Re: [ntp:questions] CVE-2013-5211 and xntpd

2014-02-06 Thread Dennis Ferguson

On 6 Feb, 2014, at 07:39 , Danny Mayer  wrote:
> On 2/6/2014 9:26 AM, Brian Utterback wrote:
>> I recently received a question from a customer about CVE-201305211, the
>> monlist amplification attack. Specifically they asked if the attack
>> affected xntpd. They had another vendor that said no, that the attack
>> only affects ntpd. This surprised me since as far as I know the monlist
>> mechanism is the same in xntpd. I thought the vendor was merely
>> incorrect. However, I then read the CERT and NIST versions of the CVE
>> and there is no mention of xntpd. Indeed, a literal reading of the CVE
>> does indeed imply that xntpd is not vulnerable.
>> I don't think I am wrong about xntpd being vulnerable. If I am, please
>> correct me. But if I am not, we should probably see about getting the
>> CVE amended.
> If this is about NTP v3 then that version hasn't been supported in
> something like 15 years. I believe that it is very likely vulnerable but
> noone is going to go into the code to look assuming that they can find
> the source for something like that. I believe it was Dennis who wrote
> the mode 7 code and tools, so NTP v2 is likely vulnerable as well but
> that's not in the CERT either.

xntpd claimed to be NTP v3 from its inception, and had both xntpdc and ntpq
by the time anyone other than me saw it.  It was implemented from a
moving-target draft of the NTP version 3 standard that was available as
early as 1988 (i.e. before the NTP version 2 RFC was published; that was
done late since there was resistance to the postscript format).  Fuzzballs
also claimed to be version 3 by then too, though there was an existing Unix
daemon called "ntpd" implementing NTP v2 only, this being the reason that
xntpd got an 'x'.  The mode 7 protocol was implemented as a debugging tool
during development, the mode 6 protocol was implemented after that got added
to the version 3 draft and supported by the fuzzball servers, so you could
ask fuzzballs about their peers too.

That said, when I stopped work on xntpd there was no "monlist" query since
there was no monitor list.  If you wanted to know who your clients were it
used a much heavier duty (but cheaper to implement) method, a knob telling
it to keep peer state for all peers rather than just the configured ones.
When I left it, I don't believe there were any queries in either protocol
which would result in more than one response packet per query packet, and
I had tried to keep responses under 520 bytes of payload (or whatever
the number was which guaranteed no fragmentation then) for mode 7 since I
lived at the end of a very overloaded Internet connection and it worked
better with single packet request/responses.  I had less control over mode
6, though.

If there's something called xntpd which supports monlist it must have been
added after me, but before the name of the program was changed to ntpd.  I
don't know when that was.

Dennis Ferguson
questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] Trying to use Dimension 4 time keeper

2013-09-25 Thread Dennis Ferguson

On 25 Sep, 2013, at 12:04 , John Hasler  wrote:

> I wrote:
>> I'm suggesting adding an open-collector driver rather than adding a
>> network of resistors and diodes.  Fewer parts and better results.
> unruh writes:
>> Probably. I'm a bit worried if the base voltage is higher than the
>> collector.
> A single transistor with a base current limiting resistor would work
> fine but I had in mind an IC such as the 7407.

If you are doing it with an IC a 3.3V buffer with overvoltage
tolerant inputs would be better.  A 74HC4050 run at 3.3V would
probably do it, if you don't need input protection (against >15V or
<0V inputs) it needs no additional external components.

Dennis Ferguson

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questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] A proposal to use NIC launch time support to improve NTP

2012-12-20 Thread Dennis Ferguson

On 19 Dec, 2012, at 13:49 , Brian Utterback  wrote:
> On 12/19/12 14:05, unruh wrote:
>> On 2012-12-19, Hal Murray  wrote:
>>> Doesn't the PPS signal to the kernel have to go over the same PCI bus?
> Generally, the PPS signal does not go over the PCI bus. The kernel gets its 
> PPS signal via the serial port. You would therefore like the controller to 
> have its own PPS signal input, but I don't see one in the datasheet.

The interrupt from the serial port is transmitted across some bus
(often by message signalling these days), and it seems to me that
a PCIe-attached serial port is probably one of the better situations
you could hope for now.  The "legacy I/O" peripherals on many Intel/AMD
motherboards, including the serial ports, are instead often attached
to the processor support chipset via an LPC bus connection and the
latter, being designed as an economical replacement for the ISA bus,
is just dead slow.

Hardware PPS sampling, and synchonising pairs of internal clocks with
PIO operations, is much, much better than anything involving interrupts.

> So you are back to worrying about the sync of the kernel clock and the 
> controller clock. It might not matter too much, but it will kind of depend on 
> how the receive timestamp is obtained from the card. The receive timestamp 
> and transmit timestamp have got to be on the same time source or you could 
> run into problems.

