Re: [R] How can I read the following complicated table

2012-12-13 Thread arun
If it is a dataframe with four columns.
Monday 12 78 89
Tuesday 34 44 67
Wednesday 78 98 2
Thursday 34 55 4
Friday 14 25 13
Monday 18 75 56
Tuesday 28 42 65

dat1Mon<-dat1[,-1][dat1[,1]=="Monday",] #rows with first column "Monday"
 dat1Tue<-dat1[,-1][dat1[,1]=="Tuesday",] #rows with first column "Tuesday"
#  V2 V3 V4
#2 34 44 67
#7 28 42 65
#You can repeat that for other days

#If the table is like this:
vec1<-readLines(textConnection("Monday 12 78 89
Tuesday 34 44 67
Wednesday 78 98 2
Thursday 34 55 4
Friday 14 25 13
Monday 18 75 56
Tuesday 28 42 65"))
vec1Mon<-unlist(strsplit(gsub("\\D+"," ",vec1[grep("Monday",vec1)]),split=" "))
#[1] 12 78 89 18 75 56
vec1Tue<-unlist(strsplit(gsub("\\D+"," ",vec1[grep("Tuesday",vec1)]),split=" "))
#[1] 34 44 67 28 42 65


- Original Message -
From: jpm miao 
To: r-help 
Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2012 9:50 PM
Subject: [R] How can I read the following complicated table


   I have a table (in a txt file) which look like this:

Monday 12 78 89
Tuesday 34 44 67
Wednesday 78 98 2
Thursday 34 55 4

   Then the table repeats Monday , Tuesday, ... followed by several numbers

   My goal is to read values after the table. My problem is a little more
complicated, but I just present a simpler case for ease of illustration. Is
there any way to ask R to "read several number after you see the word
'Monday' and store somewhere", and read several number after you see the
word 'Tuesday' and store somewhere"?



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__ mailing list
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__ mailing list
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Re: [R] neural net

2012-12-13 Thread arun
I tried your dataset.  I couldn't reproduce the Error: message.  Instead,

drug param1 param2 param3 param4 param5 class
A 111 15 125 40 0.5 1
B 347 13 280 55 3 2
C 335 9 119 89 -40 1
D 477 37 75 2 0 1
E 863 24 180 10 5 2
F 737 28 150 15 6 2
G 390 63 167 12 0 3
H 209 93 200 48 45 3
I 376 72 201 45 -60 3
J 262 16 205 49 25 3
K 273 39 267 53 11 1
L 192 33 164 19 15 2
M 282 2 213 86 30 1
N 111 11 198 68 -21 1
O 387 20 143 12 16 2
P 674 15 78 -20 -17 2
R 734 54 140 24 7 2
S 272 46 159 57 28 2
T 245 37 90 6 31 2

nn <- neuralnet(
  class~param1+param2+param3+param4+param5+param5,  #param5 is duplicated(typo?)
  data=mydata, hidden=2, err.fct="ce",
#Warning message:
#'err.fct' was automatically set to sum of squared error (sse), because the 
response is not binary 

#Call: neuralnet(formula = class ~ param1 + param2 + param3 + param4 + 
param5 + param5, data = mydata, hidden = 2, err.fct = "ce", linear.output = 
#1 repetition was calculated.
  #  Error Reached Threshold Steps
#1 12.50980687    0.009804371657    30

R version 2.15.0 (2012-03-30)
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)

 [3] LC_TIME=en_US.UTF-8    LC_COLLATE=en_US.UTF-8    

attached base packages:
[1] grid  stats graphics  grDevices utils datasets  methods  
[8] base 

other attached packages:
[1] neuralnet_1.31 MASS_7.3-16    stringr_0.6    reshape_0.8.4  plyr_1.7.1    

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] tools_2.15.0

- Original Message -
From: Katarzyna Nurzynska 
To: PIKAL Petr ; "" 

Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2012 10:56 AM
Subject: Re: [R] neural net

Thanks for your reply. I have compared my data with some other which works and 
I cannot see the difference... 

The structure of my data is shown below: 

> str(data) 
'data.frame':   19 obs. of  7 variables: 
$ drug    : Factor w/ 19 levels "A","B","C","D",..: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... 
$ param1  : int  111 347 335 477 863 737 390 209 376 262 ... 
$ param2 : int  15 13 9 37 24 28 63 93 72 16 ... 
$ param3     : int  125 280 119 75 180 150 167 200 201 205 ... 
$ param4     : int  40 55 89 2 10 15 12 48 45 49 ... 
$ param5     : num  0.5 3 -40 0 5 6 0 45 -60 25 ... 
$ Class   : int  1 2 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 ... 

> summary(data) 
      drug        param1         param2         param3             param4       
       param5             Class      
A      : 1   Min.   :111.0   Min.   : 2.0   Min.   : 75.0   Min.   :-20.00   
Min.   :-60.000   Min.   :1.000  
B      : 1   1st Qu.:253.5   1st Qu.:15.0   1st Qu.:132.5   1st Qu.: 12.00   
1st Qu.:  0.000   1st Qu.:1.000  
C      : 1   Median :335.0   Median :28.0   Median :164.0   Median : 40.00   
Median :  6.000   Median :2.000  
D      : 1   Mean   :383.0   Mean   :33.0   Mean   :166.0   Mean   : 35.26   
Mean   :  4.447   Mean   :1.895  
E      : 1   3rd Qu.:433.5   3rd Qu.:42.5   3rd Qu.:200.5   3rd Qu.: 54.00   
3rd Qu.: 20.500   3rd Qu.:2.000  
F      : 1   Max.   :863.0   Max.   :93.0   Max.   :280.0   Max.   : 89.00   
Max.   : 45.000   Max.   :3.000  

The structure of the example data which worked is shown below: 

> str(infert) 
'data.frame':   248 obs. of  8 variables: 
$ education     : Factor w/ 3 levels "0-5yrs","6-11yrs",..: 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 
$ age           : num  26 42 39 34 35 36 23 32 21 28 ... 
$ parity        : num  6 1 6 4 3 4 1 2 1 2 ... 
$ induced       : num  1 1 2 2 1 2 0 0 0 0 ... 
$ case          : num  1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ... 
$ spontaneous   : num  2 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 ... 
$ stratum       : int  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... 
$ pooled.stratum: num  3 1 4 2 32 36 6 22 5 19 ... 

> summary(infert) 
   education        age            parity         induced            case       
  spontaneous        stratum      pooled.stratum 
0-5yrs : 12   Min.   :21.00   Min.   :1.000   Min.   :0.   Min.   :0.   
Min.   :0.   Min.   : 1.00   Min.   : 1.00  
6-11yrs:120   1st Qu.:28.00   1st Qu.:1.000   1st Qu.:0.   1st Qu.:0.   
1st Qu.:0.   1st Qu.:21.00   1st Qu.:19.00  
12+ yrs:116   Median :31.00   Median :2.000   Median :0.   Median :0.   
Median :0.   Median :42.00   Median :36.00  
               Mean   :31.50   Mean   :2.093   Mean   :0.5726   Mean   :0.3347  
 Mean   :0.5766   Mean   :41.87   Mean   :33.58  
               3rd Qu.:35.25   3rd Qu.:3.000   3rd Qu.:1.   3rd Qu.:1.  
 3rd Qu.:1.   3rd Qu.:62.25   3rd Qu.:48.25  
               Max.   :44.00   Max.   :6.000   Max.  

Re: [R] replace parenthetical phrases in a string

2012-12-13 Thread arun

I guess there are some problems with spaces in this solution.

[1] "My toast=bog  and eggs omit=32" "dogs have ears"    
[3] "cats have tails  " 
 gsub(" *\\([^)]*\\) *", "", x)
#[1] "My toast=bogand eggsomit=32" "dogs have ears" 
#[3] "cats have tails"   

You could try this:
 gsub("(\\(.*\\))+?"," ",x)
#[1] "My toast=bog  and eggs omit=32" "dogs have ears"    
#[3] "cats have tails  " 

- Original Message -
From: "Adams, Jean" 
Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2012 6:03 PM
Subject: Re: [R] replace parenthetical phrases in a string

My apologies.  I sent too soon!

I did a bit more digging, and found a solution on the R-help archives.

y <- gsub(" *\\([^)]*\\) *", "", x)


On Thu, Dec 13, 2012 at 4:53 PM, Adams, Jean  wrote:

> R-helpers,
> I have a vector of character strings in which I would like to replace each
> parenthetical phrase with a single space, " ".  For example if I start with
> x, I would like to end up with y.
> x <- c("My toast=bog(keep=3 no=4) and eggs(er34)omit=32",
> "dogs have ears",
> "cats have tails (and ears, too!)")
> y <- c("My toast=bog  and eggs omit=32",
> "dogs have ears",
> "cats have tails  ")
> I'm guessing that this can be done with gsub(), but I have never mastered
> the mysteries of regular expressions.
> I would greatly appreciate any pointers.
> Thanks.
> Jean
> P.S.  I'm using R version 2.15.2 on Windows 7.

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Re: [R] How can I read the following complicated table

2012-12-13 Thread Rainer Schuermann
What have you tried so far that did not work, and what do you want the result 
of your reading the text file look like? What is "store somewhere"?

Why does 

> myDF <- read.table( "myData.txt" )

which gives you

> myDF
 V1 V2 V3 V4
1Monday 12 78 89
2   Tuesday 34 44 67
3 Wednesday 78 98  2
4  Thursday 34 55  4

as a starting point, not suffice?


On Friday 14 December 2012 10:50:56 jpm miao wrote:
> Hello,
>I have a table (in a txt file) which look like this:
> Monday 12 78 89
> Tuesday 34 44 67
> Wednesday 78 98 2
> Thursday 34 55 4
>Then the table repeats Monday , Tuesday, ... followed by several numbers
>My goal is to read values after the table. My problem is a little more
> complicated, but I just present a simpler case for ease of illustration. Is
> there any way to ask R to "read several number after you see the word
> 'Monday' and store somewhere", and read several number after you see the
> word 'Tuesday' and store somewhere"?
>   Thanks,
> miao
>   [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
> __
> mailing list
> PLEASE do read the posting guide
> and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

__ mailing list
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Re: [R] and POSIXct with DST shift

2012-12-13 Thread David Winsemius

On Dec 13, 2012, at 5:01 PM, David Winsemius wrote:

> On Dec 13, 2012, at 1:43 PM, Tobias Gauster wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I encountered the behavior, that the duplicated method for data.frames gives 
>> "false positives" if there are columns of class POSIXct with a clock shift 
>> from DST to standard time.
>> time <- as.POSIXct("2012-10-28 02:00", tz="Europe/Vienna") + c(0, 60*60)
>> time
>> [1] "2012-10-28 02:00:00 CEST" "2012-10-28 02:00:00 CET"
>> df <- data.frame(time, text="foo")
>> duplicated(df)
>> [1] FALSE  TRUE
> In this instance
>> This is because the timezone is lost after calling paste():
>>, c(df, sep = "\r"))
> I suspect the problem arise when 'paste' coerces to character:
> > as.character(time)
> [1] "2012-10-28 02:00:00" "2012-10-28 02:00:00"
> I think that as.character might get missed since the 'paste' operation is 
> done internally.
> > as.character(time, usetz=TRUE)
> [1] "2012-10-28 02:00:00 CEST" "2012-10-28 02:00:00 CET"

This would work as intended if you pre-processed the argument to duplicated 

> data.frame(lapply(df, as.character, usetz=TRUE) )
  time text
1 2012-10-28 02:00:00 CEST  foo
2  2012-10-28 02:00:00 CET  foo

>  duplicated( data.frame(lapply(df, as.character, usetz=TRUE) ) ) 


> -- 
> David.
> [1] "2012-10-28 02:00:00\rfoo" "2012-10-28 02:00:00\rfoo"
>> I can't really figure out if this behavior is desired or not. If so, a short 
>> warning in ?duplicated could be helpful. It is mentioned how 
>> works, but I didn't find a hint to properly handle 
>> POSIXct-objects.
> There is no duplicated.POSIXct method
>> My particular problem was to cast a data.frame like this one with cast() 
>> (which calls reshape1(), which calls duplicated()):
>> df2 <- data.frame(time, time1=as.numeric(time),
>> lab=rep(1:3, each=2), value=101:106,
>> text=rep(c("foo", "bar"), each=3))
>> library(reshape2)
>> Using the column of class POSIXct as a variable in the formula gives:
>> cast(lab*time~text, data=df2, value="value")
>> Aggregation requires fun.aggregate: length used as default
>> labtime bar foo
>> 1   1 2012-10-28 02:00:00   0   2
>> 2   2 2012-10-28 02:00:00   1   1
>> 3   3 2012-10-28 02:00:00   2   0
>> Converting to numeric, casting and converting back works as expected, 
>> although the timezone is not visible, because calls 
>> format.POSIXct() with, usetz = FALSE:
>> y <- cast(lab*time1~text, data=df2, value="value")
>> y$time1 <- as.POSIXct("1970-01-01 01:00") + as.numeric(y$time1)
>> Can anyone suggest a more elegant solution?
>> Best,
>> Tobias
>> __
>> mailing list
>> PLEASE do read the posting guide
>> and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.
> David Winsemius, MD
> Alameda, CA, USA
> __
> mailing list
> PLEASE do read the posting guide
> and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

David Winsemius
Alameda, CA, USA

__ mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

[R] How can I read the following complicated table

2012-12-13 Thread jpm miao

   I have a table (in a txt file) which look like this:

Monday 12 78 89
Tuesday 34 44 67
Wednesday 78 98 2
Thursday 34 55 4

   Then the table repeats Monday , Tuesday, ... followed by several numbers

   My goal is to read values after the table. My problem is a little more
complicated, but I just present a simpler case for ease of illustration. Is
there any way to ask R to "read several number after you see the word
'Monday' and store somewhere", and read several number after you see the
word 'Tuesday' and store somewhere"?



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__ mailing list
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Re: [R] How to select a subset data to do a barplot in ggplot2

2012-12-13 Thread Dennis Murphy

The simplest way to do it is to modify the input data frame by taking
out the records not having status live or dead and then redefining the
factor in the new data frame to get rid of the removed levels. Calling
your input data frame DF rather than data,

DF <- structure(list(FID = c(1L, 1L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 6L, 6L, 10L, 10L,
10L, 11L, 11L, 11L, 12L, 17L, 17L, 17L), IID = c(4621L, 4628L,
4631L, 4632L, 4633L, 4634L, 4675L, 4679L, 4716L, 4719L, 4721L,
4726L, 4728L, 4730L, 4732L, 4783L, 4783L, 4784L), STATUS = structure(c(2L,
1L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 1L, 1L, 2L, 1L, 2L, 3L, 3L, 2L, 2L, 2L,
2L), .Label = c("dead", "live", "nosperm"), class = "factor")), .Names
= c("FID",
"IID", "STATUS"), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -18L

# The right hand side above came from dput(DF), where DF was created by
# DF <- read.table(textConnection(""), header = TRUE)
# Consider using dput() to represent your data in the future.

# Retain the records with status live or dead only
DF2 <- DF[DF$STATUS %in% c("live", "dead"), ]

# This does not get rid of the original levels...
# redefine the factor
DF2$STATUS <- factor(DF2$STATUS)

> str(DF2)
'data.frame':   16 obs. of  3 variables:
 $ FID   : int  1 1 2 2 2 2 6 6 10 10 ...
 $ IID   : int  4621 4628 4631 4632 4633 4634 4675 4679 4716 4719 ...
 $ STATUS: Factor w/ 2 levels "dead","live": 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 ...

# now plot:

# (1) FID numeric
ggplot(DF2, aes(x = FID, fill = STATUS)) + geom_bar()

# (2) FID factor
ggplot(DF2, aes(x = factor(FID), fill = STATUS)) + geom_bar()

The second one makes more sense to me, but you may have reasons to
prefer the first.


