Happy Holidays!!!

2002-12-24 Thread greatful
>From our Home to yours...

May the Spirit of the Season
Take you Well into the New Year!!!

Wishing you Joyful and Glorious Celebration!!! 

~*Counting Blessings*~

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Re: Round "TUIT" ~ was Clean(ing) Connections

2002-12-14 Thread greatful
>>Anybody know where I can pick up a round-tuit??? 

J Sand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> replied
> Same place you buy those get-tuit-somedays

Ahhh... the vicious cycle... though aparently some markets have more of one, than the 

Dean Arthur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said
> Down to my last one. Others, lent out always seemed to get lost. 

You are to be commended for keeping atleast one!!! Sorry to see so many of yours were 
lost on loan... although really, what else can be done with an abundance??? 

Would like to think I could keep a-tuit, if one could just be found. 

greatful :)

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Re: Clean(ing) connections

2002-12-12 Thread greatful
>From: "David Culler"<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Mon Dec 09 22:51:29 PST 2002
>Subject: Re: Clean(ing) connections

>Class dismissed,
>David Culler


>From: the pickle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Tue Dec 10 2002, 7:52 PM PST
>you could just soak in a vinegar-salt solution

Happen to know the ratio of vinegar to salt, for future reference???

>Date: Tue Dec 10 2002, 7:54 PM PST
>For electronics applications, it's best to use a 
>purpose-made deoxidizer, and follow it with a 
>purpose-made protectant.

Thanks to all for the information!!! 

For the record: Having 3 wonderfully inquisitive learners (4 if you count the dawg) in 
the house, without a way of locking them out of my work area, I don't leave anything 
soaking for any length of time ;) While I appreciate all suggested remidies, some came 
a bit late... ;)

The Naval Jelly was applied, as directed on the label, with a brush and rinsed off 
after 5-10 minutes... Thankfully the mung and gorp (aka: rust) was only on the outside 
of the connections :)

Happy Holidays to all!!! 

Anybody know where I can pick up a round-tuit???

greatful :)

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Re: Clean(ing) connections

2002-12-09 Thread greatful

-Original Message-
Date: Thu Dec 05 12:12:40 PST 2002
Subject: Clean(ing) connections

>Picked up a small, yet wonderfully eclectic, lot of SCSI cables [snip] noticed some 
>[snip] reddish/brown, granular...

A big Thank You to David Wood for confirming a suspicion (and providing confidence) to 
try Naval Jelly ~ worked like a charm!!!


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Clean(ing) connections

2002-12-05 Thread greatful
Picked up a small, yet wonderfully eclectic, lot of SCSI cables (not the ribbon type, 
yet), on a couple of ends I noticed some...hmmm, mung and gorp ~ it's reddish/brown, 
granular in nature... any idea what it might be and what can be done to get rid of it 
(short of tossing the potential;)


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SCSI Incarnations

2002-10-22 Thread greatful
First, can anyone point the direction of info regarding subject??? Would like to 
read/see the difference of SCSI through the years ~ it might help me to better 
understand the difference between 1, 2, Narrow, Wide, Fast, etc. 

Second, have purchased 3 different external HDD cases, all different (noted below) ~ 
is there a general rule that determines which port is 'in' and which is 'out' when 
considering chaining (does it matter)?

1) Two vertically parallel centronics ports, one marked 'SCSI 1' the other 'SCSI 2' 
(no ID selection switch/button)... 

2) Two vertically parallel contronics ports, no other distinguishing features (ID 
switch/button just below left port)...

3) Two horizontally parallel centronics ports, no other distinguishing features (ID 
switch/button equal distance between them although slightly right).

Third, will 800K floppies play nicely in a 1.44Mb drive??? Still confused after 
reading the FAQ, LEM and others :(

Thanks in advance for any information provided.


Looking for a round tuit

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Re: Open Transport from 8.1...

2002-09-22 Thread greatful

Don'cha hate when that happens!!!


looking for a round tuit

-Original Message-
>From: "the pickle"<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: Open Transport from 8.1...
>Never heard of anyone doing it, but let us know if it works OK.
>the pickle

>At 12:03 -0700 on 20/09/02, Mark wrote:
>>...can one just swap it into a 7.5.3 rev2, like one
>>might do with the Appearance control panel? Still
>>trying to get my LC 580 on an ethernet network, and
>>I've heard the OT in 8.1 is so much better.