The size of the problem with multiple time sources is limited by the
precision with which one clock can be synchronised with another.  With
a good arrangement for sampling those clocks against each other this
problem can be minuscule compared to NTP's requirements.

Dennis Ferguson
questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] A proposal to use NIC launch time support to improve NTP

2012-12-20 Thread Dennis Ferguson

On 19 Dec, 2012, at 11:05 , unruh  wrote:
> On 2012-12-19, Hal Murray  wrote:
>> Doesn't the PPS signal to the kernel have to go over the same PCI bus?
>> I'd guess that you would get better results from a network card.
>> That's assuming it has a good clock.  All you have to do is read
>> a counter.  There is no interrupt latency.  You can also read it
>> several times and pick the best one.
> Pick the best one? How would you know what the best one was?

If you can sample both the system clock and the network card clock
with a read of the counter you can sample with this instruction
sequence (though it may take some work to find the magic instructions
which do the operations in the order written):

Better, less noisy samples will be associated with smaller values of
(A_after - A_before).  You can eliminate the source of the largest errors
in individual samples if you can disable interrupts on the processor core
while doing that.  You can also take independent samples as often as you
need to, if that improves the filtered result.  That is, you aren't limited
to one sample per second the way the PPS signal is, if 5 or 20 samples per
second improve the accuracy of the filtered result you can just take that

The biggest problem with this isn't jitter, which can be mitigated by
taking and filtering additional samples.  It is instead the fact that the
minimal value of (A_after - A_before) is probably going to be on the order
of 100 ns if clock_B is a PCIe peripheral and it will be difficult to know
exactly where in that interval clock_B is sampled, leading to a (constant)
ambiguity of +/- 50 ns.  When I did an FPGA implementation of this for
PCI-X I had the  part capture two timestamps instead, one
captured speculatively at the very start of the bus cycle, which was returned
to the read, and one at the very end of the bus cycle, which was stored
so that it could be read later.  That reduced the ambiguity to about
+/- 7 ns for that card (though even +/- 50 ns is pretty good).

This is a very good way to do time transfers between a pair of clocks.  What
is needed is a system call interface which recognises that systems often
have more than one clock, only one of which will be the system clock, and
which provides an API to compare these clocks and independently adjust them.

> Not sure what you mean by a "good clock". It certainly will not be an
> accurate clock. It may be one whose drift rate is not too bad, although
> I suspect it will change with temperature. 

There are two contributors to the ultimate synchronisation quality of
a clock, the stability of the frequency source driving it and the
speed/accuracy with which you can measure that frequency and adjust
for the errors.  Dr. Mills's book calls this the "Allan intercept"; lower
is better.  The frequency source on the network card may be no better than
your system clock but the hardware PPS timestamps allow a speedy and precise
determination of that frequency which allows you to adjust for changes in
that frequency before a big time offset accumulates (it moves the Allan
intercept lower and to the left).  A clock which can be kept more accurate
is a "good clock" whether that accuracy is achieved by a more stable
frequency source driving the clock or by more accurate frequency
measurements against a good reference.  Don't fixate on the quality of
the crystal alone, there is more to it than that.

Dennis Ferguson

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] Using ntpd with custom clock

2012-10-17 Thread Dennis Ferguson

On Oct 17, 2012, at 4:30 PM, David Woolley  
> Kennedy, Paul wrote:
>> Forgive me if I am wrong, but this is a very odd request.  As far as I
>> can tell, the request is for the NTP corrections to the system clock to
>> be used to correct a different clock.
>> I cannot quite understand how this is of practical use.  It is like
>> diagnosing the faults on your car engine and then applying the
>> corrections to a train engine.
> The alternative clock has a much more stable oscillator than the motherboard, 
> would be one good reason.

Another reason might be that packet timestamps are being taken
from a clock other than the system clock, e.g. from a clock residing
in the Ethernet interface hardware which is sampled in hardware
to obtain packet arrival and departure times (Ethernet interfaces
supporting PTP in hardware often have one like this).

In this case the best approach can be to let NTP synchronize the
(non-system) hardware clock that the packet timestamps are being
taken from, and then to separately discipline the system clock hardware
into synchronization with the NTP clock for the benefit of time-consuming
applications running on the same machine.

Dennis Ferguson

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] ANN: UK GPS Jamming update

2012-03-28 Thread Dennis Ferguson

On 28 Mar, 2012, at 08:26 , David J Taylor wrote:
>> Just wondering:
>> 1) Is the UK govt doing this?
> The notice is from a UK Government agency.
>> 2) Is the USA doing anything similar?
> I would be surprised if they were not, but they may have more remote areas to 
> carry out such tests.

White Sands Missile Range, maybe.  You can't fly over it, and
a friend who lives in New Mexico and owns a plane tells me there
is a standing warning for pilots flying around it to avoid relying
on GPS for navigation.  He has also heard of pilots doing that who
have seen their position, as reported by GPS, suddenly shift by 50

>> 3) What's the purpose?
> I understand that it's for the military to see how they would work without 
> GPS or on the event of GPS jamming.

