Re: [R-pkg-devel] Problem enhancing a package with a predict method not declared to be an S3 method

2017-12-17 Thread Chris Brien
Hi Duncan,

Thanks for your comments. I appreciate that you do not speak for CRAN. 

I had thought that, while I am accessing asreml internals, I do not believe 
that it is the intention of the maintainer that they be internal. Indeed, I am 
only calling functions documented in the manual and so it would appear that 
they are intended to be part of the API for the packages. I had hoped that this 
would be an allowed exception.

Nonetheless, I am attempting to contact the maintainer and I will see what that 



-Original Message-
From: Duncan Murdoch [] 
Sent: Saturday, 16 December 2017 10:18 PM
To: Chris Brien;
Subject: Re: [R-pkg-devel] Problem enhancing a package with a predict method 
not declared to be an S3 method

On 15/12/2017 11:52 PM, Chris Brien wrote:
> Dear list members,
> I am in a bind.
> I have a package asremlPlus that "Enhances" the commercial package asreml 
> (and asreml4), for which I am not a maintainer. It is not available in a 
> public repository and because of this, when checking it for CRAN, it always 
> gives the following NOTE, which is acceptable to CRAN:
> Suggests or Enhances not in mainstream repositories:
>asreml, asreml4
> Now asreml has three functions summary.asreml, fitted.asreml and 
> predict.asreml that are (i) not exported and (ii) not declared to be S3 
> methods. In spite of this it is possible to call them using summary, fitted 
> and predict.
> However, if I do this in the code then the suite of unit tests that I have 
> for asremlPlus fails when run with testthat::test_check with the following 
> Error:
>  [31m1. Error: predictPlus.asreml (@testPredictionsPresentation.r#17) 
>  [39m--- could not find function "ie"
> 1: predictPlus.asreml(classify = "Sources:Type", asreml.obj = 
> current.asr, tables = "none", = current.asrt$, 
> present = c("Type", "Species", "Sources")) at 
> testthat/testPredictionsPresentation.r:17
> 2: predict(asreml.obj, classify = classify, sed = pairwise, trace = 
> trace, ...)
> 3: predict.asreml(asreml.obj, classify = classify, sed = pairwise, 
> trace = trace, ...)
> On the other hand, the test completes successfully if I manually execute it 
> line-by-line, but this is not feasible in practice because there are 21 sets 
> of tests.
> The manifest problem is "ie", which is another unexported function in asreml, 
> apparently called by predict.asreml.
> Has anyone on this list advice to offer on how this problem might be overcome?
> Any help gratefully received,
> Chris Brien, University of South Australia
> PS I know that the problem can be avoided by calling the functions 
> within asremlPlus using asreml:::, but this appears to be unacceptable 
> to CRAN because it produces the NOTE
> Unavailable namespaces imported from by ':::' calls:
>'asreml' 'asreml4'
>See the note in ?`:::` about the use of this operator.
> And the NOTE in ?':::' says
> It is typically a design mistake to use ::: in your code since the 
> corresponding object has probably been kept internal for a good reason. 
> Consider contacting the package maintainer if you feel the need to access the 
> object for anything but mere inspection.

I don't speak for CRAN, but I think it is consistent with their philosophy that 
a package doing what yours does should not be allowed there.

Your package depends on the internals of asreml.  There is nothing to stop that 
package from changing them, causing your package to generate errors or 
incorrect results.  CRAN does what it can to prevent this kind of error, and it 
can't do it with yours.

I'd suggest that you contact the maintainers of asreml, and ask them to export 
the functions you need.  If they are unwilling to do that, then you could ask 
them to distribute your package, or distribute it yourself (e.g. by making it 
available on Github).

One other possibility is that their license would allow you to copy enough of 
their package into yours that you wouldn't need the ::: 
import, but that seems unlikely.

Duncan Murdoch

__ mailing list

Re: [R-pkg-devel] Lapack: undefined symbol: zgbsv_

2017-12-17 Thread Dirk Eddelbuettel

On 17 December 2017 at 17:50, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:
| In short, but relying on (Rcpp)Armadillo, you are submit to it changing its

That should have read: "... by relying on (Rcpp)Armadillo, you are subject to 

My bad.

| solver and it seems to have done so recently.  And as R is primarily
| concerned with double precision, that version you now need was never
| included.

