[Rd] C vs. C++ as learning and development tool for R

2007-01-19 Thread Kimpel, Mark William
I have 3 years of experience with R and have an interest in becoming a
better programmer so that I might someday be able to contribute
packages. Other than R, my only experience was taking Lisp from Daniel
Friedman in the 1970's. I would like to learn either C or C++ for
several reasons:

To gain a better concept of object oriented programming so that I can
begin to use S4 methods in R.

To perhaps speed up some things I do repeatedly in R

To be able to contribute a package someday.


I have been doing some reading and from what I can tell R is more
compatible with C, but C++ has much greater capabilities for OO


I have just started reading The C++ Programming Language: Special
Edition by Bjarne Stroustrup
ustrupz=y , he recommends first learning C++ and then then C if
necessary, but as a developer of C++, he is probably biased.


I would greatly appreciate the advice of the R developers and package
contributors on this subject. C or C++?






Mark W. Kimpel MD 



Official Business Address:


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Indiana University School of Medicine

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Institute of Psychiatric Research

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Re: [Rd] C vs. C++ as learning and development tool for R

2007-01-19 Thread Kimpel, Mark William
Thanks to all for your excellent suggestions. I think will I proceed
working through the Stroustrup book. He has a section on comparing C
with C++ and one on working with legacy C code that may prove helpful. I
also have a C for Dummies (something like that, I don't have it right
next to me) that I have also been reading. A couple of follow-up

1. As I understand it, if I just wanted to distribute compiled code, I
could use whatever extended C or C++ libraries that I wanted to use,
however, since R is open source and people need to be able to compile
things themselves, I imagine I would get into trouble (figuratively)
using, say, the C++ STL. Would I need to distribute these files as well?
For example, iostream instead of stdio.h. Or, should I just not use

2. For those of you who develop C on Windows (probably a small bunch!),
what is your preferred development environment? I have the free Borland
Turbo C++ and Visual C++ 6.0 (I knew enough to stay away from .NET). I
tried to install the C++ module for Eclipse and, for me at least, it was
a nightmare. I am not UNIX or DOS savvy and setting path variables and
the like just made things too complicated.

3. Lastly, is there a C or C++ community similar to R that I could
address questions relating to those languages to? I don't want to abuse
the R list as I learn.


Mark W. Kimpel MD 


(317) 490-5129 Work,  Mobile


(317) 663-0513 Home (no voice mail please)

1-(317)-536-2730 FAX

R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

[Rd] lazyLoadDBfetch error

2006-07-31 Thread Kimpel, Mark William

I am getting the following output when I try to load R package gmodels under 
R-devel. This does not occur in R 2.3.1. In searching the R archives it appears 
that this message regarding lazyLoadDBfetch should not be occurring in recent R 

I have redownloaded R-devel and gmodels and the problem persists.




Loading required package: gmodels
Error in lazyLoadDBfetch(key, datafile, compressed, envhook) : 
internal error in R_decompress1


R version 2.4.0 Under development (unstable) (2006-06-15 r38348) 

LC_COLLATE=English_United States.1252;LC_CTYPE=English_United 
States.1252;LC_NUMERIC=C;LC_TIME=English_United States.1252

attached base packages:
[1] splines   tools methods   stats graphics  grDevices 
utils datasets  base 

other attached packages:
gtools  gdataGOstats   Category   hgu95av2   KEGG   multtest
 xtable   RBGL   annotate GO  graph  Ruuid  limma
1.3-21.8.1   1.11.9 
genefilter   survival rgu34a   affy affyioBiobaseRWinEdt 
  1.10.1 2.26   1.12.0

Mark W. Kimpel MD 

Official Business Address:
Department of Psychiatry
Indiana University School of Medicine
PR M116
Institute of Psychiatric Research
791 Union Drive
Indianapolis, IN 46202
Preferred Mailing Address:
15032 Hunter Court
Westfield, IN  46074
(317) 490-5129 Work,  Mobile
(317) 663-0513 Home (no voice mail please)
1-(317)-536-2730 FAX

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