Re: [ntp:questions] Does an IPV6 address work with NTPD?

2014-11-28 Thread jlevine
Dear colleagues:
   The NIST server time-d (ipv4=, ipv6=2610:20:6f15:15::27) 
currently receives approximately 400 NTP requests per second. About 30% of 
these are from ipv6 addresses. The server has been operating for a bit more 
than 2 years.

Best wishes,

Judah Levine
Time and Frequency Division
NIST Boulder

On Thursday, November 27, 2014 7:10:02 AM UTC-7, Charles Elliott wrote:
 The U.S. Government (NIST) has a new time server ( 
 whose address is 2610:20:6F15:15::27.  When I put that address into 
 ntp.conf the Meinberg Time Server Monitor indicates Unknown clock 
 type in the Type column and Reach remains 000.  However, when 
 2610:20:6F15:15::27 is pinged the return is General failure.   
 (Dr.) Judah Levine, Time and Frequency Division, NIST Boulder, says 
 2610:20:6F15:15::27 works as far as he can tell.  So, do IPV6 addresses 
 result in anything useful when used in NTPD?
 Charles Elliott

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] Failure of NIST Time Servers

2011-06-06 Thread jlevine
I am writing to reply to the previous comments:

1. I have no comment about whether or not the failure and the response
to it are or are not professional.

2. The failure was directly caused by a double hardware failure -- a
problem in Boulder and an unrelated problem in Fort Collins at
essentially the same time. It is trivially easy to design an algorithm
that would have detected this exact problem after it has occurred, but
it would be much more difficult to have done so beforehand. The fact
that the system did not have this particular algorithm to deal with
this particular double failure is not a bug in the usual sense of that

3. We have a lot of safeguards built into the systems and we have a
lot of experience running them. We have been running time servers for
about 20 years, and I can't remember the last failure of this
magnitude. I have made some changes to deal with the problem of the
relative unreliability of the backup systems in Fort Collins, and this
particular problem will not happen again. But it would be foolish of
me to promise that the system is perfect and that some other failure,
*with equally serious impact*, will never happen again. We have more
than 100 computers in the network and lots of ancillary stuff, and it
would be foolish and simplistic of me to guarantee that I (or anyone
else) have thought of every possible hardware failure.

4. The unhealthy flag in NTP (both leap second bits set) is a copy
of an internal private kernel parameter. This parameter can be set by
a number of internal check processes (which are outside of NTP and
independent of it) and it can also be set from Boulder if the central
controller detects a problem. A complete failure of the ACTS system
would have set the unhealthy flag unconditionally, but the partial
failure that actually occurred may not do so. The same kernel
parameter is used to control the status parameters of the other non-
NTP services that we provide.

5. Since hardware failures are probably inevitable in a network system
of the size and complexity of the NIST service, a fair question is
whether the failure can be limited and its impact contained or ideally
made invisible to the users. The failure affected 11 of the 35
physical time servers that I operate. So the glass starts out about
1/3 empty and 2/3 full. About half of the 11 physical servers were
transmitting the unhealthy status and should not have caused any
problems for users who parse the flags. So, even during the worst
failure in my memory, the glass is about 1/7 empty and 6/7 full.

Judah Levine
Time and Frequency Division
NIST Boulder

questions mailing list

[ntp:questions] Failure of NIST Time Servers

2011-05-27 Thread jlevine
The primary and backup ACTS servers that are used to synchronize the
Internet time servers to the atomic clock ensemble in Boulder failed
on Wednesday 24 May at about 1900 UTC (1300 MDT). The failure
11 of the 35 NIST Internet time servers, and the time transmitted by
the affected servers was wrong by up to 680 seconds. In most cases,
the incorrect time was accompanied by the unhealthy indicator, but
of the systems transmitted the wrong time without this indication. The
other 24 servers were not affected. In some cases, one of the physical
servers at a site was affected while the others were not, so that
repeated requests to the public site address resulted in time messages
that differed by up to 680 seconds.

The ACTS servers have been fully repaired as of 27 May, 1800 UTC (1200
and all of the servers should be resynchronized within a few hours.
may be a transient error of up to 10 milliseconds during this period.

I apologize for this failure, and I regret the problems and
that have resulted.