That sounds so unlikely.  If they wanted to see what it was like without
GPS they could just turn their GPS receivers off.  More than this, a lot
of your reports have them jamming the GPS L1 frequency alone and I don't
think that would deny positioning to modern dual-frequency military GPS

My guess would be that what they are practicing isn't jamming, which seems
like it would require little practice, but rather is the much more high tech
GPS spoofing, with the jamming being done to cover that up.

Dennis Ferguson

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] PSYCHO PC clock is advancing at 2 HR per second

2012-03-21 Thread Dennis Ferguson

On 21 Mar, 2012, at 11:36 , unruh wrote:
> On 2012-03-21, Ron Frazier (NTP)  wrote:
>> I noticed that Dave Hart later posted this reply to your question.  I'll 
>> reference that below.
>> NTP's jitter is root mean squares of offsets from the clock filter
>> register (last 8 responses, more or less).
> Strange, because ntp then takes that entry of those 8 with the shortest
> roundtrip time and uses only it to drive the ntp algorithm. Thus on the
> one hand it is using it as a measure of jitter and on the other hand
> saying it does not trust most of those values, with a distrust so deep
> it throws them away. Why would you be reporting anything for a set of
> data you distrust so deeply.

I see you keep pointing this out in various ways, but I really don't
understand the point.  If you are measuring data with non-guassian,
non-zero-mean noise superimposed you need to find a statistic which is
appropriate for the noise to produce the best noise-free estimate of the
quantity you are interested in measuring.  If someone takes `n' samples
with a (slightly different) non-gaussian noise distribution and finds the
median of the `n' (which is an individual sample) to use for further
processing would you really call that "throwing away 'n-1' of the samples"
rather than just computing the measure of central tendency which is most
appropriate for the noise distribution?  And if he went back over the data
to compute a measure of variability (perhaps computing the median square
deviation would be more appropriate) would that really be reporting something
"for a set of data you distrust so deeply"?  Unless I'm missing something
this seems like a rather bizarre point of view.

If you are looking for something to complain about in this particular bit
of machinery in ntpd I think there are much more interesting aspects you
might consider.  The best might be that this code causes ntpd to sometimes
process offsets which are quite old, in that they were measured at a time
well into the past.  In theory PLLs and other feedback control mechanisms
are unconditionally destabilized if there is any delay in the feedback path.
This is why ntpd makes no use of knowledge of when an offset was measured;
it is feeding those offsets to a PLL and a PLL has no way to deal with data
measured at any time other than "right now".  In practice (as opposed to
theory) approximating stability while using data which is significantly
delayed requires making the time constant of the PLL large enough that
the delay in the feedback path can be assumed to be approximately zero
in comparison.  The time constant of ntpd's PLL, and hence the stately
pace at which it responds to errors, is hence directly related to the
worst case delays between the measurement and the processing offset data
which is caused by this filter.

There are so many things to complain about that actually make sense
(in reality everything can be justified in terms of tradeoffs, but people
can differ about which tradeoffs produce the most attractive result) that
I don't see why you keep harping on something which seems more like

Dennis Ferguson
questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] site with lots of GPS's and accessories

2012-03-19 Thread Dennis Ferguson

On 19 Mar, 2012, at 13:58 , Alby VA wrote:
> Compared to this history of Atomic Clocks at NIST
> and this chart of accuracy, I'd say my NTP Server is
> in the 50yrs behind the curve.   lol  At least its portable.
> History:
> Chart:

You could do a lot better with hardware designed to timestamp
an edge.  The timestamp-in-an-interrupt-routine thing is a
hack that has never been outgrown.

This can be done with a peripheral interface designed for the
purpose, though this still leaves one with the problem of
transferring the peripheral clock's time to the computer (the
latter also seems to be the problem with IEEE 1588).  A
better way would be for Intel (or someone) to devote a CPU
pin to receiving signal transitions, along with the logic
to sample in hardware and deliver to software the contents
of the TSC at the time of an edge.  Then there'd be a
market for "timekeeping" motherboards, with that pin wired
to an appropriate receiver with an input connector and maybe
with a better quality crystal (with a synchronization
frequency input?) clocking the CPU complex.

Dennis Ferguson

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] ESR looking for good GPS clocks

2012-03-06 Thread Dennis Ferguson

On 5 Mar, 2012, at 18:33 , Terje Mathisen wrote:

> Chris Albertson wrote:
>> How to measure?   You need to modify the interrupt handler to raise a
>> pin on a (say) parallel port. then measure the time from PPS to that
>> pin going high with a time interval counter.  Such counters are cheap
>> now on eBay.
> What I'm asking for is GPS unit with such an interval timer embedded on it, 
> said counter to be restarted on every PPS signal.
> The query protocol then becomes, as seen from the host:
> while (1) {
>  before = gethirestime();
>  gps_time = poll_gps();
>  after = gethirestime();
>  if (after - before < MAX_LATENCY)
>use_timestamp(after, gps_time);
>  sleep(1);
> }
> I.e. polling the GPS (at any time) returns the current time in NTP 32:32 
> format directly. There is no need to ever interrupt anything with a clock 
> source you can poll at any time.