Also, eg on the system where I do reverse-dependency checks, cda was never an
issue as we use the external libraries:

   edd@bud:~/git/rcpp-logs/logs/rcpparmadillo(master)$ grep ^cda 
   log-RcppArmadillo-20170411-1403.txt:cda_2.0.0.tar.gz : success (42 of 344, 
   log-RcppArmadillo-20170503-1207.txt:cda_2.0.0.tar.gz : success (43 of 347, 
   log-RcppArmadillo-20170504-0609.txt:cda_2.0.0.tar.gz : success (43 of 347, 
   log-RcppArmadillo-20170516-1041.txt:cda_2.0.0.tar.gz : success (44 of 349, 
   log-RcppArmadillo-20170523-1147.txt:cda_2.0.0.tar.gz : success (43 of 349, 
   log-RcppArmadillo-20170524-1940.txt:cda_2.0.0.tar.gz : success (43 of 349, 
   log-RcppArmadillo-20170531-0642.txt:cda_2.0.0.tar.gz : success (43 of 350, 
   log-RcppArmadillo-20170619-0918.txt:cda_2.0.0.tar.gz : success (44 of 357, 
   log-RcppArmadillo-20170801-1435.txt:cda_2.0.0.tar.gz : success (48 of 375, 
   log-RcppArmadillo-20170803-1102.txt:cda_2.0.0.tar.gz : success (48 of 376, 
   log-RcppArmadillo-20170808-1000.txt:cda_2.0.0.tar.gz : success (48 of 377, 
   log-RcppArmadillo-20170810-0908.txt:cda_2.0.0.tar.gz : success (48 of 377, 
   log-RcppArmadillo-20170819-1325.txt:cda_2.0.0.tar.gz : success (49 of 381, 
   log-RcppArmadillo-20171002-1006.txt:cda_2.0.0.tar.gz : success (55 of 400, 
   log-RcppArmadillo-20171009-0935.txt:cda_2.0.0.tar.gz : success (55 of 405, 
   log-RcppArmadillo-20171021-0734.txt:cda_2.0.0.tar.gz : success (56 of 411, 
   log-RcppArmadillo-20171023-1227.txt:cda_2.0.0.tar.gz : success (56 of 412, 
   log-RcppArmadillo-20171108-2024.txt:cda_2.0.0.tar.gz : success (57 of 426, 
   log-RcppArmadillo-20171123-0845.txt:cda_2.0.0.tar.gz : success (58 of 434, 
   log-RcppArmadillo-20171123-1539.txt:cda_2.0.0.tar.gz : success (58 of 434, 
   log-RcppArmadillo-20171201-1053.txt:cda_2.0.0.tar.gz : success (56 of 430, 
   log-RcppArmadillo-20171204-0848.txt:cda_2.0.0.tar.gz : success (56 of 431, 
   log-RcppArmadillo-20171210-0828.txt:cda_2.0.0.tar.gz : success (57 of 435, 
   edd@bud:~/git/rcpp-logs/logs/rcpparmadillo(master)$ [...]

| In short, you seem to now have a requirement which R Core _may_ solve for you
| in time for R 3.5.0.  Otherwise your users will have to rely on systems with
| a full (external) Lapack/Blas and not the smaller embedded one.

That really seems to be the only way forward, short of embedding the routine
in cda.


-- | @eddelbuettel |

__ mailing list

[Rd] Dialect for shell scripts

2017-12-17 Thread Rodrigo Tobar

Dear all,

During a recent package submission, we were highlighted that some lines 
in our configure script didn't follow the correct syntax. The lines 
looked like this:


We were indicated at the time that this is because the statement does 
not use Bourne shell syntax, which is absolutely true, and also that the 
manual warns about this, which is true again. So far everything is clear.

However, what confuses me is that even when the manual says that "you 
can include an executable (Bourne) shell script configure in your 
package" [1], the associated footnote says something slightly different: 
"The script should only assume a POSIX-compliant /bin/sh" [2]. The 
footnote goes even further, and links to the POSIX specification of the 
Shell Command Language [3] (as published by The Open Group), which 
explicitly includes arithmetic expressions like the one above in its 
syntax [4].

My question then is: what exact dialect should be considered? Given that 
the statement above does not work in the Bourne shell, I conclude that 
the Bourne shell is not POSIX-compliant. That in turn would make the 
manual ambiguous as to the precise dialect that should be used by our 
configure scripts, and either the shells used by R should be changed to 
be POSIX-compliants, or the manual edited to be more precise regarding .

Many thanks.