Judah Levine

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] demonstrate traceability to UTC

2009-03-13 Thread jlevine
On Mar 12, 10:06 am, Tom wrote:
 To All,

 How do you demonstrate the traceability of the NTP solution to BIPM

   This is a rather complicated question. The answer depends on these
preliminary issues:

   1. Do you need technical traceability, which would be adequate to
provide a time reference derived from national time standards or do
you need *legal* traceability in which you must be prepared to
a jury in an adversary proceeding that your time was correct at some
   2. What level of accuracy/uncertainty do you need in the time
   3. What level of reliability do you need in the process? That is,
the system that provided the time stamps were to fail. How long could
wait for it to be repaired?
   4. Each of these questions is going to have a cost/benefit trade-
How much are you willing to spend (in time or money or ...) to achieve
your requirement?
   I would be happy to discuss these issues in this forum or off-line.

Judah Levine
Time and Frequency Division
NIST Boulder

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] Very rapid polling

2009-02-23 Thread jlevine
Thanks to all of you who responded to my initial post regarding very
polling. I have fixed this particular instance with some cooperation
from the
ISP. However, the generic problem remains and is likely to re-appear.
I don't know of a good general solution to this problem because:

   1. the KOD packets are generally not effective. Either the remote
does not recognize them or it chooses to ignore them. The KOD method
obviously would not work against an attack.
   2. Sending any reply at all doubles the network traffic and makes
attack more effective. Therefore, all of the NIST servers log the
event and
the source ip but do not respond. I think it is not appropriate for a
timing laboratory to knowingly send the wrong time.
   3. This sort of stuff is really more general than NTP -- denial of
attacks can use many different protocols and a more general network
solution is going to be needed.
   4. A serious denial-of-service attack probably requires a botnet to
real trouble, and fixing that problem might reduce the impact of all
of service attacks.

Judah Levine
Time and Frequency Division
NIST Boulder

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] Very rapid polling

2009-02-10 Thread jlevine
On Feb 9, 8:26 pm, (Danny Mayer) wrote:
 jlevine wrote:
  In the last few days I have seen an increasing number of systems that
  are requesting the time in NTP format several times per second. This
  poll interval is far in excess of the usual best practices. Since
  there are a number of such systems, it is possible that this problem
  is a result of a new version of NTP that has just been released.
  Please let me know if you have any information about a new version of
  NTP that can do this or if any of you are seeing the same problem.


  Judah Levine
  Time and Frequency Division
  NIST Boulder

 Hi Judah,

 There is no new release yet (the 4.2.4p6 was just a patch release to fix
 a couple or minor issues mainly related to OpenSSL. It is most unlikely
 that ntp is doing this. Did you take a couple of the addresses and query
 them with ntpq? I don't think that ntpd can be configured to query that
 quickly. Harlan is preparing a new stable release from the development
 branch. Dave has added KOD code to deal with situations like this and
 such clients are likely to find their clock drifting off if the do not
 follow the protocols.


   I have the ip addresses that are causing the problems. I have not
the ISPs because my previous experience is that they are very
unhelpful in
dealling with these sorts of queries. However, the sources are
addresses, so perhaps there is a chance.
   I was pretty sure that this was not caused by a bug in a new
version of
NTP, but I just wanted to check for sure. (I remember that some older
of Linux could use a poll interval of 0 by default, but that was a
long time ago.)
These sorts of problems come and go on all of our servers pretty much
all of
the time. Most of them are just annoying, but this one is serious
enough to
cause possible trouble.

Thanks for your prompt replies.

Judah Levine
Time and Frequency Division
NIST Boulder

questions mailing list

[ntp:questions] Very rapid polling

2009-02-09 Thread jlevine
In the last few days I have seen an increasing number of systems that
are requesting the time in NTP format several times per second. This
poll interval is far in excess of the usual best practices. Since
there are a number of such systems, it is possible that this problem
is a result of a new version of NTP that has just been released.
Please let me know if you have any information about a new version of
NTP that can do this or if any of you are seeing the same problem.


Judah Levine
Time and Frequency Division
NIST Boulder

questions mailing list

[ntp:questions] Sunfire X2100 and FreeBSD

2008-07-12 Thread jlevine
   I am trying to use a Sunfire X2100 system as a time server using
FreeBSD 6.2. The system clock steps by tens of microseconds every few
minutes with no time software running. I have not seen this on other
non-Sun systems with the identical version of FreeBSD. Is this a
feature of the Sun hardware? If yes, can it be turned off? Otherwise
the time steps will confuse the synchronization process.