Note that the problem with the above is that you are asking poll_gps()
to complete a transaction which is going to require more than 100 bits
to be exchanged on a full-speed USB interface (I've not seen a GPS chipset
that provides higher speed USB than that) which only delivers
12 bits per microsecond.  (after - before) is nearly certain to
exceed 10 microseconds, so you are going to get no where near
sub-microsecond timing unless you have some idea of where in the
(after - before) interval the gps_time timestamp was actually acquired.
More than this, the nature of the transaction is such that the gps_time
timestamp is much more likely to be acquired earlier in the (after - before)
interval rather than later, so using the `after' timestamp as a match probably
maximizes the error.  The best arrangement is to have the GPS device
acquire the timestamp just as early in the transaction as it can (ideally
by acquiring a timestamp speculatively when it sees the first bit of
any incoming transaction), use the `before' timestamp for comparison
and forget about 'after'.

The two timestamps will still allow you to do error filtering, you just
need to acquire more samples and compare them to each other.  That is,
any additional delays which occur will cause the difference

gps_time - before

to increase, never decrease, so if you take multiple samples the best
of them will be the ones with the relatively smallest (i.e. most negative)
values of that difference.  Figuring out which samples are the best is
more complicated if you also need to assume there might be a significant
frequency offset between the GPS clock and the host clock, but even
this can be handled with a least median of squares filter if it can
be assumed that less than half the samples suffered a significant
additional delay.  You needn't limit the sample rate to once per second,
either, if more frequent sampling helps.

Dennis Ferguson
questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] ESR looking for good GPS clocks

2012-03-05 Thread Dennis Ferguson
 device.  The only way to get a device like that now
is to build it yourself, but it would be nice if GPS chipset manufacturers
would provide this for computer synchronization.  The PPS output is a
poor way to transfer time to a computer.

> The problem with USB is the large uncertainty in the time data goes in
> to when the interrupt happens.   The serial port works well because it
> is very simple with no buffering.

If you are timing interrupt latency you are incorporating a large
uncertainty compared to what you could do with a well-done polling

> How to measure?   You need to modify the interrupt handler to raise a
> pin on a (say) parallel port. then measure the time from PPS to that
> pin going high with a time interval counter.  Such counters are cheap
> now on eBay.

Which also has you measuring interrupt latency, not to mention dealing
with the difficulty (depending on the computer's clock source) of arranging
for an interrupt at the on-time second.  If you have an output available,
however, you could forget about both the interrupt and the time interval
counter if you bought a uBlox GPS timing chipset, since I think these will
timestamp transitions on an input pin.  When you feel the urge to
acquire a timestamp just take a local clock timestamp, toggle the
output pin and ask the GPS unit for its timestamp.  Absent special
purpose I/O, however, having the device timestamp bus transitions
isn't a bad way to do it.  If the device is carefully done you
can certainly get sub-microsecond time sampling with USB.

Dennis Ferguson

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] how do I lock in average frequency correction

2012-02-16 Thread Dennis Ferguson

On 15 Feb, 2012, at 22:53 , Terje Mathisen wrote:

> Dennis Ferguson wrote:
>> I have had very good results with the following procedure.  If `tc'
>> is the 64 bit output of a counter which is continuously incremented
>> at the rate of some oscillator then the time can be computed as follows:
>> t = r * (tc<<  s) + c
> This is a reasonable way to get a nice clock...
>> The value of `s' is selected so that a second's worth of advance of
>> tc causes a change to bit 32 of (tc<<  s); that is, `s' is a constant
>> pre-computed from the nominal frequency of tc's counter and an assumption
>> about how far from the actual frequency of the oscillator that might
> The main/only problem with this assumption is that it breaks as soon as your 
> tick counter (like the one you get from RDTSC) runs at more than 4.2 GHz! 
> (Maybe you intended to say that the shift was such that the top bit of a 
> 64-bit value would be set?)

No, the requirement is just that s be selected so that in one second (tc << s) 
by more than 0x1ull (which ensures that bit 32 in (tc << s) will change 
at least
once every second).  For frequencies higher than 2^32 GHz `s' is 0, for 
lower than that but higher than 2^31 GHz it is 1, for frequencies lower than 
but higher than 2^30 it is 2, and so on.  At very high frequencies (above 8 
GHz) `r'
begins to lose resolution, one bit for each doubling, but 64 bits is enough that
this is of no practical importance.

