On Monday, December 23, 2019 at 9:06:09 AM UTC-5, Spleen Productions wrote:
> I've setup a machine running R2 since i need audio working on Windows HVM.
> I would like to install QWT but when i run sudo-qubes-dom0-update i get 
> the following error:
> One of the configured repositories failed (Fedora 20 - x86_64)
> .......
> Cannot retreive metalink for repository: fedora. Please verify it's path 
> and try again.
> Do i need to configure qubes-dom0.repo?

Fedora 20 is no longer supported.
Qubes R2 is no longer supported.

Generally, I doubt anyone on the list will recommend you continue using 
such older unmaintained security software.

So..if your hardware supports Qubes R4.0, my suggestion would be installing 
that, assigning one of your PCI USB controllers to the Window HVM, and then 
utilize a hardware USB audio device for audio out of the Windows HVM.


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