Re: [ntp:questions] Garmin 18 LVC: whether to fudge

2009-02-11 Thread Unruh
"Richard B. Gilbert"  writes:

> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm using a Garmin 18 LVC connected using LinuxPPS with mostly good results. 
>> I am curious about one thing though.  The offset reported by the GPS18
>> differ from the public NIST servers by around 1.7-1.9MS.  as shown in the
>> offset numbers of ntpq below.
>>  remote   refid  st t when poll reach   delay   offset  
>> jitter
>> ==
>> *GPS_NMEA(0) .GPS.0 l4   16  3770.000   -0.448   
>> 0.189
>> +bigben.cac.wash .USNO.   1 u   34 1024  377   11.1340.283   
>> 2.645
>> All of the server's internet peers are ahead by around that same value so
>> I'm guessing that when the GPS18 loses sync, ntpd would have to bring the
>> clock up by 2MS and reverse when signal is reacquired.
>> Is there any way to know whether it's our internet link (ADSL) causing the
>> internet servers to appear off or does the GPS18 need a time1 fudge to bring
>> it in line with the others?  That is, is there a 2MS lag in processing the
>> interrupt for PPS?
>> Best,
>> Shane

>My bet would be that there is an asymmetry in your ADSL link!   If I'm 
>not mistaken, the "A" in ADSL stands for asymmetric!  Your GPS PPS 
>output is probably within 50 nanoseconds of the exact time!  The process 
>of getting that signal into your computer is going degrade the accuracy 
>by an amount that is somewhere between difficult and impossible to measure.

No, it is not. Put out a signal on one of the parallel port pins, and run
that into the whatever you use for the PPS input. read the system time when
you turn on the parallel pin and when the interrupt is read on the PPS
input. Subtract. On my system this is from 1-3usec, most usually 1.
Note that this is measuring the time required to switch on the parallel pin
as well as getting the input from the PPS pin, so it overestimates the

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] Garmin 18 LVC: whether to fudge

2009-02-11 Thread Unruh writes:


>I'm using a Garmin 18 LVC connected using LinuxPPS with mostly good results. 
>I am curious about one thing though.  The offset reported by the GPS18
>differ from the public NIST servers by around 1.7-1.9MS.  as shown in the
>offset numbers of ntpq below.
> remote   refid  st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
>*GPS_NMEA(0) .GPS.0 l4   16  3770.000   -0.448   0.189
>+bigben.cac.wash .USNO.   1 u   34 1024  377   11.1340.283   2.645

>All of the server's internet peers are ahead by around that same value so
>I'm guessing that when the GPS18 loses sync, ntpd would have to bring the
>clock up by 2MS and reverse when signal is reacquired.

Sorry, where is that 1.7-1.9ms? I see a difference of .7ms, which, given
the 11 ms delay is pretty good. 

>Is there any way to know whether it's our internet link (ADSL) causing the
>internet servers to appear off or does the GPS18 need a time1 fudge to bring
>it in line with the others?  That is, is there a 2MS lag in processing the
>interrupt for PPS?

If there is a 2ms delay is processing the interrupt, throw away your system
and buy a new one. It is severely damaged. 

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] What is the "best" synchronization possible over the network?

2009-02-11 Thread Unruh (John Ioannidis) writes:

>The problem setup: two locations, both within the United States, neither 
>has roof access so no GPS reception is possible.  How do you synchronize 

What about window access?  And since you have money, I am sure that your
building does have a roof. Stick a cheap computer near the roof and run a
GPS18 onto the roof and a cable down to that computer. (Nota that you can
extend the line beyond the 5M that the GPS18 comes with -- to get really
best results with an amplifier and matched lines, and run the wires down to
the computers. 

Ie, set up fast amps connected with cat 5 cable and 100ohm termnation on
each end.

>them with better than 50-microsecond accuracy?  Straight NTP over the 
>Internet doesn't do the trick.  They don't need to actually be 

Sure it does. have one of them as a client of the other and on a local
ethernet you should be able to get 50usec agreement. 

>synchronized to "real" time, they only need to be synchronized to each 
>other.  Assume reasonably unlimited resources (running a private fiber 
>plant across the continent *is* unreasonable).

Is running a single Cat5 to the roof unreasonable?

