September 28, 2015

CRT Stakeholders and Friends,

We have a limited window of time to resolve this major access threat and the 
solution depends on getting the support of Congress and the President. Thanks 
to those who are engaged in outreach activities already. Here are the two 
actions we need CRT stakeholders and friends to take.
ACTION 1:  Get your Representative to Co-Sponsor HR-3229
Visit to view the list of current 
co-sponsors and see if your Representative has signed on yet. You can also 
access helpful documents on this issue like the Position Paper and the House of 
Representatives and Senate letters that were sent to CMS.
We currently have 15 Representatives signed on. If your Representative is not 
on the list at the website, call their office using the link provided. Just 
supply your home address and your Representative and contact information will 
be identified. There are simple talking points that you can use to make your 
request. While a phone call is most effective, you can also send an email using 
the email link. A templated message is provided to use as is or you can modify.

Remember Congress is a busy place. Continue to communicate until you get a yes 
or no.  We have seen proof that positive results will come from "polite 
persistence" with your Congressional offices.

ACTION 2:  Sign the National Petition to President Obama

A National Petition has been created at a "we the people" website created by 
President Obama to enable the public to bring critical matters to his 
attention. The petition calls for these cuts to be stopped. If we get 100,000 
signatures the President is required to formally respond to the request. We 
currently stand at approximately 5,000 signers.

You can access the petition at This is 
one more vehicle we can use to elevate the awareness and urgency on this 
accessory issue. As noted above, be sure you are contacting your Representative 
regarding HR-3229 in addition to signing the petition.

Please share this information with other people and organizations who can be 
helpful. Thanks for taking these actions to help stop this major access threat!


Donald E. Clayback
Executive Director | NCART
Office 716-839-9728 | Cell 716-913-4754 |

P.S. If you know of other CRT stakeholders who would like to receive these 
types of updates please have them sign up at the NCART website. 

See what's happening on our social media sites! 


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Sent from my iPhone

> On Sep 28, 2015, at 7:22 AM, wrote:
> Amen.
> In a message dated 9/28/2015 6:23:35 A.M. Central Daylight Time, 
> writes:
> You guys remember the original Saturday Night Live cast? Gilda Radner played 
> a ditzy news reporter who always screwed things up. Her name was Roseann 
> Roseanna-danna. No matter how bad she screwed things up, she always ended 
> with this line:  "Just goes to show you -- its aaaaalways somethin'!" Gilda 
> died of cancer at a young age. Her by-line though, is so true, especially for 
> us as we age. She is probably on YouTube. Think I'll go see....cause it 
> really is aaaaaalways somethin'!
> Larry Willis
> Retired and proud of it

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