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Re: Startup HD Reluctant...

2002-09-10 Thread greatful

Thanks Cat999 & Craig ~ 

 Sure hope it's not dying. "R&R" actually means Remove and Replace (blame it on my 
mechanic;) ~ 'tis a new battery. The Q650 is always plugged in. Saw 'pass through 
termination' mentioned on pickle's FAQ ~ got one, didn't help. Moved the external HD 
higher on the chain (was last, now first), didn't help. And not just any ol Restart 
will do either ~ it must be a 'C' key Restart... Really hope to solve this issue as 
there's a GB HD just waiting to be initialized...


...looking for a round tuit...

-Original Message-
From: "craig o'donnell"<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Quadlist"<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue Sep 10 12:58:40 PDT 2002
Subject: Reluctance

>>After R&R of PRAM battery and adding 40Mb external HD to the SCSI chain...
>>Why the reluctance???
>I'd suggest replacing the battery, if "R&R" just means conencting the sucka to the 
>wall for a period of time... That solved a similar problem which I had.

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Startup HD reluctant...

2002-09-08 Thread greatful

After R&R of PRAM battery and adding 40Mb external HD to the SCSI chain...

Q650, OS 7.1; all internal cables checked; SCSI ID's on all external devices have been 
checked (CDRom = ID 3; Ext. HD = ID 2; Zip 100 = ID 5); pulled the PRAM battery out 
and turned it around thinking it may have been installed backwards (wasn't turned 
around again). Mt. Everything 'Can not be used on this mac'; SCSI Probe 'Requires 
newer Apple SCSI Manager (4.3 recommended)'.

OS 7.5 Finder and System Folder (w/Startup and Memory CP's) installed on External. 
Both Startup CP's have Q650 set to Start up. Q650 boots from Restart only. 

Why the reluctance??? 

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Did external HD wipe out internal???

2002-08-01 Thread greatful

You may recognize the subject from the MacWorld Forums...

After R&R on a PRAM battery*... Hooked up a 40Mb external SCSI drive, just to see what 
it had on it, to a Quadra 650 that already had 2 (zip, CDRom) externals on the chain, 
Quadra wouldn't boot (disk w/?). 

Disconnected all peripherals and it booted fine. Hooked up each device individually, 
no problem booting with the zip; no problem booting with the CDRom; got the disk/? on 
boot with the HDD. Now, without any peripherals there's a disk/? on boot. Reset the 
PRAM, can boot from OS CD using external Rom; install is attempted booting with an 
'Install me first' floppy. Problem is the internal HD is nowhere to be found ~ Disk 
First Aid and SCSI Set Up can't find the internal HD either... 

The only thing moved was the ram, to get to the battery. When the top of the battery 
cage (pain in the arse) was removed the whole board moved ~ not much though (maybe I 
heard it squeek).

The brick (third device) has a push button SCSI ID selector. The terminator (removed 
from the CD) was good. After the first failure I switched to a known good cable. 
Planed on using the external brick (w/pwr supply(s), & fan*) to R&R the 40Mb for 
1Gb... figured the 40 was old (potentially dead) ~ didn't anticipate it taking out the 
Quadra's 500Mb internal...

Can anyone offer ideas of what can be done??? Didn't find anything in the FAQ or 
jagshouse, then again, I'm not sure what I'm looking for...


*Would it have booted after changing the battery if the battery had been installed 
incorrectly??? If memory serves, it did boot after changing the battery before any 
external devices were added.

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Re: More RAM

2002-07-28 Thread greatful

Sure wish they had pictures so I knew which 600's were related to 800/840... What I'd 
like to know (this may qualify as most stupid): Is 60ns or 80ns faster??? And what 
does RPM have to do with HD speed???

Macintosh Quadra 700: Technical Specifications
Logic Board: 4 MB 
RAM Slots: 4, 30-pin SIMM 
Min - Max RAM: 4 MB - 20 MB 
Min RAM Speed: 80 
RAM Sizes: 1, 4 MB 
Install in Groups of: 4 

Macintosh Quadra 900: Technical Specifications 
Logic Board: none 
RAM Slots: 16, 30-pin SIMM 
Min - Max RAM: 4 MB - 256 MB 
Min RAM Speed: 80 
RAM Sizes: 1, 4, 8, 16 MB 
Install in Groups of: 4 
Notes: 8MB & 16MB SIMMs may be used, but are not supported by Apple. 

