Re: [Rd] strange behavior from cex="*"

2011-11-19 Thread Uwe Ligges

On 18.11.2011 10:14, Patrick Burns wrote:

Someone ambitious could find problems like
this using random input testing like I talked
about at useR last summer.

Testing graphics would be more labor intensive
than the testing I do, but you could think of it
as a video game.

See also the graphicsQC package.


On 17/11/2011 00:29, Duncan Murdoch wrote:

On 11-11-16 5:26 PM, Ben Bolker wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On 11-11-16 05:18 PM, peter dalgaard wrote:
>> On Nov 16, 2011, at 22:38 , Ben Bolker wrote:
>>> Someone inquired on StackOverflow about apparently non-deterministic
>>> graphics behaviour in R. I noticed that they were using cex="*" and
>>> discovered some potentially weird behavior.
>> It can be reproduced much more simply (well, not the hang, but bad
>> enough):
>> In a plain R application console (OSX Snow Leopard),
>> for (i in 1:100) plot(1:10,cex="*")
>> will _sometimes_ show big circles, indicating random data being
>> picked up.
>> The "cex" is by definition numeric, so you can't expect to be able to
>> pass a character string, but the code should check.
> Looks (?) like the check could go in FixupCex (which already tests for
> isReal, isInteger, and isLogical) in src/main/plot.c , unless there
is a
> wish to catch it earlier/in R code.

Yes, that's where the check was missed. I'll fix it. The other
parameters appear to have been checked properly.

> It's mildly surprising to me that people can continue to find odd
> cases like this after more than 10 years (and imagine how many
> cumulative hours of R use ...) [I'm assuming that this hole has been
> present for a log time: I don't have the patience to do the SVN
> archaeology to find out how long.]

So now you can prove me wrong about the other parameters...

Duncan Murdoch

>>> On repeated runs of the same code I can get different PNGs. If I set
>>> the number of runs high enough, I seem to be able to get R to hang.
>>> If I do a single version plotting to an interactive graphics window I
>>> can get the point sizes to jump around as I resize the window
>>> reported being able to reproduce that behaviour in the Windows GUI
>>> as well).
>>> This is clearly a user error, but non-deterministic behaviour (and
>>> hanging) are a little disturbing.
>>> I haven't had a chance yet to try to dig in and see what's happening
>>> but thought I would report to see if anyone else could
>>> it out.
>>> Ben Bolker
>>> ## n<- 100 ## hangs R
>>> n<- 33
>>> fn<- paste("tmp",seq(n),"png",sep=".")
>>> for (i in seq(n)) {
>>> png(fn[i])
>>> plot(1:10,1:10,cex="*");
>>> }
>>> ff<- subset(,select=size)
>>> ff<- ff[!duplicated(ff$size),,drop=FALSE]
>>> table(ff$size)
>>> require(png)
>>> pngs<- lapply(rownames(ff),readPNG)
>>><- function(x) matrix(rgb(x[,,1],x[,,2],x[,,3]),
>>> nrow=dim(x)[1],ncol=dim(x)[2])
>>> imgs<- lapply(pngs,
>>> par(mfrow=c(2,2))
>>> lapply(imgs,function(x) {
>>> plot(0:1,0:1,type="n",ann=FALSE,axes=FALSE)
>>> rasterImage(x,0,0,1,1)
>>> })
>>> #
>>> R Under development (unstable) (2011-10-06 r57181)
>>> Platform: i686-pc-linux-gnu (32-bit)
>>> attached base packages:
>>> [1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base
>>> other attached packages:
>>> [1] glmmADMB_0.6.5 MASS_7.3-14 png_0.1-3
>>> loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
>>> [1] grid_2.15.0 lattice_0.19-33 nlme_3.1-102 tools_2.15.0
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> Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -
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> urS/ILIMzZEFSYkqkj0mWI9SADyJ+W0YeN/t3EuWy8nZqUkYQZ8M0GsuXjhtUL/i
> hVJU0uuIWCOCHpeI3SQKoxviTE6MQFRXXWhCAJx01h8ee/5UQ5GSGB7Er2Zilld3
> 0sLI6dmoF7gbeYqz33MaEpQ7geJoW3tfnVbQWUlF86+jGGv5trIqWYIp33OYIxMO
> u2YUq51vB+4uIRPFJ4Oyr+nJF0Z9NH4IJBipp/bF6wQ5u6JdXFqKTPeQ1V6m5qk=
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Re: [Rd] [OctDev] Non-free packages in CRAN

2011-11-19 Thread Robert T. Short

Where is the "like" button when you need it?

Joris Meys wrote:

2011/11/18 Jordi GutiƩrrez Hermoso:

I don't see how MOSEK is making free software stronger. It's not
encouraging the usage of more free software. It's encouraging the use
of MOSEK. MOSEK should not be endorsed by an organisation that is
supposed to promote free software.

