[Rd] Typo in setClass.Rd (PR#7748)

2005-03-25 Thread weigand . stephen
Full_Name: Stephen Weigand
Version: R-alpha
OS: Mac OS X
Submission from: (NULL) (

In R-alpha (R-latest.tar.gz as of Fri Mar 25 18:34:05 CST 2005) the file
has the following typo: Is this a the name of a formally defined class? Either
a or the
should be removed.

R-devel@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list

[Rd] 2nd sentence of ?attributes has a typo (PR#7060)

2004-07-06 Thread Weigand . Stephen
The second sentence of the Description of ?attributes has 
a typo. Either the or an (but not both) should be deleted. 

   These functions access an object's attribute list. The 
   first form above returns the an object's attribute list.

(I'm using 1.9.0 now, but the typo also exists in 1.9.1 
for Mac OS X.) 

Thank you,


--please do not edit the information below--

 platform = sparc-sun-solaris2.8
 arch = sparc
 os = solaris2.8
 system = sparc, solaris2.8
 status = 
 major = 1
 minor = 9.0
 year = 2004
 month = 04
 day = 12
 language = R

Search Path:
 .GlobalEnv, package:survival, package:Hmisc, package:methods, 
 package:stats, package:graphics, package:utils, Autoloads, package:base

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [Rd] DSTEIN error (PR#7047)

2004-07-06 Thread weigand . stephen
By R crashes I mean R GUI quits completely and
R from the command line returns the user to the
Unix shell.

On Jul 3, 2004, at 12:40 AM, Prof Brian Ripley wrote:

 What does `R crashes' mean?  Please see the R posting guide.

 I think the error message indicates a bug in MacOS X.  What made you 
 this was a bug in R?  (It depends of course what `crashes' meant - if 
 R application aborted it would be, but not if it just gave an error
 message (hardly a crash) nor if the MacOS runtime aborted.)

 The code runs to completion on Windows and Linux with a variety of 
 including that supplied with R (which MacOS X is unable to use as it is

 On Sat, 3 Jul 2004 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Full_Name: Stephen Weigand
 Version: 1.9.0
 OS: Mac OS X 10.3.4
 Submission from: (NULL) (

 When running an iteratively reweighted least squares program R 
 crashes and the
 following is
 written to the console.app (when using R GUI) or to stdout (when 
 using R from
 the command

 Parameter 5 to routine DSTEIN was incorrect
 Mac OS BLAS parameter error in DSTEIN, parameter #0, (unavailable), 
 is 0


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[Rd] DSTEIN error (PR#7047)

2004-07-02 Thread weigand . stephen
Full_Name: Stephen Weigand
Version: 1.9.0
OS: Mac OS X 10.3.4
Submission from: (NULL) (

When running an iteratively reweighted least squares program R crashes and the
following is
written to the console.app (when using R GUI) or to stdout (when using R from
the command

Parameter 5 to routine DSTEIN was incorrect
Mac OS BLAS parameter error in DSTEIN, parameter #0, (unavailable), is 0

In case it helps, here's the function and function call that causes the crash.

n - 4
p - 1
f - 2; k - 2

lms.bcn.univar - function(y, B, p, f, k, lambda.0, mu.0, sigma.0){

  n - length(y)
  D11 - matrix(1, nrow = p, ncol = n)
  D1 - rbind(cbind(D11, matrix(0, nrow = p,  ncol = f)),
  cbind(matrix(0, nrow = f, ncol = n), diag(f)))

  D22 - rbind(rep(1:0,n),
  x1 - t(D22)[,1]
  x2 - t(D22)[,2]
  D2 - rbind(cbind(diag(n), matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = 2*n)),
  cbind(matrix(0, nrow = f, ncol = n), D22))
  R - matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = k * n)
  Ra - diag(n + n*k)

  A11 - function(lambda, mu, sigma){
diag((1 + 2 * lambda^2 * sigma^2)/(mu^2 * sigma^2), nrow = n)
  A22 - function(lambda, sigma, n) {

A - matrix(0, nrow = n*2, ncol = n*2)

block - c(7 * sigma^2 / 4, lambda * sigma,
   lambda * sigma, 2 / (sigma^2))

## code to get the indices of the elements of a block
## diagonal matrix when the matrix is treated as a vector.
m - n*2
s - integer(0)
for (i in seq(1, m-1, by = 2)) s - c(s, rep(i:(i+1),2))
block.indices - m * rep(0:(m-1), each = 2) + s

