Re: [Rd] Subsetting row in single column matrix drops names in resulting vector

2018-11-27 Thread Serguei Sokol
The reason that multi-[column|row] and one-[column|row] matrices should 
be treated in the same way as to names kept in the result sounds good to 
me. I withdraw my remark.


Le 27/11/2018 à 15:48, Radford Neal a écrit :

The behaviour of a[1,] is unchanged, for backwards compatibility
reasons.  But in pqR one can explicitly mark an argument as
missing using "_".  When an array subscript is missing in this way,
the names will not be dropped in this context even if there is
only one of them.  So a[1,_] will do what you want:

> a = matrix(1:2, nrow = 2, dimnames = list(c("row1", "row2"), c("col1")))
> a[1, ]
[1] 1
> a[1,_]

To my mind, it's rather counterintuitive as


so a[1,_] and a[2,_] have the same name. To make it intuitive (at least
for me ;) ) it should rather return names "row1" and "row2" respectively.


The aim in designing these features should be to make it easier to
write reliable software, which doesn't unexpectedly fail in edge

Here, the fact that a is a matrix presumably means that the program is
designed to work for more than one column - in fact, it's likely that
the programmer was mostly thinking of the case where there is more
than one column, and perhaps only testing that case.  But of course
there is usually no reason why one column (or even zero columns) is
impossible.  We want the program to still work in such cases.

When there is more than one column, a[1,] and a[1,_] both produce a
vector with the _column_ names attached, and this is certainly not
going to change (nor should it, unless one wants to change the whole
semantics of matrices so that rows and columns are treated
non-symmetrically, and even then attaching the same row name to all
the elements would be rather strange...).

After v <- a[1,_], the program may well have an expression like v[nc]
where nc is a column name.  We want this to still work if there
happens to be only one column.  That will happen only if a[1,_]
attaches a column name, not a row name, when a has only one column.

Radford Neal

Serguei Sokol
Ingenieur de recherche INRA

Cellule mathématiques
135 Avenue de Rangueil
31077 Toulouse Cedex 04

tel: +33 5 62 25 01 27

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] Subsetting row in single column matrix drops names in resulting vector

2018-11-27 Thread Radford Neal
> > The behaviour of a[1,] is unchanged, for backwards compatibility
> > reasons.  But in pqR one can explicitly mark an argument as
> > missing using "_".  When an array subscript is missing in this way,
> > the names will not be dropped in this context even if there is
> > only one of them.  So a[1,_] will do what you want:
> >
> >> a = matrix(1:2, nrow = 2, dimnames = list(c("row1", "row2"), 
> > c("col1")))
> >> a[1, ]
> >[1] 1
> >> a[1,_]
> >col1
> >   1

> To my mind, it's rather counterintuitive as
> > a[2,_]
> col1
> 1
> so a[1,_] and a[2,_] have the same name. To make it intuitive (at least 
> for me ;) ) it should rather return names "row1" and "row2" respectively.
> Best,
> Serguei.

The aim in designing these features should be to make it easier to
write reliable software, which doesn't unexpectedly fail in edge

Here, the fact that a is a matrix presumably means that the program is
designed to work for more than one column - in fact, it's likely that
the programmer was mostly thinking of the case where there is more
than one column, and perhaps only testing that case.  But of course
there is usually no reason why one column (or even zero columns) is
impossible.  We want the program to still work in such cases.

When there is more than one column, a[1,] and a[1,_] both produce a
vector with the _column_ names attached, and this is certainly not
going to change (nor should it, unless one wants to change the whole
semantics of matrices so that rows and columns are treated
non-symmetrically, and even then attaching the same row name to all
the elements would be rather strange...).

After v <- a[1,_], the program may well have an expression like v[nc]
where nc is a column name.  We want this to still work if there
happens to be only one column.  That will happen only if a[1,_]
attaches a column name, not a row name, when a has only one column.

   Radford Neal

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Re: [Rd] Subsetting row in single column matrix drops names in resulting vector

2018-11-27 Thread Serguei Sokol

Le 27/11/2018 à 01:50, Radford Neal a écrit :

Dmitriy Selivanov ( wrote:

Consider following example:

a = matrix(1:2, nrow = 2, dimnames = list(c("row1", "row2"), c("col1")))
a[1, ]
# 1

It returns *unnamed* vector `1` where I would expect named vector. In fact
it returns named vector when number of columns is > 1.
Same issue applicable to single row matrix. Is it a bug? looks very

This and related issues are addressed in pqR, in the new
release of 2018-11-18.  (See, and my blog
post at

The behaviour of a[1,] is unchanged, for backwards compatibility
reasons.  But in pqR one can explicitly mark an argument as
missing using "_".  When an array subscript is missing in this way,
the names will not be dropped in this context even if there is
only one of them.  So a[1,_] will do what you want:

   > a = matrix(1:2, nrow = 2, dimnames = list(c("row1", "row2"), c("col1")))
   > a[1, ]
   [1] 1
   > a[1,_]

To my mind, it's rather counterintuitive as


so a[1,_] and a[2,_] have the same name. To make it intuitive (at least for me 
;) )
it should rather return names "row1" and "row2" respectively.