>I've looked into slaving something off a voice-carrier time base, but 
>that's not accurate enough.  Maybe something over raw SONET would do the 



questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] Very rapid polling

2009-02-11 Thread Unruh (Danny Mayer) writes:

>Unruh wrote:
>> "Richard B. Gilbert"  writes:
>>> Unruh wrote:
 "Richard B. Gilbert"  writes:

> jlevine wrote:
>> In the last few days I have seen an increasing number of systems that
>> are requesting the time in NTP format several times per second. This
>> poll interval is far in excess of the usual best practices. Since
>> there are a number of such systems, it is possible that this problem
>> is a result of a new version of NTP that has just been released.
>> Please let me know if you have any information about a new version of
>> NTP that can do this or if any of you are seeing the same problem.
>> Thanks.
>> Judah Levine
>> Time and Frequency Division
>> NIST Boulder
> Have you captured the IP addresses of the systems involved?  If so, have 
> you identified the ISP responsible for those addresses?  Complained to 
> the ISP?  Etc, etc?
> The half witted will always be with us. . . .
 There is no way you can set up ntpd so that it will poll many times a
 second, unless there is a severe bug in ntp. He is asking if perhaps such a
 bug exists in the latest version of ntpd ( since the latest version just
 came out a month ago, and latest devel version a week ago, this would be a
 sensible worry).
 Alternatively one of those modem manufacturers may have screwed up again,
 or some ntp  like program has come out that has such a default.
 I agree that asking the IP addressee what it is that they are running might
 work, but probably not.

>>> It may take a while to get results but if the only alternative is to do 
>>> nothing and suffer. . . .  The ISPs have the power to cut these idiots 
>>> off at the knees!  Whether they are willing to do so is something you 
>>> have to ask them.  They also have the ability to reduce a network 
>>> address to a street address.  Again, you have to ask.  If you ask on 
>>> NIST letterhead, your chances of being taken seriously are much improved.
>> IF it is a bug in ntp, then the users are not idiots, unless using ntp
>> makes you an idiot. If it is a bug in some other ntp software, then the
>> users of that software are not idiots, unless use of that software per se
>> makes you an idiot. If it is some modem manufacturer who has misapplied ntp
>> on their modem/router, again the same applies. He is trying to find out if
>> it is possible that such bugs exist, or than anyone else has seen them. 
>>> As I recall my contract with Comcast, they can simply cut me off in 
>>> response to just about any sort of abuse.  If nobody complains, I can 
>>> get away with practically anything!
>> Is a bug in the software "abuse"?

>Yes. Any software needs to be properly tested before it is released and
>checked to see that it follows the protocol rules. If you don't do
>proper QA then you not only are not doing proper development and you are
>not ensuring that you are working cooperatively with the server on which
>you are dependent for information.

While it may be abuse by the developer, it is not abuse by the user. 


questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] Very rapid polling

2009-02-11 Thread Unruh
"Richard B. Gilbert"  writes:

>Unruh wrote:
>> "Richard B. Gilbert"  writes:
>>> Unruh wrote:
 "Richard B. Gilbert"  writes:

> jlevine wrote:
>> In the last few days I have seen an increasing number of systems that
>> are requesting the time in NTP format several times per second. This
>> poll interval is far in excess of the usual best practices. Since
>> there are a number of such systems, it is possible that this problem
>> is a result of a new version of NTP that has just been released.
>> Please let me know if you have any information about a new version of
>> NTP that can do this or if any of you are seeing the same problem.
>> Thanks.
>> Judah Levine
>> Time and Frequency Division
>> NIST Boulder
> Have you captured the IP addresses of the systems involved?  If so, have 
> you identified the ISP responsible for those addresses?  Complained to 
> the ISP?  Etc, etc?
> The half witted will always be with us. . . .
 There is no way you can set up ntpd so that it will poll many times a
 second, unless there is a severe bug in ntp. He is asking if perhaps such a
 bug exists in the latest version of ntpd ( since the latest version just
 came out a month ago, and latest devel version a week ago, this would be a
 sensible worry).
 Alternatively one of those modem manufacturers may have screwed up again,
 or some ntp  like program has come out that has such a default.
 I agree that asking the IP addressee what it is that they are running might
 work, but probably not.