A[block.indices] - block
  A12 - function(lambda, mu, sigma, n) {
A - matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = n * 2)

block - c(-1/(2 * mu), (2*lambda)/(mu * sigma))

block.indices - n * 0:(2*n-1) + rep(1:n, each = 2)

A[block.indices] - block
  I.exp - function(A11,A12,A22) {
rbind(cbind(A11, A12),
  G - function(D2, Ra, A11, A12, A22){
D2 %*% Ra %*% I.exp(A11,A12,A22) %*% t(Ra) %*% t(D2)
  W - function(G){
G11 - G[1:n, 1:4]
G12 - G[1:4, 5:6]
G22 - G[5:6, 5:6]
  W - function(G,n,k){
G11 - G[1:n, 1:n]
G12 - G[1:n, (n+1):(n+k)]
G22 - G[(n+1):(n+k), (n+1):(n+k)]

G11 - G12 %*% solve(G22) %*% t(G12)
  zbc - function(y,lambda, mu, sigma) {
((y/mu)^lambda - 1) / (lambda * sigma)
  L1 - function(y,lambda, mu, sigma) {
z - zbc(y,lambda, mu, sigma)
return(z/(mu * sigma) + lambda * (z^2 - 1) / mu)
  L2 - function(y,lambda,mu,sigma){
z - zbc(y,lambda, mu, sigma)

L.lambda - z/lambda * (z - log(y/mu)/sigma) - log(y/mu) * (z^2 - 1)
L.sigma - (z^2 - 1)/sigma

L - c(L.lambda, L.sigma)

return(L[c(1, n + 1) + rep(0:(n-1), each = 2)])
  u1 - function(L1, L2, G, R, D22) {
G12 - G[1:n, (n+1):(n+k)]
G22 - G[(n+1):(n+k), (n+1):(n+k)]
return(L1 + (R - G12 %*% solve(G22) %*% D22) %*% L2)
  u2 - function(L2, A12, A22, R, D11, beta.new, beta.old){
L2 - (t(A12) + A22 %*% t(R)) %*% t(D11) %*% (beta.new - beta.old)
  loglike - function(y, l, m, s) {
sum( l * log(y/m) - log(s) - 0.5 * zbc(y,l,m,s)^2 )
  loglikeOptim - function(par,y){
lambda - par[1]
mu - par[2]
sigma - par[3]

-1 * loglike(y, lambda, mu, sigma)

  ll.0 - loglike(y, lambda.0, mu.0, sigma.0)

  lambda.old - lambda.0; mu.old - mu.0; sigma.old - sigma.0

  parameters - as.data.frame(matrix(NA, ncol = 4, nrow = B))
  colnames(parameters) - c(lambda, mu, sigma, loglike)
  for(i in 1:B) {
##cat(paste(i, ,))
a11 - A11(lambda.old, mu.old, sigma.old)
a22 - A22(lambda.old, sigma.old, n)  
a12 - A12(lambda.old, mu.old, sigma.old, n)

g - G(D2, Ra, a11, a12, a22); w - W(g, n ,2) 

l1 - L1(y, lambda.old, mu.old, sigma.old)
l2 - L2(y, lambda.old, mu.old, sigma.old)  

Y.mu - solve(w) %*% u1(l1, l2, g, R, D22) + t(D11) %*% mu.old
mu.new - coef(lm.gls(Y.mu ~ 1, W = w))

psi.old - rbind(lambda.old, sigma.old)
Y.psi - solve(a22) %*% u2(l2, a12, a22, R, D11, mu.new, mu.old) + t(D22)
%*% psi.old
psi.new - coef(lm.gls(Y.psi ~ -1 + x1 + x2, W = a22))

lambda.new - psi.new[1]; sigma.new - psi.new[2]

parameters[i, 1] - lambda.new
parameters[i, 2] - mu.new
parameters[i, 3] - sigma.new
parameters[i, 4] - loglike(y, lambda.new, mu.new, sigma.new)

### update the old with the new
lambda.old - lambda.new; mu.old - mu.new; sigma.old - sigma.new;

  return(list(lambda.0 = lambda.0, mu.0 = mu.0, sigma.0 = sigma.0, loglike.0 =
  parameters = parameters))


y - exp(rnorm(20) + 2)
y - round(y,2)
##print(lms.bcn.univar(y, B=15, p=1, f=2, k=2, 0.3, 8, 0.8))

y - rgamma(100,3,2)
print(lms.bcn.univar(y, B=5, p=1, f=2, k=2, 0.3,