> It also breaks if/when the tick counter rolls over, doesn't it?
> With a full 64-bit counter that happens slightly less often than the NTPD 
> clock rolls over, as long as the increment rate is less than 2^32 
> ticks/second, but if you are limited to (say) 40 bits, which is the 
> resolution of most of the non-TSC counters in an x86 cpu, you do need a 
> dependable way to handle rollovers.

My implementation distinguishes between a "time count", which is
always 64 bits long, and a "tick count", which carries the number of
bits (<= 64) which are convenient to sample from the hardware with
the instruction set..  "Tick counts" are converted to 64 bit "time
counts" by maintaining the high order bits to extend the "tick count"
to 64 bits in software (this does require periodic maintenance, but
doesn't incorporate interrupt scheduling jitter into the times). Time
counts are used for the computation above.  Time count (i.e. 64 bit)
roll-overs, both of tc and of (tc << s) are handled by the implementation.
The implementation assumes in another spot that the system will be rebooted
no less frequently than once every 60 years, however, so if tick counters
increment at no more than 8 GHz and reset to zero across reboots I expect
the code to handle rollovers to never run.  I'm not proud of 60 year thing,
but I wanted to stick to a 64 bit format for internal time computations
until there is compiler support for doing 128 bit integer math; the code
gets too ugly if even just basic shifts and adds require function calls.

> Finally, all of this does of course require either a single, very stable) 
> frequency for said counter, or some driver support that will know about any 
> changes and modify the r and c values at the same time as the frequency 
> changes.

The rate at which the counter is incremented needs to have a fixed relationship 
the output of the oscillator from which its timing is derived; there are 
arguments I like to make (related to the ntpd PLL, or any feedback controller, 
an implementation choice but not a requirement to guarantee the basic stability 
clock adjustments) which depend on this somewhat.  On x86 machines I prefer the 
TSC if
it works like this (it does on recent processors, and very old ones, but there 
is a
vintage of processors where it doesn't), but pick one of the other counters on 
where it doesn't.

>> be.  The multiply (r * (tc<<  s)), where `r' is a 64 bit value, returns
>> the high order 64 bits of the 128 bit product.  In my case, `t' (and
>> hence 'c') was picked to be the time of day computed in the NTP fixed
>> point format, i.e. a 32 bit integer seconds part and a 32 bit fractional
>> part, so given a tc from the counter the above converts it directly to
>> a time of day.  The computation itself takes nanoseconds, or less, on
>> a modern processor.
> It does take nanoseconds even on the very fastest (IBM Power7/8?) available 
> cpus: The 64x64->128 multiplication requires about 7 clock cycles, while the 
> shift and add will each require at least one cycle.

I think it was a Power CPU I computed the 1 ns for, though I could have 

Re: [ntp:questions] how do I lock in average frequency correction

2012-02-15 Thread Dennis Ferguson

On 14 Feb, 2012, at 22:04 , Garrett Wollman wrote:
> All of these have issues, starting with the fact that they run at
> inconvenient rates.

For a clock implementation which works well in the presence of time
synchronization software there are (i.e. must be) no inconvenient
rates.  That is, even when the frequency written on the oscillator's
package is a nice round number the actual frequency of the oscillator
is going to be different and is unlikely to be "convenient" at all.
Yet if you want the clock to keep accurate time you must be able to
program the clock to operate at the oscillator's actual rate no matter
what that is.

> Modern operating systems are moving towards "tickless" operation to
> improve power efficiency.  This requires an on-board timing device
> that has sufficient range and stability to accurately determine the
> amount of time that has elapsed between two non-periodic interrupts,
> so that the clock can be advanced by the correct amount.

I'm having trouble with this because it implies that the system's
clock must be advanced in an interrupt service routine which samples
a counter.  If the system provides a continuously incrementing counter
then I think the last thing you want to do with it is to use it
in a way which incorporates the jitter and other inaccuracies that
come from interrupt processing into the system clock.  System clocks
maintained by counting interrupts should be reserved for situations
where there are is no other means of measuring the advance of time.
If you have a continuously incrementing counter you are way better
off just deriving the system clock directly from that (which I guess
makes the system clock "tickless" as well).  There is nothing you can
do in an interrupt service routine which helps, in fact trying to do
anything there usually just makes the result worse.

I have had very good results with the following procedure.  If `tc'
is the 64 bit output of a counter which is continuously incremented
at the rate of some oscillator then the time can be computed as follows:

t = r * (tc << s) + c

The value of `s' is selected so that a second's worth of advance of
tc causes a change to bit 32 of (tc << s); that is, `s' is a constant
pre-computed from the nominal frequency of tc's counter and an assumption
about how far from the actual frequency of the oscillator that might
be.  The multiply (r * (tc << s)), where `r' is a 64 bit value, returns
the high order 64 bits of the 128 bit product.  In my case, `t' (and
hence 'c') was picked to be the time of day computed in the NTP fixed
point format, i.e. a 32 bit integer seconds part and a 32 bit fractional
part, so given a tc from the counter the above converts it directly to
a time of day.  The computation itself takes nanoseconds, or less, on
a modern processor.