On Thu, Dec 13, 2012 at 4:38 AM, Yao He  wrote:
> 14621live
> 14628dead
> 24631live
> 24632live
> 24633live
> 24634live
> 64675live
> 64679dead
> 104716dead
> 104719live
> 104721dead
> 114726live
> 114728nosperm
> 114730nosperm
> 124732live
> 174783live
> 174783live
> 174784live

__ mailing list
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Re: [R] and POSIXct with DST shift

2012-12-13 Thread David Winsemius

On Dec 13, 2012, at 1:43 PM, Tobias Gauster wrote:


I encountered the behavior, that the duplicated method for  
data.frames gives "false positives" if there are columns of class  
POSIXct with a clock shift from DST to standard time.

time <- as.POSIXct("2012-10-28 02:00", tz="Europe/Vienna") + c(0,  

[1] "2012-10-28 02:00:00 CEST" "2012-10-28 02:00:00 CET"

df <- data.frame(time, text="foo")

In this instance

This is because the timezone is lost after calling paste():, c(df, sep = "\r"))

I suspect the problem arise when 'paste' coerces to character:

> as.character(time)
[1] "2012-10-28 02:00:00" "2012-10-28 02:00:00"

I think that as.character might get missed since the 'paste' operation  
is done internally.

> as.character(time, usetz=TRUE)
[1] "2012-10-28 02:00:00 CEST" "2012-10-28 02:00:00 CET"


[1] "2012-10-28 02:00:00\rfoo" "2012-10-28 02:00:00\rfoo"

I can't really figure out if this behavior is desired or not. If so,  
a short warning in ?duplicated could be helpful. It is mentioned how works, but I didn't find a hint to properly  
handle POSIXct-objects.

There is no duplicated.POSIXct method

My particular problem was to cast a data.frame like this one with  
cast() (which calls reshape1(), which calls duplicated()):

df2 <- data.frame(time, time1=as.numeric(time),
 lab=rep(1:3, each=2), value=101:106,
 text=rep(c("foo", "bar"), each=3))


Using the column of class POSIXct as a variable in the formula gives:
cast(lab*time~text, data=df2, value="value")
Aggregation requires fun.aggregate: length used as default
 labtime bar foo
1   1 2012-10-28 02:00:00   0   2
2   2 2012-10-28 02:00:00   1   1
3   3 2012-10-28 02:00:00   2   0

Converting to numeric, casting and converting back works as  
expected, although the timezone is not visible, because calls format.POSIXct() with, usetz = FALSE:

y <- cast(lab*time1~text, data=df2, value="value")
y$time1 <- as.POSIXct("1970-01-01 01:00") + as.numeric(y$time1)

Can anyone suggest a more elegant solution?


__ mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

David Winsemius, MD
Alameda, CA, USA

__ mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] neural net

2012-12-13 Thread Katarzyna Nurzynska
Thanks for your reply. I have compared my data with some other which works and 
I cannot see the difference... 

The structure of my data is shown below: 

> str(data) 
'data.frame':   19 obs. of  7 variables: 
 $ drug: Factor w/ 19 levels "A","B","C","D",..: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... 
 $ param1  : int  111 347 335 477 863 737 390 209 376 262 ... 
 $ param2 : int  15 13 9 37 24 28 63 93 72 16 ... 
 $ param3 : int  125 280 119 75 180 150 167 200 201 205 ... 
 $ param4 : int  40 55 89 2 10 15 12 48 45 49 ... 
 $ param5 : num  0.5 3 -40 0 5 6 0 45 -60 25 ... 
 $ Class   : int  1 2 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 ... 

> summary(data) 
  drugparam1 param2 param3 param4   
   param5 Class   
 A  : 1   Min.   :111.0   Min.   : 2.0   Min.   : 75.0   Min.   :-20.00   
Min.   :-60.000   Min.   :1.000   
 B  : 1   1st Qu.:253.5   1st Qu.:15.0   1st Qu.:132.5   1st Qu.: 12.00   
1st Qu.:  0.000   1st Qu.:1.000   
 C  : 1   Median :335.0   Median :28.0   Median :164.0   Median : 40.00   
Median :  6.000   Median :2.000   
 D  : 1   Mean   :383.0   Mean   :33.0   Mean   :166.0   Mean   : 35.26   
Mean   :  4.447   Mean   :1.895   
 E  : 1   3rd Qu.:433.5   3rd Qu.:42.5   3rd Qu.:200.5   3rd Qu.: 54.00   
3rd Qu.: 20.500   3rd Qu.:2.000   
 F  : 1   Max.   :863.0   Max.   :93.0   Max.   :280.0   Max.   : 89.00   
Max.   : 45.000   Max.   :3.000   

The structure of the example data which worked is shown below: 

> str(infert) 
'data.frame':   248 obs. of  8 variables: 
 $ education : Factor w/ 3 levels "0-5yrs","6-11yrs",..: 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 
2 ... 
 $ age   : num  26 42 39 34 35 36 23 32 21 28 ... 
 $ parity: num  6 1 6 4 3 4 1 2 1 2 ... 
 $ induced   : num  1 1 2 2 1 2 0 0 0 0 ... 
 $ case  : num  1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ... 
 $ spontaneous   : num  2 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 ... 
 $ stratum   : int  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... 
 $ pooled.stratum: num  3 1 4 2 32 36 6 22 5 19 ... 

> summary(infert) 
   educationageparity inducedcase   
  spontaneousstratum  pooled.stratum 
 0-5yrs : 12   Min.   :21.00   Min.   :1.000   Min.   :0.   Min.   :0.  
 Min.   :0.   Min.   : 1.00   Min.   : 1.00   
 6-11yrs:120   1st Qu.:28.00   1st Qu.:1.000   1st Qu.:0.   1st Qu.:0.  
 1st Qu.:0.   1st Qu.:21.00   1st Qu.:19.00   
 12+ yrs:116   Median :31.00   Median :2.000   Median :0.   Median :0.  
 Median :0.   Median :42.00   Median :36.00   
   Mean   :31.50   Mean   :2.093   Mean   :0.5726   Mean   :0.3347  
 Mean   :0.5766   Mean   :41.87   Mean   :33.58   
   3rd Qu.:35.25   3rd Qu.:3.000   3rd Qu.:1.   3rd Qu.:1.  
 3rd Qu.:1.   3rd Qu.:62.25   3rd Qu.:48.25   
   Max.   :44.00   Max.   :6.000   Max.   :2.   Max.   :1.  
 Max.   :2.   Max.   :83.00   Max.   :63.00   

So still not sure how to solve the problem  

From: PIKAL Petr []
Sent: 13 December 2012 07:16
To: dada;
Subject: RE: [R] neural net


> -Original Message-
> From: [mailto:r-help-bounces@r-
>] On Behalf Of dada
> Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2012 12:41 AM
> To:
> Subject: [R] neural net
> Hi
> I would like to do neural netowrk analysis on my data. It look like
> this:
> drug  param1  param2  param3  param4  param5  class
> A 111 15  125 40  0.5 1
> B 347 13  280 55  3   2
> C 335 9   119 89  -40 1
> D 477 37  75  2   0   1
> E 863 24  180 10  5   2
> F 737 28  150 15  6   2
> G 390 63  167 12  0   3
> H 209 93  200 48  45  3
> I 376 72  201 45  -60 3
> J 262 16  205 49  25  3
> K 273 39  267 53  11  1
> L 192 33  164 19  15  2
> M 282 2   213 86  30  1
> N 111 11  198 68  -21 1
> O 387 20  143 12  16  2
> P 674 15  78  -20 -17 2
> R 734 54  140 24  7   2
> S 272 46  159 57  28  2
> T 245 37  90  6   31  2
> I have entered the code below:
> > nn <- neuralnet(
> + class~param1+param2+param3+param4+param5+param5,
> + data=mydata, hidden=2, err.fct="ce",
> + linear.output=FALSE)
> However the error appeared:
> Error in model.frame.default(formula.reverse, data) :
>   object is not a matrix
> I changed the data frame to matrix:
> mydata.mat=as.matrix(mydata)

This is not very wise. It changes all numeric values to character. From 
documentation and 

[R] Combined Marimekko/heatmap

2012-12-13 Thread Neal Humphrey
Hi all, 

I'm trying to figure out a way to create a data graphic that I haven't ever 
seen an example of before, but hopefully there's an R package out there for it. 
The idea is to essentially create a heatmap, but to allow each column and/or 
row to be a different width, rather than having uniform column and row height. 
This is sort of like a Marimekko chart in appearance, except that rather than 
use a single color to represent the category, the color represents a value and 
all the y-axis heights in each column line up with each other. That way color 
represents one variable, while the area of the cell represents another. 

In my application, my heatmap has discrete categorical data rather than 
continuous. Rows are countries, columns are appliances, and I want to scale the 
width and height of each column to be the fraction of global energy consumed by 
the country and the fraction of energy use consumed by that appliance type. The 
color coding would then indicate whether or not that appliance is regulated in 
that country. 

Any ideas how to make such a chart, or even what it might be called?

Neal Humphrey

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Re: [R] changing character strings with hash marks

2012-12-13 Thread arun
You could also use:

gsub("\\w","#","Mary plays football")
#[1] " # "
gsub("[A-Za-z]", "#", "Mary plays football")


- Original Message -
From: Uwe Ligges 
To: simona mancini 
Cc: "" 
Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2012 5:38 PM
Subject: Re: [R] changing character strings with hash marks

On 13.12.2012 22:30, simona mancini wrote:
> Hi R users,
> I am quite new to R and I don't know how to deal with this (surely) easy 
> issue. I need to replace words in sentences with as many hash marks as the 
> number of characters per each word, as in the following example:
> Mary plays football
>  # 

gsub("[[:alpha:]]", "#", "Mary plays football")

Uwe Ligges

> Any suggestion about the function to be used?
> Thanks a lot.
> S.
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[R] and POSIXct with DST shift

2012-12-13 Thread Tobias Gauster

I encountered the behavior, that the duplicated method for data.frames gives 
"false positives" if there are columns of class POSIXct with a clock shift from 
DST to standard time. 

time <- as.POSIXct("2012-10-28 02:00", tz="Europe/Vienna") + c(0, 60*60)
[1] "2012-10-28 02:00:00 CEST" "2012-10-28 02:00:00 CET" 

df <- data.frame(time, text="foo")

This is because the timezone is lost after calling paste():, c(df, sep = "\r"))
[1] "2012-10-28 02:00:00\rfoo" "2012-10-28 02:00:00\rfoo"

I can't really figure out if this behavior is desired or not. If so, a short 
warning in ?duplicated could be helpful. It is mentioned how works, but I didn't find a hint to properly handle 

My particular problem was to cast a data.frame like this one with cast() (which 
calls reshape1(), which calls duplicated()):

df2 <- data.frame(time, time1=as.numeric(time),
  lab=rep(1:3, each=2), value=101:106, 
  text=rep(c("foo", "bar"), each=3))


Using the column of class POSIXct as a variable in the formula gives:
cast(lab*time~text, data=df2, value="value")
Aggregation requires fun.aggregate: length used as default
  labtime bar foo
1   1 2012-10-28 02:00:00   0   2
2   2 2012-10-28 02:00:00   1   1
3   3 2012-10-28 02:00:00   2   0

Converting to numeric, casting and converting back works as expected, although 
the timezone is not visible, because calls format.POSIXct() 
with, usetz = FALSE:
y <- cast(lab*time1~text, data=df2, value="value")
y$time1 <- as.POSIXct("1970-01-01 01:00") + as.numeric(y$time1)

Can anyone suggest a more elegant solution? 


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Re: [R] replace parenthetical phrases in a string

2012-12-13 Thread Adams, Jean
My apologies.  I sent too soon!

I did a bit more digging, and found a solution on the R-help archives.

y <- gsub(" *\\([^)]*\\) *", "", x)


On Thu, Dec 13, 2012 at 4:53 PM, Adams, Jean  wrote:

> R-helpers,
> I have a vector of character strings in which I would like to replace each
> parenthetical phrase with a single space, " ".  For example if I start with
> x, I would like to end up with y.
> x <- c("My toast=bog(keep=3 no=4) and eggs(er34)omit=32",
> "dogs have ears",
> "cats have tails (and ears, too!)")
> y <- c("My toast=bog  and eggs omit=32",
> "dogs have ears",
> "cats have tails  ")
> I'm guessing that this can be done with gsub(), but I have never mastered
> the mysteries of regular expressions.
> I would greatly appreciate any pointers.
> Thanks.
> Jean
> P.S.  I'm using R version 2.15.2 on Windows 7.

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[R] replace parenthetical phrases in a string

2012-12-13 Thread Adams, Jean

I have a vector of character strings in which I would like to replace each
parenthetical phrase with a single space, " ".  For example if I start with
x, I would like to end up with y.

x <- c("My toast=bog(keep=3 no=4) and eggs(er34)omit=32",
"dogs have ears",
"cats have tails (and ears, too!)")

y <- c("My toast=bog  and eggs omit=32",
"dogs have ears",
"cats have tails  ")

I'm guessing that this can be done with gsub(), but I have never mastered
the mysteries of regular expressions.

I would greatly appreciate any pointers.



P.S.  I'm using R version 2.15.2 on Windows 7.

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Re: [R] [R-sig-hpc] recursion depth limitations

2012-12-13 Thread Rui Barradas


Em 13-12-2012 21:31, Suzen, Mehmet escreveu:

On 13 December 2012 17:52, Simon Urbanek  wrote:

Because it's far beyond what you can handle without changing a lot of other 
things. 500k expressions will require at least about 320Mb of stack (!) in the 
eval() chain alone -- compare that to the 8Mb stack size which is default in 
most OSes, so you'll hit the wall way before that limit is reached.

Thank you for the explanation. Sorry to be dummy on this but why one
need a stack? I thought pointing to itself
has no memory cost for a function.

But it does, each recursive call will load another copy of the function, 
and another copy of the variables used.
In fact, the cost can become quite large since everything is loaded in 
memory again.

Hope this helps,

Rui Barradas

  Is it about how compilers designed
or about R being dynamic language?

While some algorithms are only "solvable"  feasibility with recursion
and 500K sounds not too much i.e. graph algorithms
for example dependency trees with large nodes easily reach to that number.

I don't see how "large nodes" have anything to do with this since we are 
talking about expression depth, not about sizes of any kind.
Again, in any realistic example you'll hit other limits first anyway.

I was thinking about very big tree with large depth, so each recursion
step may correspond to one leaf. Well not sure what
would be the application that has million depth, maybe a genetic algorithm.


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Re: [R] changing character strings with hash marks

2012-12-13 Thread Bert Gunter

If you intend to work with text, you need to learn about regular
expressions. There are many tutorials on this topic on the web. Go search.

Then learn about how R handles them via:
?regex  ## at the R prompt

Then ask your question more clearly, although by this time you'll probably
have figured it out yourself: For example, you failed to specify whether
punctuation could appear in the sentences or what language (and character
set) is used.

Finally, an answer (there are others) to the question you posed -- which is
probably not going to be sufficient -- is:

> gsub("[^ ]","#","Mary plays football")
[1] " # "


On Thu, Dec 13, 2012 at 1:30 PM, simona mancini wrote:

> Hi R users,
> I am quite new to R and I don't know how to deal with this (surely) easy
> issue. I need to replace words in sentences with as many hash marks as the
> number of characters per each word, as in the following example:
> Mary plays football
>  # 
> Any suggestion about the function to be used?
> Thanks a lot.
> S.
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Bert Gunter
Genentech Nonclinical Biostatistics

Internal Contact Info:
Phone: 467-7374

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Re: [R] changing character strings with hash marks

2012-12-13 Thread Uwe Ligges

On 13.12.2012 22:30, simona mancini wrote:

Hi R users,

I am quite new to R and I don't know how to deal with this (surely) easy issue. 
I need to replace words in sentences with as many hash marks as the number of 
characters per each word, as in the following example:

Mary plays football

gsub("[[:alpha:]]", "#", "Mary plays football")

Uwe Ligges

Any suggestion about the function to be used?
Thanks a lot.

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__ mailing list
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[R] changing character strings with hash marks

2012-12-13 Thread simona mancini
Hi R users,

I am quite new to R and I don't know how to deal with this (surely) easy issue. 
I need to replace words in sentences with as many hash marks as the number of 
characters per each word, as in the following example:

Mary plays football

Any suggestion about the function to be used?
Thanks a lot.

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Re: [R] [R-sig-hpc] recursion depth limitations

2012-12-13 Thread Suzen, Mehmet
On 13 December 2012 17:52, Simon Urbanek  wrote:
> Because it's far beyond what you can handle without changing a lot of other 
> things. 500k expressions will require at least about 320Mb of stack (!) in 
> the eval() chain alone -- compare that to the 8Mb stack size which is default 
> in most OSes, so you'll hit the wall way before that limit is reached.