>>> It may take a while to get results but if the only alternative is to do 
>>> nothing and suffer. . . .  The ISPs have the power to cut these idiots 
>>> off at the knees!  Whether they are willing to do so is something you 
>>> have to ask them.  They also have the ability to reduce a network 
>>> address to a street address.  Again, you have to ask.  If you ask on 
>>> NIST letterhead, your chances of being taken seriously are much improved.
>> IF it is a bug in ntp, then the users are not idiots, unless using ntp
>> makes you an idiot. If it is a bug in some other ntp software, then the
>> users of that software are not idiots, unless use of that software per se
>> makes you an idiot. If it is some modem manufacturer who has misapplied ntp
>> on their modem/router, again the same applies. He is trying to find out if
>> it is possible that such bugs exist, or than anyone else has seen them. 
>>> As I recall my contract with Comcast, they can simply cut me off in 
>>> response to just about any sort of abuse.  If nobody complains, I can 
>>> get away with practically anything!
>> Is a bug in the software "abuse"?

>Yes!  It's customary to do some sort of minimal testing before 
>distributing your software to the masses.

>Given the past history; e.g. U-Wisconsin, Tardis, PHK vs. D-Link and a 
>few other such incidents I'd say it's mandatory to do some pre-release 
>testing of hardware, firmware, and/or software.  I'd say that it's also 
>mandatory to read, and comply with, the relevant RFCs.

>I doubt very much that ntpd has such a bug/misfeature!  The authors are 
>very much aware of the potential problems and have done an excellent job.

>It seems clear that the internet community needs a methodology for 
>coping with such incidents.  Each time, it seems that a posse comitatus 
>must be formed, the miscreants tracked down, and asked to fix their 
>hardware, firmware, or software.  Sometimes, as in the U-Wisconsin 
>incident it's not possible to track down all instances of the defective 

Just what do you have in mind?
It seems that what you describe is exactly a methodology for coping with
such incidents. Or are you going to drive around with a gun and shoot the
president of D-Link say? 

>With the ever increasing use of the internet, the problems are only 
>going to get worse!

Yes. And with the increasing population of the earth "problems are only
going to get worse" as well. 

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] ntpdate works, but ntpd doesn't (reach = 0)

2009-02-11 Thread Unruh
Harlan Stenn  writes:

 In article , Martin Burnicki 

>Martin> The basic thing I don't understand in the context of this thread is
>Martin> why the behaviour with -g should not become the default behaviour
>Martin> for ntpd.

>Because -g overrides a sanity check.

>It is better to actively override a sanity check than it is to require an
>active action to provide a sanity check.

The sanity check is whether or not the clock it too far off. When ntp is
started it is expected that the clock is way off, and that the sanity check
becomes an insanity check. Ie, if the system behaves badly in situations
where everything is behaving as expected, then that is not a useful sanity

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] ntpdate works, but ntpd doesn't (reach = 0)

2009-02-11 Thread Nero Imhard
Martin Burnicki wrote:

> Why shouldn't ntpd be run e.g. on a laptop?
> And surely this results in the question which has been discussed here
>  several times: why does it takes so long for ntpd to adjust an 
> initial tiny offset of a few milliseconds?

In my understanding, ntpd was designed as a tool to discipline clocks of
systems that need (or need to provide) very accurate time, and not as a
general-purpose clock-setting tool.

The requirements that would mandate the use of full-blown ntpd are
mainly found on systems that stay up and connected for long stretches of
time (time servers, measurement and monitoring systems, loghosts, file
servers, etc.).

There may well be examples of laptop use cases that require full-blown
ntpd and where periodic setting using sntp is unacceptable, but I think
they are rare.

For this reason, I also think that shortening the time it takes ntpd to
do its initial adjustment is not very relevant to its (presumed) design


questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] Problem using ntp autokey with the trusted ce rtificate identity s cheme

2009-02-11 Thread Harlan Stenn
>>> In article , Martin Burnicki 
>>>  writes:

Martin> So it looks like you really have to wait until the current developer
Martin> version becomes the next release version, unless you can co with the
Martin> -dev version.

-dev has been in feature freeze for a while.  It is 1 or 2 (known) bugfixes
away from 4.2.6-RC1.

I think the current -dev is at least as good as -stable.
Harlan Stenn  - be a member!