Macintosh Quadra 950: Technical Specifications 
Logic Board: none 
RAM Slots: 16, 30-pin SIMM 
Min - Max RAM: 4 MB - 256 MB 
Min RAM Speed: 80 
RAM Sizes: 1, 4, 8, 16 MB 
Install in Groups of: 4 
Notes: 8MB & 16MB SIMMs may be used, but are not supported by Apple. 

Macintosh Quadra 800: Technical Specifications 
Logic Board: 8 MB 
RAM Slots: 4, 72-pin SIMM 
Min - Max RAM: 8 MB - 136MB 
Min RAM Speed: 60 
RAM Sizes: 4, 8, 16, 32 MB 
Install in Groups of: 1 

Macintosh Quadra 840AV: Technical Specifications 
Logic Board: none 
RAM Slots: 4, 72-pin SIMM 
Min - Max RAM: 4 MB - 128 MB 
Min RAM Speed: 60 
RAM Sizes: 4, 8, 16, 32 MB 
Install in Groups of: 1 

-Original Message-
From: "James S Jones"<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Quadlist"<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sun Jul 28 14:35:34 PDT 2002
Subject: Re: More RAM

>What Quadra? The 700 only needs 80ns, or faster. The 900 & 950 may need faster than 
>80ns, but my service PDF for those models is claiming to be corrupted, so I can't say 
>for sure. The 800 & 840 (and probably the related 600s) use 72-pin SIMMs.
>On Sunday, July 28, 2002, at 02:20  PM, Mark McCague wrote:
>> Actually I did stick some old PC ram in my quadra before. Am I right in thinking 
>the RAM has to be 30pin SIMMs of 60ns. Will slower ram be a problem?

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Re: Mac Collection and Addiction

2002-07-28 Thread greatful

>A very economical way to feed that addiction is to buy from Goodwill Industries 
>"Bargain Barn" (were available).

Here the partnership with Goodwill Industries is called "Computer Works" ~ Lots of 
good bargains. And when all else fails... eBay ;) We have another organization that 
collects unwanted equipment and distributes to others in need (their's is a 
Federal/State connection)


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Re: Mac Addiction

2002-07-28 Thread greatful

 First, I'd like to know more of the similarities and/or differences in the 
definition(s) of addiction; compulsion; obsession; and passion, before I can wrap my 
rationalizations around one ;)

 Hadn't touched a computer (word processors don't count, do they?) before one of my 
children received an adapated PowerBook/tablet* used to augment communication. The 
seven year fight with eduction to provide the assessment ended 3 years ago. Now we 
have two Quadras, a 650 and 660AV, both needed repairs and/or lots of peripherals. 
Working on getting them networked** and then will add an adapted keyboard (or two), 
access switch(es) [IR and button] so that other kids don't have to wait 7 years***... 

 We've recently completed a trial on the new iBook version of the tablet, anticipate 
owning one soon. 

* 11" flat panelish touch screen housed over a 5300 w/o a keyboard (newer version is a 
14" touch screen)

** with (loath to mention on the QuadList) a PM7100/66av, a PC from the Quadra era, 
and a recently added PC tower, all needing repairs and/or peripherals)

*** students graduating H.S. this year have had the right, by law, to education 
programs and services using assistive technologies... few have had access


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Re: new thread,... ISP's

2002-07-27 Thread greatful

eddie/don ~ 

>Hey thanks for all the input on Win into Mac. It's been real informative as well as 
>quite entertaining. I've noted everything said <
Thanks for the topic... been trying to do something similar here. A big thank you to 
all that have imparted info in the past several topics. Funny the addictions thread 
should arise... (more later;)

>Any favorite cheap ISPs for Mac out there? <
>From a previous user, please choose from many of the fine ISP's out there instead of 
>(AOL &/or) NetZero... imho, they're making too much money off of their 'users' if 
>they're sponsoring NASCAR ;)

World123.net is wonderful (in my book ~ not yet published): 24-hr (800) tech support, 
server space, 3-5 e-addy's; NO banners/'ports'/spyware/time limits-disconnects none, 
nada, zilch :)


-Original Message-
From: "catalina_eddie"<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Quadlist"<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri Jul 26 22:27:36 PDT 2002
Subject: new thread, not sure what

>Don Erdmann, Vancouver, USA

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Re: Installing a 2nd HDD

2002-06-13 Thread greatful

Thank you, Dean, for your help. 