Thank you for the explanation. Sorry to be dummy on this but why one
need a stack? I thought pointing to itself
has no memory cost for a function. Is it about how compilers designed
or about R being dynamic language?

>> While some algorithms are only "solvable"  feasibility with recursion
>> and 500K sounds not too much i.e. graph algorithms
>> for example dependency trees with large nodes easily reach to that number.
> I don't see how "large nodes" have anything to do with this since we are 
> talking about expression depth, not about sizes of any kind.
> Again, in any realistic example you'll hit other limits first anyway.

I was thinking about very big tree with large depth, so each recursion
step may correspond to one leaf. Well not sure what
would be the application that has million depth, maybe a genetic algorithm.


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Re: [R] CPOS from cwhmisc package not found

2012-12-13 Thread David Winsemius

On Dec 13, 2012, at 10:56 AM, Shirley Lee wrote:

I wonder if anyone can help me about cpos function not found error: :

path.package("cwhmisc", quiet = FALSE) [1] "C:/Users/slee/Documents/ 
R/win-library/2.15/cwhmisc" So I have package cwhmisc where there is  
cpos function. But I got error:

cpos("ab","b",1) Error: could not find function "cpos"

Then I tried to install on R prompt but got this error message:

install.packages("cwhmisc",lib="C:/Program Files/R/R-2.15.2/ 
library/") Warning message:

package 'cwhmisc' is not available (for R version 2.15.2)

So I don't understand why the package is not available for the  
version of R I am running. Anyone has any idea?

It has been withdrawn for some reason. You are advised in the Posting  
Guide (that no one seems to read) to contact the maintainer (or search  
the Archives) for such questions.

David Winsemius, MD
Alameda, CA, USA

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[R] Available Memory

2012-12-13 Thread Muhammad Abuizzah
I have a large database on sql Server 2012 Developers edition,  Windows 7 
ultimate edition,
some of my tables are as large as 10GB,
I am running R15.2 with a 64-bit build

I have been connecting fine to the database and extracting info.  but  it seams 
this was the first time I tried to pull a large (1/2 gb) amount of data in one 
query, The query didn't have anything fancy, it was code that always worked!

R dropped the work without providing an error message.  
I got the "sand clock" running for a couple of seconds, as if R had stared 
communication with the database, but 
then nothing. I looked at my windows task manger, and CPU utilization was at 

I ran memory.size() function to confirm availability of memory and it read 24 
thousand I don't remember the rest, I have 24GBs of ram on my computer.  the 
size of the other R objects in memory was around 2GB
I used RODBC to connect to the database, I understand the number you get when 
you run memory.size is in thousands of MBs, so a read of 24,000 means 24GB, 
which is consistent with the amount of ram in my machine.

Is there anything that I missed?  is there another way to check availability of 
memory? or allocated memory for an R session?
Are there issues with RODBC which might cause a failure of data transfer when 
the amount of data requested is "large"?

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Re: [R] subsetting time series

2012-12-13 Thread m p
Thats works perfectly, thanks a lot,

On Thu, Dec 13, 2012 at 11:34 AM, arun  wrote:

> Hi,
> Try this:
> seq1<-seq(from=as.POSIXct("2012-05-30
> 18:30:00",tz="UTC"),to=as.POSIXct("2012-05-31 02:30:00",tz="UTC"),by="1
> hour")
> seq2<-seq(from=as.POSIXct("2012-05-31
> 00:30:00",tz="UTC"),to=as.POSIXct("2012-05-31 08:30:00",tz="UTC"),by="1
> hour")
> seq3<-seq(from=as.POSIXct("2012-05-31
> 06:30:00",tz="UTC"),to=as.POSIXct("2012-05-31 07:30:00",tz="UTC"),by="1
> hour")
> Sys.setenv(TZ="UTC")
>  Series1<-c(seq1,seq2,seq3)
>  split(Series1,rep(1:3,each=9))
> #or individually if it is a small dataset
> Series1[1:9]
> Series1[10:18]
> etc.

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Re: [R] How do I make a loop to extract a column from multiple lists and then bind them together to make a new matrix?

2012-12-13 Thread Adams, Jean
Try this ...

MDD.mean.s10 <- sapply(MC_MDD.noNA$results, function(x) x[[2]][, 7])


On Thu, Dec 13, 2012 at 8:31 AM, Corinne Lapare wrote:

> Hi!  I am new to looping and R in general; and I have sent wy to much
> time on this one problem and am about a hair away from doing it manually
> for the next two days.
> So, there is a package that while calculating the statistic creates lists
> (that look like matrices) in the background.  Each item (there are 10
> items) has one of these ‘matrix looking list’ that I need to extract data
> from. The list has 5 rows that represent 5 groups, and 8 columns.  I need
> to extract 3 of the columns (‘Lo Score’=[,2], ‘Hi Score=[,3]’, and
> ‘Mean’=[,7]) for each of the items.  I then want to turn the extracted data
> into 3 matrices (‘Lo Score’, ‘Hi Score’, and ‘Mean’) where the rows are the
> 5 groups and the columns are items 1-10.
> This is how I can create the mean matrix by hand.  “MDD.mean.s10” is the
> matrix I want in the end.  (notice the first bracket after $results is the
> only part that changes 1-10 (to represent the 10 items) and the last
> bracket is [,7] to represent the mean located in column 7)
> >  m.1a <- MC_MDD.noNA$results[[1]][[2]][,7]
> >  m.2b <- MC_MDD.noNA$results[[2]][[2]][,7]
> >  m.3c <- MC_MDD.noNA$results[[3]][[2]][,7]
> >  m.4d <- MC_MDD.noNA$results[[4]][[2]][,7]
> >  m.5e <- MC_MDD.noNA$results[[5]][[2]][,7]
> >  m.6f <- MC_MDD.noNA$results[[6]][[2]][,7]
> >  m.7g <- MC_MDD.noNA$results[[7]][[2]][,7]
> >  m.8h <- MC_MDD.noNA$results[[8]][[2]][,7]
> >  m.9i <- MC_MDD.noNA$results[[9]][[2]][,7]
> >  m.10j <- MC_MDD.noNA$results[[10]][[2]][,7]
> > MDD.mean.s10 <- cbind(m.1a, m.2b, m.3c, m.4d, m.5e, m.6f, m.7g, m.8h,
> m.9i, m.10j)
> >
> > MDD.mean.s10
>   m.1a  m.2b  m.3c  m.4d  m.5e  m.6f  m.7g
> m.8h  m.9i m.10j
> [1,] 0.8707865 0.7393939 0.7769231 0.7591241 0.853 0.7925926 0.8258065
> 0.8410596 0.8843931 0.5638298
> [2,] 0.8323353 0.7302632 0.5913978 0.5868263 0.6923077 0.6182796 0.6964286
> 0.6839080 0.7911392 0.3212121
> [3,] 0.8726115 0.7159763 0.7117647 0.6163522 0.7987805 0.7105263 0.7613636
> 0.7674419 0.8034682 0.4011299
> [4,] 0.9024390 0.7894737 0.7795276 0.6530612 0.8593750 0.7112676 0.8672566
> 0.8629032 0.9152542 0.4834437
> [5,] 0.986 0.9102564 0.8452381 0.8160920 0.9726027 0.8658537 0.8352941
> 0.9342105 0.947 0.6454545
> But I can’t do this by hand every time, as this comes up over and over and
> over again in multiple lists.
> I have figured out how to loop this procedure and name the vector as it
> goes along:
> > for(i in 1:10){
> +   assign(paste("m", i, sep = ""), MC_MDD.noNA$results[[i]][[2]][,7])
> +  }
> >
> >
> >  m1
> [1] 0.8707865 0.8323353 0.8726115 0.9024390 0.986
> >  m2
> [1] 0.7393939 0.7302632 0.7159763 0.7894737 0.9102564
> >  m3
> [1] 0.7769231 0.5913978 0.7117647 0.7795276 0.8452381
> >  m4
> [1] 0.7591241 0.5868263 0.6163522 0.6530612 0.8160920
> >  m5
> [1] 0.853 0.6923077 0.7987805 0.8593750 0.9726027
> >  m6
> [1] 0.7925926 0.6182796 0.7105263 0.7112676 0.8658537
> >  m7
> [1] 0.8258065 0.6964286 0.7613636 0.8672566 0.8352941
> >  m8
> [1] 0.8410596 0.6839080 0.7674419 0.8629032 0.9342105
> >  m9
> [1] 0.8843931 0.7911392 0.8034682 0.9152542 0.947
> >  m10
> [1] 0.5638298 0.3212121 0.4011299 0.4834437 0.6454545
> Now here where I get stuck… how do I cbind these vectors without typing it
> out expliciity? ie. mean.MDD <- cbind(m1,m2,m3,m4,m5,m6,m7,m8,m9,10)
> Everything I have tried keeps overwriting the data instead of building a
> matrix.  Basically I, start with a matrix (5x10) of zeros.  Then I wind up
> with a few values in the beginning, but the rest is still zeros.
> Example of terrible code:
> > fo <- matrix(0,5,10)
> >  colnames(fo) <- paste('f', 1:10, sep = "")
> >  fo
>  f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 f10
> [1,]  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0   0
> [2,]  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0   0
> [3,]  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0   0
> [4,]  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0   0
> [5,]  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0   0
> >  for(i in 1:10){
> +   fo <- assign(paste("f", i, sep = ""),
> MC_MDD.noNA$results[[i]][[2]][,7])
> +  }
> >  fo
> [1] 0.5638298 0.3212121 0.4011299 0.4834437 0.6454545
> > fo <- matrix(0,5,10)
> >  colnames(fo) <- paste('f', 1:10, sep = "")
> >  fo
>  f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 f10
> [1,]  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0   0
> [2,]  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0   0
> [3,]  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0   0
> [4,]  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0   0
> [5,]  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0   0
> >  for(i in 1:10){
> +   fo <- cbind(assign(paste("f", i, sep = ""),
> MC_MDD.noNA$results[[i]][[2]][,7]))
> +  }
> >  fo
>   [,1]
> [1,] 0.5638298
> [2,] 0.3212121
> [3,] 0.4011299
> [4,] 0.4834437
> [5,] 0.6454545
> Thanks for your

Re: [R] abline of an lm fit not correct

2012-12-13 Thread Patrick Connolly

Easting and northing data uses numbers requiring more digits than R's
default of 7.  In all the years I've used R, the only time I've needed
to adjust the default digits is with easting and northing data.

Try something like

options(digits = 11)


On Thu, 13-Dec-2012 at 03:22PM +, Robert U wrote:

|> Hello fellow
|> R-users,
|> ??
|> I???m stuck
|> with something i think is pretty stupid, but i can???t find out where i???m 
|> and it???s turning me crazy! 
|> ??
|> I am doing
|> a very simple linear regression with Northing/Easting data, then I plot the
|> data as well as the regression line : 
|> ??
|> > plot(x=Dataset$EASTING,
|> y=Dataset$NORTHING)
|> > fit <- lm(formula = NORTHING ~ EASTING,
|> data = Dataset)
|> > abline(fit)
|> > fit
|> ??
|> Call:
|> lm(formula = NORTHING ~ EASTING, data =
|> Dataset)
|> ??
|> Coefficients:
|> (Intercept)?? EASTING?? 
|> ?? 5.376e+05?? 4.692e-02?? 
|> ??
|> Later on, when I use the
|> command ???abline??? with the coefficient provided by ???summary(fit)???, 
the line is
|> not the same as abline(fit) !
|> ??
|> To summarize,
|> those two lines are different: 
|> ??
|> > abline(fit)
|> >
|> abline(5.376e+05, 4.692e-02)
|> ??
|> The ???b??? coefficients
|> appear equal, but the intercepts are different.
|> ??
|> Where am I missing
|> something? L
|> ??
|> Thanks
|>  [[alternative HTML version deleted]]

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   ___Patrick Connolly   
 {~._.~}   Great minds discuss ideas
 _( Y )_ Average minds discuss events 
(:_~*~_:)  Small minds discuss people  
 (_)-(_)  . Eleanor Roosevelt

__ mailing list
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Re: [R] subsetting time series

2012-12-13 Thread arun
Try this:
18:30:00",tz="UTC"),to=as.POSIXct("2012-05-31 02:30:00",tz="UTC"),by="1 hour")
00:30:00",tz="UTC"),to=as.POSIXct("2012-05-31 08:30:00",tz="UTC"),by="1 hour")
06:30:00",tz="UTC"),to=as.POSIXct("2012-05-31 07:30:00",tz="UTC"),by="1 hour")
#or individually if it is a small dataset 


- Original Message -
From: m p 
Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2012 11:52 AM
Subject: [R] subsetting time series

my series of dates look like

  [1] "2012-05-30 18:30:00 UTC" "2012-05-30 19:30:00 UTC"
  [3] "2012-05-30 20:30:00 UTC" "2012-05-30 21:30:00 UTC"
  [5] "2012-05-30 22:30:00 UTC" "2012-05-30 23:30:00 UTC"
  [7] "2012-05-31 00:30:00 UTC" "2012-05-31 01:30:00 UTC"
  [9] "2012-05-31 02:30:00 UTC" "2012-05-31 00:30:00 UTC"
[11] "2012-05-31 01:30:00 UTC" "2012-05-31 02:30:00 UTC"
[13] "2012-05-31 03:30:00 UTC" "2012-05-31 04:30:00 UTC"
[15] "2012-05-31 05:30:00 UTC" "2012-05-31 06:30:00 UTC"
[17] "2012-05-31 07:30:00 UTC" "2012-05-31 08:30:00 UTC"
[19] "2012-05-31 06:30:00 UTC" "2012-05-31 07:30:00 UTC"

I'd like to subset this to four series

  [1] "2012-05-30 18:30:00 UTC" "2012-05-30 19:30:00 UTC"
  [3] "2012-05-30 20:30:00 UTC" "2012-05-30 21:30:00 UTC"
  [5] "2012-05-30 22:30:00 UTC" "2012-05-30 23:30:00 UTC"
  [7] "2012-05-31 00:30:00 UTC" "2012-05-31 01:30:00 UTC"
  [9] "2012-05-31 02:30:00 UTC"

[10] "2012-05-31 18:30:00 UTC" "2012-05-31 19:30:00 UTC"

                                                "2012-05-31 00:30:00 UTC"
-> [1]
[11] "2012-05-31 01:30:00 UTC" "2012-05-31 02:30:00 UTC" -> [2,3]
[13] "2012-05-31 03:30:00 UTC" "2012-05-31 04:30:00 UTC"
[15] "2012-05-31 05:30:00 UTC" "2012-05-31 06:30:00 UTC"
[17] "2012-05-31 07:30:00 UTC" "2012-05-31 08:30:00 UTC"

[10] "2012-06-01 00:30:00 UTC"

[19] "2012-05-31 06:30:00 UTC" "2012-05-31 07:30:00 UTC"

so that I can plot data for each of the series separately without e.g. data
at hour  "2012-05-31 02:30:00 UTC"  connecting in the figure to "2012-05-31
00:30:00 UTC"

Basically, cycling through the series with period 9

Thanks for any suggestions/help,


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[R] CPOS from cwhmisc package not found

2012-12-13 Thread Shirley Lee
I wonder if anyone can help me about cpos function not found error: :

path.package("cwhmisc", quiet = FALSE) [1] 
"C:/Users/slee/Documents/R/win-library/2.15/cwhmisc" So I have package cwhmisc 
where there is cpos function. But I got error:
cpos("ab","b",1) Error: could not find function "cpos"

Then I tried to install on R prompt but got this error message:

install.packages("cwhmisc",lib="C:/Program Files/R/R-2.15.2/library/") Warning 
package 'cwhmisc' is not available (for R version 2.15.2)

So I don't understand why the package is not available for the version of R I 
am running. Anyone has any idea?

Shirley Lee

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Re: [R] More efficient use of reshape?

2012-12-13 Thread Nathan Miller
Sorry David,

In my attempt to simplify example and just include the code I felt was
necessary I left out the loading of ggplot2, which then imports reshape2,
and which was actually used in the code I provided. Sorry to the mistake
and my misunderstanding of where the reshape function was coming from.
Should have checked that more carefully.


