Re: [Rd] minus: operator and sign (PR#7908)

2005-05-31 Thread ligges

 Full_Name: Allan Sims
 Version: 2.1.0
 OS: WinXP
 Submission from: (NULL) (
 This should not be correct. It seams that first power is applied and then 
 [1] -4
 __ mailing list

So you are telling us in a *bug* report that R works as expected???
The current R Language Definition manual tells us in Section Parser - 
Expressions - Infox and prefix operators (which is 10.4.2 in the 
current version) the details on the order of precendence (^ before 
unary -!).

Please read the docs before submitting bug reports!

Uwe Ligges

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] minus: operator and sign (PR#7908)

2005-05-31 Thread Uwe Ligges

Uwe Ligges wrote:


Full_Name: Allan Sims
Version: 2.1.0
Submission from: (NULL) (

This should not be correct. It seams that first power is applied and 
then sign.


[1] -4

__ mailing list

So you are telling us in a *bug* report that R works as expected???
The current R Language Definition manual tells us in Section Parser - 
Expressions - Infox and prefix operators (which is 10.4.2 in the 
current version) the details on the order of precendence (^ before 
unary -!).

Please read the docs before submitting bug reports!

Uwe Ligges

BTW: ?Syntax should have told you as well.

Uwe Ligges

__ mailing list

RE: [Rd] minus: operator and sign (PR#7908)

2005-05-31 Thread Ted Harding
On 31-May-05 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Full_Name: Allan Sims
 Version: 2.1.0
 OS: WinXP
 Submission from: (NULL) (
 This should not be correct. It seams that first power is applied and
 then sign.
 [1] -4

Rule 1: Know your enemy!

?Syntax --

 The following unary and binary operators are defined.  They are
 listed in precedence groups, from highest to lowest.


   '^'exponentiation (right to left)
   '- +'  unary minus and plus


   '+ -'  (binary) add, subtract


So ^ takes precedence over unary -, which takes precedence
over binary + and -.

But it is always safe (and often prudent) to force precedence
with parentheses -- at least you yourself are then absolutely
sure of exactly what is going to happen, which is the really
important thing (and this is Rule 2, which takes precedence
over Rule 1).

So if you want to force -2^2 and similar to be the square
of -2 then do (-2)^2. And it adds clarity to things like

  2 - - - 2^2

Best wishes,

E-Mail: (Ted Harding) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Fax-to-email: +44 (0)870 094 0861
Date: 31-May-05   Time: 11:06:58
-- XFMail --

__ mailing list

RE: [Rd] minus: operator and sign (PR#7908)

2005-05-31 Thread Ted Harding
On 31-May-05 Ted Harding wrote:
 But it is always safe (and often prudent) to force precedence
 with parentheses -- at least you yourself are then absolutely
 sure of exactly what is going to happen, which is the really
 important thing (and this is Rule 2, which takes precedence
 over Rule 1).
 So if you want to force -2^2 and similar to be the square
 of -2 then do (-2)^2. And it adds clarity to things like
   2 - - - 2^2

PS: And will also avoid typopathological events such as


when what you really meant was

   x -y
  [1] FALSE


E-Mail: (Ted Harding) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Fax-to-email: +44 (0)870 094 0861
Date: 31-May-05   Time: 11:50:07
-- XFMail --

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] (PR#7899) seek(con, 0, end, rw=r) does not always work

2005-05-31 Thread tplate
Uwe Ligges wrote:
 Tony Plate wrote:


 I've noticed that seek(con, 0, end, rw=r) on a file connection 
 does not always work correctly after a write (R 2.1.0 on Windows).

 [Is a call to fflush() needed inside file_seek() in 

 If you have an idea where to fflush() precisely and your patch works, 
 please tell it! I'll happily run some test cases where seeking matters.

 I couldn't see why the current code was returning a bad value under 
 some conditions.  (That's why didn't offer anything more than a 
 suggestion).  My suggestion to use an fflush() was a guess (hence the 
 question mark, but evidence for the guess being correct was that doing 
 a flush at the R command line made the whole thing work correctly.)  
 To be safe, I would try to put a flush() right at the beginning of 
 file_seek(), before the call to f_tell().  I tried this, and with the 
 modification the test case I gave produced correct output.  Here's how 
 the beginning of my modified file_seek() function (in 
 main/connections.c) looks:
 static double file_seek(Rconnection con, double where, int origin, int 
 Rfileconn this = con-private;
 FILE *fp = this-fp;
 #if defined(HAVE_OFF_T)  defined(__USE_LARGEFILE)
 off_t pos;
 #ifdef Win32
 off64_t pos;
 long pos;
 int whence = SEEK_SET;
 pos = f_tell(fp);

 /* make sure both positions are set */

 Works for your example, but I found another one where it introduces a 
 worse bug when using origin=current. Hence it's not that easy.
 After reviewing this issue more closely, I think writeLines() into a 
 binary connection might be the real problem and a misuse in this case. 
 See the last paragrpah in the Details Section of ?writeLines. Hence, 
 this might also be an issue related to the text mode connection problem 
 on Windows.
 Using simple writeChar and readChar statements works as expected for me 
 (at least, I was not able to produce anything unexpected). I'm no longer 
 convinced that this is a bug in R.