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] Problem using ntp autokey with the trusted certificate identity s cheme

2009-02-11 Thread Harlan Stenn
>>> In article <>, (David Mills) writes:

David> Martin, The release version is currently maintained on a separate
David> track, so it might not happen that the next release version would be
David> the current development version. I don't like this, but I don't
David> maintain the release version and there might be mitigating factors I
David> am not aware of.

ntp-dev will become 4.2.6 (-stable) as soon as I can invest the effort to
integrate and test the final blocking bug.

There is no "additional track" for -dev.

Harlan Stenn  - be a member!

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] Garmin 18 LVC: whether to fudge

2009-02-11 Thread Harlan Stenn
>>> In article , Terje Mathisen 
>>> <"terje.mathisen at"> writes:

Terje> I have wished for fudge time1 on network clocks for many years now,
Terje> but I have realized that it will never happen unless I go in and
Terje> write the code myself. is the place to add
this and any other ideas for improving the format and/or content of the
configuration file.

Harlan Stenn  - be a member!

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] Very rapid polling

2009-02-11 Thread Eric
On Tue, 10 Feb 2009 23:38:07 -0500, "Richard B. Gilbert"
 wrote for the entire planet to see:

>Danny Mayer wrote:
>> Eric wrote:
>>> The only mitigation I can think of here is for NTP to not respond to
>>> excessive rate queries at all, or very infrequently, after the KOD.
>>> - Eric
>> That's what the latest code does.
>> Danny
>If ntpd responds to such DOS attacks with the WRONG YEAR or random 
>date-times, it might discourage the perpetrators.

Not really.  If it's really a DDoS attempt the source address won't belong
to an NTP server and the packet will be discarded, sooner or later.  It's
value is just to clog the pipes.  And anyway, there seems to be a general
consensus that sending the wrong time is wrong.  Just don't send it, or
simply mark it invalid or KOD or all zeros, or all three.  No need to
attempt to confound the "requester".

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] Garmin 18 LVC: whether to fudge

2009-02-11 Thread Terje Mathisen
Kevin Oberman wrote:
> Also, the jitter on your time is extremely high for PPS which should be
> < 1 us. I suspect that this is a system problem, but I can't be sure. I
> never see this much jitter on any of our PPS synced reference clocks (of
> which we have about 25 scattered across the US). If the jitter on any of
> my reference clocks using PPS exceeds .005, I consider this a big
> problem. I use FreeBSD which has excellent PPS support.

I have setup a bunch of FreeBSD based refclocks over the years, mostly 
Oncore UT+ timing receivers (15-50 ns) but also Gar 18LVC as well as an 
Endrun CDMA-based clock in the US.

I just got my homebuilt 18LVC back in operation today, after moving to a 
new office building: I use this the monitor all my official refclocks by 
configuring them as servers to my local box, so I can compare with the 
GPS results.

Since the Garmin isn't a timing-optimized receiver, I cannot put it in 
Zero-D like the Oncores, and it has a less than optimal window sill 
location (pointing NE in Oslo, at 60N), but I'm still getting offset 
mostly around +/- 2-3 us, and sub-5 us jitter.

PS. I had lost my original documentation on how to setup a server with 
this GPS, but a little Googling found lots of howto, including some that 
quoted my old description. :-)

"almost all programming can be viewed as an exercise in caching"

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] NTP over redundant peer links, undetected loops

2009-02-11 Thread Terje Mathisen
Stefan Schimanski wrote:
> Hi!
> We are trying to implement a NTP installation over a redundant
> network, connecting the stratum 2 servers to the stratum 3 clients.
> The precise situation is the following (compare with
> 3 networks,,,
> ATOM1, ATOM2 - stratum 1 servers in network 3
> GW1, GW2 - stratum 2 servers in all networks, i.e. 3, 4, 5
> CLIENT1...CLIENTn - stratum 3 clients in network 4 and 5

I did quite a bit of work while setting up a big corporate network, with 
dual servers, one of which had a Motorola Oncore UT+, in each of three 
geographically distributed locations.

I had similar plans like you, wanting to setup two or three layers of 
servers, but then I realized that this was totally superfluous!

We had less than 40K server and client machines worldwide, so even if 
every single one of them configured all 6 primary servers, the resulting 
load would be negligible, the timing results would be optimal, and so 
would the redundancy level.