If these really are your views and they're representative of the R
project, then the solution seems to be to make R stop calling itself
part of the GNU project. I hope it doesn't do this.

- Jordi G. H.


I'm not going into the discussion about which license represents what.
I hate politics and ideological discussions because of all the blabla.
I'm a statistician. I work with facts.

Fact : Simon is not the R-project, the R-core or the R community. He's
one guy, and a pretty smart one that is.
Fact : At my department several people use R only because they have
access to non-GPL programs through R: because they can load Excel and
SPSS files if they have to, connect to SQLServer and Access, ...
Fact : They often don't use Octave for exactly the same reason: They
don't have access to the tools they need. They're using Matlab
instead. We do have SPlus on the servers too. Guess how many people
are using that...
Fact : I get paid for statistical advice. I pay for a hammer. I pay
for a bike. If I have to pay for a tool I need on my computer, I pay
for it. If there's a free alternative that can get me as far, I use
that one and support their community with a gift if I care enough
about the tool. Which reminds me...
Fact : If I see too many quasi-religious statements, tool goes out and
I leave the building.

You're not doing your cause a favor here.


Being religious about free software never helped the cause. And by

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Re: [Rd] Windows binaries: Version and revision strings show "(2006-00-00 r00000)"

2011-11-19 Thread Brian G. Peterson
On Fri, 2011-11-18 at 15:30 -0800, Henrik Bengtsson wrote:
> Also, "r0" is listed as the revision on:
I see these as 2011-11-18 r0 and as built by Duncan Murdoch, who is
on the r-devel list.

Brian G. Peterson

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[Rd] Problems with new srcref warnings in R 2.14 (development)

2011-11-19 Thread Vitalie Spinu
Dear R developers,

Print method for function now tries to open the source file associated
with srcref of the function.

It outputs only the warning, if file cannot be open,  and forgets to
print the function definition.


eval(parse(text = "tf <- function(a){
b <- a^4
}",  srcfile = srcfile("xxx@17")))

> tf

Warning message:
In file(srcfile$filename, open = "rt", encoding = encoding) :
  cannot open file 'xxx@17': No such file or directory

First, the function definition is not printed and I assume it's a bug.
Second, the warning might not be appropriate.
For example ESS with the latest  ess-tracebug
( inserts srcref into the
function on the fly.
Srcfile is of the form file_name@index where index is used to find the
function definition afterwards.

This is useful for two reasons:
-- the visual debugger knows about the reference and  jumps through
the function even if the file was not sourced
-- any typos/errors in the code are reported by R with the source
reference, so that the  editor can automatically jump to the error

Can please an option to suppress the warnings or even better suppress
the srcfile validity checks  be implemented?


R Under development (unstable) (2011-11-15 r57665)
Platform: i686-pc-linux-gnu (32-bit)


attached base packages:
[1] stats graphics  grDevices utils datasets  methods   base

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Re: [Rd] round() ignores missing arguments if it is used inside another function where some arguments are missing.

2011-11-19 Thread peter dalgaard

On Nov 19, 2011, at 04:35 , Henrik Bengtsson wrote:

> On Fri, Nov 18, 2011 at 9:34 AM, Kevin R. Coombes
>  wrote:
>> You can also see the odd behavior without wrapping round in another
>> function:
>>> round(100.1, digits=)
>> [1] 100
> Hmm... is there a reason for why the parser accepts that construct?

Yes. See e.g. help(alist) for actual usage. 

It can also be used to pass empty arguments to FUN in apply-constructs:

a <- matrix(1:12, 3, 4)
f <- function(i, j) a[i,j]
lapply(1:4, f, i=)

> Some example:
>> parse(text="f(a=)")
> expression(f(a=))
>> parse(text="f[a=]")
> expression(f[a=])
>> parse(text="(a=)")
> Error in parse.default(text = "(a=)") : :1:4: unexpected ')'
> 1: (a=)
> /Henrik
>> On 11/18/2011 10:19 AM, Joris Meys wrote:
>>> On Fri, Nov 18, 2011 at 5:10 PM, Gavin Simpson
>>>  wrote:
 round is indicated to not evaluate its arguments. I don't follow the C
 code well enough to know if it should be catching the missing argument
 further on - it must be because it is falling back to the default, but
 the above explains that the not evaluating arguments is intended.
>>> So if I understand it right, the y argument is not evaluated in the
>>> fun2 function but deeper in the C code. that explains the lack of the
>>> error message, thanks! I keep on learning every day.
>>> Cheers
>>> Joris
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Peter Dalgaard, Professor,
Center for Statistics, Copenhagen Business School
Solbjerg Plads 3, 2000 Frederiksberg, Denmark
Phone: (+45)38153501
Email:  Priv:

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