[Rd] Bug in RODBC (PR#6987)

2004-06-17 Thread andrew_zachary
Full_Name: Andrew Zachary
Version: 1.9.0
OS: XP Pro
Submission from: (NULL) (

Hello -

Have an odd problem with RODBC -- it fails in an sqlSave with the RGui reporting
a fatal exception in ModName msvcrt.dll. I'm using MySQL and trying to append a
medium size data frame to an already existing table.

I will work to isolate the problem and send a more detailed report.

In the meantime, does anyone have some pointers for what might generate such an
error, and for how to work around it?

Andrew Zachary

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[Rd] Problem with console in Windows GUI (PR#4381)

2003-10-02 Thread andrew_zachary
Full_Name: Andrew Zachary
Version: 1.7.1
OS: XP Pro
Submission from: (NULL) (

The R-console window in the Windows GUI has a nice feature that lets you save
your preferences for font sizes and background and foreground colors. Unhappily,
there is no way to load these preferences back in when starting a new session.

Also, the scroll window for selecting colors is very small and awkward. If I
want to select a color which is towards the top or the bottom of the list, I
have to scrolls (slowly) through all the entries to get to it. Would make more
sense to have a color window with user-selectable colors.

Andrew Zachary

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list