On Wednesday, February 28, 2018 at 5:55:03 PM UTC+1, klausd...@mail2tor.com 
> Hey guys,
> i have a big problem with "Anonymizing your MAC Address with macchanger
> and scripts". I used this Tutorial on the Qubes Doc:
> https://www.qubes-os.org/doc/anonymizing-your-mac-address/
> Everytime it happens the same:
> 1) I create the file macspoof@.service with sudo gedit
> /etc/systemd/system/macspoof@.service
> 2) I copie the text in the newly created gedit file:
> [Unit]
> Description=macchanger on %I
> # Hack since macspoof@%i contains @ which is not allowed yet
> ConditionPathExists=/var/run/qubes-service/macspoof-%i
> Wants=network-pre.target
> Before=network-pre.target
> BindsTo=sys-subsystem-net-devices-%i.device
> After=sys-subsystem-net-devices-%i.device
> [Service]
> ExecStart=/usr/bin/macchanger -e %I
> Type=oneshot
> [Install]
> WantedBy=multi-user.target
> 3) In the Fedora Terminal is says:
> [user@fedora-23 ~]$ sudo gedit /etc/systemd/system/macspoof@.service
> (gedit:1029): Gtk-WARNING **: Calling Inhibit failed:
> GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name
> org.gnome.SessionManager was not provided by any .service files
> What should i do?

It could be that you're using fedora 23? It's no longer supported, and maybe 
it's unable of talking with the rest of your Qubes system in a proper way, thus 
perhaps that is why it fails for you. Are you sure you keep dom0/templates 
updated in sync with each others? For example your dom0 may be updated, but 
your fedora-23 template isn't since its no longer maintained.

Fedora 24/25 is no good either, you need to go all the way to fedora-26. Fedora 
27 is out too, but it's not fully supported by Qubes yet. So fedora-26 is what 
you want. You can download and install it with "sudo qubes-dom0-update 
qubes-template-fedora-26" <--- it will take a while, especially if you got a 
slow connection or system. Be sure you got plenty of gigabyte space ready for 
it to install on, it'll take a bit more space to install before it shrinks 
again when finished.

Update the template fully, and try perform your script in the fedora-26 
template instead.

Also be sure you change your sys-net and sys-firewall, and other VM's that run 
on out of date and no longer supported templates. You need to fully change all 
of them away from fedora-23, before you can delete the old fedora-23 as well.

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