[qubes-users] Re: Kali VM is unusable

2017-01-17 Thread J. Eppler

the better way is to create Kali template or standalone VM. Here is the guide:

the advantage it integrates better into Qubes. The disadvantage you will not be 
able to use the normal menu.

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[qubes-users] Re: Archlinux Community Template Qubes OS 3.2

2017-01-17 Thread J. Eppler

I have the same issue.

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[qubes-users] Re: Kali VM is unusable

2017-01-17 Thread J. Eppler

try the following:

1) select the VM you want to upgrade in Qubes OS manager
2) do a right click and select VM settings
3) switch to the Firewall rules tab
4) enable allow full access for x minutes

try to upgrade again.

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[qubes-users] [Debian 8] Audio problem after upgrading

2017-03-30 Thread J. Eppler

I upgraded my Debian 8 "Jessie" template from Debian Qubes r3.1 to Qubes r3.2. 
Now, I have problems with the audio output. When I try to play audio files I do 
not hear anything and music player - web or deskotp - skip through songs very 
fast without playing them.

I tried to play something with clementine, this is the error message I got:

user@personal-music:~$ clementine
Cannot connect to server socket err = No such file or directory
Cannot connect to server request channel
jack server is not running or cannot be started
AL lib: (WW) alc_initconfig: Failed to initialize backend "pulse"
AL lib: (EE) alsa_open_playback: Could not open playback device 'default': No 
such file or directory
16:17:22.874 WARN  unknown  QTimeLine::start: already 

Anybody, any ideas what the issue could be?

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[qubes-users] Re: Maybe a silly question

2017-03-30 Thread J. Eppler
> As Qubes works by means of the principle of security by isolation and every 
> part of the hardware is running in a virtual machine. Does it make any sense 
> to use Kaspersky Security for virtualization over the xen hypervisor  to 
> improve security and antihacker security?

The KasperskyOS uses a hosted hypervisor (type-2 hypervisor). The KasperskyOS 
is based on a reliable proprietary microkernel. They use device emulation or 
where possible paravirtualization. KasperskyOS is able to use hardware 
virtualization extensions, but does not require them [1]. I assume they use an 
mixed approach of binary translation and kernel based virtualization. However, 
everything is proprietary. This is the reason what makes a technical and 
security comparison between KasperksyOS and QubesOS impossible.

However, it is easy to argue why Xen is a good choice as hypervisor for 
security projects such as QubesOS:

- Xen is open source, which means everybody can audit and anylze it
- Xen is used by several large companies in their cloud data center (Amazon 
AWS, Netflix etc.) -> Industrial proven
- Xen was developed and maintained for over a decade and has proven to be 
reasonable secure and flexible.
- Xen itself has a very small code base, which means less code running higher 
privileged CPU modes (Intel VT + AMD-V ring -1, ARM "HYP" mode).

> Is going KasperskyOS to suppose a big concurrency to Qubes?

No, QubesOS has a very high security standard driven by excellent research from 
Invsible Things labs. Furthermore, QubesOS is open source, which means people 
can extend QubesOS for their own use cases. Larger community projects which 
extend QubesOS are Whonix, the Archlinux-Template, the Mirage-Firewall 
Unikernel. In addition there are a couple of smaller projects.

By the way, KasperskyOS is not the only solution. Bromium vSentry for example 
is another endpoint virtualization solution.


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Re: [qubes-users] say it out (loud) - Qubes OS Stickers

2017-04-20 Thread J. Eppler

I really like the simple design from Brennan Novak.

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[qubes-users] How to Switch Keyboard Layouts?

2017-07-04 Thread J. Eppler

how can I switch keyboard layouts in a AppVM? I tried to use the XCFE menu item 
to switch layouts. However, it only works for Dom0. In addition, I tried to use 
xkb-switch, but without much success. Interesting about xkb-switch is the fact, 
that it shows I use a US layout in the VM, which is surprising because I use a 
QWERTZ (German) layout and it works. I wonder where the keyboard layout 
information are stored.

Back to the keyboard layout switching. I would like to be able to switch my 
keyboard layout multiple times while working in a VM. Does anybody has a 
solution or idea on how to achieve it?

