Re: [ntp:questions] Dual-core systems - AMD - Windows Vista

2007-12-09 Thread Harlan Stenn
>>> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "David J Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

David> That error, perhaps, but there are dozens of warnings when you
David> compile, making it impossible to judge what success you have had.  I
David> come from a background where we expect software to compile with a
David> "zero errors, zero warnings" result.

I'd like that too.  And we are slowly working on it.  And the biggest source
of warnings in the beast come from the OpenSSL headers.

And there are places where we quiet warnings for one compiler/platform and
they spring up on another compiler/platform.

It is tricky...
Harlan Stenn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  - be a member!

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] Dual-core systems - AMD - Windows Vista

2007-12-09 Thread Richard B. Gilbert
David J Taylor wrote:
> Danny Mayer wrote:
> []
>>No, you extract the openssl files to a directory at the same level as
>>ntp. Then you read the INSTALL.W32 file for instructions on how to
>>build openssl. I don't build with the assembler code.
> Danny, thanks for your "encouragement" - I did do all this, of course, but 
> I will pursue this further.

> That error, perhaps, but there are dozens of warnings when  you compile, 
> making it impossible to judge what success you have had.  I come from a 
> background where we expect software to compile with a "zero errors, zero 
> warnings" result.

That can be extremely difficult to achieve over multiple platforms and 
It is made more difficult because various compiler accept different 
deviations from the standard.  I believe that gcc is notorious for that 
and there may well be others.

In the days when I was porting Unixish C code to OpenVMS, I used the 
compiler options that demanded "maximum rectitude" for compliance with 
the then ANSI standard. (I believe the standard changed several times 
since I last did this.)  This found a couple of actual bugs and quite a 
bit of what I considered "sleazy coding" which I did my best to clean 
up.  I added zillions of missing function declarations, corrected 
function declarations that falsely claimed that a function returned 
something that it did not or vice versa. . . .

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] Dual-core systems - AMD - Windows Vista

2007-12-09 Thread David J Taylor
Richard B. Gilbert wrote:
> That can be extremely difficult to achieve over multiple platforms and
> compilers.

Multi-platform must make zero warnings many times more difficult - I can 
appreciate that.

> It is made more difficult because various compiler accept different
> deviations from the standard.  I believe that gcc is notorious for
> that and there may well be others.

Standards - don't you love it when there are so many to choose from!

> In the days when I was porting Unixish C code to OpenVMS, I used the
> compiler options that demanded "maximum rectitude" for compliance with
> the then ANSI standard. (I believe the standard changed several times
> since I last did this.)  This found a couple of actual bugs and quite
> a bit of what I considered "sleazy coding" which I did my best to
> clean up.  I added zillions of missing function declarations,
> corrected function declarations that falsely claimed that a function
> returned something that it did not or vice versa. . . .

I know I much prefer the far fewer variants of Windows compared to the 
multiplicity of versions of Linux - people were demanding exactly this 
version of that release with those options.  Oh, and they had different 
package mechanisms as well!  Not good for a very small software team.

Actually having two different teams working to the same document can lead 
to good results, though.  I recall how the folks in VMS writing the 
equivalent of "chkdsk" would check disks produced by the OS writers, and 
find how different folk had interpreted different fields.  I try for 
clarity rather than cleverness when coding.  I may even have to maintain 
the code myself!


questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] Dual-core systems - AMD - Windows Vista

2007-12-09 Thread Richard B. Gilbert
David J Taylor wrote:
> Richard B. Gilbert wrote:
> []
>>That can be extremely difficult to achieve over multiple platforms and
> Multi-platform must make zero warnings many times more difficult - I can 
> appreciate that.
>>It is made more difficult because various compiler accept different
>>deviations from the standard.  I believe that gcc is notorious for
>>that and there may well be others.
> Standards - don't you love it when there are so many to choose from!
>>In the days when I was porting Unixish C code to OpenVMS, I used the
>>compiler options that demanded "maximum rectitude" for compliance with
>>the then ANSI standard. (I believe the standard changed several times
>>since I last did this.)  This found a couple of actual bugs and quite
>>a bit of what I considered "sleazy coding" which I did my best to
>>clean up.  I added zillions of missing function declarations,
>>corrected function declarations that falsely claimed that a function
>>returned something that it did not or vice versa. . . .
> I know I much prefer the far fewer variants of Windows compared to the 
> multiplicity of versions of Linux - people were demanding exactly this 
> version of that release with those options.  Oh, and they had different 
> package mechanisms as well!  Not good for a very small software team.
> Actually having two different teams working to the same document can lead 
> to good results, though.  I recall how the folks in VMS writing the 
> equivalent of "chkdsk" would check disks produced by the OS writers, and 
> find how different folk had interpreted different fields.  I try for 
> clarity rather than cleverness when coding.  