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[Rd] Collaborative Wiki for fostering Open Innovation in R

2017-12-17 Thread Juan Telleria
Dear R Developers,

I am writing in order to open a constructive debate whether if it is worth
it that R Project adopts the Apache Software Foundation & Wikipedia Model
for Open Documentation by using a Collaborative Wiki & Document Store (As a
complement to Bugzilla and Mailing Lists), for fostering collaboration in R

The objective would be to promote innovation and collaboration between:
• R Contributors.
• R Core.
• And R Community.
• R Development.
• ‎R Contributed Documentation.
• ‎R Internals Wiki.

The Wikis Section could be structured in different Sub-Wikis (or Pages)
with different levels of permissions:
• Some only editable by R Core.
• Others only editable by R Core, and R Contributors.
• And others editable by any member of R Community.

And have different Categories, such as:
• R Learning Resources.
• R Cheatsheets.
• R Development & Key Internals.
• ‎R Contributed Documentation.
• ‎R Help.
• ‎etc.

A key point would be that the wikis are installed, hosted and accesible
through CRAN Servers, as a way to give some collaborative GUI to CRAN
hosted documentation.

Three collaborative wikis worth to consider would be:
• xwiki SAS (Open Source):
• ‎Atlassian Confluence (Free for Open Source Projects):
• ‎MediaWiki:

I personally prefer xwiki for being 100% Open Source, and being editable
with a Markdown Syntax; but we use Confluence at work and I am also very
happy with it; and MediaWiki is the one Wikipedia uses, but seems difficult
to use.

Thank you & best,

[[alternative HTML version deleted]]

__ mailing list

[Rd] Issue related to Rlapack

2017-12-17 Thread A Dabral
I am having an issue regarding R3.4.3. I am launching R instance from
RDotNet using following two statements:

REngine.SetEnvironmentVariables(rPath, rHome);
this._RServer = REngine.GetInstance();

 rPath = "C:\Program Files\R\R-3.4.3\bin\x64"
 rHome = "C:\Program Files\R\R-3.4.3"

As soon as the second statement (REngine.GetInstance() ) executes I get
following error:

" *The Program can't start because Rplpack.dll is missing from your
computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.*"

I checked, Rplpack.dll is in my rPath location.

I did not get this error in the older versions of R. Only R3.4.3 is having
this issue.

Please help.

Thanks and regards,

[[alternative HTML version deleted]]

__ mailing list

Re: [Bioc-devel] workflow page reorganization

2017-12-17 Thread Wolfgang Huber
Thank you all for the efforts on this! I agree with Mike that there's a 
lot of yet untapped potential in the workflows, for all levels of BioC 
users: for beginners, to make their first steps, for more experienced 
users, to learn new stuff.

Mike's points 1-5 are great, I second them.

And then some polite pushback on categorization... I think for a volume 
of one-two dozen workflows, browsing based on short descriptions (Mike's 
point 3) will often be preferable. And if the volume gets larger, I 
noted that "search" rather than "manually curated hierarchical menu 
trees" drives many successful websites (Amazon, Google) and there's 
probably a lesson in there.

Best wishes

15.12.17 16:55, Michael Love scripsit:

This already looks much improved, thanks Andrzej and Aaron. I think
workflows are where it's at, and this page is probably
underappreciated by Bioconductor users and the outside community.

My wishlist for the workflows page, which may exceed what is available
for the current effort:

1) It should say at the top which version of R/Bioconductor the
workflows are being built on.

2) On the main page, for each workflow:

* A thumbnail (could live in a pre-specified location in the package)
* Author list (autopopulated from DESCRIPTION)
* Version
* Link to the (most current) F1000Research articles for those which
are published (new field in DESCRIPTION?)
* Some kind of CI "buttony" thing, to indicate to users that these are
live documents
* Key Bioc/R packages used in this worfklow (could this also be an
additional DESCRIPTION field?)

3) I think it would be good to encourage the more stubby workflow
descriptions to add more text, and maybe to decrease the very words
ones, so that it's more consistent. Wow, that's pretty obsessive of
me, but I think it would make the page look more professional.

4) Text somewhere with a link to the support site and how to ask for
help on workflows (e.g. vignette(), ?functionName)

5) An advertisement somewhere for submitting a workflow, link to more
detailed doc elsewhere

___ mailing list

With thanks in advance-

Wolfgang Huber
Principal Investigator, EMBL Senior Scientist
European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL)
Heidelberg, Germany

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