Title: karma
Wick that wouldn’t be Tx Hold Em would it? U R correct in your statement positivity brings positive people & situations. Guess the Budist say it best with positive actions bring positive reactions. Negative brings negative reactions. That’s the Laws of Karma

On 5/6/06 8:37 AM, "Steve Wickwar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hey John,
Expecting people to leave their comfort zone and come spend time with the lonely guy who could depress Howie Mandell is a bit unrealistic. Stop playing the victim and get out there. Not to be harsh, but I'm certain you have something to offer your community. It's easy to fall into the "pity-party" philosophy and blame everyone else for not going out of their way to come be a "friend". I learned quickly that some "friends" I used to have were not comfortable around me. It was hard for them to see their former college football teammate rolling around in a chair. Screw Them, how selfish! I'm a C6 Quad and teach 8th grade at a local middle school. My new friends, and some old, know me on a deeper level. They sure as hell know that if they "tip-toe" around me and give me extra chances to "swing at the ball" out of pity...they just might be watching the ball fly out of the park. I'm not perfect, and I thank God every day for the opportunities he lies in front of me. He gave me an extra chance, an extra swing, and it's my responsibility to do something with it. I have a weekly poker game of 10-15 people at my house if you're ever in the San Antonio area. Life is what you make of it. Don't give-up, get out!
Wick C6 2000
----- Original Message -----

To: quad-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Friday, May 05, 2006 6:49 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Living alone and  the future- slippery slope

Maybe, I wouldn't visit me if I wasn't getting paid to. I have no friends  from before my accident and very few relatives. Most are busy with their own  lives. I have made attempts to make more contact and I find we have very  little in common. I've always been leary of women that play up to me as I'm  not pretty or very talkative. I have had aids for very long times that seem to  fall off the Earth when they quit. I don't stalk or search for people that  know where I'm at. I'll leave two messages and stop trying if they aren't  answered. I send xmas cards to about 30+people and recieve about 10. I have  tutored and mentored children for over 15 years and they don't visit.
I use to visit a rehab hospital near here and frankly, they don't seem to  want to stay in touch either.
It's a good thing that I enjoy my privacy. I don't think I'd trust any  woman that wanted me as a soul mate or lover. I don't believe in one and I'm  awfull at the other. My sister thinks it is sad that this computer is my best  friend. I'm thankfull for a best friend.
Maybe life isn't the flow of  social epiphanies that folks watch on  TV.
I'd like to find one person that was just happy with being around me. I'm  not a sad person inside. I like who I am deep down. I just hope to find  someone to hold my hand when time has run out.
Whatever happens I intend  to live my life on terms that make me comfortable. I love a lot of you folks  but I doubt I'll visit you. When I pray (yes Liberals pray) I mention you all.  I think I have dug my own cave on the slippery slope. Lonliness is a time I  try to use for learning but, yes, I do feel alone.
I understand what each of you have said and I wish you all peace of mind  and just one person you can love in this life.  
In a message dated 5/4/2006 2:37:25 PM Eastern Daylight Time,  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Aint that the truth!
 -------Original  Message-------
  From: Danny Hearn <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Date: 05/04/06  10:03:44
 Cc: quad-list@eskimo.com
 Subject: Re:  [QUAD-L] Living alone and the future- slippery slope

 Living as a quad, one is always on a slippery slope.
 One learns in time that being pro-active vs reactive is just part  of being a quad as others do not know on a minute by minute basis, how  you are doing that day.  When living in a chair,
 friends are not going to stop by and say lets go for a  ride.  (like they can transport your chair in their cars)
 So survival means learning to be pro-active and making the  calls.  "I'll meet you at......... "
 just might be your means of meeting others.  Granted, it  takes time.  It won't happen overnite.
 Best Wishes
 In a message dated 5/4/2006 8:34:46 AM Central Standard Time,  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Everybody always tells me that we need to get together and I tell  them to give me a call but they never do.

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