On Thu, Dec 13, 2012 at 9:48 AM, David Winsemius wrote:

> On Dec 13, 2012, at 9:16 AM, Nathan Miller wrote:
>  Hi all,
>> I have played a bit with the "reshape" package and function along with
>> "melt" and "cast", but I feel I still don't have a good handle on how to
>> use them efficiently. Below I have included a application of "reshape"
>> that
>> is rather clunky and I'm hoping someone can offer advice on how to use
>> reshape (or melt/cast) more efficiently.
> You do realize that the 'reshape' function is _not_ in the reshape
> package, right? And also that the reshape package has been superseded by
> the reshape2 package?
> --
> David.
>> #For this example I am using climate change data available on-line
>> file <- ("
>> ")
>> <- read.csv(file, header=TRUE)
>> library(lubridate)
>> library(reshape)
>> #I've been playing with the lubridate package a bit to work with dates,
>> but
>> as the climate dataset only uses year and month I have
>> #added a "day" to each entry in the "yr_mn" column and then used "dym"
>> from
>> lubridate to generate the POSIXlt formatted dates in
>> #a new column$date
>>$yr_mn<-paste("01",$yr_mn, sep="")
>> #Now to the reshape. The dataframe is in a wide format. The columns GISS,
>> HAD, NOAA, RSS, and UAH are all different sources
>> #from which the global temperature anomaly has been calculated since 1880
>> (actually only 1978 for RSS and UAH). What I would like to
>> #do is plot the temperature anomaly vs date and use ggplot to facet by the
>> different data source (GISS, HAD, etc.). Thus I need the
>> #data in long format with a date column, a temperature anomaly column, and
>> a data source column. The code below works, but its
>> #really very clunky and I'm sure I am not using these tools as efficiently
>> as I can.
>> #The varying=list(3:7) specifies the columns in the dataframe that
>> corresponded to the sources (GISS, etc.), though then in the resulting
>> #reshaped dataframe the sources are numbered 1-5, so I have to reassigned
>> their names. In addition, the original dataframe has
>> #additional data columns I do not want and so after reshaping I create
>> another! dataframe with just the columns I need, and
>> #then I have to rename them so that I can keep track of what everything
>> is.
>> Whew! Not the most elegant of code.
>> d<-reshape(, varying=list(3:7),idvar="date"**,
>> v.names="anomaly",direction="**long")
>> d$time<-ifelse(d$time==1,"**GISS",d$time)
>> d$time<-ifelse(d$time==2,"HAD"**,d$time)
>> d$time<-ifelse(d$time==3,"**NOAA",d$time)
>> d$time<-ifelse(d$time==4,"RSS"**,d$time)
>> d$time<-ifelse(d$time==5,"UAH"**,d$time)
>> names(<-c("date","**source","anomaly")
>> I realize this is a mess, though it works. I think with just some help on
>> how better to work this example I'll probably get over the learning hump
>> and actually figure out how to use these data manipulation functions more
>> cleanly.
>> Any advice or assistance would be appreciated.
>> Thanks,
>> Nate
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>> mailing list
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>> and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.
> David Winsemius, MD
> Alameda, CA, USA

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Re: [R] More efficient use of reshape?

2012-12-13 Thread David Winsemius

On Dec 13, 2012, at 9:16 AM, Nathan Miller wrote:

Hi all,

I have played a bit with the "reshape" package and function along with
"melt" and "cast", but I feel I still don't have a good handle on  
how to
use them efficiently. Below I have included a application of  
"reshape" that

is rather clunky and I'm hoping someone can offer advice on how to use
reshape (or melt/cast) more efficiently.

You do realize that the 'reshape' function is _not_ in the reshape  
package, right? And also that the reshape package has been superseded  
by the reshape2 package?


#For this example I am using climate change data available on-line

file <- ("";) <- read.csv(file, header=TRUE)


#I've been playing with the lubridate package a bit to work with  
dates, but

as the climate dataset only uses year and month I have
#added a "day" to each entry in the "yr_mn" column and then used  
"dym" from

lubridate to generate the POSIXlt formatted dates in
#a new column$date$yr_mn<-paste("01",$yr_mn, sep="")$date<-dym($yr_mn)

#Now to the reshape. The dataframe is in a wide format. The columns  

HAD, NOAA, RSS, and UAH are all different sources
#from which the global temperature anomaly has been calculated since  

(actually only 1978 for RSS and UAH). What I would like to
#do is plot the temperature anomaly vs date and use ggplot to facet  
by the

different data source (GISS, HAD, etc.). Thus I need the
#data in long format with a date column, a temperature anomaly  
column, and

a data source column. The code below works, but its
#really very clunky and I'm sure I am not using these tools as  

as I can.

#The varying=list(3:7) specifies the columns in the dataframe that
corresponded to the sources (GISS, etc.), though then in the resulting
#reshaped dataframe the sources are numbered 1-5, so I have to  

their names. In addition, the original dataframe has
#additional data columns I do not want and so after reshaping I create
another! dataframe with just the columns I need, and
#then I have to rename them so that I can keep track of what  
everything is.

Whew! Not the most elegant of code.

d<-reshape(, varying=list(3:7),idvar="date",


I realize this is a mess, though it works. I think with just some  
help on
how better to work this example I'll probably get over the learning  
and actually figure out how to use these data manipulation functions  


Any advice or assistance would be appreciated.

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__ mailing list
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David Winsemius, MD
Alameda, CA, USA

__ mailing list
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Re: [R] subsetting time series

2012-12-13 Thread David Winsemius

On Dec 13, 2012, at 8:52 AM, m p wrote:

my series of dates look like

 [1] "2012-05-30 18:30:00 UTC" "2012-05-30 19:30:00 UTC"
 [3] "2012-05-30 20:30:00 UTC" "2012-05-30 21:30:00 UTC"
 [5] "2012-05-30 22:30:00 UTC" "2012-05-30 23:30:00 UTC"
 [7] "2012-05-31 00:30:00 UTC" "2012-05-31 01:30:00 UTC"
 [9] "2012-05-31 02:30:00 UTC" "2012-05-31 00:30:00 UTC"
[11] "2012-05-31 01:30:00 UTC" "2012-05-31 02:30:00 UTC"
[13] "2012-05-31 03:30:00 UTC" "2012-05-31 04:30:00 UTC"
[15] "2012-05-31 05:30:00 UTC" "2012-05-31 06:30:00 UTC"
[17] "2012-05-31 07:30:00 UTC" "2012-05-31 08:30:00 UTC"
[19] "2012-05-31 06:30:00 UTC" "2012-05-31 07:30:00 UTC"

Better would have been
 series <- seq(as.POSIXct("2012-05-30 18:30:00", tz= "UTC"),  
length=40, by="1 hour")

I'd like to subset this to four series

Although you latter describe the problem differently, so I am  
following that description. See if this split approach with modulo  
arithmetic is helpful:

split(series, (0:length(series)-1) %/% 9 )


 [1] "2012-05-30 18:30:00 UTC" "2012-05-30 19:30:00 UTC"
 [3] "2012-05-30 20:30:00 UTC" "2012-05-30 21:30:00 UTC"
 [5] "2012-05-30 22:30:00 UTC" "2012-05-30 23:30:00 UTC"
 [7] "2012-05-31 00:30:00 UTC" "2012-05-31 01:30:00 UTC"
 [9] "2012-05-31 02:30:00 UTC"

[10] "2012-05-31 18:30:00 UTC" "2012-05-31 19:30:00 UTC"

   "2012-05-31 00:30:00  

-> [1]
[11] "2012-05-31 01:30:00 UTC" "2012-05-31 02:30:00 UTC" -> [2,3]
[13] "2012-05-31 03:30:00 UTC" "2012-05-31 04:30:00 UTC"
[15] "2012-05-31 05:30:00 UTC" "2012-05-31 06:30:00 UTC"
[17] "2012-05-31 07:30:00 UTC" "2012-05-31 08:30:00 UTC"

[10] "2012-06-01 00:30:00 UTC"

[19] "2012-05-31 06:30:00 UTC" "2012-05-31 07:30:00 UTC"

so that I can plot data for each of the series separately without  
e.g. data
at hour  "2012-05-31 02:30:00 UTC"  connecting in the figure to  

00:30:00 UTC"

Basically, cycling through the series with period 9

Thanks for any suggestions/help,


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__ mailing list
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David Winsemius, MD
Alameda, CA, USA

__ mailing list
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Re: [R] subsetting time series

2012-12-13 Thread stephen sefick
Is this a one off or not?  Why not do it manually?  If you need to write a
function some example data would be helpful.

On Thu, Dec 13, 2012 at 10:52 AM, m p  wrote:

> Hello,
> my series of dates look like
>   [1] "2012-05-30 18:30:00 UTC" "2012-05-30 19:30:00 UTC"
>   [3] "2012-05-30 20:30:00 UTC" "2012-05-30 21:30:00 UTC"
>   [5] "2012-05-30 22:30:00 UTC" "2012-05-30 23:30:00 UTC"
>   [7] "2012-05-31 00:30:00 UTC" "2012-05-31 01:30:00 UTC"
>   [9] "2012-05-31 02:30:00 UTC" "2012-05-31 00:30:00 UTC"
>  [11] "2012-05-31 01:30:00 UTC" "2012-05-31 02:30:00 UTC"
>  [13] "2012-05-31 03:30:00 UTC" "2012-05-31 04:30:00 UTC"
>  [15] "2012-05-31 05:30:00 UTC" "2012-05-31 06:30:00 UTC"
>  [17] "2012-05-31 07:30:00 UTC" "2012-05-31 08:30:00 UTC"
>  [19] "2012-05-31 06:30:00 UTC" "2012-05-31 07:30:00 UTC"
> ...
> I'd like to subset this to four series
> 1)
>   [1] "2012-05-30 18:30:00 UTC" "2012-05-30 19:30:00 UTC"
>   [3] "2012-05-30 20:30:00 UTC" "2012-05-30 21:30:00 UTC"
>   [5] "2012-05-30 22:30:00 UTC" "2012-05-30 23:30:00 UTC"
>   [7] "2012-05-31 00:30:00 UTC" "2012-05-31 01:30:00 UTC"
>   [9] "2012-05-31 02:30:00 UTC"
>  [10] "2012-05-31 18:30:00 UTC" "2012-05-31 19:30:00 UTC"
> ...
> 2)
> "2012-05-31 00:30:00 UTC"
> -> [1]
>  [11] "2012-05-31 01:30:00 UTC" "2012-05-31 02:30:00 UTC" -> [2,3]
>  [13] "2012-05-31 03:30:00 UTC" "2012-05-31 04:30:00 UTC"
>  [15] "2012-05-31 05:30:00 UTC" "2012-05-31 06:30:00 UTC"
>  [17] "2012-05-31 07:30:00 UTC" "2012-05-31 08:30:00 UTC"
>  [10] "2012-06-01 00:30:00 UTC"
> 3)
>  [19] "2012-05-31 06:30:00 UTC" "2012-05-31 07:30:00 UTC"
> ...
> so that I can plot data for each of the series separately without e.g. data
> at hour  "2012-05-31 02:30:00 UTC"  connecting in the figure to "2012-05-31
> 00:30:00 UTC"
> Basically, cycling through the series with period 9
> Thanks for any suggestions/help,
> thanks,
> Mark
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> PLEASE do read the posting guide
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Stephen Sefick
Auburn University
Biological Sciences
331 Funchess Hall
Auburn, Alabama

Let's not spend our time and resources thinking about things that are so
little or so large that all they really do for us is puff us up and make us
feel like gods.  We are mammals, and have not exhausted the annoying little
problems of being mammals.

-K. Mullis

"A big computer, a complex algorithm and a long time does not equal

  -Robert Gentleman

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Re: [R] How to select a subset data to do a barplot in ggplot2

2012-12-13 Thread arun

May be this:

- Original Message -
From: Yao He 
Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2012 7:38 AM
Subject: [R] How to select a subset data to do a barplot in ggplot2


I have a dataframe like this

1    4621    live
1    4628    dead
2    4631    live
2    4632    live
2    4633    live
2    4634    live
6    4675    live
6    4679    dead
10    4716    dead
10    4719    live
10    4721    dead
11    4726    live
11    4728    nosperm
11    4730    nosperm
12    4732    live
17    4783    live
17    4783    live
17    4784    live

I just want a barblot to count "live" or "dead" in every "FID", and fill
the bar with different colour.

I try these codes:


But how could I exclude "nosperm" or other levels just in the use of
ggplot2 without generating another dataframe

Thanks a lot

Yao He
Master candidate in 2rd year
Department of Animal genetics & breeding
Room 436,College of Animial Science&Technology,
China Agriculture University,Beijing,100193

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Re: [R] [R-sig-hpc] recursion depth limitations

2012-12-13 Thread Simon Urbanek
On Dec 13, 2012, at 10:45 AM, Suzen, Mehmet wrote:

> Hello List,
> I am aware that one can set with recursion depth 'options(expressions
> = #)', but it has 500K limit. Why do we have a 500K limit on this?

Because it's far beyond what you can handle without changing a lot of other 
things. 500k expressions will require at least about 320Mb of stack (!) in the 
eval() chain alone -- compare that to the 8Mb stack size which is default in 
most OSes, so you'll hit the wall way before that limit is reached.

> While some algorithms are only "solvable"  feasibility with recursion
> and 500K sounds not too much i.e. graph algorithms
> for example dependency trees with large nodes easily reach to that number.

I don't see how "large nodes" have anything to do with this since we are 
talking about expression depth, not about sizes of any kind. Again, in any 
realistic example you'll hit other limits first anyway.


__ mailing list
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[R] subsetting time series

2012-12-13 Thread m p
my series of dates look like

  [1] "2012-05-30 18:30:00 UTC" "2012-05-30 19:30:00 UTC"
  [3] "2012-05-30 20:30:00 UTC" "2012-05-30 21:30:00 UTC"
  [5] "2012-05-30 22:30:00 UTC" "2012-05-30 23:30:00 UTC"
  [7] "2012-05-31 00:30:00 UTC" "2012-05-31 01:30:00 UTC"
  [9] "2012-05-31 02:30:00 UTC" "2012-05-31 00:30:00 UTC"
 [11] "2012-05-31 01:30:00 UTC" "2012-05-31 02:30:00 UTC"
 [13] "2012-05-31 03:30:00 UTC" "2012-05-31 04:30:00 UTC"
 [15] "2012-05-31 05:30:00 UTC" "2012-05-31 06:30:00 UTC"
 [17] "2012-05-31 07:30:00 UTC" "2012-05-31 08:30:00 UTC"
 [19] "2012-05-31 06:30:00 UTC" "2012-05-31 07:30:00 UTC"

I'd like to subset this to four series

  [1] "2012-05-30 18:30:00 UTC" "2012-05-30 19:30:00 UTC"
  [3] "2012-05-30 20:30:00 UTC" "2012-05-30 21:30:00 UTC"
  [5] "2012-05-30 22:30:00 UTC" "2012-05-30 23:30:00 UTC"
  [7] "2012-05-31 00:30:00 UTC" "2012-05-31 01:30:00 UTC"
  [9] "2012-05-31 02:30:00 UTC"

 [10] "2012-05-31 18:30:00 UTC" "2012-05-31 19:30:00 UTC"

"2012-05-31 00:30:00 UTC"
-> [1]
 [11] "2012-05-31 01:30:00 UTC" "2012-05-31 02:30:00 UTC" -> [2,3]
 [13] "2012-05-31 03:30:00 UTC" "2012-05-31 04:30:00 UTC"
 [15] "2012-05-31 05:30:00 UTC" "2012-05-31 06:30:00 UTC"
 [17] "2012-05-31 07:30:00 UTC" "2012-05-31 08:30:00 UTC"

 [10] "2012-06-01 00:30:00 UTC"

 [19] "2012-05-31 06:30:00 UTC" "2012-05-31 07:30:00 UTC"

so that I can plot data for each of the series separately without e.g. data
at hour  "2012-05-31 02:30:00 UTC"  connecting in the figure to "2012-05-31
00:30:00 UTC"

Basically, cycling through the series with period 9

Thanks for any suggestions/help,


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Re: [R] Pairwise deletion in a linear regression and in a GLM ?

2012-12-13 Thread Arnaud Mosnier
Thanks Jose, but I doubt that the author of these analysis used such a
"complex" approach.