The icing on the cake is that I don't need to consider where a client 
machine is located, I simply tell everyone to use exactly the same 
configuration file, with one exception:

The core/root DNS servers (as well as DHCP servers and some other 
network gear) use the same six servers, but they use the IP addresses 
directly instead of the DNS names.

"almost all programming can be viewed as an exercise in caching"

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] Garmin 18 LVC: whether to fudge

2009-02-11 Thread Jan Ceuleers
Brian Utterback wrote:
> Decreased bandwidth means increased latency. The two are related.

Only indirectly so.

There are at least two components to the higher latency on the ADSL 
uplink as compared to the downlink. A minor component is the fact that 
the lower bitrate means that equal-sized packets are in flight longer on 
the uplink than they are on the downlink.

The main component is however that there is a transmit queue in the CPE 
that packets take a while to get through before actually being sent up 
the link, particularly under load. So this component is not only 
dominant, it is also variable with upstream load.

One way to get around that is to set up multiple transmit queues for 
different flows, perhaps based on TOS marking. This way, NTP packets, 
when suitably marked, can be made to bypass the transmit queue for 
best-effort traffic.

Cheers, Jan

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] Garmin 18 LVC: whether to fudge

2009-02-11 Thread Terje Mathisen wrote:
>> Chris Adams wrote:
>>> Once upon a time, Richard B. Gilbert  said:
 My bet would be that there is an asymmetry in your ADSL link!   If I'm
 not mistaken, the "A" in ADSL stands for asymmetric!
>>> The asymmetry in ADSL is in bandwidth, not path or latency.  More
>>> frequency space is used for downstream (ISP->end user) communication
>>> than for upstream, but both travel the same path.
> Yeah, figured it was either interrupt latency or ADSL but thought ntpd might
> be able to factor the ADSL link out of the offset.  Is there any way I can
> do this manually?  As far as I could tell, fudge time1 only works for a
> refclock driver and not an internet server.

You are absolutely correct! :-)

I have wished for fudge time1 on network clocks for many years now, but 
I have realized that it will never happen unless I go in and write the 
code myself.

I know that Dave Mills prefers other solutions, in particular the 
huff-puff code which handles variable network congestion but cannot deal 
with a systematic/constant offset between send and receive paths.


"almost all programming can be viewed as an exercise in caching"

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] Garmin 18 LVC: whether to fudge

2009-02-11 Thread Uwe Klein
Richard B. Gilbert wrote:

> The difference in bandwidth would mean that a packet of N bytes would 
> take more time in one direction than the other!  I don't know if that 
> would be sufficient to account for the observed behavior but I can't 
> think of another explanation.

There is more to it.
look up "fastpath adls". throughput and latency are coupled
in funny _and_ variable ways for *DSL .

My DSL provider recently tested variable connection setups
where allocated bandwidth for upstream and downstream traffic
(and the summ of both) is optimised for max throughput
( depending on the copper line utilisation, the weather and how
much money I have in the bank ;-).
Retraining happens on a regular basis.


questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] Garmin 18 LVC: whether to fudge

2009-02-11 Thread Richard B. Gilbert
Brian Utterback wrote:
> Chris Adams wrote:
>> The asymmetry in ADSL is in bandwidth, not path or latency.  More
>> frequency space is used for downstream (ISP->end user) communication
>> than for upstream, but both travel the same path.
> Decreased bandwidth means increased latency. The two are related.
> Brian Utterback

Thanks Brian.  You said it more succinctly than I could!

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] Garmin 18 LVC: whether to fudge

2009-02-11 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2009-02-11, wrote:

> I'm using a Garmin 18 LVC connected using LinuxPPS with mostly good
> results. I am curious about one thing though. The offset reported by
> the GPS18 differ from the public NIST servers by around 1.7-1.9MS. as
> shown in the offset numbers of ntpq below.
>  remote   refid st t when poll reach  delay offset jitter
> *GPS_NMEA(0) .GPS.   0 l4   16  377   0.000 -0.448  0.189
> +bigben.cac.wash .USNO.  1 u   34 1024  377  11.134  0.283  2.645

The offset difference in your _snapshot_ is only 0.731 milliseconds.

If you wich to calculate a correction value you need to look at the
statistics over the long term. Enable statistics collection, let ntpd
run for a few days, and use the peer.awk script from the ./scripts
directory of the NTP Reference Implementation Distribution to summarize
your peerstats file.