An excellent goal.

>I may even have to maintain 
> the code myself!

Few of us are lucky enough to find someone else willing/able to maintain 
our code!!  I always felt that if something needed maintenance, nobody 
else was going to do it.  I tried to write code that I would be 
willing/able to maintain.  I  would expect to be able to maintain 
FORTRAN code I wrote thirty years ago.  I used meaningful variable names 
and commented liberally.  I preferred the simple and direct to the 
clever and obscure.

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] MI5 Persecution: Leicester Square 9/2/98 (13930)

2007-12-09 Thread MI5 Fan

Woo hoo!  Go MI5!

Hey MI5, can you email me a list of nutters you're persecuting?  So I 
can help?

> Leicester Square - 9/Feb/1998
> In February 1998 I spent some time in Leicester Square, in the West End
> of London. This is a very busy area of London, and one which can be relied
> on to produce "contacts". Capital Radio's offices and their cafe are
> located here, the Trocadero is nearby, and the place is full of cinemas
> and entertainment venues.
> Certainty level: 100%
> A young girl is heard to say, "Alright I'm going to talk to myself" to her
> friends, followed by all of them laughing together, as I passed by.
> Believe me, I do not look mad in real life, these young people would not
> have directed their comments and laughter at me unless they had already
> been told by others that I was ill. I am absolutely certain that their
> behaviour was directed at me, and this audio file is particularly clear.
> Certainty level: 60%
> This one was recorded in a cafe in Green Park. Two women are talking to
> each other, one of them says to the other, "something wrong with him",
> with an emphasis on the "wrong".
> The words "something wrong with him" have been repeated at me dozens of
> times, at my former workplace in Canada, in England, etc. The words are
> quite deliberately chosen to have two meanings; they obviously imply that
> I am ill, without forcing the abusers to demean themselves by using
> more pejorative terms, although they have shown that they have no
> compunction in that area; and secondly, the words "wrong ... him" make
> me at fault, and place the guilt for the abusers' wrongdoing on my
> shoulders.
> Certainty level: 30%
> Recorded on a Victoria line tube train leaving Green Park station.
> If you listen carefully you can pick up the word "hunchback". The speaker
> had emitted a swear word immediately before this excerpt; both the swear
> word, and the "hunchback", were (I believe) directed at me.
> 13930
Get the passwords:

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] Linux as clients not synching with Win/Tardis Time server

2007-12-09 Thread Danny Mayer
suj wrote:
> We are planning on eventually getting Linux to be the NTP servers, but
> since the existing clients are all pointing to the Win server with
> Tardis on it, we want to maintain it that way till we migrate to linux
> completely. The concern is to get the linux servers to right now be
> able to point to the existing Win servers with Tardis.
> Suj

Don't. Just have the Linux servers point to external servers like the
pool and then you don't have to change anything later. You are likely to
get better quality time service that way. Tardis is a bit short on
technical information so it's hard to tell what it does, how it does it
and how reliable the service is.

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] Linux as clients not synching with Win/Tardis Time server