2012/12/13 Jose Iparraguirre 

>  Sorry, Arnaud, I misinterpreted the question.
> There isn’t a built-in option in lm or glm to run pairwise deletion, but
> in the ‘psych’ package you can run regressions on covariance matrices
> rather than on raw data. So, first, you can obtain a covariance matrix by
> cov() with the option use="pairwise.complete.obs" –or within ‘psych’,
> set.cor(…,use="pairwise"), which will give you the correlations pairwise,
> and then you use the function mat.regress using the pairwise matrix.
> Hope this helps,
> ** **
> José 
> ** **
> ** **
> *From:* Arnaud Mosnier []
> *Sent:* 13 December 2012 16:13
> *To:* Jose Iparraguirre
> *Cc:*
> *Subject:* Re: [R] Pairwise deletion in a linear regression and in a GLM ?
> ** **
> Hi Jose,
> To my perception na.omit is different from a pairwise deletion.
> With na.omit, you omit totally that case if there is a missing value for
> one of the variable you consider in the model.
> In the pairwise deletion, the case with some missing value is kept and
> values that are not missing are used in the statistics calculations.
> However, I agree that pairwise deletion is not good practice (so it would
> be surprising that it is the default in lm !!).
> I just when to be able to recalculate the statistics given in this thesis.
> Arnaud
> ** **
> 2012/12/13 Jose Iparraguirre 
> Hi Arnaud,
> A quick help search of lm or glm tells you that 'the "factory-fresh"
> default is na.omit'.
> If you then look up 'na.omit', you'll read that it 'returns the object
> with incomplete cases removed'.
> So, pairwise deletion is the default option in both lm and glm.
> On a related note, it goes without saying that pairwise deletion is not
> good practice in most cases, and that R has ways to impute these missing
> cases depending on assumptions regarding the cause or nature of their
> missingness.
> Regards,
> José
> José Iparraguirre
> Chief Economist
> Age UK
> -Original Message-
> From: []
> On Behalf Of Arnaud Mosnier
> Sent: 13 December 2012 15:40
> To:
> Subject: [R] Pairwise deletion in a linear regression and in a GLM ?
> Dear useRs,
> In a thesis, I found a mention of the use of pairwise deletion in linear
> regression and GLM (binomial family).
> The author said that he has used R to do the statistics, but I did not find
> the option allowing pairwise deletion in both lm and glm functions. Is
> there somewhere a package allowing that ?
> Thanks,
> Arnaud
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> associated companies. Age UK monitors all e-mail transmissions passing
> through its network and may block or modify mails which are deemed to be
> u

Re: [R] Pairwise deletion in a linear regression and in a GLM ?

2012-12-13 Thread Jose Iparraguirre
Sorry, Arnaud, I misinterpreted the question.
There isn't a built-in option in lm or glm to run pairwise deletion, but in the 
'psych' package you can run regressions on covariance matrices rather than on 
raw data. So, first, you can obtain a covariance matrix by cov() with the 
option use="pairwise.complete.obs" -or within 'psych', 
set.cor(...,use="pairwise"), which will give you the correlations pairwise, and 
then you use the function mat.regress using the pairwise matrix.
Hope this helps,


From: Arnaud Mosnier []
Sent: 13 December 2012 16:13
To: Jose Iparraguirre
Subject: Re: [R] Pairwise deletion in a linear regression and in a GLM ?

Hi Jose,

To my perception na.omit is different from a pairwise deletion.
With na.omit, you omit totally that case if there is a missing value for one of 
the variable you consider in the model.
In the pairwise deletion, the case with some missing value is kept and values 
that are not missing are used in the statistics calculations.

However, I agree that pairwise deletion is not good practice (so it would be 
surprising that it is the default in lm !!).
I just when to be able to recalculate the statistics given in this thesis.


2012/12/13 Jose Iparraguirre 
Hi Arnaud,

A quick help search of lm or glm tells you that 'the "factory-fresh" default is 
If you then look up 'na.omit', you'll read that it 'returns the object with 
incomplete cases removed'.
So, pairwise deletion is the default option in both lm and glm.

On a related note, it goes without saying that pairwise deletion is not good 
practice in most cases, and that R has ways to impute these missing cases 
depending on assumptions regarding the cause or nature of their missingness.



José Iparraguirre
Chief Economist
Age UK

-Original Message-
[] On 
Behalf Of Arnaud Mosnier
Sent: 13 December 2012 15:40
Subject: [R] Pairwise deletion in a linear regression and in a GLM ?

Dear useRs,

In a thesis, I found a mention of the use of pairwise deletion in linear
regression and GLM (binomial family).
The author said that he has used R to do the statistics, but I did not find
the option allowing pairwise deletion in both lm and glm functions. Is
there somewhere a package allowing that ?


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 Milton Keynes | Oxford | Sheffield | Crystal Palace | Exeter | 
Harewood House, Leeds |
 Tatton Park, Cheshire | Southampton | Coventry

Age UK Improving later life

Age UK is a registered charity and company limited by guarantee, (registered 
charity number 1128267, registered company number 6825798).
Registered office: Tavis House, 1-6 Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9NA.

For the purposes of promoting Age UK Insurance, Age UK is an Appointed 
Representative of Age UK Enterprises Limited, Age UK is an Introducer
Appointed Representative of JLT Benefit Solutions Limited and Simplyhealth 
Access for the purposes of introducing potential annuity and health
cash plans customers respectively.  Age UK Enterprises Limited, JLT Benefit 
Solutions Limited and Simplyhealth Access are all authorised and
regulated by the Financial Services Authority.

This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended 
solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are
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delete immediately.

Except where this email is sent in the usual course of our business, any 
opinions expressed in this email are those of the author and do not
necessarily reflect the opinions of Age UK or its subsidiaries and associated 
companies. Age UK monitors all e-mail transmissions passing
through its network and may block or modify mails which are deemed to be 

Age Concern England (charity number 261794) and Help the Aged (charity number 
272786) and their trading and other associated companies merged
on 1st April 2009.  Together they have formed the Age UK Group, dedicated to 
improving the lives of people in later 

Re: [R] Repeat elements of matrix based on vector counts

2012-12-13 Thread arun
Try ?merge() or ?join() from library(plyr)
# tree.tag load
#1   plot1  111   17
#2   plot1  112   17
#3   plot1  113   17
#4   plot2  222    6
#5   plot2  223    6
#6   plot3  333   24

- Original Message -
From: Sarah Haas 
Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2012 9:15 AM
Subject: [R] Repeat elements of matrix based on vector counts

I have two dataframes (df) that share a column header ("").  In the
1st df, "" records are repeated a variable number of times based on
the number of trees monitored within each plot. The 2nd df only has a
single record for each "", and contains a variable named "load" that
is collected at the plot-level and is only listed once per plot record.

*OBJECTIVE:*  I need to repeat the "load" values from the 2nd df based on
how many times "" is repeated in the 1st df (all plots are repeated
a different number of times). My example dfs are below:

     df1 <- data.frame( = rep(c("plot1", "plot2", "plot3"),
                 tree.tag = c(111,112,113,222,223,333,334,335,336,337))

     df2 <- data.frame( = c("plot1", "plot2", "plot3"), load=c(17,
6, 24))

I have gotten close to solving this, but alas I'm on day 2 of
problem-shooting and can't get it! Thanks for any help you might provide.


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Re: [R] Repeat elements of matrix based on vector counts

2012-12-13 Thread Rui Barradas


Something like this?

rep(df2$load, table(df1$

Hope this helps,

Rui Barradas
Em 13-12-2012 14:15, Sarah Haas escreveu:

I have two dataframes (df) that share a column header ("").  In the
1st df, "" records are repeated a variable number of times based on
the number of trees monitored within each plot. The 2nd df only has a
single record for each "", and contains a variable named "load" that
is collected at the plot-level and is only listed once per plot record.

*OBJECTIVE:*  I need to repeat the "load" values from the 2nd df based on
how many times "" is repeated in the 1st df (all plots are repeated
a different number of times). My example dfs are below:

  df1 <- data.frame( = rep(c("plot1", "plot2", "plot3"),
  tree.tag = c(111,112,113,222,223,333,334,335,336,337))

  df2 <- data.frame( = c("plot1", "plot2", "plot3"), load=c(17,
6, 24))

I have gotten close to solving this, but alas I'm on day 2 of
problem-shooting and can't get it! Thanks for any help you might provide.


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__ mailing list
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Re: [R] Repeat elements of matrix based on vector counts

2012-12-13 Thread Sarah Goslee
Hi Sarah,

If I understand your requirements correctly, the easiest thing to do
is approach it from a different direction:
df3a <- merge(df1, df2)

But you can also use rep for this simple example because in
df2 is sorted:
nindex <- table(df1$
df3b <- df2[rep(1:length(nindex), times=nindex),]

Thanks for the reproducible example,

On Thu, Dec 13, 2012 at 9:15 AM, Sarah Haas  wrote:
> I have two dataframes (df) that share a column header ("").  In the
> 1st df, "" records are repeated a variable number of times based on
> the number of trees monitored within each plot. The 2nd df only has a
> single record for each "", and contains a variable named "load" that
> is collected at the plot-level and is only listed once per plot record.
> *OBJECTIVE:*  I need to repeat the "load" values from the 2nd df based on
> how many times "" is repeated in the 1st df (all plots are repeated
> a different number of times). My example dfs are below:
>  df1 <- data.frame( = rep(c("plot1", "plot2", "plot3"),
> c(3,2,5)),
>  tree.tag = c(111,112,113,222,223,333,334,335,336,337))
>  df2 <- data.frame( = c("plot1", "plot2", "plot3"), load=c(17,
> 6, 24))
> I have gotten close to solving this, but alas I'm on day 2 of
> problem-shooting and can't get it! Thanks for any help you might provide.
> --Sarah
> [[alternative HTML version deleted]]

Sarah Goslee

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Re: [R] Pairwise deletion in a linear regression and in a GLM ?

2012-12-13 Thread Arnaud Mosnier
Hi Jose,

To my perception na.omit is different from a pairwise deletion.
With na.omit, you omit totally that case if there is a missing value for
one of the variable you consider in the model.
In the pairwise deletion, the case with some missing value is kept and
values that are not missing are used in the statistics calculations.

However, I agree that pairwise deletion is not good practice (so it would
be surprising that it is the default in lm !!).
I just when to be able to recalculate the statistics given in this thesis.


2012/12/13 Jose Iparraguirre 

> Hi Arnaud,
> A quick help search of lm or glm tells you that 'the "factory-fresh"
> default is na.omit'.
> If you then look up 'na.omit', you'll read that it 'returns the object
> with incomplete cases removed'.
> So, pairwise deletion is the default option in both lm and glm.
> On a related note, it goes without saying that pairwise deletion is not
> good practice in most cases, and that R has ways to impute these missing
> cases depending on assumptions regarding the cause or nature of their
> missingness.
> Regards,
> José
> José Iparraguirre
> Chief Economist
> Age UK
> -Original Message-
> From: []
> On Behalf Of Arnaud Mosnier
> Sent: 13 December 2012 15:40
> To:
> Subject: [R] Pairwise deletion in a linear regression and in a GLM ?
> Dear useRs,
> In a thesis, I found a mention of the use of pairwise deletion in linear
> regression and GLM (binomial family).
> The author said that he has used R to do the statistics, but I did not find
> the option allowing pairwise deletion in both lm and glm functions. Is
> there somewhere a package allowing that ?
> Thanks,
> Arnaud
> [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
> __
> mailing list
> PLEASE do read the posting guide
> and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.
> Wrap Up and Run 10k is back!
> Also, new for 2013 – 2km intergenerational walks at selected venues. So
> recruit a buddy, dust off the trainers and beat the winter blues by
> signing up now:
>  Milton Keynes | Oxford | Sheffield | Crystal Palace |
> Exeter | Harewood House, Leeds |
>  Tatton Park, Cheshire | Southampton |
> Coventry
> Age UK Improving later life
> ---
> Age UK is a registered charity and company limited by guarantee,
> (registered charity number 1128267, registered company number 6825798).
> Registered office: Tavis House, 1-6 Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9NA.
> For the purposes of promoting Age UK Insurance, Age UK is an Appointed
> Representative of Age UK Enterprises Limited, Age UK is an Introducer
> Appointed Representative of JLT Benefit Solutions Limited and Simplyhealth
> Access for the purposes of introducing potential annuity and health
> cash plans customers respectively.  Age UK Enterprises Limited, JLT
> Benefit Solutions Limited and Simplyhealth Access are all authorised and
> regulated by the Financial Services Authority.
> --
> This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended
> solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are
> addressed. If you receive a message in error, please advise the sender and
> delete immediately.
> Except where this email is sent in the usual course of our business, any
> opinions expressed in this email are those of the author and do not
> necessarily reflect the opinions of Age UK or its subsidiaries and
> associated companies. Age UK monitors all e-mail transmissions passing
> through its network and may block or modify mails which are deemed to be
> unsuitable.
> Age Concern England (charity number 261794) and Help the Aged (charity
> number 272786) and their trading and other associated companies merged
> on 1st April 2009.  Together they have formed the Age UK Group, dedicated
> to improving the lives of people in later life.  The three national
> Age Concerns in Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales have also merged with
> Help the Aged in these nations to form three registered charities:
> Age Scotland, Age NI, Age Cymru.

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Re: [R] Running MCMC in R

2012-12-13 Thread William Dunlap
And if by "stuck" you mean "taking too long a time" you can generate an error 
at a given
time limit by using setTimeLimit() and tryCatch() or try() can catch that 
error. E.g.

   > timeOut <- function (expr, cpu = Inf, elapsed = Inf) 
   setTimeLimit(cpu = cpu, elapsed = elapsed, transient = TRUE)
   on.exit(setTimeLimit()) # should not be needed, but averts future error 
   > timeOut({s<-0 ; for(i in 1:1e7)s <- s + 1/i ; s}, elapsed=1)
   Error: reached elapsed time limit
   > timeOut({s<-0 ; for(i in 1:1e7)s <- s + 1/i ; s}, elapsed=10) # log(1e7) + 
   [1] 16.69531
   > tryCatch(timeOut({s<-0 ; for(i in 1:1e7)s <- s + 1/i ; s}, elapsed=1),
   +  error = function(e) NA_real_)
   [1] NA

Bill Dunlap
Spotfire, TIBCO Software

> -Original Message-
> From: [] On 
> Behalf
> Of Bert Gunter
> Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2012 6:21 AM
> To: Chenyi Pan
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [R] Running MCMC in R
> ?try
> ?tryCatch
> (if the suggestion to use an MCMC package does not fix your problem).
> -- Bert
> On Wed, Dec 12, 2012 at 7:49 PM, Chenyi Pan  wrote:
> > Dear all
> > I am now running a MCMC iteration in the R program. But it is always
> > stucked in some loop. This cause big problems for my research. So I want to
> > know whether we can skip the current dataset and move to next simulated
> > data when the iteration is stucked? Alternatively, can the MCMC chain skip
> > the current iteration when it is stucked and automatically to start another
> > chain with different starting values.
> >
> > I am looking forward to your reply.
> >
> > Best,
> > Chenyi
> >
> > --
> > Chenyi Pan
> > Department of Statisitics
> > Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, University of Virginia
> > Tel: 434-466-9209
> >
> > [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
> >
> > __
> > mailing list
> >
> > PLEASE do read the posting guide
> >
> > and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.
> >
> --
> Bert Gunter
> Genentech Nonclinical Biostatistics
> Internal Contact Info:
> Phone: 467-7374
> Website:
> biostatistics/pdb-ncb-home.htm
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[R] How do I make a loop to extract a column from multiple lists and then bind them together to make a new matrix?

2012-12-13 Thread Corinne Lapare
Hi!  I am new to looping and R in general; and I have sent wy to much
time on this one problem and am about a hair away from doing it manually
for the next two days.

So, there is a package that while calculating the statistic creates lists
(that look like matrices) in the background.  Each item (there are 10
items) has one of these ‘matrix looking list’ that I need to extract data
from. The list has 5 rows that represent 5 groups, and 8 columns.  I need
to extract 3 of the columns (‘Lo Score’=[,2], ‘Hi Score=[,3]’, and
‘Mean’=[,7]) for each of the items.  I then want to turn the extracted data
into 3 matrices (‘Lo Score’, ‘Hi Score’, and ‘Mean’) where the rows are the
5 groups and the columns are items 1-10.