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Re: [qubes-users] Re: Best Laptop For Qubes

2017-07-04 Thread J. Eppler
I have to agree with @cooloutac $ 500 for just the motherboard and a keyboard 
is very expensive. You have to add the price for at least the CPU, power 
supply,  memory, housing (optional), storage, monitor, mouse to be able to 
compare it slightly with a laptop. 

However, the initial question was what is the best or rephrase the question: 
"what laptops work well with Qubes OS"? ThinkPad was mentioned a couple of 
times and Purism. Are there any other brands or options which have not been 
mentioned until now and are working well with Qubes 3.2 and will work properly 
with Qubes 4.0?

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[qubes-users] Re: How to Switch Keyboard Layouts?

2017-07-05 Thread J. Eppler
Awesome, That works. Thanks. However, how can I change the keyboard layout very 
fast between to different layouts. Basically, just with a shortcut? Any idea?

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Re: [qubes-users] Re: How to Switch Keyboard Layouts?

2017-07-06 Thread J. Eppler
Noor Christensen,

thank you very much. I changed the settings with the following command: 
setxkbmap -layout us,se -option grp:alt_shift_toggle 

Now, I am able to switch layouts in my VM with ALT + Left Shift. However, I 
replaced the layouts with my choice of layout options.

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[qubes-users] Re: DaVinci Resolve 14 - Possible to run in a Windows VM on Qubes OS?

2017-10-29 Thread J. Eppler
What is DaVinci Resolve 14? Are you talking about this application: 

Do you have to use this professionally or as a hobbyist?

Your complain regarding YouTube videos. I do not have issues with video or 
audio in YouTube videos.

Can you check if your audio settings where correct. I sometimes have issues, 
after I plugin other devices (e. g. microphone), afterwards my audio mixer is 
messed up. Which is easy to fix by adjusting the audio settings.

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[qubes-users] Qubes OS list all available templates?

2017-11-05 Thread J. Eppler

how can I list all available VM templates, for both Qubes OS and all templates 
provided by the community?

  J. Eppler

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[qubes-users] Archlinux upgrade error

2017-11-05 Thread J. Eppler

I tried to upgrade my Archlinux VM. I did not upgrade it for some time. 
However, I get the following dependency errors:

qubes-vm-gui: installing pulsaudio (11.1-1) breaks dependency 'pulsaudio<10.0'
qubes-vm-gui: installing xorg-server (1.19.5-1) breaks dependency 

Is there any fix for that issue? I really like Archlinux on top of Qubes OS.

Best regards
 J. Eppler

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[qubes-users] Re: R3.2 Upgrading Fedora 25 --> 26 templates - PulseAudio issue

2017-11-05 Thread J. Eppler
I would be interested in Fedora 26 or even better 27 in R3.2 as well.

Best regards
  J. Eppler

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[qubes-users] Re: Qubes 3.2 questions and issues.....

2017-11-05 Thread J. Eppler

jumping from Windows directly to Qubes OS is a big step. Congrats for being 
able to make the step. 

> During installation I selected luks encryption, which works fine. But my ssd 
> is encrypted using the bios, so perhaps not using luks would give me better 
> battery life, and cpu performance?

I am not sure how the BIOS is able to encrypt your SSD. However, when it comes 
to encryption I only trust Open Source and LUKS + dm-crypt is Open Source. The 
reason is that others or myself can verify if LUKS + dm-crypt is secure. Of 
course not everybody is an expert in cryptography, but there are some smart 
people who did or do the work for you (or us).
Regarding performance, LUKS + dm-crypt in Qubes OS uses AES (Advanced 
Encryption Standard). CPUs have additional instructions to improve the 
performance of AES in hardware. See 
[AES-NI](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AES_instruction_set) and [Intel® 
Advanced Encryption Standard (Intel® AES) Instructions Set - Rev 
 Therefore, your CPU is very energy efficient in doing the encryption and 
decryption operations. In addition, AES is already optimized for modern desktop 
and embedded CPUs. Keep in mind that full disk encryption requires far less 
resources compared to displaying a window on your screen.

> I did have trouble shutting qubes down. And, I found the best practice was to 
> shutdown all vms and system vms, first. That way I'm guaranteed a quick and 
> easy shutdown, without any issues.

