This is true, I have one of the first P51 models and it used to have threewi options in the BIOS 1) integrated, 2) hybrid and 3) discrete.
With integrated mode everything worked like a dream, also the HDMI output.
But after I got some serious ‎problems after an year with the internal display (when powered up the display got distorted after few minutes), lenovo service changed the motherboard and after that there was only two options left in the BIOS (hybrid and discrete). Also the HDMI connector does not work anymore :(

Lähetetty Jolla Sailfish -älypuhelimestani.
Lähetetty: sunnuntaina 12. huhtikuuta 2020 1.53
Päättymisaika: qubes-users
Aihe: Re: [qubes-users] KDE Plasma in dom0 under R4.0.3

On Saturday, April 11, 2020 at 7:10:18 PM UTC, Sven Semmler wrote:
On Sat, Apr 11, 2020 at 02:48:17PM -0400, Chris Laprise wrote:
> I've never had a problem with KDE in dom0 as long as the display manager is
> switched to sddm and BIOS is set to integrated graphics. "Discrete graphics"
> usually means Nvidia, which is poorly supported in open source operating
> systems.

Funny enough, motivated by your comment I went and switched back to
"hybrid" (aka integrated) graphics ... and all my issues came back!

So while I am sure your statement is correct in general, on my
particular setup switching to the discrete graphics makes everything
work. Every rule has an exception I guess.

Hybrid graphics routing for nvidia optimus has changed over the years.

On older laptop models, one could select among integrated, hybrid and discrete. For many of us, selecting integrated graphics was the most stable option.

On more recent optimus laptops, integrated is no longer an option, you can only select between hybrid and discrete. I believe this limitation is due to how the signal routing now requires some level of firmware support in the discrete chipset to get video out.

In any case, hybrid has always (nearly?) impossible to get working under Xen/ the next best option has been making discrete work.


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