This is how I can create the mean matrix by hand.  “MDD.mean.s10” is the
matrix I want in the end.  (notice the first bracket after $results is the
only part that changes 1-10 (to represent the 10 items) and the last
bracket is [,7] to represent the mean located in column 7)

>  m.1a <- MC_MDD.noNA$results[[1]][[2]][,7]

>  m.2b <- MC_MDD.noNA$results[[2]][[2]][,7]

>  m.3c <- MC_MDD.noNA$results[[3]][[2]][,7]

>  m.4d <- MC_MDD.noNA$results[[4]][[2]][,7]

>  m.5e <- MC_MDD.noNA$results[[5]][[2]][,7]

>  m.6f <- MC_MDD.noNA$results[[6]][[2]][,7]

>  m.7g <- MC_MDD.noNA$results[[7]][[2]][,7]

>  m.8h <- MC_MDD.noNA$results[[8]][[2]][,7]

>  m.9i <- MC_MDD.noNA$results[[9]][[2]][,7]

>  m.10j <- MC_MDD.noNA$results[[10]][[2]][,7]

> MDD.mean.s10 <- cbind(m.1a, m.2b, m.3c, m.4d, m.5e, m.6f, m.7g, m.8h,
m.9i, m.10j)


> MDD.mean.s10

  m.1a  m.2b  m.3c  m.4d  m.5e  m.6f  m.7g
m.8h  m.9i m.10j

[1,] 0.8707865 0.7393939 0.7769231 0.7591241 0.853 0.7925926 0.8258065
0.8410596 0.8843931 0.5638298

[2,] 0.8323353 0.7302632 0.5913978 0.5868263 0.6923077 0.6182796 0.6964286
0.6839080 0.7911392 0.3212121

[3,] 0.8726115 0.7159763 0.7117647 0.6163522 0.7987805 0.7105263 0.7613636
0.7674419 0.8034682 0.4011299

[4,] 0.9024390 0.7894737 0.7795276 0.6530612 0.8593750 0.7112676 0.8672566
0.8629032 0.9152542 0.4834437

[5,] 0.986 0.9102564 0.8452381 0.8160920 0.9726027 0.8658537 0.8352941
0.9342105 0.947 0.6454545

But I can’t do this by hand every time, as this comes up over and over and
over again in multiple lists.

I have figured out how to loop this procedure and name the vector as it
goes along:

> for(i in 1:10){

+   assign(paste("m", i, sep = ""), MC_MDD.noNA$results[[i]][[2]][,7])

+  }



>  m1

[1] 0.8707865 0.8323353 0.8726115 0.9024390 0.986

>  m2

[1] 0.7393939 0.7302632 0.7159763 0.7894737 0.9102564

>  m3

[1] 0.7769231 0.5913978 0.7117647 0.7795276 0.8452381

>  m4

[1] 0.7591241 0.5868263 0.6163522 0.6530612 0.8160920

>  m5

[1] 0.853 0.6923077 0.7987805 0.8593750 0.9726027

>  m6

[1] 0.7925926 0.6182796 0.7105263 0.7112676 0.8658537

>  m7

[1] 0.8258065 0.6964286 0.7613636 0.8672566 0.8352941

>  m8

[1] 0.8410596 0.6839080 0.7674419 0.8629032 0.9342105

>  m9

[1] 0.8843931 0.7911392 0.8034682 0.9152542 0.947

>  m10

[1] 0.5638298 0.3212121 0.4011299 0.4834437 0.6454545

Now here where I get stuck… how do I cbind these vectors without typing it
out expliciity? ie. mean.MDD <- cbind(m1,m2,m3,m4,m5,m6,m7,m8,m9,10)

Everything I have tried keeps overwriting the data instead of building a
matrix.  Basically I, start with a matrix (5x10) of zeros.  Then I wind up
with a few values in the beginning, but the rest is still zeros.

Example of terrible code:

> fo <- matrix(0,5,10)

>  colnames(fo) <- paste('f', 1:10, sep = "")

>  fo

 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 f10

[1,]  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0   0

[2,]  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0   0

[3,]  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0   0

[4,]  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0   0

[5,]  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0   0

>  for(i in 1:10){

+   fo <- assign(paste("f", i, sep = ""), MC_MDD.noNA$results[[i]][[2]][,7])

+  }

>  fo

[1] 0.5638298 0.3212121 0.4011299 0.4834437 0.6454545

> fo <- matrix(0,5,10)

>  colnames(fo) <- paste('f', 1:10, sep = "")

>  fo

 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 f10

[1,]  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0   0

[2,]  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0   0

[3,]  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0   0

[4,]  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0   0

[5,]  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0   0

>  for(i in 1:10){

+   fo <- cbind(assign(paste("f", i, sep = ""),

+  }

>  fo


[1,] 0.5638298

[2,] 0.3212121

[3,] 0.4011299

[4,] 0.4834437

[5,] 0.6454545

Thanks for your help in advance!!!  (c:

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[R] Repeat elements of matrix based on vector counts

2012-12-13 Thread Sarah Haas
I have two dataframes (df) that share a column header ("").  In the
1st df, "" records are repeated a variable number of times based on
the number of trees monitored within each plot. The 2nd df only has a
single record for each "", and contains a variable named "load" that
is collected at the plot-level and is only listed once per plot record.

*OBJECTIVE:*  I need to repeat the "load" values from the 2nd df based on
how many times "" is repeated in the 1st df (all plots are repeated
a different number of times). My example dfs are below:

 df1 <- data.frame( = rep(c("plot1", "plot2", "plot3"),
 tree.tag = c(111,112,113,222,223,333,334,335,336,337))

 df2 <- data.frame( = c("plot1", "plot2", "plot3"), load=c(17,
6, 24))

I have gotten close to solving this, but alas I'm on day 2 of
problem-shooting and can't get it! Thanks for any help you might provide.


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Re: [R] how to aggregate the dataset

2012-12-13 Thread arun
You could try this:
product min_price  max_price mean_price country  price_band
11  34  50  40    VN    0-300
22  10  30  15    VN    0-300
#  product price_band VN
#1  11  0-300 40 [34,50]
#2  22  0-300 15 [10,30]

- Original Message -
From: Tammy Ma 
To: "" 
Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2012 5:42 AM
Subject: [R] how to aggregate the dataset


Sorry for messing up..

I want to transform the following dataset:

product min_price  max_price mean_price country   price_band
11           34           50               40             VN         0-300
22           10           30               15             VN         0-300


product   VN           price_band
  11        40            0-300
  22        15            0-300

How can I do this in r? I have large dataset like this. I want to transform all 
into that one. Thanks a lot.

Kind regards,

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Re: [R] remove NA in df results in NA, NA.1 ... rows

2012-12-13 Thread arun

You could use either:
?na.omit() #the option was already suggested

#In this case, this should also work
sapply(df2,function(x) x[!]) 
 apply(df2,2,function(x) x[!]) #If the NAs are not in the same rows, 
then the ouptut will be a list with the list elements differ in length.

- Original Message -
From: "" 
Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2012 3:20 AM
Subject: [R] remove NA in df results in NA, NA.1 ... rows

Good morning!

I have the following data frame (df):

    X.outer  Y.outer   X.PAD1   Y.PAD1   X.PAD2 Y.PAD2   X.PAD3 Y.PAD3   X.PAD4 
73 574690.0 179740.0 574690.2 179740.0 574618.3 179650 574729.2 179674 574747.1 
74 574680.6 179737.0 574693.4 179740.0 574719.0 179688 574831.8 179699 574724.9 
75 574671.0 179734.0 574696.2 179740.0 574719.0 179688 574807.8 179787 574729.2 
76 574663.6 179736.0 574699.1 179734.0 574723.5 179678 574703.4 179760 574831.8 
77 574649.9 179734.0 574704.7 179724.0 574724.9 179673 574702.4 179755 574852.3 
78 574647.3 179742.0 574706.9 179719.0 574747.1 179598 574702.0 179754 574747.1 
79 574633.6 179739.0 574711.4 179710.0 574641.8 179570 574698.0 179747       
NA     NA
80 574634.9 179732.0 574716.6 179698.0 574639.6 179573 574700.2 179738       
NA     NA
81 574616.5 179728.6 574716.7 179695.0 574618.3 179650 574704.4 179729       
NA     NA
82 574615.4 179731.0 574718.2 179690.0       NA     NA 574708.1 179724       
NA     NA
83 574614.4 179733.6 574719.1 179688.0       NA     NA 574709.3 179720       
NA     NA

44 574702.0 179754.0       NA       NA       NA     NA       NA     NA       
NA     NA

45 574695.1 179751.0       NA       NA       NA     NA       NA     NA       
NA     NA

46 574694.4 179752.0       NA       NA       NA     NA       NA     NA       
NA     NA

Which I subset to

df2 <- df[,c("X.PAD2","Y.PAD2")]


     X.PAD2 Y.PAD2

73 574618.3 179650

74 574719.0 179688

75 574719.0 179688

76 574723.5 179678

77 574724.9 179673

78 574747.1 179598

79 574641.8 179570

80 574639.6 179573

81 574618.3 179650

82       NA     NA

83       NA     NA


44       NA     NA

45       NA     NA

46       NA     NA

followed by removing the NA's using

df2 <- df2[!,]

If I now call df2, I get:

       X.PAD2 Y.PAD2

73   574618.3 179650

74   574719.0 179688

75   574719.0 179688

76   574723.5 179678

77   574724.9 179673

78   574747.1 179598

79   574641.8 179570

80   574639.6 179573

81   574618.3 179650

NA         NA     NA

NA.1       NA     NA

NA.2       NA     NA

NA.3       NA     NA

NA.4       NA     NA

NA.5       NA     NA

NA.6       NA     NA

NA.7       NA     NA

NA.8       NA     NA

It seems there are still NA's in my data frame. How can I get rid of them? What 
is the meaning of the rows numbered NA, NA.1 and so on?

Thanks for any hints.

Best regards

Raphael Felber

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[R] How to select a subset data to do a barplot in ggplot2

2012-12-13 Thread Yao He

I have a dataframe like this


I just want a barblot to count "live" or "dead" in every "FID", and fill
the bar with different colour.

I try these codes:


But how could I exclude "nosperm" or other levels just in the use of
ggplot2 without generating another dataframe

Thanks a lot

Yao He
Master candidate in 2rd year
Department of Animal genetics & breeding
Room 436,College of Animial Science&Technology,
China Agriculture University,Beijing,100193

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Re: [R] Pairwise deletion in a linear regression and in a GLM ?

2012-12-13 Thread Jose Iparraguirre
Hi Arnaud,

A quick help search of lm or glm tells you that 'the "factory-fresh" default is 
If you then look up 'na.omit', you'll read that it 'returns the object with 
incomplete cases removed'.
So, pairwise deletion is the default option in both lm and glm.

On a related note, it goes without saying that pairwise deletion is not good 
practice in most cases, and that R has ways to impute these missing cases 
depending on assumptions regarding the cause or nature of their missingness.



José Iparraguirre
Chief Economist
Age UK

-Original Message-
From: [] On 
Behalf Of Arnaud Mosnier
Sent: 13 December 2012 15:40
Subject: [R] Pairwise deletion in a linear regression and in a GLM ?

Dear useRs,

In a thesis, I found a mention of the use of pairwise deletion in linear
regression and GLM (binomial family).
The author said that he has used R to do the statistics, but I did not find
the option allowing pairwise deletion in both lm and glm functions. Is
there somewhere a package allowing that ?



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[R] recursion depth limitations

2012-12-13 Thread Suzen, Mehmet
Hello List,

I am aware that one can set with recursion depth 'options(expressions
= #)', but it has 500K limit. Why do we have a 500K limit on this?
While some algorithms are only "solvable"  feasibility with recursion
and 500K sounds not too much i.e. graph algorithms
for example dependency trees with large nodes easily reach to that number.


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[R] Pairwise deletion in a linear regression and in a GLM ?

2012-12-13 Thread Arnaud Mosnier
Dear useRs,

In a thesis, I found a mention of the use of pairwise deletion in linear
regression and GLM (binomial family).
The author said that he has used R to do the statistics, but I did not find
the option allowing pairwise deletion in both lm and glm functions. Is
there somewhere a package allowing that ?



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Re: [R] abline of an lm fit not correct

2012-12-13 Thread Sarah Goslee
You don't provide a reproducible example, but my first guess is that the
print method is rounding what appears on the screen, so you aren't actually
using the slope and intercept. See ?print.default and the digits argument
under ?options for more.

Why do you need to copy and paste the coefficients? Just to check
your understanding?


On Thursday, December 13, 2012, Robert U wrote:

> Hello fellow
> R-users,
> I’m stuck
> with something i think is pretty stupid, but i can’t find out where i’m
> wrong,
> and it’s turning me crazy!
> I am doing
> a very simple linear regression with Northing/Easting data, then I plot the
> data as well as the regression line :
> > plot(x=Dataset$EASTING,
> y=Dataset$NORTHING)
> > fit <- lm(formula = NORTHING ~ EASTING,
> data = Dataset)
> > abline(fit)
> > fit
> Call:
> lm(formula = NORTHING ~ EASTING, data =
> Dataset)
> Coefficients:
> (Intercept)  EASTING
>   5.376e+054.692e-02
> Later on, when I use the
> command “abline” with the coefficient provided by “summary(fit)”, the line
> is
> not the same as abline(fit) !
> To summarize,
> those two lines are different:
> > abline(fit)
> >
> abline(5.376e+05, 4.692e-02)
> The “b” coefficients
> appear equal, but the intercepts are different.
> Where am I missing
> something? L
> Thanks
> [[alternative HTML version deleted]]

Sarah Goslee

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[R] abline of an lm fit not correct

2012-12-13 Thread Robert U
Hello fellow
I’m stuck
with something i think is pretty stupid, but i can’t find out where i’m 
and it’s turning me crazy! 
I am doing
a very simple linear regression with Northing/Easting data, then I plot the
data as well as the regression line : 
> plot(x=Dataset$EASTING,
> fit <- lm(formula = NORTHING ~ EASTING,
data = Dataset)
> abline(fit)
> fit
lm(formula = NORTHING ~ EASTING, data =
(Intercept)      EASTING  
  5.376e+05    4.692e-02  
Later on, when I use the
command “abline” with the coefficient provided by “summary(fit)”, the 
line is
not the same as abline(fit) !
To summarize,
those two lines are different: 
> abline(fit)
abline(5.376e+05, 4.692e-02)
The “b” coefficients
appear equal, but the intercepts are different.
Where am I missing
something? L
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Re: [R] Running MCMC in R

2012-12-13 Thread S Ellison

> I am now running a MCMC iteration in the R program. But it is 
> always stucked in some loop. 
I never like it when folk just say "Please read and follow the posting guide 
referenced in every R help email" but ... please, read and follow the posting 
guide referenced in every R help email if you want any useful kind of answer.

In the mean time, it would have helped a lot to say
i) Is this a problem in your own code or in a contributed or core package?
ii) If not your own, in which package and which function?
iii) What does 'stuck' mean? Failing to converge (and according to what 
criterion)? Failing to complete a prescribed number of iterations? Failing to 

and also if you could have provided data and an example that would let someone 
see what is going on instead of trying to guess.

Failing that, however, the answers to your questions are

> So I want to know whether we can skip the current 
> dataset and move to next simulated data when the iteration is 
> stucked? 
Yes, though the method of doing so will depend entirely on which function and 
which package you are using.

> Alternatively, can the MCMC chain skip the current 
> iteration when it is stucked and automatically to start 
> another chain with different starting values.
Possibly, though the method of doing so will depend entirely on which function 
and which package you are using.


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[R] Webinar: Advances in Gradient Boosting: the Power of Post-Processing. TOMORROW, 10-11 a.m., PST

2012-12-13 Thread Lisa Solomon
Webinar: Advances in Gradient Boosting: the Power of Post-Processing

TOMORROW: December 14, 10-11 a.m., PST

Webinar Registration:

Course Outline:
I. Gradient Boosting and Post-Processing:
o What is missing from Gradient Boosting?
o Why post-processing techniques are used?

II. Applications Benefiting from Post-Processing: Examples from a variety of 
o Financial Services
o Biomedical
o Environmental
o Manufacturing
o Adserving

III. Typical Post-Processing Steps

IV. Techniques:
o Generalized Path Seeker (GPS): modern high-speed LASSO-style regularized 
o Importance Sampled Learning Ensembles (ISLE): identify and reweight the most 
influential trees.
o Rulefit: ISLE on "steroids." Identify the most influential nodes and rules.