Furthermore, pqR will not drop names when the subscript is a
1D array (ie, has a length-1 dim attribute) even if it is only
one long.  In pqR, sequences that are 1D arrays are easily created
using the .. operator.  So the following works as intended when ..
is used, but not when the old : operator is used:

   > a = matrix(1:4, nrow=2, dimnames=list(c("row1","row2"),c("col1","col2")))
   > n = 2
   > a[1,1:n]
   col1 col2
   > a[1,1..n]
   col1 col2
   > n = 1
   > a[1,1:n]
   [1] 1
   > a[1,1..n]

You can read more about this in my blog post at

That was written when most of these features where introduced,
though getting your specific example right relies on another
change introduced in the most recent version.

 Radford Neal

__ mailing list

Serguei Sokol
Ingenieur de recherche INRA

Cellule mathématiques
135 Avenue de Rangueil
31077 Toulouse Cedex 04

tel: +33 5 62 25 01 27

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] Subsetting row in single column matrix drops names in resulting vector

2018-11-26 Thread Radford Neal
Dmitriy Selivanov ( wrote:

> Consider following example:
> a = matrix(1:2, nrow = 2, dimnames = list(c("row1", "row2"), c("col1")))
> a[1, ]
> # 1
> It returns *unnamed* vector `1` where I would expect named vector. In fact
> it returns named vector when number of columns is > 1.
> Same issue applicable to single row matrix. Is it a bug? looks very
> counterintuitive.

This and related issues are addressed in pqR, in the new
release of 2018-11-18.  (See, and my blog
post at

The behaviour of a[1,] is unchanged, for backwards compatibility
reasons.  But in pqR one can explicitly mark an argument as
missing using "_".  When an array subscript is missing in this way,
the names will not be dropped in this context even if there is
only one of them.  So a[1,_] will do what you want:

  > a = matrix(1:2, nrow = 2, dimnames = list(c("row1", "row2"), c("col1")))
  > a[1, ]
  [1] 1
  > a[1,_]

Furthermore, pqR will not drop names when the subscript is a
1D array (ie, has a length-1 dim attribute) even if it is only
one long.  In pqR, sequences that are 1D arrays are easily created
using the .. operator.  So the following works as intended when ..
is used, but not when the old : operator is used:

  > a = matrix(1:4, nrow=2, dimnames=list(c("row1","row2"),c("col1","col2")))
  > n = 2
  > a[1,1:n]
  col1 col2
  > a[1,1..n]
  col1 col2
  > n = 1
  > a[1,1:n]
  [1] 1
  > a[1,1..n]

You can read more about this in my blog post at

That was written when most of these features where introduced,
though getting your specific example right relies on another
change introduced in the most recent version.

Radford Neal

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] Subsetting row in single column matrix drops names in resulting vector

2018-11-22 Thread Dmitriy Selivanov
Emil, thanks for very nice explanation. Wish base drop would have same
behavior as abind::adrop.

