Re: [Rd] NextMethod() and argument laziness

2019-08-12 Thread Tomas Kalibera

On 8/7/19 3:10 PM, Davis Vaughan wrote:

Hi all, I'd like to ask if the following behavior is a bug. To me it
certainly feels surprising, at the very least. In this example, I would
like to call NextMethod() from my `child` object, have `cols` be left
untouched, and then substitute(cols) in the parent method. It works when
you use a `parent` object (as expected), but I would have also expected to
get `mpg` back when calling it from the `child` method.

my_generic <- function(x, cols) {
my_generic.parent <- function(x, cols) {
my_generic.child <- function(x, cols) {
obj_parent <- structure(mtcars, class = c("parent", class(mtcars)))
obj_child <- structure(obj_parent, class = c("child", class(obj_parent)))

my_generic(obj_parent, mpg)
#> mpg

my_generic(obj_child, mpg)
#> cols

This works as documented, see ?NextMethod:

"the arguments will be the same in number, order and name as those to 
the current method but their values will be promises to evaluate their 
name in the current method and environment"

Hence NextMethod needs to create a promise with a name matching the 
formal argument name of the function from which NextMethod is invoked. 
Note this is not the same as with UseMethod, and this is also why 
substitute() works differently with UseMethod.



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Re: [Rd] Underscores in package names

2019-08-12 Thread Stephen Ellison
To throw a very small pennyworth into this debate, the metRology package I 
maintain uses mixed case to highlight R for that community when I'm talking 
about, or citing it. R takeup in that community is not yet high and the visible 
reminder  seems to help. 

I'll obviously accept a consensus decision for some other case convention taken 
on sound technical grounds, but if this is essentially an aesthetic matter I'd 
prefer not to change it for someone else's idea of what looks pretty and what 

Steve Ellison

> -Original Message-
> From: R-devel [] On Behalf Of neonira
> Arinoem
> Sent: 09 August 2019 20:39
> To: Ben Bolker
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [Rd] Underscores in package names
> Naming policies are always tricky. The one proposed by Hadley, as the one
> proposed by Google, are usable but not optimal according to most common
> needs, that are
> 1. Name a package
> 2. Name a class
> 3. Name a function
> 4. Name a parameter of a function
> 5. Name a variable
> ...

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Re: [Rd] MacOS parallel::makeCluster fails

2019-08-12 Thread Tomas Kalibera
For reference, in the end it turned out to be caused by that "localhost" 
could not be resolved. Thanks to Dominik for the report and debugging of 
the problem. To be robust against such problems in the future, R now 
falls back to the loopback device for localhost.


On 7/12/19 11:22 AM, Dominik Leutnant wrote:

Hi Thomas,

thanks for your reply (and thanks for your patience...).
I am now  using the following minimal reprex:

cl <- makeCluster(2L)

I freshly started the machine and did not open any other app. Just 

After executing the second line of code, R seems to hang infinitely and does 
not respond.
The R process itself uses almost no CPU.

Unfortunately, I do not have any experience with neither "Sock_listen"  nor 
Is there an example somewhere available?


Am 05.06.19, 10:18 schrieb "Tomas Kalibera" :

 Hi Dominik,
 from the output, the master process could not "listen" on the port where

 it expects a connection from the worker. We need to find out why. I'd
 recommend first to create a minimal reproducible example (and one that
 does not use future, only parallel, and a minimal number of threads,
 ideally just 2). Then I'd recommend to check if the problem still exists
 with R-devel. Then I'd check if the problem happens in all invocations,
 even after reboots, on a clean system, without many running applications
 - if it does, this is good news. Then you could post such example and we
 could help more - if we can reproduce on our system indeed we could
 debug, if not there could at least be more directed advice on how to
 debug on your side. What I'd do myself if I could reproduce on my system
 would be instrument R around Sock_listen in internet module to see
 exactly what has failed with which error. Maybe dtruss would help too,
 but instrumenting may be easier. The earlier problem you mention has
 never been diagnosed (it was only intermittent on the reporter's
 machine, we could not reproduce on our systems, and despite a lot of
 effort on our side and on the reporter's, we could not reliably
 diagnose). In principle, it could be some race condition in R (one has
 been fixed since the previous report), but especially if it is
 deterministic it would more likely be some OS limit on your system. You
 could of course try playing with OS limits, on the number of open files,
 etc, with changing the port number (port= option), etc, but I would
 recommend the systematic approach of debugging the cause.