V. Case Study Example:
o Output/Results without Post-Processing
o Output/Results with Post-Processing
o Demo

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Re: [R] Running MCMC in R

2012-12-13 Thread Bert Gunter

(if the suggestion to use an MCMC package does not fix your problem).

-- Bert

On Wed, Dec 12, 2012 at 7:49 PM, Chenyi Pan  wrote:

> Dear all
> I am now running a MCMC iteration in the R program. But it is always
> stucked in some loop. This cause big problems for my research. So I want to
> know whether we can skip the current dataset and move to next simulated
> data when the iteration is stucked? Alternatively, can the MCMC chain skip
> the current iteration when it is stucked and automatically to start another
> chain with different starting values.
> I am looking forward to your reply.
> Best,
> Chenyi
> --
> Chenyi Pan
> Department of Statisitics
> Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, University of Virginia
> Tel: 434-466-9209
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Bert Gunter
Genentech Nonclinical Biostatistics

Internal Contact Info:
Phone: 467-7374

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Re: [R] VarimpAUC in Party Package

2012-12-13 Thread S Ellison
> > Error: could not find function "varimpAUC"
> > 
> > Was this function NOT included in the Windows binary I 
> downloaded and installed? 

Which windows binary are you talking about? The R installer, the Party .zip or 
something else?

S Ellison

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Re: [R] How to create multiple country's data into multiple sheets of one excel

2012-12-13 Thread jim holtman
I use the XLConnect package to write out multiple sheets to an Excel workbook

On Thu, Dec 13, 2012 at 7:52 AM, Tammy Ma  wrote:
> HI,
> I have large dataset of many countries. I have written the program to run 
> through each country to generate one output for each country. I want to put 
> the output like this:
> one sheet has output for one country. How do I achieve it by r.
> I have tried this:
> library(xlsx)
> write.xlsx(nnn, "vn.xlsx", sheetName="Sheet1")   [1]
> but when I change sheetName="Sheet2" to add up another country into one 
> sheet. it autimatically deleted which I have down on [1].
> index<-unique(dataset$country)
> for (i in 1:length(index)){
> data<-dataset[dataset$country==index[i],]
> (...)
> output<-dd
> #then how do I create each country's output into one sheet of one excel???
> }
> Kind regards,
> Tammy
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Jim Holtman
Data Munger Guru

What is the problem that you are trying to solve?
Tell me what you want to do, not how you want to do it.

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Re: [R] How to create multiple country's data into multiple sheets of one excel

2012-12-13 Thread Anthony Damico
use append = TRUE inside your write.xlsx() function

On Thu, Dec 13, 2012 at 7:52 AM, Tammy Ma  wrote:

> HI,
> I have large dataset of many countries. I have written the program to run
> through each country to generate one output for each country. I want to put
> the output like this:
> one sheet has output for one country. How do I achieve it by r.
> I have tried this:
> library(xlsx)
> write.xlsx(nnn, "vn.xlsx", sheetName="Sheet1")   [1]
> but when I change sheetName="Sheet2" to add up another country into one
> sheet. it autimatically deleted which I have down on [1].
> index<-unique(dataset$country)
> for (i in 1:length(index)){
> data<-dataset[dataset$country==index[i],]
> (...)
> output<-dd
> #then how do I create each country's output into one sheet of one excel???
> }
> Kind regards,
> Tammy
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Re: [R] remove NA in df results in NA, NA.1 ... rows

2012-12-13 Thread jim holtman
You can use "complete.cases":

df <- df[complete.cases(df), ]

On Thu, Dec 13, 2012 at 3:20 AM,   wrote:
> Good morning!
> I have the following data frame (df):
> X.outer  Y.outer   X.PAD1   Y.PAD1   X.PAD2 Y.PAD2   X.PAD3 Y.PAD3   
> 73 574690.0 179740.0 574690.2 179740.0 574618.3 179650 574729.2 179674 
> 574747.1 179598
> 74 574680.6 179737.0 574693.4 179740.0 574719.0 179688 574831.8 179699 
> 574724.9 179673
> 75 574671.0 179734.0 574696.2 179740.0 574719.0 179688 574807.8 179787 
> 574729.2 179674
> 76 574663.6 179736.0 574699.1 179734.0 574723.5 179678 574703.4 179760 
> 574831.8 179699
> 77 574649.9 179734.0 574704.7 179724.0 574724.9 179673 574702.4 179755 
> 574852.3 179626
> 78 574647.3 179742.0 574706.9 179719.0 574747.1 179598 574702.0 179754 
> 574747.1 179598
> 79 574633.6 179739.0 574711.4 179710.0 574641.8 179570 574698.0 179747   
> 80 574634.9 179732.0 574716.6 179698.0 574639.6 179573 574700.2 179738   
> 81 574616.5 179728.6 574716.7 179695.0 574618.3 179650 574704.4 179729   
> 82 574615.4 179731.0 574718.2 179690.0   NA NA 574708.1 179724   
> 83 574614.4 179733.6 574719.1 179688.0   NA NA 574709.3 179720   
> ...
> 44 574702.0 179754.0   NA   NA   NA NA   NA NA   
> 45 574695.1 179751.0   NA   NA   NA NA   NA NA   
> 46 574694.4 179752.0   NA   NA   NA NA   NA NA   
> Which I subset to
> df2 <- df[,c("X.PAD2","Y.PAD2")]
> df2
>  X.PAD2 Y.PAD2
> 73 574618.3 179650
> 74 574719.0 179688
> 75 574719.0 179688
> 76 574723.5 179678
> 77 574724.9 179673
> 78 574747.1 179598
> 79 574641.8 179570
> 80 574639.6 179573
> 81 574618.3 179650
> 82   NA NA
> 83   NA NA
> ...
> 44   NA NA
> 45   NA NA
> 46   NA NA
> followed by removing the NA's using
> df2 <- df2[!,]
> If I now call df2, I get:
> 73   574618.3 179650
> 74   574719.0 179688
> 75   574719.0 179688
> 76   574723.5 179678
> 77   574724.9 179673
> 78   574747.1 179598
> 79   574641.8 179570
> 80   574639.6 179573
> 81   574618.3 179650
> NA.1   NA NA
> NA.2   NA NA
> NA.3   NA NA
> NA.4   NA NA
> NA.5   NA NA
> NA.6   NA NA
> NA.7   NA NA
> NA.8   NA NA
> It seems there are still NA's in my data frame. How can I get rid of them? 
> What is the meaning of the rows numbered NA, NA.1 and so on?
> Thanks for any hints.
> Best regards
> Raphael Felber
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Jim Holtman
Data Munger Guru

What is the problem that you are trying to solve?
Tell me what you want to do, not how you want to do it.

__ mailing list
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[R] How to create multiple country's data into multiple sheets of one excel

2012-12-13 Thread Tammy Ma


I have large dataset of many countries. I have written the program to run 
through each country to generate one output for each country. I want to put the 
output like this:

one sheet has output for one country. How do I achieve it by r.

I have tried this:
write.xlsx(nnn, "vn.xlsx", sheetName="Sheet1")   [1]

but when I change sheetName="Sheet2" to add up another country into one sheet. 
it autimatically deleted which I have down on [1].

for (i in 1:length(index)){

#then how do I create each country's output into one sheet of one excel???


Kind regards,
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Re: [R] neural net

2012-12-13 Thread dada
Thanks for your reply. I have compared my data with some other which works
and I cannot see the difference... 

The structure of my data is shown below: 

> str(data)
'data.frame':   19 obs. of  7 variables:
 $ drug: Factor w/ 19 levels "A","B","C","D",..: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
 $ param1  : int  111 347 335 477 863 737 390 209 376 262 ...
 $ param2 : int  15 13 9 37 24 28 63 93 72 16 ...
 $ param3 : int  125 280 119 75 180 150 167 200 201 205 ...
 $ param4 : int  40 55 89 2 10 15 12 48 45 49 ...
 $ param5 : num  0.5 3 -40 0 5 6 0 45 -60 25 ...
 $ Class   : int  1 2 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 ...

> summary(data)
  drugparam1 param2 param3 param4   
param5 Class  
 A  : 1   Min.   :111.0   Min.   : 2.0   Min.   : 75.0   Min.   :-20.00  
Min.   :-60.000   Min.   :1.000  
 B  : 1   1st Qu.:253.5   1st Qu.:15.0   1st Qu.:132.5   1st Qu.: 12.00  
1st Qu.:  0.000   1st Qu.:1.000  
 C  : 1   Median :335.0   Median :28.0   Median :164.0   Median : 40.00  
Median :  6.000   Median :2.000  
 D  : 1   Mean   :383.0   Mean   :33.0   Mean   :166.0   Mean   : 35.26  
Mean   :  4.447   Mean   :1.895  
 E  : 1   3rd Qu.:433.5   3rd Qu.:42.5   3rd Qu.:200.5   3rd Qu.: 54.00  
3rd Qu.: 20.500   3rd Qu.:2.000  
 F  : 1   Max.   :863.0   Max.   :93.0   Max.   :280.0   Max.   : 89.00  
Max.   : 45.000   Max.   :3.000  

The structure of the example data which worked is shown below: 

> str(infert)
'data.frame':   248 obs. of  8 variables:
 $ education : Factor w/ 3 levels "0-5yrs","6-11yrs",..: 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2
2 2 ...
 $ age   : num  26 42 39 34 35 36 23 32 21 28 ...
 $ parity: num  6 1 6 4 3 4 1 2 1 2 ...
 $ induced   : num  1 1 2 2 1 2 0 0 0 0 ...
 $ case  : num  1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
 $ spontaneous   : num  2 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 ...
 $ stratum   : int  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
 $ pooled.stratum: num  3 1 4 2 32 36 6 22 5 19 ...

> summary(infert)
   educationageparity inducedcase   
spontaneousstratum  pooled.stratum 
 0-5yrs : 12   Min.   :21.00   Min.   :1.000   Min.   :0.   Min.  
:0.   Min.   :0.   Min.   : 1.00   Min.   : 1.00  
 6-11yrs:120   1st Qu.:28.00   1st Qu.:1.000   1st Qu.:0.   1st
Qu.:0.   1st Qu.:0.   1st Qu.:21.00   1st Qu.:19.00  
 12+ yrs:116   Median :31.00   Median :2.000   Median :0.   Median
:0.   Median :0.   Median :42.00   Median :36.00  
   Mean   :31.50   Mean   :2.093   Mean   :0.5726   Mean  
:0.3347   Mean   :0.5766   Mean   :41.87   Mean   :33.58  
   3rd Qu.:35.25   3rd Qu.:3.000   3rd Qu.:1.   3rd
Qu.:1.   3rd Qu.:1.   3rd Qu.:62.25   3rd Qu.:48.25  
   Max.   :44.00   Max.   :6.000   Max.   :2.   Max.  
:1.   Max.   :2.   Max.   :83.00   Max.   :63.00  

So still not sure how to solve the problem  

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[R] Installing Packages from a Local Repository

2012-12-13 Thread Tommy O'Dell
Hi everyone,

I've followed the instructions from R-Admin Section 6.6 for creating a
local repository. I've modified my file to add the local
repository to my repos, but I haven't been able to successfully install my
package from the repo.

Here's the code that I've run.

setwd("Q:/Integrated Planning/R")
list.files(path = ".", recursive = TRUE)
tools::write_PACKAGES("bin/windows/contrib/2.15", type = "win.binary")
list.files(path = ".", recursive = TRUE)

install.packages("RTIO", repos = "Q:/Integrated Planning/R")
install.packages("RTIO", repos = "Q:/Integrated Planning/R", type =


And here it is with output included:
> sessionInfo()
R version 2.15.1 (2012-06-22)
Platform: i386-pc-mingw32/i386 (32-bit)

[1] LC_COLLATE=English_Australia.1252  LC_CTYPE=English_Australia.1252
 LC_MONETARY=English_Australia.1252 LC_NUMERIC=C

attached base packages:
[1] stats graphics  grDevices utils datasets  methods   base

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] tools_2.15.1
> getOption("repos")
""; "http://www.stats."
   "file://Q:/Integrated Planning/R"
> setwd("Q:/Integrated Planning/R")
> list.files(path = ".", recursive = TRUE)
[1] "bin/windows/contrib/2.15/"
> tools::write_PACKAGES("bin/windows/contrib/2.15", type = "win.binary")
> list.files(path = ".", recursive = TRUE)
[1] "bin/windows/contrib/2.15/PACKAGES"
> install.packages("RTIO")
Installing package(s) into ‘C:/Program Files/R/R-2.15.1/library’
(as ‘lib’ is unspecified)
Warning in install.packages :
  cannot open compressed file '//Q:/Integrated
Planning/R/bin/windows/contrib/2.15/PACKAGES', probable reason 'No such
file or directory'
Error in install.packages : cannot open the connection
> install.packages("RTIO", repos = "Q:/Integrated Planning/R")
Installing package(s) into ‘C:/Program Files/R/R-2.15.1/library’
(as ‘lib’ is unspecified)
Warning in install.packages :
  unable to access index for repository Q:/Integrated
Warning in install.packages :
  package ‘RTIO’ is not available (for R version 2.15.1)
> install.packages("RTIO", repos = "Q:/Integrated Planning/R", type =
Installing package(s) into ‘C:/Program Files/R/R-2.15.1/library’
(as ‘lib’ is unspecified)
Warning in install.packages :
  unable to access index for repository Q:/Integrated
Warning in install.packages :
  package ‘RTIO’ is not available (for R version 2.15.1)

I'd really like to be able to use "install.packages("RTIO")" without having
to specify the repo, as this will make it easy for our other less
experienced R users.

Any ideas why I get "warning: cannot open compressed file" and "error:
cannot open the connection"? As far as I can tell, I've followed the
R-Admin 6.6 instructions exactly.

If it matters, Q: is a mapped network drive.

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[R] max_prepared_stmt_count exceeded using RODBC + 64-bit win7

2012-12-13 Thread Giles

I am running R2.15.2 64-bit on Windows 7, using RODBC 1.3-6, MySQL5.5.20,
MySQL Connector 5.5.2 - these are the latest 64-bit versions AFAIK.

sqlQuery and sqlSave work fin as expected, but in a long session with a few
sqlSave() calls, I get an error, for example:

Error in sqlSave(channel = channel, dat = USArrests[, 1, drop = FALSE],  :
  HY000 1461 [MySQL][ODBC 5.2(w) Driver][mysqld-5.5.20]Can't create more
than max_prepared_stmt_count statements (current value: 16384)
[RODBC] ERROR: Could not SQLPrepare 'INSERT INTO `usarrests` ( `murder` )
VALUES ( ? )'

In my setup the MySQL global variable max_prepared_stmt_count has the
default setting of 16K.  If I reset the variable higher, I can run a while
longer, but this is not a permanent solution.

Digging around for a solution, I see that the following may cast some

show global status like 'com_stmt%';

| Variable_name   | Value |
| Com_stmt_close  | 0 |
| Com_stmt_execute| 49931 |
| Com_stmt_fetch  | 0 |
| Com_stmt_prepare| 36|
| Com_stmt_reprepare  | 0 |
| Com_stmt_reset  | 36|
| Com_stmt_send_long_data | 0 |

If I understand right, the number of Com_stmt_close should be 'close to or
equal to' Com_stmt_execute, but is not.  Rolling back to all 32-bit R2.13.2
etc does work, all entries in the table above remaining at zero,

The number Com_stmt_execute increases with each row written using
sqlSave(), but does not increase if I use sqlQuery()

#This causes Com_stmt_execute to increase 50:
sqlQuery(channel=channel,query="DROP TABLE IF EXISTS USArrests")
sqlSave(channel=channel, dat=USArrests[,1,drop=FALSE],rownames=FALSE)

#This causes no change in Com_stmt_execute :
sqlQuery(channel=channel,query="INSERT INTO USArrests (murder) values (1)")

This behaviour did not occur with R2.13.2 & RODBC 1.3-3 32-bit.

I could just revert one thing at a time to narrow it down but if anyone can
offer a shortcut I'd be delighted.


Giles Heywood

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Re: [R] Running MCMC in R

2012-12-13 Thread Whit Armstrong
Why don't you use one of the existing MCMC packages.  There are many to
choose from...