2007-12-09 Thread eugenemil
On Dec 5, 11:05 am, suj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 3 Windows NTP server = Win 2003 Std Ed,  Win 2000, Win 2003 Std Ed SP2
> 64 bit Linux= Suse SLES
> The 3 windows NTP time servers are pointing to the external public
> time server pool.
> I looked up your archives and I see references to modifying W32time /
> Windows registry and ofcourse advice to make Linux the time servers.
> Our setup has 3 windows servers with Tardis2000 running as the time
> server to our windows clients. We are deploying linux servers and want
> to maintain status quo on the time servers till we reach a critical
> mass where eventually we will have linux as NTP servers. So for the
> time being we have to sync up Linux clients with Win Time Servers.
>  I have setup the ntp.conf as per the standard
> my ntp.conf:
> --
> server
> fudge stratum 10
> server  burst iburst
> server  burst iburst
> server  burst iburst
> peer 
> peer 
> driftfile /var/lib/ntp/drift/ntp.drift
> logfile /var/log/ntp
> --
> austinpower:/home/austin # ntpdc -c peers
>  remote   localstpoll  reach  delay
> offsetdisp
> ===
> *LOCAL(0)  10   64  377   0.0  0.00
> 0.03033
> = 1024  377  0.00017 -69.55465
> 0.06303
> 1024  377   0.00015 -70.18628
> 0.06310
> 1024  377  0.00017 -69.14703 0.06311
> The 3 Win time servers have a stratum of 14 and the Linux time is
> synched to its LCL clock. Also the ntpd does not like the time servers
> as seen from the "x" against their entries
> austinpower:/home/austin # ntpq -p
>   remote   refid   st  t  when poll reach
> delay   offset   jitter
> ==
> *LOCAL(0) LOCAL(0) 10 l   23   64 3770.000
> 0.0000.001
>  14 u  232 1024  377  0.153  -70186.
> 1.645
>  14 u  348 1024  377  0.179  -69147.
> 5.233
> x10.222.0.55 u  726 1024   377  0.170  -69554.
> 2.765
> giving the time server IP in the ntpq command;
> # ntpq -p
> timed out, nothing received
> ***Request timed out
> I have Linux bonding/network teaming, should that make a difference to
> the ntp syncing?
> I don't think so, but just explaining the setup.
> austinpower:/home/austin # route -n
> Kernel IP routing table
> Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref
> Use Iface
>  U   0
> 00 bond0
> U   0
> 00 lo
>   UG 0
> 00 bond0
> ntpdate command exits as if the time servers were not available. But I
> can ping those Win servers from my linux servers, basically not a
> network connectivity issue. I can also do a "nslookup 
> " from the linux m/c's and it resolves the names correctly.
> ntpdate cmd comes back with ;
> # ntpdate -u
>  5 Dec 10:39:05 ntpdate[10238]: no servers can be used, exiting
> # ntpdate -u
>  5 Dec 10:39:27 ntpdate[10239]: no server suitable for synchronization
> found
> #cat /var/lib/ntp/drift/ntp.drift
> -143.940   result on one linux server
> 460.786result on the other linux server
> # netstat -anu
> Active Internet connections (servers and established)
> Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address   Foreign Address
> State
> udp0  0
> udp0  0*<<<
> Secondary bond IP
> udp0  0*   <<< Secondary
> bond IP
> udp0  0*   <<< Secondary
> bond IP
> udp0  0*  <<< Primary
> bond IP
> udp0  0
> udp0  0
> udp0  0 :::
> 123  :::*
> How can I make these linux servers to sync up with the tardis time
> servers on the windoze boxes?
> Thanking in advance.
> Suj

Isn't there a problem here with the stratum levels?  Tardis on the
Windows boxes is set to stratum 14, and the local clock on the Linux
box is fudged to stratum 10.  A stratum 10 is not going to sync to a
stratum 14.


questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] Linux as clients not synching with Win/Tardis Time server

2007-12-09 Thread Hal Murray

>Don't. Just have the Linux servers point to external servers like the
>pool and then you don't have to change anything later. You are likely to
>get better quality time service that way. Tardis is a bit short on
>technical information so it's hard to tell what it does, how it does it
>and how reliable the service is.

I thought that name rang a bell..

The seem to be short on clues as well as technical information.

These are my opinions, not necessarily my employer's.  I hate spam.

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] Linux as clients not synching with Win/Tardis Time server

2007-12-09 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2007-12-10, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Dec 5, 11:05 am, suj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [---=| Quote block shrinked by t-prot: 108 lines snipped |=---]

Please trim the quoted material in your reply.

>> How can I make these linux servers to sync up with the tardis time
>> servers on the windoze boxes?
> Isn't there a problem here with the stratum levels? Tardis on the
> Windows boxes is set to stratum 14, and the local clock on the Linux
> box is fudged to stratum 10. A stratum 10 is not going to sync to a
> stratum 14.

The linux systems should not be using the Undisciplined Local Clock
unless they are serving time to others _and_ they need to be able to do
so even when no real time sources are reachable.

Steve Kostecke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] Linux as clients not synching with Win/Tardis Time server

2007-12-09 Thread Richard B. Gilbert
suj wrote:
> 3 Windows NTP server = Win 2003 Std Ed,  Win 2000, Win 2003 Std Ed SP2
> 64 bit Linux= Suse SLES
> The 3 windows NTP time servers are pointing to the external public
> time server pool.
> I looked up your archives and I see references to modifying W32time /
> Windows registry and ofcourse advice to make Linux the time servers.
> Our setup has 3 windows servers with Tardis2000 running as the time
> server to our windows clients. We are deploying linux servers and want
> to maintain status quo on the time servers till we reach a critical
> mass where eventually we will have linux as NTP servers. So for the
> time being we have to sync up Linux clients with Win Time Servers.
>  I have setup the ntp.conf as per the standard
> my ntp.conf:
> --
> server
> fudge stratum 10
> server  burst iburst
> server  burst iburst
> server  burst iburst

Why are you using both the burst and iburst keywords?

