I never heard  of using  an acid-base solution use in the bladder for 10 
minute. I take vitamin C 500mg 2 times a day. I rinse out my cathete bag with 
house hold cleaner. Two part cleaner to two part water. I too use alcohol wipes 
when changing over from one catheter bag to another. It seem to reduce 
infections for me too. But I think everyones body is not the same. So what 
works for someone maybe doesn't work for other. The best why is to know your 

On Tue, 5/18/10, Monty <aa999...@yahoo.com> wrote:

From: Monty <aa999...@yahoo.com>
Subject: [QUAD-L] peebody
To: "quadriplegic" <quad-list@eskimo.com>
Date: Tuesday, May 18, 2010, 10:42 PM

I'm 16 1/2 post injury and six months after my accident my urologist strongly 
suggests that that I get supra and has been rock solid for the most part every 
since then! The only reasons that I might have got a UTI is not drinking enough 
water or due to other illness. One thing I have not heard discussed before is 
getting your catheter flushed out on a regular basis now to my old school 
urologist he strongly recommend that this using an acid-base solution retained 
in the bladder for about 10 minutes. Also nobody has mentioned any proud flesh 
around the catheter site is very common with this type of catheter and use 
silver nitrate to reduce it.I am 3/4 complete level injury and have been doing 
this 16 years can't be going wrong. Besides my current urologists is a cancer 
research type of individual and likes to take a scope about everyone a half 
years to make sure everything is checking out on the good side. Yes state 
insurance money covers all this, having
individuals using alcohol wipes when changing over from one bank to another is 
another way to reduce infections



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