 On 6/4/19 10:45 AM, Dominik Leutnant wrote:

 > Hi all,
 > The call parallel::makeCluster(1L) hangs infinitely on my MacOS machine 
which seems to be already reported by some people (e.g.,
 > However, the solutions posted on SO, GH or R-devel do not work in my 
 > So far, I unsuccessfully tested …
 >1.  Couple of reboots
 >2.  Adding to /etc/hosts
 >3.  Using instead of
 >4.  Turn off the firewall
 > Following Hendriks advice, “cl <- future::makeClusterPSOCK(1L, verbose = 
TRUE, timeout = 60)” gives (note: without adding the timeout parameter, R just hangs):
 >> Sys.setenv(LANGUAGE='en')
 >> cl <- future::makeClusterPSOCK(1L, verbose = TRUE, timeout = 60)
 > [local output] Workers: [n = 1] ‘localhost’
 > [local output] Base port: 11867
 > [local output] Creating node 1 of 1 ...
 > [local output] - setting up node
 > Testing if worker's PID can be inferred: 
‘'/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/bin/Rscript' -e 
 silent = TRUE)' -e 
 > - Possible to infer worker's PID: TRUE
 > [local output] Starting worker #1 on ‘localhost’: 
--default-packages=datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats,methods -e 
 silent = TRUE)' -e 'parallel:::.slaveRSOCK()' MASTER=localhost PORT=11867 OUT=/dev/null 
 > [local output] - Exit code of system() call: 0
 > [local output] Waiting for worker #1 on ‘localhost’ to connect back
 > [local output] Detected a warning from socketConnection(): ‘problem in 
listening on this socket’
 > Killing worker process (PID 903) if still alive
 > Worker (PID 903) was successfully killed: TRUE
 > Error in socketConnection("localhost", port = port, server = TRUE, 
blocking = TRUE,  :
 >Failed to laun

[Rd] ALTREP package interaction with testthat

2019-08-12 Thread Wang Jiefei

I found a weird problem in testthat while working with an ALTREP package.
The package name is AltWrapper. My ALTREP serialize function is called even
when I'm trying to serialize a non-ALTREP object.  Here is an example






setAltClass(className = "test", classType = "real")

setAltMethod(className = "test", getLength = length_func)

testData = runif(10)

myAltrep = makeAltrep("test", testData)

test_that("Auto serialize", {


A = 10


B = new.env()




There is nothing but two variables A and B in the test function. I use
browser() to stop and debug the code. Here is the weird thing, my package
function is called when I’m trying to serialize *A* and *B*:


Browse[1]> A = 10

Browse[1]> A_serialized=serialize(A,NULL)

Browse[1]> B = new.env()

Browse[1]> B_serialized=serialize(B,NULL)

serializing data

Auto serializing data

[1] "Internal serialize altWrapper function"


The output indicates that my package function is called. The function is
designed for an ALTREP object. Since *B* is not an ALTREP, I don’t
understand why the ALTREP related function has been called. Also, variable
A works find. It seems like R dispatches the serialize function according
to the variable type, but I am not sure if there is any way to see the
dispatching rules. Here are the things I have tried:

1. if I comment out the code that defines an ALTREP in my example, the bug
will disappear, so it might relate to the implementation of ALTREP.

2. If I run the test script in the global environment, R wouldn’t call the
internal function, it only happens when I call `devtools::test()`.

I am stuck here. I do not know if it is a bug of my package or testthat or
the ALTREP implementation of R or possibly the interaction between them. I
will appreciate if anyone can shed light on it. Here is the link to my
package test file:



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Re: [Rd] ALTREP package interaction with testthat

2019-08-12 Thread Dirk Eddelbuettel

On 12 August 2019 at 12:56, Wang Jiefei wrote:
| I am stuck here. I do not know if it is a bug of my package or testthat or
| the ALTREP implementation of R or possibly the interaction between them.

I don't have any concrete advice for your issue here but when I find myself
in similar debugging situations involving four or more moving parts, I
usually try to remove one or two. Once I am down to 'just base R and my
package' it tends to become much clearer where the issue is.

_Narrator: Base R usually wins._


-- | @eddelbuettel |

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