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] Garmin 18 LVC: whether to fudge

2009-02-11 Thread Richard B. Gilbert
Chris Adams wrote:
> Once upon a time, Richard B. Gilbert  said:
>> My bet would be that there is an asymmetry in your ADSL link!   If I'm 
>> not mistaken, the "A" in ADSL stands for asymmetric!
> The asymmetry in ADSL is in bandwidth, not path or latency.  More
> frequency space is used for downstream (ISP->end user) communication
> than for upstream, but both travel the same path.
> There may be asymmetric routing going on (very often the case when you
> talk to a host across the Internet, especially if either your ISP or the
> remote host's ISP are multihomed), but it is highly unlikely it is
> happening between the end user and his own ISP.

The difference in bandwidth would mean that a packet of N bytes would 
take more time in one direction than the other!  I don't know if that 
would be sufficient to account for the observed behavior but I can't 
think of another explanation.

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] Problem using ntp autokey with the trusted certificate identity s cheme

2009-02-11 Thread David Mills

The release version is currently maintained on a separate track, so it 
might not happen that the next release version would be the current 
development version. I don't like this, but I don't maintain the release 
version and there might be mitigating factors I am not aware of.


Martin Burnicki wrote:

>David Mills wrote:
>>Yes, this scenario is included in the online documentation.
>So this will be available with the next release version.
>Thanks for the update.

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] Garmin 18 LVC: whether to fudge

2009-02-11 Thread Kevin Oberman
> From: (Chris Adams)
> Date: Wed, 11 Feb 2009 08:26:39 -0600
> Sender:
> Once upon a time, Richard B. Gilbert  said:
> >My bet would be that there is an asymmetry in your ADSL link!   If I'm 
> >not mistaken, the "A" in ADSL stands for asymmetric!
> The asymmetry in ADSL is in bandwidth, not path or latency.  More
> frequency space is used for downstream (ISP->end user) communication
> than for upstream, but both travel the same path.

Depending on the difference in bandwidth, that does impact latency. ntp
assumes that the time from message transmission to message receipt is
the same in both directions. If the packet takes longer on the wire,
that is an asymmetric latency.

Also, the jitter on your time is extremely high for PPS which should be
< 1 us. I suspect that this is a system problem, but I can't be sure. I
never see this much jitter on any of our PPS synced reference clocks (of
which we have about 25 scattered across the US). If the jitter on any of
my reference clocks using PPS exceeds .005, I consider this a big
problem. I use FreeBSD which has excellent PPS support.
R. Kevin Oberman, Network Engineer
Energy Sciences Network (ESnet)
Ernest O. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab)
E-mail:  Phone: +1 510 486-8634
Key fingerprint:059B 2DDF 031C 9BA3 14A4  EADA 927D EBB3 987B 3751
questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] Garmin 18 LVC: whether to fudge

2009-02-11 Thread shane-dated-1234940584
>Chris Adams wrote:
>> Once upon a time, Richard B. Gilbert  said:
>>>My bet would be that there is an asymmetry in your ADSL link!   If I'm
>>>not mistaken, the "A" in ADSL stands for asymmetric!
>> The asymmetry in ADSL is in bandwidth, not path or latency.  More
>> frequency space is used for downstream (ISP->end user) communication
>> than for upstream, but both travel the same path.

Yeah, figured it was either interrupt latency or ADSL but thought ntpd might
be able to factor the ADSL link out of the offset.  Is there any way I can
do this manually?  As far as I could tell, fudge time1 only works for a
refclock driver and not an internet server.


questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] Garmin 18 LVC: whether to fudge

2009-02-11 Thread Martin Burnicki
Chris Adams wrote:
> Once upon a time, Richard B. Gilbert  said:
>>My bet would be that there is an asymmetry in your ADSL link!   If I'm
>>not mistaken, the "A" in ADSL stands for asymmetric!
> The asymmetry in ADSL is in bandwidth, not path or latency.  More
> frequency space is used for downstream (ISP->end user) communication
> than for upstream, but both travel the same path.
> There may be asymmetric routing going on (very often the case when you
> talk to a host across the Internet, especially if either your ISP or the
> remote host's ISP are multihomed), but it is highly unlikely it is
> happening between the end user and his own ISP.