Judah Levine
Time and Frequency Division
NIST Boulder

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] Dual Mixer Time Difference (DMTD) instruments sought

2008-05-15 Thread jlevine

 While it's unlikely that I will soon get to build such an instrument, I
 am quite interested in how they are built, if only to understand what
 can happen and why.  Can you suggest some articles and/or books and/or
 patents delving into both the theory and the practicalities of building
 DMTD instruments?

   We (the time and frequency division of NBS/NIST) designed and built
a dual-mixer systerm in 1980 (more or less). This same system is the
that still runs the atomic clock ensemble in Boulder. You can get the
that describe this instrument from the publications database on our
web site.
Go to and click on the publications menu. When the menu
look for author Glaze. The stuff was published in about 1983 or so.
There were
several papers as I recall with various combinations of the folks who
built the
system and the software drivers for it.
   The system we built was totally analog, but a modern system would
be fully digital. Our system had a resolution of about 0.2 ps and a
stability of
about 3-4 ps. A digital system could do better, mostly because the
sensitive stuff could be confined to the analog front end whereas we
had to
worry about temperature pretty much everywhere in the system.
the job is not trivial, since even tiny impedance mismatches can
problems at this sub-picosecond resolution. You should watch
for the connectors and the cables. We typically use SMA connectors and
rigid coax. The inputs are buffered with distribution amplifiers with
a reverse
isolation that is as good as we can make it. About -165 db, I think,
although I
have not looked at that recently. (Note that the problems are not
digital computing power but plain old analog electronics.)
   Even so, we have a detectable sensitivity to temperature at the
level of ps. This noise level tends to be too small to affect the
data  from
cesium standards, but it could be a problem if you were trying to
the long-period performance of a device or a transmission system that
had a
small delay, since the residual diurnal temperature sensitivity could
come to
get you. If you are in this business then you need professional help.

Judah Levine
Time and Frequency Division
NIST Boulder

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] Dual Mixer Time Difference (DMTD) instruments sought

2008-05-14 Thread jlevine
 I may need a Dual Mixer Time Difference (DMTD) instrument, to measure
 picosecond changes in electrical length in a coax plus amplifier time
 reference signal distribution system with total delays in the hundreds
 of nanoseconds, currently operating at 10 MHz (sinewave), but with 100
 MHz likely at some future date.

 What DMTD instruments are commercially available?  A google search was
 not successful - all noise no detectable signal, probably because DMTD
 instruments are not that common, and many people build their own.

   We use dual-mixer systems in our primary time scale and also to
calibrate and evaluate oscillators and timing hardware. So far as I
the only units that are commercially available are made by Timing
Solutions, which was recently acquired by Symmetricom. There
are a number of different configurations, depending how how many
devices you want to measure, whether they all run at the same
frequency, etc.
   It is possible to build these devices on your own,  but it is not
trivial to get pico-second resolution and stability. Almost everything
is temperature sensitive at this level of resolution.

Judah Levine
Time and Frequency Division
NIST Boulder

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] NTP architecture recommendation

2007-08-19 Thread jlevine
   The degradations of Selective Availability included a number of
different possible effects, but the one that was generally used was a
relatively slow dither of the clock on the satellite. The dither on
each satellite was different. Since GPS receivers determine a position
by measuring the distance (signal transit time) from each satellite in
view to the receiver, the dither produced a corresponding fluctuation
in the position solution. The magnitude of the dither was much smaller
than 1 microsecond, so that it would generally not be observable with
the usual NTP setup. The corresponding errors in position were less
than hundreds of meters, but the exact value varied. As with many
other things, your mileage would vary. It was  easy to see the effect
on the position solutions of any GPS receiver, and the effect on the
time solution could be seen with a reasonably good oscillator -- even
a good quartz oscillator could see the effect over periods of seconds
or minutes.
Since the clock dithering had a mean of 0 in the long term, the
long-term average solution (either position or time) had no offset.
The degradation was primarily directed towards real-time applications
or those timing applications where the local clock had such poor
stability that it was impossible to average the received signal for
any appreciable time so as to take advantage of the fact that the long-
term mean was 0.
The whole business was turned off in 2000, and it will probably
never be used again, but you never know.

Best wishes,

Judah Levine
Time and Frequency Division
NIST Boulder

questions mailing list