This particular Q650 came to me without ever having a CD-Rom (just recently added an 
AppleCD 300).  The AppleSpec says it has internal CD-Rom support so I'm assuming that 
would be a shelf/drawer/space as well as SCSI/power connectors.  It's an (older) 
Apple/IBM HDD ~ thank goodness the specs are available on-line.  

Sounds like Christian @ sur-tech is your go-to-guy :) Ample RAM is always an issue, 
huh (sure doesn't come up often at eBay)?!  We've been finding parts at a local store 
that is in the refurbishing (rehabilitation) business ~ noone there knows Mac, and Mac 
parts are few and far between (Surprise - NOT!). The biggest RAM module I can get 
there is 4MB, LOL

For my own benefit, I would like to know more about the functions of JP4 (Disabale 
Auto Spin-up), JP5 (Disable Unit Attention) and JP7 (Disabale TI Negotiation) ~ the 
lables are offering no clues ;). Maybe IBM has a 'Glossary of Terms' somewhere in 
their support pages, hm. 


-Original Messages-
From: "Dean Arthur"<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Quadlist"<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu Jun 13 18:43:12 PDT 2002
Subject: Re: Installing a 2nd HDD

>Somewhere I downloaded a Q-650 manual which gave pins to jumper on a 50-pin data/4 
>pin SCSI Addressing and 4-pin power connector for the various SCSI addresses. I have 
>a non-Apple HD in my 5400 AIO which doesn't register at the zero address in the SCSI 
>Probe display. My Quantum 1.08 GB HD does show up at SCSI 1, the 8X CD drive at SCSI 
>3, the external ZIP 250 drive at SCSI 5 and the computer itself at SCSI 7. I seem to 
>remember that the pin set closest to the 50-pin data connector when jumpered sets 
>SCSI address at "1", no jumpers would be "zero", 2d pair would be "2", first and 
>second would be "3" and so on. 

>You didn't say whether or not you were going to sacrifice the CD drive and put the 2d 
>HD there. Christian at http://www.sur-tech.com has sleds for all kinds of drives: CD, 
>floppy and hard disk. Also mounting kits with the necessary power and data cables if 
>the one in your 650 doesn't split out for a 2d drive. He's out of high speed CD 
>drives and GB HDs since he moved from Silicon Valley to Challis, Washington - the 
>good stuff is kinda scarce up there. I did manage to get a Q-650 with 80 MB ram, 420 
>MB Quantum drive with OS 7.6.1 and 2X caddy CD. Then bought a Performa 6400 from him 
>for 125.00 two years ago. Bought a 12X CD [29.95]to put in the 6400 and put its 8X in 
>the 650 with a tray-bezel mounting kit for 9.95. Very happy with the quality of goods 
>and service Christian has provided. I just wish he could get more of the 4-10 GB HDs, 
>64 MB DIMMs and maybe some 24X CD drives I could p[ut in my Performa 6400/200 and two 
>All-In-One Power Mac 5400/180 units.

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Re: Installing a 2nd HDD

2002-06-13 Thread greatful

 Thank you, Daniel, for the information!  While I've added RAM, R&R'd a CD-Rom and a 
PRAM battery ~ this is a new challenge.  Will ask at LEM (or get back to you) re: the 
bracket.  This HDD came from eBay, the seller said it was set up for SCSI 0 (checked, 
reformated and tested/w OS 8.5, hence the dual-boot question ~ the highest I could 
re-install is 7.5.5).  From what I understand, the Q650 can't boot from HFS+.  Will 
the 2nd HDD show up like a CD or floppy drive?  Until I get the bracket there are two 
things to ponder... 1) leave the termination on and connect the external zip to 
another system (660av/2G/53M [3 partitions] ~ 7100-66av/.5G/48M); or, 2) never be able 
to move the zip again without pulling the HDD (LOL). As soon as I hit 'send' I 
realized I'd mucked up the "JP1-ID2" 

 Somehow this network must be able to include a scanner and printer (I'm not ready yet 
for Linux/NetBSD). My biggest problem with searching is using too many words ;)

 You have coffee???!!!