I do the same, because I run into the same issues.

> The power manager on the taskbar occasionally crashes when being used, and I 
> have to go to 'system tools' and restart it.

Interesting, I cannot confirm that behavior. It must be specific to your device.

> Should I install the package inside a new and clean templatevm, then create 
> an appvm from that template? Or create a standalonevm from a clean template 
> and install package inside the appvm? 

I normally download the default templatevm and then create a clone which I 
modify. I then create AppVMs from the cloned/modified template.

> Also, the qubes instructions says fedora minimal uses 300mb disk space, but 
> mine is currently using 1500mb. Which seems like a lot.

Yes, 1500 is the smallest Fedora template. I don't know why 300mb are 
mentioned. I think it refers to the size of the template package.

Regrading your other questions which I skipped. Have a look at: 

Best regards
 J. Eppler

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[qubes-users] Re: What do you guys think about the "OnlyKey"

2017-11-05 Thread J. Eppler
NitroKey is another alternative: https://www.nitrokey.com/

NitroKey is a product from Germany. 

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Re: Negative test result for fedora 24... Was: Re: Request for test: Re: [qubes-users] Fedora 24?

2016-09-15 Thread J. Eppler
Is it a good idea to spend time on fedora 24? Fedora 25 should be released in 
November/December and will use Wayland per default. Would it not be better to 
skip Fedora 24 and focus on resources and efforts on Fedora 25?

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Re: [qubes-users] Blob free linux kernel?

2016-09-15 Thread J. Eppler

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[qubes-users] Re: Why is there no built-in nvidia driver support? aka GTX 980 issues

2016-09-15 Thread J. Eppler
So my big question is: why does Qubes OS not have built-in GPU support? why is 
it working better on integrated graphics?

Integrated graphics cards are mostly Intel based. Intel is one of the top 
contributors to Linux and provides free and open source drivers for their 
integrated GPU's. 

Nvidia is one of the worst companies [1] when it comes to Linux open source 
graphics drivers. On the other hand, Nvidia provides well supported proprietary 

However, including binary drivers in an open source operating system is always 
difficult and raises security problems, since it is impossible to audit the 
source code of the proprietary driver. Who knows what the proprietary driver 
really does?

Another problem is the switching mechanism between integrated and discrete GPU 
in Laptops, Nvidia did never provide any source code or driver for that. The 
open source community had to fill that gap. 

I personally would like to see a powerful open source Noveau driver for Nvidia 
cards which outperforms Nvidia's proprietary driver. 

[1]: [Linus Torvalds Gives Nvidia the Finger. 

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Re: [qubes-users] Qubes 3.0 rc1 Error reset PCI network card in notebook

2016-09-20 Thread J. Eppler

you can try the following. Assign the ethernet controller to a net VM (e. g. 

Open a terminal (Konsole, XFCE) and typte in:

sudo echo -n "1" > /sys/bus/pci/devices/\:01\:00.0/remove 

try to start the net VM, which has the ethernet controller attached.

This should work.

The next step to remove it on startup via script.

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Re: [qubes-users] Qubes 3.0 rc1 Error reset PCI network card in notebook

2016-09-20 Thread J. Eppler
I forgot to mention: Open a terminal (Konsole) in Dom0. Dom0 is your main 
Desktop. You shoul be able to open it in `Menu -> Terminal` or `Menu -> System 
-> Konsole` or something like that.

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[qubes-users] Re: Nix desktop shortcuts in dom0

2016-09-20 Thread J. Eppler

I would do the following:

> should I investigate from the Nix side how to automatically create symlinks 
> to `/usr/share/applications`?

in the other case you would have to modify `qvm-sync-appmenus`, which is 
implemented in python. 

However, I think for a single VM it is easier to go with the symlink solution.

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Re: [qubes-users] Qubes 3.0 rc1 Error reset PCI network card in notebook

2016-09-20 Thread J. Eppler

> Progress! 


> Now a different error message appears when I try to launch a copy of the 
> sys-net template: "Cannot execute qrexec-daemon!"

okay, did you copy the sys-net template or the VM? Can you explain in more 
detail what you did?