Of course it makes a difference whether the link speeds in both directions
are the same, or not.

If my ntpd polls an upstream server across my ADSL link there is an offset
of a few milliseconds. If the route goes via a SDSL link then the offset is
below 1 ms.

We have observed it even makes a difference of a few microseconds if one NTP
server uses a 10 MBit link and the other one a 100 MBit link, and both are
connected via a dual speed switch.

Martin Burnicki

Meinberg Funkuhren
Bad Pyrmont

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] Problem using ntp autokey with the trusted ce rtificate identity s cheme

2009-02-11 Thread Martin Burnicki

Bartholome, Alain wrote:
> I downloaded the development version of NTP (4.2.5p158), I installed it on
> all the systems, I kept  the certificates and the same configuration
> (except
> the logconfig line  of ntp.conf) especially one trusted system.
> It works.
> The synchronization of server3 occurred quite quickly.
> I am quite worried about the release version...

So it looks like you really have to wait until the current developer version
becomes the next release version, unless you can co with the -dev version.

Martin Burnicki

Meinberg Funkuhren
Bad Pyrmont

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] Garmin 18 LVC: whether to fudge

2009-02-11 Thread Brian Utterback
Chris Adams wrote:

> The asymmetry in ADSL is in bandwidth, not path or latency.  More
> frequency space is used for downstream (ISP->end user) communication
> than for upstream, but both travel the same path.

Decreased bandwidth means increased latency. The two are related.

Brian Utterback

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] Problem using ntp autokey with the trusted certificate identity s cheme

2009-02-11 Thread Martin Burnicki

David Mills wrote:
> Martin,
> Yes, this scenario is included in the online documentation.

So this will be available with the next release version.

Thanks for the update.

Martin Burnicki

Meinberg Funkuhren
Bad Pyrmont

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] Garmin 18 LVC: whether to fudge

2009-02-11 Thread Chris Adams
Once upon a time, Richard B. Gilbert  said:
>My bet would be that there is an asymmetry in your ADSL link!   If I'm 
>not mistaken, the "A" in ADSL stands for asymmetric!

The asymmetry in ADSL is in bandwidth, not path or latency.  More
frequency space is used for downstream (ISP->end user) communication
than for upstream, but both travel the same path.

There may be asymmetric routing going on (very often the case when you
talk to a host across the Internet, especially if either your ISP or the
remote host's ISP are multihomed), but it is highly unlikely it is
happening between the end user and his own ISP.

Chris Adams 
Systems and Network Administrator - HiWAAY Internet Services
I don't speak for anybody but myself - that's enough trouble.

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] ntpdate works, but ntpd doesn't (reach = 0)

2009-02-11 Thread Richard B. Gilbert
Martin Burnicki wrote:
> Harlan Stenn wrote:
> In article , Martin Burnicki
>  writes:
>> Martin> The basic thing I don't understand in the context of this thread
>> is Martin> why the behaviour with -g should not become the default
>> behaviour Martin> for ntpd.
>> Because -g overrides a sanity check.
>> It is better to actively override a sanity check than it is to require an
>> active action to provide a sanity check.
> Or in other words, the question is whether that sanity check makes sense
> right after startup.
> Martin

"Quisnam igitur sanus?"  Horace

That translates to "Who then is sane?"

If NTPD queries four or more servers and gets responses that more or 
less agree then I think NTPD would be justified in setting the clock to 
its best estimate.  It's still going to take somewhere between thirty 
minutes and ten hours before NTPD can be reasonably certain that it does
have the time correct to within, say, fifty microseconds.

If you want -g it's easy enough to get it without making it the default 
for everyone.

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] Garmin 18 LVC: whether to fudge

2009-02-11 Thread Richard B. Gilbert wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm using a Garmin 18 LVC connected using LinuxPPS with mostly good results. 
> I am curious about one thing though.  The offset reported by the GPS18
> differ from the public NIST servers by around 1.7-1.9MS.  as shown in the
> offset numbers of ntpq below.
>  remote   refid  st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
> ==
> *GPS_NMEA(0) .GPS.0 l4   16  3770.000   -0.448   0.189
> +bigben.cac.wash .USNO.   1 u   34 1024  377   11.1340.283   2.645
> All of the server's internet peers are ahead by around that same value so
> I'm guessing that when the GPS18 loses sync, ntpd would have to bring the
> clock up by 2MS and reverse when signal is reacquired.
> Is there any way to know whether it's our internet link (ADSL) causing the
> internet servers to appear off or does the GPS18 need a time1 fudge to bring
> it in line with the others?  That is, is there a 2MS lag in processing the
> interrupt for PPS?
> Best,
> Shane