-Original Message-
From: "Daniel Willson"<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Quadlist"<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu Jun 13 10:59:34 PDT 2002
Subject: Re: Installing a 2nd HDD

>Don't sweat it ... we've all been new somewhere at sometime before ... you'll find 
>that the drive manufacturer's site is always the best place for info, followed by the 
>PC Pocket Guide (wish I had it here ... little blue book o' PC parts, including every 
>drive made ... great for identifying stuff). And showing that you've done your 
>homework is always a good way to bring folks out of the woodwork with advice.
>To answer your questions:
>(1) Find your mounting brackets on LEM's swap list. Cheap stuff, good folks. Contact 
>me if no one answers your request for a drive bracket -- they should. I got plently 
>of responses for a Quadra 950 mainboard and drive brackets (most likely more rare).
>(2) Since the drive isn't the last one on the chain, make sure termination is turned 
>off (I.E. in your case, make sure JP6 doesn't have a jumper ... you say it has one, 
>so it must have been at the end of a chain in it's previous life ... take it off and 
>store it somewhere else). You might want to google a bit for info on SCSI termination 
>to understand the concept. I'm not sure about JP7 or JP5 ... can anyone else 
>enlighten us (there's always google, too)? If it came out of another Mac, you might 
>want to leave JP7 and JP5 the way they were.
>(3)If you put that spare jumper on JP2, you're setting the device to ID2. That should 
>work, as most ZIPs are set to another ID (6 or 5, according to the switch on the back 
>of my external ZIP). I'd make it ID 1 by putting the spare jumper on JP1, but either 
>ID1 or ID2 sound like they'd be OK.
>(4) What do you want to dual-boot? With Mac OS, just do all of this jumper tweaking, 
>install the drive, install another Mac OS on the additional drive, and use the 
>Startup Disk control panel to reboot to that drive to the other OS. With Linux/m68k 
>or NetBSD/Mac68k, you'd need the latest booter for each respective operating system 
>(you can't boot directly into either ... you need a Mac OS partition for normal 
>booting, then you'd run the respective booter app to kill Mac OS and let the *NIX 
>take over the system). I heard some talk on the NetBSD list a while back about a 
>native booter/installer, but it's not recommended because it might possibly cause 
>your partition table to be corrupted. I think that's what they said about it, anyway.
>Holler if I messed something up. I haven't had enough coffee yet today. 
>Dan Willson
>On Wednesday,  12, 2002, at 06:25PM, greatful <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Have an Apple/IBM ST325509 (need to find mounting brackets) that I would like to 
>install as a 2nd HDD (Q650).  This is all new territory and I don't want to muck 
>anything up.  The Apple KBase article which references this procedure is of no help 
>because the jpeg doesn't load (http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=36122) 
>~ IBM's site is a bit more helpful, at least the picture shows up 
>>Currently there are three (assuming) 'jumpers' across (the little posts) JP7, JP6 
>and JP5. Is it as easy as removing the jumper from JP6 (because this will be the 
>second device [the third is an external zip]) and placing it on JP2 (to set the ID to 
>1)? Is there somewhere that would help me understand the intended purpose(s) of JP4, 
>JP5, JP6 and JP7?
>>What kind of questions should I be asking about 

Installing a 2nd HDD

2002-06-12 Thread greatful

Have an Apple/IBM ST325509 (need to find mounting brackets) that I would like to 
install as a 2nd HDD (Q650).  This is all new territory and I don't want to muck 
anything up.  The Apple KBase article which references this procedure is of no help 
because the jpeg doesn't load (http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=36122) ~ 
IBM's site is a bit more helpful, at least the picture shows up 

Currently there are three (assuming) 'jumpers' across (the little posts) JP7, JP6 and 
JP5. Is it as easy as removing the jumper from JP6 (because this will be the second 
device [the third is an external zip]) and placing it on JP2 (to set the ID to 1)? Is 
there somewhere that would help me understand the intended purpose(s) of JP4, JP5, JP6 
and JP7?