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Re: [qubes-users] Qubes 3.0 rc1 Error reset PCI network card in notebook

2016-09-20 Thread J. Eppler

it would be helpful to know the brand and model of your laptop. Maybe other 
people run into a similar issue or solve the issue.

best regards
  J. Eppler

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Re: [qubes-users] WHERE is VT-D implemented..?

2016-09-20 Thread J. Eppler
WHERE is VT-D implemented..?

Intel VT-d is a hardware virtualization feature and it is implemented in 

Xen uses Intel VT-d. Xen does not call it Intel VT-d, instead Xen uses the more 
general term IOMMU (I/O MMU). 

For the rest look at Zrubi's answer.

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[qubes-users] Re: Building Qubes on alternate version of Linux for Dom0 as well as guests...

2016-09-20 Thread J. Eppler

did you had any luck with this documentation: 

The first question what other OS do you want to use?

Second if the instructions are not helpful have a look at the source code. 
Qubes has a builder framework. The building process, for templates and Dom0, is 
done in a chroot environment. At least as I understand it.

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[qubes-users] Re: Qubes on a dedicated server

2016-10-02 Thread J. Eppler
On Friday, September 30, 2016 at 9:05:31 AM UTC-4, Patrick Schleizer wrote:
> Does anyone ever try this?
> Did it work? Any experiences?

Qubes is a desktop operating system. If you want to use the Qubes technology on 
a server install Xen. 

If you want to have a graphical management interface for your Xen server than 
you can use:

- XenServer (Citrix)
- Xen Orchestra (web based)
- VirtManager

or what ever else you like. 

Xen is widely used in the server world. Amazon, Netflix, IBM softlayer etc. use 
Xen as part of their cloud infrastructure. 

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Re: [qubes-users] Kali VM no longer responding

2016-12-15 Thread J. Eppler
Hello @qubenix,

I am interested in your Kali installation process. Did you run into any trouble 
during the installation? Did you follow the KaliVM installation instructions: 

  j. Eppler

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[qubes-users] Re: Kali TemplateVM terminal etc. do not open

2016-12-16 Thread J. Eppler

you can try this:

`qvm-run personal "xterm" --pass-io`

the command will either start "xterm" or simply return an error message.
You can replace "xterm" with "gnome-terminal" or any other program you want to 

For more information have a look here:


 J. Eppler

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[qubes-users] Re: Talos Secure Workstation Crowdfunding

2016-12-16 Thread J. Eppler

here is the correct link:



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Re: [qubes-users] Kali VM no longer responding

2016-12-16 Thread J. Eppler

thank you very much for the detailed answer.

best regards
  J. Eppler

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Re: [qubes-users] Re: [qubes-devel] Re: Announcement: Qubes OS Begins Commercialization and Community Funding Efforts

2016-12-16 Thread J. Eppler
Hello Leeteqxv,

if I understood you correct, what your clientele want's to have is constant 
improvements for Qubes OS. They don't want to compile or test things. 

This is a subscription based model, where people pay the Qubes OS team for 
their ongoing work rather than for an existing product.

Furthermore, I agree with you "memberships-based support services (premium
communities) is a good business model for" Qubes OS.

However, I think that testing new features and introducing new features can be 
done together with the open source community and Qubes OS could offer a LTS 
version for money. LTS version could focus on guaranteeing backports and fixes 
for specific LTS version over a period of 3 or more years, whereas the 
community support will only be offered for a year or till the next version of 
Qubes OS appears.

I think the Qubes OS team should focus on getting paid for their ongoing work 
rather than Qubes OS as a product and the only way to do this is to offer 
monthly or yearly subscriptions for customers and additionally support 
memberships for IT professionals (consultants, IT departments etc.).

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[qubes-users] Re: JeOS?

2016-12-17 Thread J. Eppler

have you thought about Unikernel Operating Systems. They offer really just the 
bare minimum for one single application. MirageOS is the one for Xen.

  J. Eppler

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[qubes-users] How to search for packages in Dom0 repositories?

2016-12-19 Thread J. Eppler

how can I search for packages in Dom0 repositories?

  J. Eppler

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Re: [qubes-users] How to search for packages in Dom0 repositories?

2016-12-19 Thread J. Eppler
Hello Andrew,

thanks for the quick answer.

