[qubes-users] Fwd: [Cryptography] Most transactions on crypto exchanges are bogus

2021-12-07 Thread Sandy Harris
Maybe have a VM for this?

-- Forwarded message -
From: Phillip Hallam-Baker 
Date: Mon, Dec 6, 2021 at 3:23 PM
Subject: Re: [Cryptography] Most transactions on crypto exchanges are bogus
To: John Levine 
Cc: Cryptography Mailing List 

I am so over these cryptobros with their criminal currencies, Ponzi
schemes and Web3 branding.

So I am announcing Web4 which is Web3 minus all the fraud and grift,
minus the crypto-bro bullies and the coinsplainers telling everyone
that only 'a stupid person' would think Tether is a naked Ponzi

I only had half an hour to write a browser but it does run and it does
subtract all the Web3 features that are stupid or criminal or both:

hallambaker/PhillsHypotheticalBrowser: An experimental browser for
testing proposed security and usability extensions. (github.com)

Seriously folk, it is a real browser and I intend to use it as a
testbed for a lot of the security and other features that I think
should be in the Web but the current gatekeepers oppose.

The whole notion of 'Decentralized Web' coming from a change in
technology is fundamentally bogus. Web/1.0 was decentralized, the
technology has always been decentralized. The problem we see today is
that the network effect is so powerful that it has a tendency to
centralize itself again. First around Netscape, then around Microsoft,
then Google and today it is Facebook.

The people behind 'Web3' are a corrupt cartel of crypto-whales who
make their money selling a fraudulent Ponzi scheme. They don't want to
decentralize the Web, they are a mafia cartel wanting to install
themselves as the new monarchs in place of King Zuck.

To really decentralize the Web, we have to understand where the
current control points are. Today those are the DNS, the browser and
(in the Western world) Facebook.

Decentralization is not a technical fix. You don't get
decentralization by throwing blockchain at a problem. China's 'New
Internet' uses Blockchain DNS to give Xi a master censorship control.

I will be adding Mesh technologies to PHB of course but I also want to
add in capabilities like DNSSEC and other DNS security schemes. My
view on the best way forward might not be the same as yours but 80% of
the difficulty in implementing any extension in the browser is to
understand where the extension point is that we need to override.

The cryptography mailing list

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[qubes-users] Debian 11 templates available

2021-12-07 Thread Andrew David Wong

Dear Qubes Community,

New Debian 11 templates are available for both Qubes 4.0 and 4.1.

We provide fresh Debian 11 template packages through the official Qubes
repositories, which you can install in dom0 by following the standard
installation instructions [1]. Alternatively, we also provide
step-by-step instructions for performing an in-place upgrade [2] of an
existing Fedora template. After upgrading your templates, please
remember to switch all qubes that were using the old template to use the
new one [3].

For a complete list of template releases that are supported for your
specific Qubes release, see our supported template releases [4].

Please note that no user action is required regarding the OS version in
dom0. For details, please see our note on dom0 and EOL [5].

[1] https://www.qubes-os.org/doc/templates/debian/#installing
[2] https://www.qubes-os.org/doc/template/debian/upgrade/
[3] https://www.qubes-os.org/doc/templates/#switching
[4] https://www.qubes-os.org/doc/supported-releases/#templates
[5] https://www.qubes-os.org/doc/supported-releases/#note-on-dom0-and-eol

This announcement is also available on the Qubes website:

Andrew David Wong
Community Manager
The Qubes OS Project

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