чт, 22 нояб. 2018 г., 17:47 Emil Bode

> The problem is that the drop is only applied (or not) after the
> subsetting, so what R does is:
> - Getting the subset, which means a 1 x 1 matrix.
> - Only then It either returns that as is (when drop=FALSE), or removes ALL
> dimensions of extent 1, regardless of whether these are rows or columns (or
> higher dimensions).
> And it can't keep any names, because what name should be returned? The
> name 'row1' is just as valid as 'col1'.
> I guess if we could design everything anew, a solution would be to be able
> to specify something like a[1,,drop='row'], or a[1,,drop=1] to drop the
> rows but keep columns, and get a vector being equal to 'row1' (which in
> this case just has length-1, and names 'col1')
> That not how it's designed, but you could use 'adrop()' from the 'abind'
> package:
> abind:: adrop(a[1,,drop=FALSE], drop=1) first subsets, then drops the
> row-dimension, so gives what you're looking for.
> Hope this solves your problem.
> Best regards,
> Emil Bode
> On 21/11/2018, 17:58, "R-devel on behalf of Dmitriy Selivanov" <
> on behalf of>
> wrote:
> Hi Rui. Thanks for answer, I'm aware of drop = FALSE option.
> Unfortunately
> it doesn't resolve the issue - I'm expecting to get a vector, not a
> matrix .
> ср, 21 нояб. 2018 г. в 20:54, Rui Barradas :
> > Hello,
> >
> > Use drop = FALSE.
> >
> > a[1, , drop = FALSE]
> > # col1
> > #row11
> >
> >
> > Hope this helps,
> >
> > Rui Barradas
> >
> > Às 16:51 de 21/11/2018, Dmitriy Selivanov escreveu:
> > > Hello here. I'm struggling to understand R's subsetting behavior in
> > couple
> > > of edge cases - subsetting row in a single column matrix and
> subsetting
> > > column in a single row matrix. I've read R's docs several times and
> > haven't
> > > found answer.
> > >
> > > Consider following example:
> > >
> > > a = matrix(1:2, nrow = 2, dimnames = list(c("row1", "row2"),
> c("col1")))
> > > a[1, ]
> > > # 1
> > >
> > > It returns *unnamed* vector `1` where I would expect named vector.
> In
> > fact
> > > it returns named vector when number of columns is > 1.
> > > Same issue applicable to single row matrix. Is it a bug? looks very
> > > counterintuitive.
> > >
> > >
> >
> --
> Regards
> Dmitriy Selivanov
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Re: [Rd] Subsetting row in single column matrix drops names in resulting vector

2018-11-22 Thread Serguei Sokol

Le 22/11/2018 à 14:47, Emil Bode a écrit :

The problem is that the drop is only applied (or not) after the subsetting, so 
what R does is:
- Getting the subset, which means a 1 x 1 matrix.
- Only then It either returns that as is (when drop=FALSE), or removes ALL 
dimensions of extent 1, regardless of whether these are rows or columns (or 
higher dimensions).
And it can't keep any names, because what name should be returned? The name 
'row1' is just as valid as 'col1'.
If it is the only reason to not return any name in this case, I could 
make a suggestion.
Let return the name corresponding to the index in subsetting request, 
i.e. for a one-column matrix example it would give


as the indexes 1 and 2 here above corresponds to rows.

Just my 0.02€

I guess if we could design everything anew, a solution would be to be able to 
specify something like a[1,,drop='row'], or a[1,,drop=1] to drop the rows but 
keep columns, and get a vector being equal to 'row1' (which in this case just 
has length-1, and names 'col1')
That not how it's designed, but you could use 'adrop()' from the 'abind' 
abind:: adrop(a[1,,drop=FALSE], drop=1) first subsets, then drops the 
row-dimension, so gives what you're looking for.
Hope this solves your problem.

Best regards,
Emil Bode

On 21/11/2018, 17:58, "R-devel on behalf of Dmitriy Selivanov" 

 Hi Rui. Thanks for answer, I'm aware of drop = FALSE option. Unfortunately
 it doesn't resolve the issue - I'm expecting to get a vector, not a matrix 
 ср, 21 нояб. 2018 г. в 20:54, Rui Barradas :
 > Hello,

 > Use drop = FALSE.
 > a[1, , drop = FALSE]
 > # col1
 > #row11
 > Hope this helps,
 > Rui Barradas
 > Às 16:51 de 21/11/2018, Dmitriy Selivanov escreveu:
 > > Hello here. I'm struggling to understand R's subsetting behavior in
 > couple
 > > of edge cases - subsetting row in a single column matrix and subsetting
 > > column in a single row matrix. I've read R's docs several times and
 > haven't
 > > found answer.
 > >
 > > Consider following example:
 > >
 > > a = matrix(1:2, nrow = 2, dimnames = list(c("row1", "row2"), 
 > > a[1, ]
 > > # 1
 > >
 > > It returns *unnamed* vector `1` where I would expect named vector. In
 > fact
 > > it returns named vector when number of columns is > 1.
 > > Same issue applicable to single row matrix. Is it a bug? looks very
 > > counterintuitive.
 > >
 > >

 Dmitriy Selivanov
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__ mailing list

Serguei Sokol
Ingenieur de recherche INRA

Cellule mathématiques
135 Avenue de Rangueil
31077 Toulouse Cedex 04

tel: +33 5 62 25 01 27

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] Subsetting row in single column matrix drops names in resulting vector

2018-11-22 Thread Emil Bode
The problem is that the drop is only applied (or not) after the subsetting, so 
what R does is:
- Getting the subset, which means a 1 x 1 matrix.
- Only then It either returns that as is (when drop=FALSE), or removes ALL 
dimensions of extent 1, regardless of whether these are rows or columns (or 
higher dimensions).
And it can't keep any names, because what name should be returned? The name 
'row1' is just as valid as 'col1'.
I guess if we could design everything anew, a solution would be to be able to 
specify something like a[1,,drop='row'], or a[1,,drop=1] to drop the rows but 
keep columns, and get a vector being equal to 'row1' (which in this case just 
has length-1, and names 'col1')
That not how it's designed, but you could use 'adrop()' from the 'abind' 
abind:: adrop(a[1,,drop=FALSE], drop=1) first subsets, then drops the 
row-dimension, so gives what you're looking for.
Hope this solves your problem.