 J. Eppler

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[qubes-users] How to search, reinstall or remove qubes-templates installed via rpm?

2016-12-19 Thread J. Eppler

1. How can I search for qubes-templates in dom0 rpm repository? The 
qubes-dom0-update tool excludes all templates from a search.

2. How can I reinstall qubes-templates which are installed from the dom0 rpm 

3. How can I remove qubes-templates which are installed from the dom0 rpm repo?

 J. Eppler

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[qubes-users] Re: Redox OS

2016-12-19 Thread J. Eppler

yes, it would be nice to use RedoxOS as sort of graphical Unikernel VM.

RedoxOS could be used for:
- password managers (isolated password manager VM)
- graphical pgp/certificate management
- IRC/XMPP chatting
- network isolated file storage for confidential files
- disposable VMs

in the future:
- email
- browsing

RedoxOS could be used to provide per-application isolation. However, the 
biggest advantage of RedoxOS is the small memory and storage footprint. RedoxOS 
requires approx. 128 MB storage space and needs less memory than most Linux 

I installed it in June on top of Qubes OS and it was running fairly well for 
being a new operating system. It still has some rough edges. 
I especially liked the simplicity of the graphical desktop environment (Orbit).

best regards
  J. Eppler

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Re: [qubes-users] Kali TemplateVM terminal etc. do not open

2016-12-19 Thread J. Eppler

glad I was able to help. However, it is recommended to use: virsh -c xen:/// 
console $VM_NAME instead of xl console $VM_NAME, but both work.

best regards
 J. Eppler

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[qubes-users] Archlinux Community Template Qubes OS 3.2

2016-12-19 Thread J. Eppler

I just wanted to thank the person who created and uploaded the 
qubes-template-archlinux 3.0.6 to the Qubes OS 3.2 rpm repo.

Saved a lot of work.

You can installed it with:
sudo qubes-dom0-update --enablerepo=qubes-templates-community 

  J. Eppler

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Re: [qubes-users] How to search, reinstall or remove qubes-templates installed via rpm?

2016-12-22 Thread J. Eppler

> > 1. How can I search for qubes-templates in dom0 rpm repository? The 
> > qubes-dom0-update tool excludes all templates from a search.
> > 
> $ sudo qubes-dom0-update --action=search qubes-template
> This will pass through the terminal output from the UpdateVM, so even
> though templates are excluded in the dom0 dnf command, you'll still get
> the search results (in red text by default).
> Remember that you won't see community templates unless you enable their repo:
> $ sudo qubes-dom0-update --enablerepo=qubes-templates-community 
> --action=search qubes-template

Reading red text is not a really good solution from an usability perspective. 
What are the reasons to exclude templates from a search in the first place?

> > 3. How can I remove qubes-templates which are installed from the dom0 rpm 
> > repo?
> > 
> Make sure no TemplateBasedVMs are based on the template to be removed.
> Then, in dom0:
> $ sudo dnf remove 

Thanks, that is a greate solution. 

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[qubes-users] Re: Qubes 3.2 Dom0 no longer updating.

2017-01-06 Thread J. Eppler
I encounter the same issue

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Re: [qubes-users] Web Conferencing software and QUbes

2016-05-24 Thread J. Eppler

If there is another web conferencing app that works better for qubes I 
> would be happy to try it.

- you will find the clients here: https://tox.chat/download.html
- I would use qTox or uTox for desktop systems

or another one:


Best regards
  J. Eppler

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[qubes-users] VM logfiles - What information do they provide?

2016-05-25 Thread J. Eppler

one can find VM logfiles in /var/log/qubes.

There are 4 different logfiles for each VM and qmemman.log. What does 
qumemman.log contains and why is it important?

What does guid..log, pacat..log, qrexec..log and 
qubesdb..log contain and why are they important for qubes 

Best regards
  J. Eppler

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Re: [qubes-users] Web Conferencing software and QUbes

2016-05-27 Thread J. Eppler

> Does TOX have video?  if so how is the quality of the connection?

Yes, Tox offers video chats, similar to skype. Tox video communication is 
peer to peer, therefor your internet upload/download rate 
influences the video chat quality. 

