WOW! 51 years……congratulations! Prayers for a blessed year.




From: glenn henry [] 
Sent: Sunday, July 9, 2017 2:53 PM
Subject: [QUAD-L] 51 years post SCI


 I sold the posting last week for 31 years, mine is 51 on July 10.


A lot of water has gone over the dam sinc the day, I married and remain so 
today, three  stepchildren, nine grandchildren and one dog.


When one door was slammed shut, it seemed that God would open another. I 
operated a successful electronics business for 30 years, acquired some rental 
properties, built a second home in the mountains and life was good.


It was good. I crossed the threshold about two years  ago and now I believe I 
have traded quality for quantity. I probably will be facing surgery in the 
future and I don't believe I could expect a good outcome.


I sometimes sit at a local Riverpark and think how easy it would be to roll 
down the windows of the van and drive into the drink. No, that won't happen. 
I've seen firsthand what suicide does to those left behind. My brother was a 
police officer and on his first solo patrol watched his best friend's father 
step out in front of the car an committed suicide. He could only watch it 
happen and couldn't do anything about it. The thinking back then from the 
police department, keep your mouth shut don't talk about it and it wil go away. 
It went away, or  more so  he did.


I've had a good life and don't regret much. I used to always make the statement 
if God would have only given me one good hand, how much farther I could've 
gone.   well, then I went to an  event, sat with a fellow quad and his wife 
needed to feed him. I promise God right there and then I would never make that 
statement again.


 Will I be here for 52, only God knows that. I do know that I made an influence 
on many people's lives and God used me in ways I could never have dreamed.


Take care and hang in there, let's see about 52.


Glenn Henry






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