My bet would be that there is an asymmetry in your ADSL link!   If I'm 
not mistaken, the "A" in ADSL stands for asymmetric!  Your GPS PPS 
output is probably within 50 nanoseconds of the exact time!  The process 
of getting that signal into your computer is going degrade the accuracy 
by an amount that is somewhere between difficult and impossible to measure.

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] ntpdate works, but ntpd doesn't (reach = 0)

2009-02-11 Thread Martin Burnicki
Nero Imhard wrote:
> Uwe Klein wrote:
>> Not really distribution specific. Look into the ip_up/down stuff on
>> any linux system.
> Well, linux-specific then ;-)
> Some smartass thing called "network manager" has bitten me in this
> respect even on a system with totally static interfaces. It's enabled by
> default (on Ubuntu) and screws things up for ntpd right at system boot.
>> Its a dynamic IP problem and its a ntpd problem due to no signaling
>> path for interface changes.
> It's a matter of opinion whether it is reasonable to want to run
> full-blown ntpd on systems that are so unstable (interface-wise) taht
> they need mechanisms to handle interface changes automatically. And you
> can guess mine...

Why shouldn't ntpd be run e.g. on a laptop?

If it does run then it synchronizes the system time when network connection
is available, and can still compensate the native clock drift if the laptop
is offline.

Of course synchronization will be better if ntpd reaches an upstream server
continuously, but still this is better than no synchronization at all ...

And surely this results in the question which has been discussed here
several times: why does it takes so long for ntpd to adjust an initial tiny
offset of a few milliseconds?

Martin Burnicki

Meinberg Funkuhren
Bad Pyrmont

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] ntpdate works, but ntpd doesn't (reach = 0)

2009-02-11 Thread Martin Burnicki
Danny Mayer wrote:
> Uwe Klein wrote:
>> Richard B. Gilbert wrote:
>>> Uwe Klein wrote:
 currently on SuSE systems 'rcntpd restart' is run on any interface
>>> Looks like a SuSE problem rather than an ntpd problem!
>> Not really distribution specific. Look into the ip_up/down stuff
>> on any linux system.
>> Its a dynamic IP problem and its a ntpd problem due to no
>> signaling path for interface changes.
>> ( there have been some improvements very recently? )
>> uwe
> ntp 4.2.4 supports dynamic interfaces even if it cannot detect the
> change directly. The O/S does not need to worry about this for ntpd.

This is only supported kind of reasonably since 4.2.4p5. In earlier versions
it may have taken very long time after an interface has appeared until ntpd
re-tried to use it and mobilize associations.

So there's no wonder why the Linux distributors tried to implement some
workarounds (e.g. control ntpd from ifup/ifdown) to speed things up.

There are *not* only servers running 24/7 which use NTP.

Martin Burnicki

Meinberg Funkuhren
Bad Pyrmont

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] ntpdate works, but ntpd doesn't (reach = 0)

2009-02-11 Thread Uwe Klein
Hi, Danny,

Danny Mayer wrote:
> ntp 4.2.4 supports dynamic interfaces even if it cannot detect the
> change directly. The O/S does not need to worry about this for ntpd.
How is that effected?
> Danny

SuSE 10.3 ( and previous: restarts ntp on IF change ):
SuSE 11.0 ( installed but don't have access to it at the moment):
SuSE 11.1 ( published a couple of weeks ago, not used yet ):

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] ntpdate works, but ntpd doesn't (reach = 0)

2009-02-11 Thread Martin Burnicki
Harlan Stenn wrote:
 In article , Martin Burnicki
> Martin> The basic thing I don't understand in the context of this thread
> is Martin> why the behaviour with -g should not become the default
> behaviour Martin> for ntpd.
> Because -g overrides a sanity check.
> It is better to actively override a sanity check than it is to require an
> active action to provide a sanity check.

Or in other words, the question is whether that sanity check makes sense
right after startup.

Martin Burnicki

Meinberg Funkuhren
Bad Pyrmont

questions mailing list