Please forgive the unorthodox posting, but some marketing genius here has 
decided I need a new corporate email address and has duly changed my outgoing 
email without adequate notice to amend listserve subscriptions. The result is a 
lot of unexpected bounces from R-help and R-devel. I'll try to fix that in 
time, but more importantly a couple of you have been corresponding with me re a 
proposed patch for a manual. I sent the patch a couple of days back, so if it 
hasn;t arrived, it's probably got stuck behind a spam trap. If so, please let 
me know, add the correct address to your spam filter and I'll try again ...

In the mean time I'll try to sort out the resulting listserve subscription mess.

Steve Ellison
This email and any attachments are confidential. Any use...{{dropped:8}}

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