What kind of questions should I be asking about dual-booting? 

Thanks in advance :)


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Re: New to the list

2002-06-09 Thread greatful

Thank you David for pointing me in the right direction, you'll see by my response 
below to the pickle (off list because it inluded another inquiry/response) ~ somehow I 
knew I'd need more information, which I'll have when I have the new drive in my hands 


>>and not a one of you (other than the pickle) have said squat to my original message. 
>It's just like home 
>Well, I'll give it a try. :-)

...It seems you'll need some sort of model name and number: 


PS. ...you can never really leave the quadlist. ;-)

>>"Don't suppose you've tried the IBM site, have you?"
>Actually because it is Apple branded the first place I looked was the KBase... they 
>have a spec, with a jpeg ~ the jpeg doesn't show up. For some reason I think I'll 
>need more info than 'Apple/IBM 1 Gb HDD' to find more at IBM ~ maybe not ;)

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Re: New to the list

2002-06-09 Thread greatful

My question is, then, are the pickle and the list-mom one-in-the-same??? LOL 

Most* have shat on the other newbie (or the pickle), for asking (answering) a question 
(albiet, both, with sarasim) and not a one of you (other than the pickle) have said 
squat to my original message. It's just like home 


*excluding those with praise ;)

>Im also new to the list, just yesterday and already I need someone to please clarify, 
>is the pickle a bot or a real person, so I can either filter his posts to the trash 
>or get off the list now because of his annoying snips. 


>>Oh, filter away. Your loss. You won't last long on this list by ignoring me. 

the pickle <<

>>Unless artificial intelligence has come a long way in the last while, Pickle is 
>definitely real :) A bit testy at times, but who isn't? :) He's also one of the more 
>helpful people on the list overall. Give him a chance, 
and you'll probably won't regret it :) 

Scott Holder<<

>>>Why not, I'm sure some one else can tell him to read the FAQ ;). 
Seriously tho pickle it's a bit pompous to presume you know everything and no-one will 
get far without you and it's not the first time you've done it either. Granted you do 
know a lot and can be useful at times, especially if I need a quick answer. 

David, try to be a little more understanding, there are a lot of very diverse 
personalities on this list, pickle is just a bit 'to the point' that's all :). 

Mark Benson<<<

>>Give him a chance, 

Scott Holder<<

>>>Or, don't, because I frankly don't care either way. In six months, I'll still be 
>here, and our friend Mr. Schultz won't. Makes no difference to me. 


the pickle<<<

>>Seriously tho pickle it's a bit pompous to presume you know 

Mark Benson<<

>>>Not presuming such. I'm presuming that David, like the last five or six newbies ... 
>And those last five or six didn't leave on their own terms, either. 

Hint, hint. 

the pickle<<< 

>>Hi just my two pennies worth i have relied on the pickles web sight a few times so i 


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New to the list

2002-06-09 Thread greatful

It's nice to be aboard!!!  

To introduce our systems:

Quadra 650, 230Mb HDD, 24Mb RAM, internal 3.5" floppy, OS 7.1 ~ this was our first 
desk top system, used mainly for programming/creating Augmentative Communication and 
education modifications.  It recently received an external 300 CD-Rom and will soon be 
receiving a second 1Gb HDD.  Anybody know of any good Apple/IBM spec jpegs to help 
reset the SCSI ID???

Quadra 660av, ?HDD, ?RAM, internal 3.5" floppy and CD-Rom ~ no video on boot.  It was 
originally SCSI'd through an external Zip to the above system enabling use of the 
CD-Rom ;).  Recently zapped the PRAM and got the video back long enough to install OS 
7.5.  Hope to provide more information after replacing the PRAM battery. 

Suppose it may be wrong to bring up the PwrMac 7100/66av, PowerBook 5300* or an 
original iBook* that will be included or the recently attained AAUI to RJ45 adapters 
in hopes of a network.  

Hope you have a wonderful day!!!

P.S. The only system we have to surf with, at this time, is a Digital Venturis 575 
(more information will be provided if requested, LOL)

*Adapted with dynamic touch screen ~ used for Augmentative Communication.

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