Re: [qubes-users] Setting up wasabi

2019-07-12 Thread Claudia

Hi, Im trying to install Wasabi on Qubes.

Downloading works fin. Then I klick on the downloaded file and a new folder 
apears (I guse the files has bin un packed or something). Theres a bunch of 
files in there. And I have no ideer what to do from there on.

This might be more of general qustion about instaltions on qubes. Sould I juse 
some particular program to install?

I have instald it on macos by the way so im not a compleat moron.

First, I don't know anything about this Wasabi thing, so I'm speaking in 
general terms here.

I would say, try installing it from the package manager (aka. "Software 
Center") for the distro you're trying to install it in, be it Debian 
(apt-get), Whonix (apt-get), Fedora (dnf), Arch (pacman), etc. Only 
install from downloaded files as a last resort, if it is not available 
in package repos.

If that doesn't work, post a list of the files you extracted, or a link 
to the file you downloaded.

Actually, now that I'm looking at the website, I don't even see a 
version of the software for Linux. Also, there's plenty of third-party 
apps listed. You could try looking for those in the software center as well.

You might have better luck asking on the Wasabi forums (if any), or the 
forums for your distro. They can probably help you better than we can. 
What you're asking doesn't seem to have anything to do with Qubes itself.

By the way Im seting up a regular vm that is not directed trough whonix. Becous 
wasabi is allredy configurated trough Tor. For that reason theres no point 
runing wasabi in a vm that is directed trough whonix, right?

You should still install it in a Whonix VM. If you install Wasabi in a 
regular VM, a bug could result in your real IP address being leaked, 
e.g. DNS leak. Whonix forces all traffic to go through Tor, even if 
something is misconfigured or has a bug.

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[qubes-users] Setting up wasabi

2019-07-12 Thread 27casanova27
Sorry if my qustion was to unclear. It can be narowd down to: How to install 
programs on qubes. If any one has experince of instaling Wadabi in particular 
that would be even better.

the down loaded files dosent look like they do on mac os or windows. In general 
theres one file that starts the instalation. In qubes I dont see that. 

the exceptionaly bad speling is completly by birth. takes for ever to fix it. I 
hope you got trough the text


Best Regards 

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[qubes-users] Setting up wasabi

2019-07-11 Thread 27casanova27
Hi, Im trying to install Wasabi on Qubes.

Downloading works fin. Then I klick on the downloaded file and a new folder 
apears (I guse the files has bin un packed or something). Theres a bunch of 
files in there. And I have no ideer what to do from there on.

This might be more of general qustion about instaltions on qubes. Sould I juse 
some particular program to install?

I have instald it on macos by the way so im not a compleat moron.

By the way Im seting up a regular vm that is not directed trough whonix. Becous 
wasabi is allredy configurated trough Tor. For that reason theres no point 
runing wasabi in a vm that is directed trough whonix, right?

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