Remember Tox itself is just a library, whereas uTox, qTox, Antox etc. are 

Best regards
  J. Eppler

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[qubes-users] Linux Journal Article about Qubes OS

2016-05-27 Thread J. Eppler

the link to the article:

Best regards
  J. Eppler

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[qubes-users] Linux Journal Article about Qubes OS part 2

2016-05-28 Thread J. Eppler

here is the second part of the mini series about Qubes OS:

Best regards
  J. Eppler

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[qubes-users] Re: Qubes OS' mailing lists now available via Gmane!

2016-06-08 Thread J. Eppler

that is nice, but do you have the links to the page?

Best regards
 J. Eppler

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Re: [qubes-users] Re: Should there be a Qubes OS forum?

2016-06-08 Thread J. Eppler
Hello Andrew, 

I think it would be nice to have a easy to search forum for user questions. 
I don't think the qubes-devel list needs a forum.

Best regards
  J. Eppler

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[qubes-users] Re: qubes user guide instructed me to brick my qubes disk

2016-06-09 Thread J. Eppler

Mike Patton is right. Instead of blaming other people afterwards you should 
have asked
before you do something.

Best regards
  J. Eppler

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Re: [qubes-users] Re: Windows 7 virtual graphics card

2016-06-09 Thread J. Eppler

is a resolution of 2560*1400 and 300 dpi supported by Windows 7? 
As far as I know it is difficult to use with Windows 7.

Best regards
  J. Eppler

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[qubes-users] Re: How to install clean template?

2016-06-09 Thread J. Eppler

yes, I normally clone one of the default VM's in the Qubes Manager. Which 
opens a popup dialog to name your cloned template. 

For example: fedora-23 -> clone to fedora-23-dev

Afterwards I tweak the templates for my development needs.

For example: Install my IDE, git etc.

At the last step I create new App VM's which are based on my development 
qube. I name them mostly after the project or programming language.

For example:

Sometimes it is better to create a standalone VM for development. 

Best regards
  J. Eppler

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Re: [qubes-users] Re: How to install clean template?

2016-06-09 Thread J. Eppler
Hello Andrew,

maybe I did not understand his question right. 

Best regards
  J. Eppler

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Re: [qubes-users] Re: Windows 7 virtual graphics card

2016-06-09 Thread J. Eppler

the Windows 7 standard VGA driver allows you to use such high values, but 
this was not my question.
My question was if Windows 7 itself does support 4K displays by default. I 
don't think it is a nice experience
to use Windows less than 10 with an 4K display with only 15" screen size.

Best regards
  J. Eppler

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[qubes-users] Qubes-Cheatsheet user feedback request

2016-06-11 Thread J. Eppler

what would you change or add to the Qubes Cheatsheet?

link to the Cheatsheet: https://github.com/Jeeppler/qubes-cheatsheet

I am eager to get your feedback :-)

Best regards
  J. Eppler

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Re: [qubes-users] Qubes-Cheatsheet user feedback request

2016-06-13 Thread J. Eppler
Hello Andrew, 

I would like to maintain the cheatsheet as separate project. Mainly, 
because it is easier for me
to maintain as separate project.

Best regards
  J. Eppler

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[qubes-users] Re: windows 7 home premium sp1 install issue

2016-06-14 Thread J. Eppler

sadly windows is not 100% stable crash dumps can occur. Sometimes it is 
enough to start the VM
a second or third time. 

After a crash windows normally shows a boot menu with several options (see 
This menu is not visible in Qubes OS, but you can make it visible by 
setting the mark in "Right click -> VM Settings -> Run in Debug Mode".

I read in the specs that the HP EliteBook 850G1 has an SSD drive, so 
Windows should start in
60 seconds. This is the time for the qrexec service. It sometimes helps to 
increase the time to 
for example 120 or 300 seconds.

For example:

qvm-prefs lab-win7 -s qrexec_timeout 120

Best regards
  J. Eppler

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[qubes-users] Re: How to properly administer several templates?

2016-06-14 Thread J. Eppler

if some of the templates have the same functionality with a subset/superset 
of applications 
you could combine them in a new template and reassign the VM's which are 
based on the other templates.

You could use the salt management stack or bash to update/upgrade vm's. 

