Word document must 
  be created accessibility to output accessible HTML. If you're not sure how to 
  create an accessible word document you can view WebAIM's Word tutorial for 
  more information.The  courseGenie website, www.coursegenie.com, states, "With 
  courseGenie you can write a complete course as one Word document and 
  automatically generate an online course including navigation, pop-ups, 
  hyperlinks, self-test questions, audio and video, with export to plain HTML, 
  WebCT Content Module or IMS formats." A free 30-day trial is available from 
  the Web site so you can see for yourself if courseGenie works for 
  you.Captioned Media ProgramThis free, 
  federally funded