I see the same (buggy) behavior when I replace the writeLines() 
statements by writeChar() statments (but continue using readLines()).  I 
also see the same buggy behavior when I explicitly supply a 'sep' 
argument to writeLines().  Transcripts of both of these are below. 
[Also, in both cases, calling the R function flush() at indicated 
position in the transcript results in correct output.]

Regarding the documentation for writeLines, it states:

  Normally 'writeLines' is used with a text connection, and the
  default separator is converted to the normal separator for that
  platform (LF on Unix/Linux, CRLF on Windows, CR on Classic MacOS).
   For more control, open a binary connection and specify the
  precise value you want written to the file in 'sep'.  For even
  more control, use 'writeChar' on a binary connection.

The sentence beginning For more control seems to permit the use of 
writeLines() for binary connections.  What suggested to you that it was 
a misuse?

  # seek(, rw=r) on a file does not always work a write
  # even when sep=\n is supplied to writeLines
  f - file(tmp3.txt, w+b)
  # Write something earlier in the file
  seek(f, 10, rw=w)
[1] 0
  writeLines(c(ghi, jkl), f, sep=\n)
  seek(f, 20, rw=w)
[1] 18
  writeLines(c(abc), f, sep=\n)
  seek(f, 0, end, rw=w)
[1] 24
  # Try to read at the end of the file
  seek(f, 0, end, rw=r)
[1] 0
  readLines(f, -1)
  seek(f, 0, end, rw=w)
[1] 18
  # write something at the end of the file
  writeLines(c(def), f, sep=\n)
  # Try to read at the end of the file
  # flush(f) # flushing here makes the seek work correctly
  seek(f, 0, end, rw=r)
[1] 24
  seek(f, NA, rw=r) # ***WRONG*** (should return 28)
[1] 24
  readLines(f, -1) # ***WRONG*** (should return character(0))
[1] def
  seek(f, 20, rw=r)
[1] 28
  readLines(f, -1)
[1] abc def
  seek(f, 0, end, rw=r) # now it works correctly
[1] 28
  seek(f, NA, rw=r)
[1] 28
  readLines(f, -1)
  # seek(, rw=r) on a file does not always work a write
  # even when writeChar is used instead of writeLines
  f - file(tmp3.txt, w+b)
  # Write something earlier in the file
  seek(f, 10, rw=w)
[1] 0
  writeChar(c(ghi\n, jkl\n), f, eos=NULL)
  seek(f, 20, rw=w)
[1] 18
  writeChar(c(abc\n), f, eos=NULL)
  seek(f, 0, end, rw=w)
[1] 24
  # Try to read at the end of the file
  seek(f, 0, end, rw=r)
[1] 0
  readLines(f, -1)
  seek(f, 0, end, rw=w)
[1] 18
  # write something at the end of the file
  writeChar(c(def\n), f, eos=NULL)
  # Try to read at the end of the file
  # flush(f) # flushing here makes the seek work correctly
  seek(f, 0, end, rw=r)
[1] 24
  seek(f, NA, rw=r) # ***WRONG*** (should return 28)
[1] 24
  readLines(f, -1) # ***WRONG*** (should return character(0))
[1] def
  seek(f, 20, rw=r)
[1] 28
  readLines(f, -1)
[1] abc def

[Rd] Problem with fPortfolio

2005-05-31 Thread Neuro LeSuperHéros


I hesitate to call this a bug, because I could have forgotten something 
important, but the MarkowitzPortfolio example in fPortfolio does not work 
for me.  Here's my code:


xmpPortfolio(\nStart: Load monthly data set of returns  )
# Exclude Date, Market and Interest Rate columns from data frame,
# then multiply by 100 for percentual returns ...
berndtAssets = berndtInvest[, -c(1, 11, 18)]
rownames(berndtAssets) = berndtInvest[, 1]
1-Jan-78 -0.115 -0.079 -0.129 -0.084 -0.100 -0.028 -0.099 -0.048 -0.029 
-0.046  0.025 -0.008 -0.075 -0.054
1-Feb-78 -0.019 -0.003  0.037 -0.097 -0.063 -0.033  0.018  0.160 -0.043 
-0.017 -0.073 -0.025 -0.004 -0.010
1-Mar-78  0.059  0.022  0.003  0.063  0.010  0.070 -0.023 -0.036 -0.063  
0.049  0.184  0.026  0.124  0.015
1-Apr-78  0.127 -0.005  0.180  0.179  0.165  0.150  0.046  0.004  0.130  
0.077  0.089 -0.008  0.055  0.000
1-May-78  0.005 -0.014  0.061  0.052  0.038 -0.031  0.063  0.046 -0.018 
-0.011  0.082  0.019  0.176 -0.029
1-Jun-78  0.007  0.034 -0.059 -0.023 -0.021  0.023  0.008  0.028 -0.004 
-0.043  0.019  0.032 -0.014 -0.025

1-Jan-78 -0.116
1-Feb-78 -0.135
1-Mar-78  0.084
1-Apr-78  0.144
1-May-78 -0.031
1-Jun-78  0.005

 ## Markowitz Portfolios:
myPortfolio = portfolioMarkowitz(berndtAssets, targetReturn = 

Error in portfolioMarkowitz(berndtAssets, targetReturn = 20/100/12) :
   Object pfolio not found


platform i386-pc-mingw32
arch i386
os   mingw32
system   i386, mingw32
status   Patched
year 2005
day  09
language R

__ mailing list