On 8 Mar 2016, at 11:30, John Kemp wrote:

You can't just update to 60 and 180 and commit that?

That’s what it used to be and what it reverts to again for the next release.

The 3s and 9s is just going to mess up anyone who pulls that version.

The change came from Cumulus and it makes a lot of sense in some environments
(i.e. specially data centers).
The main issue is that the default isn’t visible in the config and by changing it everyone who didn’t set anything else would have changed their timers the
the new lower value.

I think the current consensus is that the shorter timers might be good, but
the missing defaults in the config make it difficult to change.
So we may need to fix the issue with the invisible defaults first (somehow)

- Martin Winter

On 3/8/2016 4:52 AM, Martin Winter wrote:
On 8 Mar 2016, at 2:59, Paul Jakma wrote:

On Tue, 15 Dec 2015, Martin Winter wrote:

Just to want to bring this up to everyones attention - one more time.

The commits from proposed 5 branch are now in master and the BGP
keepalive/holdtimer is now changed to 3s keepalive and 9s holdtime
(from 60s keepalive and 180s holdtime)

Had a chat with Donald about this yesterday, as you'd also recently
raised this again.

The underlying problem here is we need a better way to handle
defaults, and perhaps we should tackle that first. E.g., we also have
the link-detect default issue.

Donald and I are happy to back this out for now, before a release.


OK with me, but anyone else having a strong opinion against backing
this out, please speak up!

And yes, fully agree on the default issue. Suggestions welcome…

- Martin Winter

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