Best regards, 
Emil Bode

On 21/11/2018, 17:58, "R-devel on behalf of Dmitriy Selivanov" 

Hi Rui. Thanks for answer, I'm aware of drop = FALSE option. Unfortunately
it doesn't resolve the issue - I'm expecting to get a vector, not a matrix .

ср, 21 нояб. 2018 г. в 20:54, Rui Barradas :

> Hello,
> Use drop = FALSE.
> a[1, , drop = FALSE]
> # col1
> #row11
> Hope this helps,
> Rui Barradas
> Às 16:51 de 21/11/2018, Dmitriy Selivanov escreveu:
> > Hello here. I'm struggling to understand R's subsetting behavior in
> couple
> > of edge cases - subsetting row in a single column matrix and subsetting
> > column in a single row matrix. I've read R's docs several times and
> haven't
> > found answer.
> >
> > Consider following example:
> >
> > a = matrix(1:2, nrow = 2, dimnames = list(c("row1", "row2"), c("col1")))
> > a[1, ]
> > # 1
> >
> > It returns *unnamed* vector `1` where I would expect named vector. In
> fact
> > it returns named vector when number of columns is > 1.
> > Same issue applicable to single row matrix. Is it a bug? looks very
> > counterintuitive.
> >
> >

Dmitriy Selivanov

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Re: [Rd] Subsetting row in single column matrix drops names in resulting vector

2018-11-21 Thread Dmitriy Selivanov
Hi Rui. Thanks for answer, I'm aware of drop = FALSE option. Unfortunately
it doesn't resolve the issue - I'm expecting to get a vector, not a matrix .

ср, 21 нояб. 2018 г. в 20:54, Rui Barradas :

> Hello,
> Use drop = FALSE.
> a[1, , drop = FALSE]
> # col1
> #row11
> Hope this helps,
> Rui Barradas
> Às 16:51 de 21/11/2018, Dmitriy Selivanov escreveu:
> > Hello here. I'm struggling to understand R's subsetting behavior in
> couple
> > of edge cases - subsetting row in a single column matrix and subsetting
> > column in a single row matrix. I've read R's docs several times and
> haven't
> > found answer.
> >
> > Consider following example:
> >
> > a = matrix(1:2, nrow = 2, dimnames = list(c("row1", "row2"), c("col1")))
> > a[1, ]
> > # 1
> >
> > It returns *unnamed* vector `1` where I would expect named vector. In
> fact
> > it returns named vector when number of columns is > 1.
> > Same issue applicable to single row matrix. Is it a bug? looks very
> > counterintuitive.
> >
> >

Dmitriy Selivanov

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Re: [Rd] Subsetting row in single column matrix drops names in resulting vector

2018-11-21 Thread Rui Barradas


Use drop = FALSE.

a[1, , drop = FALSE]
# col1

Hope this helps,

Rui Barradas

Às 16:51 de 21/11/2018, Dmitriy Selivanov escreveu:

Hello here. I'm struggling to understand R's subsetting behavior in couple
of edge cases - subsetting row in a single column matrix and subsetting
column in a single row matrix. I've read R's docs several times and haven't
found answer.

Consider following example:

a = matrix(1:2, nrow = 2, dimnames = list(c("row1", "row2"), c("col1")))
a[1, ]
# 1

It returns *unnamed* vector `1` where I would expect named vector. In fact
it returns named vector when number of columns is > 1.
Same issue applicable to single row matrix. Is it a bug? looks very

__ mailing list

[Rd] Subsetting row in single column matrix drops names in resulting vector

2018-11-21 Thread Dmitriy Selivanov
Hello here. I'm struggling to understand R's subsetting behavior in couple
of edge cases - subsetting row in a single column matrix and subsetting
column in a single row matrix. I've read R's docs several times and haven't
found answer.

Consider following example:

a = matrix(1:2, nrow = 2, dimnames = list(c("row1", "row2"), c("col1")))
a[1, ]
# 1

It returns *unnamed* vector `1` where I would expect named vector. In fact
it returns named vector when number of columns is > 1.
Same issue applicable to single row matrix. Is it a bug? looks very

Dmitriy Selivanov

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