Clearly the adjustment interface operates to produce values of `r' and
`c' that minimize the error in the result.  Phase adjustments are implemented
by adding an offset to 'c', and hence have a precision of 233 picoseconds.
Rate (i.e. frequency) adjustments are implemented by modifying the value
of 'r', with a corresponding change to 'c' to ensure phase continuity at
the time of the change, and have a precision of better than 10^-19.  Slews,
a la adjtime(), can be implemented by making a rate change for a fixed
interval, at the end of which `r' is returned to its previous value with
'c' precisely offset.  The only time `r' and `c' change is when the time
synchronization software makes a system call to adjust the clock; there
is no need to do anything in an interrupt service routine (the latter
assumes that the system call interface is not ntp_adjtime() or adjtimex();
while that code can be supported as well there are good arguments for
why you can expect better results, even from ntpd, if you don't include
that code in the kernel, though that's a different topic).  If your TSC
counter is reliable then making the sets of (s, r, c) constants available
to user space on a shared page allows user space processes to obtain
accurate time without system calls.  There are no "inconvenient" clock
rates and the clock precision and jitter is the same as the precision
and jitter of the underlying hardware counter.

If you want a "tickless" kernel the best way to do that might be to
start with a "tickless" system clock.  If you have a continuously
incrementing counter there is nothing that an interrupt service
routine needs to do.

Dennis Ferguson
questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] Visualization of clock control

2012-01-04 Thread Dennis Ferguson

On 4 Jan, 2012, at 22:54 , Miroslav Lichvar wrote:
> Here are some example runs of the tool captured to animated gifs:
> The simulations were done with a clock wandering at 1 ppb/s,
> 10/100/1000us network jitter with exponential distribution and the NTP
> clients were configured to use 64s polling interval.

That's pretty neat.  I think, however, that the clock wander of 1 ppb/s
is about an order of magnitude too large for real life, at least for machines
kept in an air conditioned room (and the behavior of clocks in machines
subject to environmental variations probably can't be modeled by "wander" at
all).  My measurements against precise hardware tended towards a value of
1ppb/10s, which is also consistent with the 10^-8/1000s which sometimes shows
up on Allan variance plots (I think there's a square root relationship in there
if the wander is a truly random walk).

The other difficulty with respect to real life may be modeling network jitter
as exponential, since I believe the probability distribution for network delays
is heavy-tailed (i.e. with extreme values way over-represented; this is a 
when using statistics which assume the underlying error distribution is 
I don't know how to fix that, though.

Dennis Ferguson
questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] Accuracy of NTP - Advice Needed

2011-12-29 Thread Dennis Ferguson

On 29 Dec, 2011, at 23:26 , Terje Mathisen wrote:

> Danny Mayer wrote:
>> No, they use synchronized Cesium atomic clocks for time accuracy. GPS is
>> only used to get a fix on the location and I'm not sure that 10's of
>> centimeters is good enough for what they are trying to prove. I'd have
>> to look closely at the methods used and the data to even have a clue as
>> to what is needed and I have touched that stuff in years.
> Danny, how do you think they keep those atomic clocks synchronized?
> How do they _verify_ that they actually stay in sync (to a single-digit ns 
> level) over the entire length of the experiment(many months)?
> Even Hydrogen Masers won't give you that performance over a year or so, you 
> have to have some way to sync them either to each other or to UTC.

Yes, they use GPS to compare the clocks to each other.

One of the articles I read even identified the GPS receiver they use.  I think
it was a Septentrio PolaRx3eTR PRO (or maybe the older model which that one
replaced).  Those receivers take a 10 MHz and 1 PPS reference in from the atomic
clock so that they can produce GPS carrier phase measurements with respect to
the local clock's time.  Making these measurements simultaneously at both
locations gives you data you can post-process to determine the time difference
between the two clocks, independent of the GPS system time.  The GPS signals
are used only as markers that can be measured at both locations.

BIPM Circular T lists GPSPPP (that's two-frequency, all-in-view carrier phase
measurements) as being accurate to 0.3 ns.  The bigger error is the equipment
calibration, which they estimate as 5 ns.  The traveling atomic clock would have
been used for the equipment calibration.

Dennis Ferguson
questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] Accuracy of NTP - Advice Needed

2011-12-23 Thread Dennis Ferguson
th a 16 second polling interval.