Best regards
  J. Eppler

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[qubes-users] Re: How to properly administer several templates?

2016-06-14 Thread J. Eppler

On Tuesday, June 14, 2016 at 6:03:46 PM UTC-5, Albin Otterhäll wrote:
> J. Eppler: 
> > if some of the templates have the same functionality with a 
> subset/superset 
> > of applications 
> > you could combine them in a new template and reassign the VM's which are 
> > based on the other templates. 
> The problem is that some software I have installed on one template 
> shouldn't be installed in the other. E.g. I've a template dedicated to 
> development with Docker's own repo added. This adds to the attack 
> surface (not much, but still) and I don't want to risk my general Debian 
> template. 

I normally clone the templates e. g. debian-8 -> debian-8-dev install all 
the needed software. 
If I do something more specific it would make sense to create a 
debian-8-docker-dev template.
You can then create multiple AppVM's based on the debian-8-docker-dev 
template. Than 
you maybe have a general debian-8-dev, debian-8-app and a debian-8-min 
template etc. 

If you want to update/upgrade the different templates regularly, than it 
would be a good idea
to write a small shell, python or ruby script to automate the 
update/upgrade process for all 

There is no good solution for doing this. The flexibility of having many 
templates comes 
with the cost of maintaining all of them separately.

> > You could use the salt management stack or bash to update/upgrade 
> > vm's. 
> I guessed that. I haven't yet read up on SaltStack, but should the salt 
> "scrips" be in dom0, or another secure appvm? Maintaining the salt 
> recipes in a git repo would make it easier when reinstalling Qubes (e.g. 
> when upgrading). 

I don't have any use case where the SaltStack would make sense for me, 
therefor I 
do not use it.

Best regards
  J. Eppler

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Re: [qubes-users] Use case play edu DVD with wine

2016-06-18 Thread J. Eppler

0. Shutdown your AppVM if running
1. Please start the Template VM install wine, it will skip if already 
2. Shutdown the template VM

3. Start your AppVM
4. Try to start wine

Best regards
  J. Eppler

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[qubes-users] Re: AMD versus Intel

2016-06-18 Thread J. Eppler

the questiion Intel vs. AMD was coming up multiple times.
In short Qubes OS supports Intel based Notebooks, because Notebooks with 
AMD CPU are hard to find.

Xen's CPU/Memory virtualization is pretty efficient. Everything related to 
graphics virtualization
is difficult. In general because of close source driver and the lack of 
virtualization extensions
for GPU's.

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[qubes-users] Re: New qubes user question/issue: firewall VM consuming unexpected amount of RAM

2016-06-18 Thread J. Eppler

all VM's in Qubes consume a large amount of memory by default. You can 
restrict your firewall VM to 1 GB or less. 
You can restrict the memory consummtion under 'Right click -> VM Settings 
-> Advanced' to Max. Memory ~1024 MB or less. 

There is also a Unikernel solution. Unikernels are special purpose 
operating systems. Thomas Leonard created a Unikernel firewall for Qubes OS 
which runs perfectly fine with 30 MB of RAM. 

You will find resources on how to do it here:

Best regards
  J. Eppler

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Re: [qubes-users] Qubes-Cheatsheet user feedback request

2016-06-21 Thread J. Eppler
Hello Zrubi , 

> You should update the qubes-hcl-report entry according to --help 

 I assume you mean the qubes-hcl-report -s option. Sadly qubes-hcl-report 
with and without -s did not work on my system. Maybe you can give me a more 
detailed hint on what to update?

Best regards 
  J. Eppler

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[qubes-users] Re: VMWare inside Debian AppVM?

2016-06-21 Thread J. Eppler

Xen is capable of doing so called nested virtualization:


Nested virtualization is more a experimental topic for researchers. 

If you just want to run a VMWare VM on your Qubes OS than you should simply 
consider converting the VMWare VM to a Xen VM and run it on top of Qubes OS 
as (e. g. HVM).