Iburst is used to get a fast startup by sending the first eight requests 
at intervals of two seconds.  This fills the filter pipeline and gets 
enough data to start synchronizing the clock  in sixteen seconds.  It is 
recommended for normal use.

Burst, OTOH, is a special purpose hack intended for systems that make a 
dialup telephone connection one to three times per day.  It causes your 
system to send eight queries at interals of two seconds at each poll 
interval.  You should NOT be using it unless you have the permission of 
the server's owner since it places eight times the normal load on the 
server.  Even if YOU own the servers, it's not going to do you much good 
unless, as mentioned above, you are making a dialup connection at long 

The NTP documentation does not explain this as well as it might!  It is, 
however, much improved since I first saw it four or five years ago!

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] Linux as clients not synching with Win/Tardis Time server

2007-12-09 Thread Danny Mayer
Hal Murray wrote:
>> Don't. Just have the Linux servers point to external servers like the
>> pool and then you don't have to change anything later. You are likely to
>> get better quality time service that way. Tardis is a bit short on
>> technical information so it's hard to tell what it does, how it does it
>> and how reliable the service is.
> I thought that name rang a bell..
> The seem to be short on clues as well as technical information.

My knowledge of Tardis actually goes back to the mid-1990's when I was
pursuing something else. I did not get much information back then
either. I know about that incident too and we did get them to change the
way he was doing things.

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] Source address in response always the same as target address in request?

2007-12-09 Thread Danny Mayer
Brian Utterback wrote:
> Perhaps proper, but ill-advised. Look at the trouble we have
> had trying to satisfy that requirement. I am sitting at a
> system that currently has over 300 UDP ports in use. Exactly
> one of those UDP ports is bound on each interface, namely 123.
> Interestingly, it is also bound twice on the wildcard address
> as well.
> Until recently, it wasn't possible in a portable manner, for
> a process to listen on a UDP port, receive a request and
> then issue a reply with the reply's source address guaranteed
> to be the same as the request's destination address. And
> virtually all UDP protocols had a way to deal with it, except
> NTP.

Not true. NTP had a number of bugs in it that needed to get fixed.
Getting through all of the use cases took a long time to get right.
That's a bug not an architectural flaw.

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] Trace ntp sanity checks?

2007-12-09 Thread Danny Mayer
Steve Kostecke wrote:
>> does anyone of you have details regarding my original question:
>> How can i find out which of the sanity-checks failed? 
> I don't think you can.

if the sanity-checks failed it should put out a hex value containing the
errors detected. You then have to look at the code to see what those
bits mean. We shoulf be making this easier. What was the error that you
got? Sorry but I haven't been following this.

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] SNMP support

2007-12-09 Thread Danny Mayer
Harlan Stenn wrote:
> David> Not SNTP - the management protocol SNMP.
> Ah, I read too quicklky.
> That is being discussed in the IETF NTP Workgroup.

No, what's being discussed is the MIB, not the implementation. Noone has
stepped up to implement this and I'm not volunteering for this one.

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] Dual-core systems - AMD - Windows Vista

2007-12-09 Thread Danny Mayer
David J Taylor wrote:
> That error, perhaps, but there are dozens of warnings when  you compile, 
> making it impossible to judge what success you have had.  I come from a 
> background where we expect software to compile with a "zero errors, zero 
> warnings" result.

I don't work on OpenSSL or you wouldn't get any though you might well do
so with VS 2005.

You get no errors or warnings if you if you build software that I have
been paid to get to work, which is why you will get warnings for NTP.


> Cheers,
> David 
> ___
> questions mailing list

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] Dual-core systems - AMD - Windows Vista

2007-12-09 Thread Danny Mayer
Harlan Stenn wrote:
 In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "David J Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> David> That error, perhaps, but there are dozens of warnings when you
> David> compile, making it impossible to judge what success you have had.  I
> David> come from a background where we expect software to compile with a
> David> "zero errors, zero warnings" result.
> I'd like that too.  And we are slowly working on it.  And the biggest source
> of warnings in the beast come from the OpenSSL headers.

And I get absolutely none when I build BIND9.


> And there are places where we quiet warnings for one compiler/platform and
> they spring up on another compiler/platform.
> It is tricky...

questions mailing list