Note that I haven't tested this with ntpd yet, mostly because I don't like the
way I had to jam support for the NTP system call interface into an otherwise
very clean kernel time implementation but haven't yet had the time to try 
ntpd to use the native adjustment interface.  I would note, however, that ntpd
probably has some additional burden that it bears which makes this harder.  In
particular, while ntpd operates by essentially making a series of frequency
adjustments to the system clock to bring it into synchronization, it also
makes the assumption that the frequency adjustments it is asking the kernel
to make may not be accurately implemented by the kernel.  This is the
fundamental reason it implements the control process as a PLL/FLL; it assumes
it needs to correct not only the errors the underlying hardware clock is
making but also the additional errors caused by unpredictably inaccurate
implementation of the adjustments it is telling the kernel to make.  This
is why, even though it is possible to determine the system clock's
frequency error as accurately as it is possible to know it in 10 or 15
minutes (according to the Allan variance typical of the process), ntpd
can take hours and hours to work through a large frequency error.  When ntpd
does get to a point where it has integrated out this correction it should
track better (assuming the changes in system clock frequency are small),
but I haven't been able to test whether it does as well as a more straight
forward procedure that takes advantage of the fact that the operating system
makes accurate adjustments.

In any case, if you want fine timing I think you need to work on your
operating systems first.  That is the low hanging fruit.

Dennis Ferguson

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] Trimble Resolution T

2011-10-17 Thread Dennis Ferguson

On 17 Oct, 2011, at 15:14 , Hal Murray wrote:
> In article ,
> unruh  writes:
>> In fact it is really hard for a computer to keep to 1us accuracy because
>> of the delays in interrupt processing.
> It's not the delay that is the problem.  It's simple to correct for a
> fixed delay.  (at least in theory)  The problem is variations in the delay.
> Jitter can easily be caused by cache faults or jitter in finishting the
> processing of the current instruction, or having interrupts disabled.
> (There are probably other sources.)

I actually would have said just the opposite.  Jitter is less of a
problem because you can see it.  That is, if you take a series of
samples you can see the variation in delay reflected in the variations
of the offsets you compute, and you have some basis for filtering out
the samples which are most severely effected (assuming, for example, that
those with less delay, and hence a more positive offset, are "better" than
those with more delay).  Even if you can't eliminate the effect of jitter
entirely you at least have the data to develop an expectation of the error
residual error it is causing.

The problem with a constant delay is that it is invisible.  You can't see
any sign of it in the data so, while it would be easy to correct this
if you knew how big it was, the only way to determine its magnitude is
to calibrate it by some entirely independent measurement.  In this case
it is hard to see how one would do that.

To see why that is a bigger problem, note that the 1 us being talked about
here must in fact be a measure of jitter, or delay variation, since that
is what ntp can see.  Assuming the time error must be on the order of 1 us
because the jitter is of that order is, however, unjustified because that
ignores the effect on your time of the constant delay that ntp can't see,
and hence can't even estimate.  If the constant latency were in fact on
the order of 10 us (that may be unlikely, but without actually determining
a number by some means other than ntp there is no way to preclude the
possibility) then worrying about the 1 us jitter isn't going to improve
the precision of your time much.  The fact that you could correct the
constant delay by subtracting a constant doesn't help if you have no idea
of that constant's value.

Dennis Ferguson

questions mailing list


2011-10-12 Thread Dennis Ferguson

On 11 Oct, 2011, at 05:59 , John Hasler wrote:
>> I presume, to ensure that the military can continue to function (at
>> some level) in the absence of usable GPS.
> They coud do that by turning off their receivers.  More likely they are
> testing anti-jamming techniques (and jamming techniques as well).

Yes, they aren't necessarily jamming their own receivers, I suspect they are
practicing jamming other people's receivers while keeping their own working.
Military GPS receivers (owned by those friendly with the US military owners
of GPS, at least) use an additional service (PPS, for "Precise Positioning
Service") at a second frequency which is much harder to jam than the GPS L1
band service (the C/A service, originally for "Coarse Acquisition") that
the rest of us are limited to.

This isn't just a European thing, either.  A friend who regularly flies himself
from California to New Mexico gets frequent FAA notifications concerning GPS
jamming at White Sands Missile Range.

And, I guess, what they are practicing might not just be jamming of (i.e.
denying service to) GPS receivers.  I read somewhere that a decade or so ago
a Chinese GPS-guided missile test fired near Taiwan went in a dramatically
different direction than was expected, suggesting an ability to not only deny
civilian GPS service but also to actively spoof it (something which probably
prompted China's current enthusiasm for launching their own satellite navigation
system).  That would be a far more complicated trick which might, in fact, 
considerable practice to get good at.

All this might also hint at the reason that many countries have rules 
critical services, like telecommunications infrastructure, from depending on GPS
for anything important despite the technical advantages this might otherwise
provide.  That's too bad.

Dennis Ferguson

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] POSIX leap seconds versus the current NTP behaviour

2011-05-05 Thread Dennis Ferguson
just an
extra chunk of code operating where the system call interface would be to 
maintain the fiction.

