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On Fri, Apr 02, 2021 at 10:52:13AM +0200, Frédéric Pierret wrote:
> Hi,
> We had a discussion with Marek yesterday about how we can renew the way we 
> build our templates. For example it would be very much convenient to have 
> sample piece of file like a Dockerfile as an input to generate a VM. This is 
> something I've already experimented and done in other projects. Even if it's 
> very convenient for a building process, it is not in the standard for VMs. My 
> opinion is that we can go further by using for example a more flexible and 
> adopted format with several configuration backends like Vagrant with the use 
> of Vagrantfile.

A bit context why "like a Dockerfile" but not Dockerfile specifically:
docker is about containers, not VMs. While most of it would be the same,
containers operate on a bit higher level and lack few parts that we need
in a VM, specifically:
 - disk partitioning and creating filesystem
 - bootloader, kernel, modules etc

It isn't a deal-breaker, those parts could be added outside of
Dockerfile. But if there is something that would handle it all, it would
be better.

> We see two subjects related to Vagrant:
> 1) Use a Vagrantfile as an input for what will be inside our templates. We 
> need to adapt our linux-template-builder + pieces in 
> builder-{rpm,debian,archlinux,gentoo}. Here, it's currently out of 
> consideration to use pre-built images from somewhere like we would do with 
> Vagrant or even Docker by pulling external images. We recreate from scratch 
> the "box" then ship it as usual in a RPM as our current templates.
> Of course, we would still support the legacy way somehow but this would be 
> the occasion to make our template builder maybe less qubes-builder dependent. 
> Also, it would allow to have a more standalone tool for which any user could 
> benefit in creating their own templates in place of post applying Salt 
> formulas directly on Qubes templates which are not all the time user friendly.
> 2) Share your AppVM!
> We are thinking to add a way to create AppVM easily by using Vagranfile with 
> a Qubes integration. A naive approach would be to use StandaloneVM cloned 
> from Qubes templates then doing what's inside the Vagrantfile but this is 
> something we don't want to do at first. We want to use advantage of AppVM and 
> starting for example by:
>   - identify instruction about which Qubes template to use,
>   - identify persistent/non-persistent instructions.
> Every instructions like installing packages would be triggered into the 
> underlying requested Qubes template then, the others in the AppVM (mostly 
> configuration or local user installation). Thinking again of Salt formulas, 
> we integrate a way of customization which is from my opinion very convenient 
> (not speaking of Ruby syntax ;) ). But, as Vagrant supports Ansible, Salt, 
> etc. as customization configuration, we don't lost our current Salt formulas 
> at all! For those who want to keep them, just put the trigger to needed ones 
> in the Vagrantfile.
> 3) Create complex Qubes infrastructure:
> We have several topics where we setup service infrastructure into Qubes (e.g. 
> https://github.com/QubesOS/qubes-infrastructure or 
> https://github.com/fepitre/qubes-mgmt-salt-qubes-server/tree/devel-140320). 
> With a focus on services, currently I'm testing and use in production 
> docker-compose to create services (e.g. 
> https://github.com/fepitre/package-rebuilder). Switching this simple piece of 
> file to more Salt formulas to use service in AppVM is not really something I 
> want to do because it's not as user friendly as docker-compose when updating 
> the services code, restarting, etc. That would be another example where using 
> only a Vagrantfile to handle multiple VMs at once could be a benefit to use 
> Qubes as a "secure services platform".
> Having a proper Qubes integration, we could think having/using a community 
> hub where we could push/share Vagrantfiles for creating AppVMs/StandaloneVMs 
> from Qubes templates. Once again, only the descriptive instructions would be 
> used and all would be done locally like you would do it currently with Salt 
> formulas.
> Any feedback is welcomed :)

The above is some high level idea how to make building new templates
and custom setups easier. Before talking details, we need to answer some
basic questions:
1. Whether such thing would be useful at all? Or maybe our current
pre-built templates (and template-builder scripts) + Salt is enough?
2. Is Vagrant the right too for the job?

If we'd go in a direction like this, I'd strongly prefer to re-use some
existing well known tool. Integrating anything into our custom
qubes-builder + template-builder has quite high contributor entry

- -- 
Best Regards,
Marek Marczykowski-Górecki
Invisible Things Lab


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