Best regards
  J. Eppler

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[qubes-users] Re: I miss the KDE cpu sensor

2016-07-20 Thread J. Eppler
On Wednesday, July 20, 2016 at 10:03:19 AM UTC-5, raah...@gmail.com wrote:
> On Tuesday, July 19, 2016 at 11:47:44 PM UTC-4, Drew White wrote:
> > On Wednesday, 20 July 2016 12:05:59 UTC+10, raah...@gmail.com  wrote:
> > 
> > XFCE has CPU meter for the system bar.
> > 
> > > On Tuesday, July 19, 2016 at 9:48:36 PM UTC-4, Drew White wrote:
> > > > You miss the KDE sensor for CPU, I miss the networking stats... On 
> > > > NetVM and FirewallVm I have to run bwm-ng all the time because I can't 
> > > > see each individual network stats.
> > > 
> > > haha nice, I have to check that applet out.  Ya man sometimes when my old 
> > > dinosaur of a computer start lagging out i'm like wtf is going on.  I 
> > > look in qubes manager and everything adding to like 20% use from a couple 
> > > vms.  I look at kde applet and its showing like 90% total cpu use and I 
> > > think ok, it wasn't just me in head,  something is going on and try to 
> > > investigate.Would love i/o activity in qubes manager as well.   
> > > 
> > 
> > I don't assign all my cores to the guests.. I only assign a maximum of 4 to 
> > any guest. That way, there is still processing power left for XEN.
> > XFCE has IO display as well.
> > There are other monitors in Dom0 that can show you the IO as well. I just 
> > can't remember where they were been a while since I used them.
> > 
> > >   I still run etherape on screen in sys-net.  So much better then feeling 
> > > like its making me vulnerable on bare metal os,  who cares if etherape 
> > > gets hacked in sys net, plus I remove that vm often anyways lol.  On this 
> > > machine it prolly don't matter but good practice anyways imo.
> > 
> > I run text based. Not graphics based in any way. Uses less CPU then.
> I'm not sure what you mean by xfce has io display,  do you mean the task 
> manager?  I don't find it accurate.   I installed iotop to dom0 once but I 
> figure maybe not a good idea to install anything to dom0.  Is there some xen 
> command to show it?

xl top is the xen counterpart to the linux top command

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[qubes-users] Re: Unable to get right X display for kali on HVM

2016-08-03 Thread J. Eppler
On Monday, August 1, 2016 at 8:58:56 AM UTC-5, NewbieG wrote:
> Hello list,
> I'm running Qubes OS 3.1 and I'm trying to have a Kali VM (2016.1).
> I've tried both methods suggested in:
> https://www.qubes-os.org/doc/pentesting/kali/
> First one, works ok if you run kali from DVD without installing it. If I try 
> to install it, login window flickers and once logged on, the desktop shows up 
> 'misplaced' (see attach).

I was first able to install and run kali without the above problems, but since 
Kali is a rolling distribution, I will test it again.
> Second one, as someone already pointed out in the list, introduces conflicts 
> between X packages from kali and X packages from the debian-9 template.

For the second method there are two paths, one which uses kali repos directly 
and another is based on katoolin (which is a helper script).

Use the katoolin one, that method works well.

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Re: [qubes-users] AMD Zen Secure Encrypted Virtualization (SEV)

2016-08-20 Thread J. Eppler

till now the argument of Qubes OS was that there are no laptops with AMD CPU's 
or APU's which Qubes OS can run on. 

Qubes OS primary focus is on laptops and than on workstations. 

Qubes OS uses Xen to isolate "qubes" (vms) from each other. Xen can run on AMD, 
Intel, ARM and other platforms. Therefor Qubes itself is not dependent on the 
hardware itself. Qubes depends on certain virtualization extensions like Second 
Level Address Translation (SLAT), CPU virtualization extension and 
IO-Virtualization (IOMMU). AMD has all those virtualization features. So, in 
theory Qubes OS could run on AMD chips.

The problem till now was that AMD was not producing any hardware which was able 
to compete with Intel's quasi mono pole. This changed with this weeks AMD Zen 
announcement. The next question is: when does AMD Zen CPU's will appear in 

The next question is, will AMD offer SEV support for consumer CPU's? 

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[qubes-users] Blob free linux kernel?

2016-09-12 Thread J. Eppler

I was wondering if Qubes provides a blob free linux kernel for VM's?
And if not why not?

Best regards
 J. Eppler

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