Of course I do want to adjust the system's clock too, I just can't do it the 
way the
NTP code was doing it.  What could be done, however, was design a system call 
interface which
allowed time and frequency adjustments (which are done solely with arithmetic 
as well),
but did so in a way which returned enough information about what was done to 
allow one
to precisely compute the time one would have gotten from the unadjusted clock 
as a function
of the adjusted clock's timestamps.  This is also just a math problem that can 
solved quite
precisely by taking care when doing the arithmetic.  If I can arbitrarily 
adjust the system's
clock without losing track of the unadjusted time, and if I can use the 
unadjusted time
to determine the time ntpd's adjustments would have resulted in had it made 
them, then I
can have my full-precision cake and eat it too (and there are other interesting 
side effects,
like being able to compute the Allan deviation from data collected from a clock 
which is
being simultaneously adjusted since I can always precisely determine what the 
same measurements
would have been if the clock were left unadjusted).

So I'm at a point where I can define a policy for adjusting the system clock 
which is
independent of what ntpd would like the clock to do without any effect on ntpd, 
but which
can use ntpd's estimates of the time and frequency errors with respect to the 
clock to inform what it does.  The system's time is still determined by ntpd, 
but can
be way more loosely coupled than the current implementation has it.  What is 
the best
thing to do for the system time, now that it doesn't necessarily need to serve 
is something I'm still trying to figure out.

And as for results transferring time from the card to the system clock, I have 
found that
if it samples the offset 4 times per second and processes that data to 
determine time and
frequency errors (using a least squares fit, after outlier filtering) then, if 
adjustment is made only when it computes a time or frequency result which 
differs from
the current clock setting at an 80% confidence level, it will typically end up 
an adjustment roughly every 10 seconds or so with the time adjustments tending 
to be about
10 nanoseconds in size and the frequency adjustments being very roughly on the 
order of
10^-9.  If I haven't made a mistake I think those numbers (10 seconds and 
10^-9) should
characterize the thing you call the Allan intercept, though I haven't 
calculated that yet.
I think it is possible to claim that this system's clock is typically within 20 
ns of
the GPS receiver.  I'm also thinking that if an adjustment rate of once every 
10 seconds is
all that is necessary to achieve this precision with this system's clock and 
this fine a
time source, then when you have the same system clock but a much sloppier time 
source (e.g. time samples from the network) the adjustment rate justifiable by 
achievable timekeeping accuracy is going to be significantly lower (say once 
few hundred seconds, like the Allan intercept with a good NTP source).  This is 
a good
result, if it can be implemented this way, since being able to keep the clock 
as accurate
as it can be with a rate of adjustment which is typically quite small has some 
benefits with respect to the implementation of kernel timestamping of packets 
or other
events, or of system-call-free user space time stamping.

Dennis Ferguson

On 5 May 2011, at 04:10 , David L. Mills wrote:
> Dennis,
> Holy timewarp! Are you the same Dennis Ferguson that wrote much of the 
> original xntpd code three decades ago? If so, your original leapseconds code 
> has changed considerably, as documented in the white paper at 
> It does not speak POSIX, only UTC. This 
> applies to both the daemon and the kernel.
> Dave
> Dennis Ferguson wrote:
>> Hello,
>> A strict reading of the part of the POSIX standard defining "seconds
>> since the epoch" would seem to require that when a leap second is added the
>> clock should be stepped back at 00:00:01.  That is, the second which should
>> be replayed is the second whose "seconds since the epoch" representation is
>> an even multiple of 86400.  Right now the NTP implementation doesn't do that,
>> it instead steps the clock back at 00:00:00 and replays the second which is
>> one before the even multiple of 86400 in the "seconds since the epoch"
>> representation, to match what seems to be required for the NTP timescale.
>> For a new implementation of this is there any reason not to do the kernel
>> timekeeping th

[ntp:questions] POSIX leap seconds versus the current NTP behaviour

2011-05-04 Thread Dennis Ferguson

A strict reading of the part of the POSIX standard defining "seconds
since the epoch" would seem to require that when a leap second is added the
clock should be stepped back at 00:00:01.  That is, the second which should
be replayed is the second whose "seconds since the epoch" representation is
an even multiple of 86400.  Right now the NTP implementation doesn't do that,
it instead steps the clock back at 00:00:00 and replays the second which is
one before the even multiple of 86400 in the "seconds since the epoch"
representation, to match what seems to be required for the NTP timescale.

For a new implementation of this is there any reason not to do the kernel
timekeeping the way POSIX seems to want it?  I thought I preferred the NTP
handling since it seemed to keep the leap problem on the correct day (for
an "all days have 86400 seconds" timescale, which describes both the NTP and
the POSIX timescales), but I've since decided that might not be all that
important and I appreciate the symmetry of the POSIX approach (leaps forward
occur at 23:59:59, leaps back at 00:00:01, and both leaps end up at 00:00:00)
as well as the fact that the POSIX approach yields a simple equation to 
the conversion from time-of-day to seconds-since-the-epoch which is always
valid, even across a leap (and even if the inverse conversion is ambiguous)
while I'm having difficulty finding a similar description of NTP's behaviour.

Dennis Ferguson
questions mailing list