On Wed, Dec 12, 2012 at 10:49 PM, Chenyi Pan  wrote:

> Dear all
> I am now running a MCMC iteration in the R program. But it is always
> stucked in some loop. This cause big problems for my research. So I want to
> know whether we can skip the current dataset and move to next simulated
> data when the iteration is stucked? Alternatively, can the MCMC chain skip
> the current iteration when it is stucked and automatically to start another
> chain with different starting values.
> I am looking forward to your reply.
> Best,
> Chenyi
> --
> Chenyi Pan
> Department of Statisitics
> Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, University of Virginia
> Tel: 434-466-9209
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Re: [R] how to aggregate the dataset

2012-12-13 Thread Rui Barradas


maybe something like this?

range <- with(dat, paste0("[", min_price, ",", max_price, "]"))
dat2 <- with(dat, data.frame(product = product, VN = mean_price, range = 
range, price_band = price_band))

Unless it's a printing problem and you really want the range below VN.

Hope this helps,

Rui Barradas

Em 13-12-2012 11:24, Tammy Ma escreveu:

Really sorry for messing up.

I want to transform:

product min_price  max_price mean_price country   price_band
11 34 50   40   
  VN   0-300
2210  3015  
   VN   0-300



product   VN   price_band
   11   40 0-300
   22 15 0-300

How Can I do this in r?

Kind regards,

Subject: RE: [R] how to aggregate the dataset
Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2012 14:22:54 +0300


I want it looks like this:


product   VN   price_band
   11   40 0-300
   22 15 0-300

Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2012 13:42:35 +0300
Subject: [R] how to aggregate the dataset


Sorry for messing up..

I want to transform the following dataset:

product min_price  max_price mean_price country   price_band
11   34   50   40 VN 0-300
22   10   30   15 VN 0-300


product VN   price_band
   11 40 0-300
   22   15 0-300

How can I do this in r? I have large dataset like this. I want to transform all 
into that one. Thanks a lot.

Kind regards,

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Re: [R] How do you use agrep inside a loop

2012-12-13 Thread surekha nagabhushan
Thank you all it worked after I checked for length of agrep's result :)

On Tue, Dec 11, 2012 at 6:11 PM, Rui Barradas  wrote:

> Hello,
> Inline.
> Em 11-12-2012 12:04, surekha nagabhushan escreveu:
>> Rui,
>> I have initialized it...doesn't seem to help...
>> result_vector <- vector()
> No! This must be just before the loop in 'j'
>  result <- vector("list", (length(test1)-1))
>> for(i in 1:(length(test1)-1))
>> {
>>for(j in (i+1):length(test1))
>>result_vector[j-i] <- agrep(test1[i], test1[j], = TRUE,
>> value
>> = TRUE, max.distance = 0.1)
>>result[[i]]<- result_vector
>> }
>> whenever agrep does not find a match it returns character(0), length zero,
>> do you suppose it has anything to do with that?
> Yes, without testing for length zero it throws an error, "replacement has
> length zero".
> Hope this helps,
> Rui Barradas
>> Thank you.
>> On Tue, Dec 11, 2012 at 5:13 PM, Rui Barradas 
>> wrote:
>>  Hello,
>>> See if this is it. You must reinitialize 'result_vector' just before the
>>> loop that constructs it.
>>> test1 <- c("Vashi", "Vashi,navi Mumbai", "Thane", "Vashi,new Mumbai",
>>>  "Thana", "Surekha", "Thane(w)", "surekhaN")
>>> result <- vector("list", (length(test1)-1))
>>> for(i in 1:(length(test1)-1)){
>>>  result_vector <- vector()
>>>  for(j in (i+1):length(test1)){
>>>  tmp <- agrep(test1[i], test1[j],
>>> = TRUE, value = TRUE,
>>>  max.distance = 0.1)
>>>  if(length(tmp) > 0) result_vector[j-i] <- tmp
>>>  }
>>>  result[[i]] <- result_vector
>>> }
>>> result
>>> Hope this helps,
>>> Rui Barradas
>>> Em 11-12-2012 11:23, surekha nagabhushan escreveu:
>>>  Pascal,

 result_vector <- vector()
 result <- vector("list", (length(test1)-1))
 for(i in 1:(length(test1)-1))
 for(j in (i+1):length(test1))
 result_vector[j-i] <- agrep(test1[i], test1[j], = TRUE,
 = TRUE, max.distance = 0.1)
 result[[i]]<- result_vector

 I'm not sure what the problem is with the dimension/length of result
 is a list. But I just use the second line: result <- vector("list",

 What am I missing?

 Thank you Rui Barradas.

 On Tue, Dec 11, 2012 at 4:25 PM, Rui Barradas 


> And another error in line 2. It should be
> for(j in (i+1):length(test1))
> Hope this helps,
> Rui Barradas
> Em 11-12-2012 07:54, Pascal Oettli escreveu:
>  There is a mistake in the first line. It should be:
>>  for(i in 1:(length(test1)-1))
>>>  Regards,
>> Pascal
>> Le 11/12/2012 16:01, surekha nagabhushan a écrit :
>>   Hi all.
>>> This is my first message at I'm hoping I have some
>>> beginner's
>>> luck and get some good help for my problem!
>>> FYI I have just started using R recently so my knowledge of R is
>>> pretty
>>> preliminary.
>>> Okay here is what I need help with - I need to know how to use agrep
>>> in a
>>> for loop.
>>> I need to compare elements of a vector of names with other elements
>>> of
>>> the
>>> same vector.
>>> However if I use something like this:
>>> for(i in 1:length(test1)-1)
>>> {
>>>  for(j in i+1:length(test1))
>>>  {
>>>  result[[i]][j] <- agrep(test1[i], test1[j], = TRUE,
>>> value
>>> =
>>> TRUE, max.distance = 0.1)
>>>  }
>>> }
>>> I get an error message saying - invalid 'pattern' argument. -* Error
>>> in
>>> agrep(test1[i], test1[j], = TRUE, value = TRUE,
>>> max.distance
>>> =
>>> 0.1) : *
>>> *  invalid 'pattern' argument*
>>> Test 1 being - c("Vashi", "Vashi,navi Mumbai", "Thane", "Vashi,new
>>> Mumbai",
>>> "Thana", "Surekha", "Thane(w)", "surekhaN")
>>> This is the first time I'm using agrep, I do not understand how it
>>> works
>>> fully...
>>> Kindly help...
>>> Thank you.
>>> Su.
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>>> mailing list
>>> >

Re: [R] how to aggregate the dataset

2012-12-13 Thread Tammy Ma

Really sorry for messing up.

I want to transform:

> product min_price  max_price mean_price country   price_band
> 11 34 50   40 
> VN   0-300
> 2210  30
> 15 VN   0-300


> Into:
> product   VN   price_band
>   11   40 0-300
>  [34,50]
>   22 15 0-300
> [10,30]

How Can I do this in r?

Kind regards,

Subject: RE: [R] how to aggregate the dataset
Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2012 14:22:54 +0300


I want it looks like this:

> Into:
> product   VN   price_band
>   11   40 0-300
>  [34,50]
>   22 15 0-300
> [10,30]

> From:
> To:
> Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2012 13:42:35 +0300
> Subject: [R] how to aggregate the dataset
> HI,
> Sorry for messing up..
> I want to transform the following dataset:
> product min_price  max_price mean_price country   price_band
> 11   34   50   40 VN 0-300
> 22   10   30   15 VN 0-300
> Into:
> product VN   price_band
>   11 40 0-300
>  [34,50]
>   22   15 0-300
>  [10,30]
> How can I do this in r? I have large dataset like this. I want to transform 
> all into that one. Thanks a lot.
> Kind regards,
> Tammy
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[R] how to aggregate the dataset

2012-12-13 Thread Tammy Ma


Sorry for messing up..

I want to transform the following dataset:

product min_price  max_price mean_price country   price_band
11   34   50   40 VN 0-300
22   10   30   15 VN 0-300


product   VN   price_band

How can I do this in r? I have large dataset like this. I want to transform all 
into that one. Thanks a lot.

Kind regards,

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Re: [R] possible bug in function 'mclapply' of package parallel

2012-12-13 Thread Michael Weylandt
Mailing list ate the attachment. 

Can you send it plain text (if short) or post it somewhere online?


On Dec 13, 2012, at 1:54 AM, Asis Hallab  wrote:

> Dear parallel users and developers,
> I might have encountered a bug in the function 'mclapply' of package
> 'parallel'. I construct a matrix using the same input data and code with a
> single difference: Once I use mclapply and the other time lapply.
> Shockingly the result is NOT the same.
> To evaluate please unpack the attached archive and execute
> Rscript mclapply_test.R
> I put the two simple functions I wrote inside the R script and the
> serialized input matrix.
> My function is once executed using mclapply and the other time lapply
> internally. - There's an argument lapply.funk, one can set to mclapply.
> The results are checked for identity with a striking FALSE.
> Any hints on my misuse and or misunderstanding of mclapply or verification
> of a true bug will be much appreciated.
> Kind regards!
> __
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Re: [R] create a color palette with custom ranges between colors

2012-12-13 Thread jeff6868
Thank you Nicole!

I did it with the "color.palette" function in the link you gave me.
I added then in my levelplot function a sequence with "at":


And it works quite good. 

Thanks again Nicole.

Merci à toi aussi pascal, et vive le CRC ainsi que le grand C. C. !

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Re: [R] remove NA in df results in NA, NA.1 ... rows

2012-12-13 Thread Jeff Newmiller is not doing what you think it is doing. Perhaps you should read 
Jeff NewmillerThe .   .  Go Live...
DCN:Basics: ##.#.   ##.#.  Live Go...
  Live:   OO#.. Dead: OO#..  Playing
Research Engineer (Solar/BatteriesO.O#.   #.O#.  with
/Software/Embedded Controllers)   .OO#.   .OO#.  rocks...1k
Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity. wrote:

>Good morning!
>I have the following data frame (df):
>X.outer  Y.outer   X.PAD1   Y.PAD1   X.PAD2 Y.PAD2   X.PAD3 Y.PAD3  
>73 574690.0 179740.0 574690.2 179740.0 574618.3 179650 574729.2 179674
>574747.1 179598
>74 574680.6 179737.0 574693.4 179740.0 574719.0 179688 574831.8 179699
>574724.9 179673
>75 574671.0 179734.0 574696.2 179740.0 574719.0 179688 574807.8 179787
>574729.2 179674
>76 574663.6 179736.0 574699.1 179734.0 574723.5 179678 574703.4 179760
>574831.8 179699
>77 574649.9 179734.0 574704.7 179724.0 574724.9 179673 574702.4 179755
>574852.3 179626
>78 574647.3 179742.0 574706.9 179719.0 574747.1 179598 574702.0 179754
>574747.1 179598
>79 574633.6 179739.0 574711.4 179710.0 574641.8 179570 574698.0 179747 
>80 574634.9 179732.0 574716.6 179698.0 574639.6 179573 574700.2 179738 
>81 574616.5 179728.6 574716.7 179695.0 574618.3 179650 574704.4 179729 
>82 574615.4 179731.0 574718.2 179690.0   NA NA 574708.1 179724 
>83 574614.4 179733.6 574719.1 179688.0   NA NA 574709.3 179720 
>44 574702.0 179754.0   NA   NA   NA NA   NA NA 
>45 574695.1 179751.0   NA   NA   NA NA   NA NA 
>46 574694.4 179752.0   NA   NA   NA NA   NA NA 
>Which I subset to
>df2 <- df[,c("X.PAD2","Y.PAD2")]
>73 574618.3 179650
>74 574719.0 179688
>75 574719.0 179688
>76 574723.5 179678
>77 574724.9 179673
>78 574747.1 179598
>79 574641.8 179570
>80 574639.6 179573
>81 574618.3 179650
>82   NA NA
>83   NA NA
>44   NA NA
>45   NA NA
>46   NA NA
>followed by removing the NA's using
>df2 <- df2[!,]
>If I now call df2, I get:
>   X.PAD2 Y.PAD2
>73   574618.3 179650
>74   574719.0 179688
>75   574719.0 179688
>76   574723.5 179678
>77   574724.9 179673
>78   574747.1 179598
>79   574641.8 179570
>80   574639.6 179573
>81   574618.3 179650
>NA.1   NA NA
>NA.2   NA NA
>NA.3   NA NA
>NA.4   NA NA
>NA.5   NA NA
>NA.6   NA NA
>NA.7   NA NA
>NA.8   NA NA
>It seems there are still NA's in my data frame. How can I get rid of
>them? What is the meaning of the rows numbered NA, NA.1 and so on?
>Thanks for any hints.
>Best regards
>Raphael Felber
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[R] How to aggregate the dataset?

2012-12-13 Thread Tammy Ma


I want to transform the following dataset

 Product Price_LC.1 Price_LC.2 Price_elasticity.1 Price_elasticity.2 Mean_Price 
Mean_Price_elasticity Trade_Price_Band Country
 100 35   52   -4.14   -2.84
   47  -3.69 0-542811  VN
   1208 43   53   -3.94   -3.45 
  47  -3.65 0-542811  VN


Product   VN  Price_Band
100   -3.69 0-542811   

1208 -3.65 0-542811

How do I get it in R? I have large dataset like this, I need to create 
mechanism to tranform those. Thanks.

Kind regards,

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Re: [R] remove NA in df results in NA, NA.1 ... rows

2012-12-13 Thread Anthony Damico
df2 <- df2[!,] isn't doing what you want it to do because
df2 is a data.frame and not a vector

to solve your problem, review

On Thu, Dec 13, 2012 at 3:20 AM,  wrote:

> Good morning!
> I have the following data frame (df):
> X.outer  Y.outer   X.PAD1   Y.PAD1   X.PAD2 Y.PAD2   X.PAD3 Y.PAD3
> 73 574690.0 179740.0 574690.2 179740.0 574618.3 179650 574729.2 179674
> 574747.1 179598
> 74 574680.6 179737.0 574693.4 179740.0 574719.0 179688 574831.8 179699
> 574724.9 179673
> 75 574671.0 179734.0 574696.2 179740.0 574719.0 179688 574807.8 179787
> 574729.2 179674
> 76 574663.6 179736.0 574699.1 179734.0 574723.5 179678 574703.4 179760
> 574831.8 179699
> 77 574649.9 179734.0 574704.7 179724.0 574724.9 179673 574702.4 179755
> 574852.3 179626
> 78 574647.3 179742.0 574706.9 179719.0 574747.1 179598 574702.0 179754
> 574747.1 179598
> 79 574633.6 179739.0 574711.4 179710.0 574641.8 179570 574698.0 179747
>   NA NA
> 80 574634.9 179732.0 574716.6 179698.0 574639.6 179573 574700.2 179738
>   NA NA
> 81 574616.5 179728.6 574716.7 179695.0 574618.3 179650 574704.4 179729
>   NA NA
> 82 574615.4 179731.0 574718.2 179690.0   NA NA 574708.1 179724
>   NA NA
> 83 574614.4 179733.6 574719.1 179688.0   NA NA 574709.3 179720
>   NA NA
> ...
> 44 574702.0 179754.0   NA   NA   NA NA   NA NA
>   NA NA
> 45 574695.1 179751.0   NA   NA   NA NA   NA NA
>   NA NA
> 46 574694.4 179752.0   NA   NA   NA NA   NA NA
>   NA NA
> Which I subset to
> df2 <- df[,c("X.PAD2","Y.PAD2")]
> df2
>  X.PAD2 Y.PAD2
> 73 574618.3 179650
> 74 574719.0 179688
> 75 574719.0 179688
> 76 574723.5 179678
> 77 574724.9 179673
> 78 574747.1 179598
> 79 574641.8 179570
> 80 574639.6 179573
> 81 574618.3 179650
> 82   NA NA
> 83   NA NA
> ...
> 44   NA NA
> 45   NA NA
> 46   NA NA
> followed by removing the NA's using
> df2 <- df2[!,]
> If I now call df2, I get:
> 73   574618.3 179650
> 74   574719.0 179688
> 75   574719.0 179688
> 76   574723.5 179678
> 77   574724.9 179673
> 78   574747.1 179598
> 79   574641.8 179570
> 80   574639.6 179573
> 81   574618.3 179650
> NA.1   NA NA
> NA.2   NA NA
> NA.3   NA NA
> NA.4   NA NA
> NA.5   NA NA
> NA.6   NA NA
> NA.7   NA NA
> NA.8   NA NA
> It seems there are still NA's in my data frame. How can I get rid of them?
> What is the meaning of the rows numbered NA, NA.1 and so on?
> Thanks for any hints.
> Best regards
> Raphael Felber
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Re: [R] remove NA in df results in NA, NA.1 ... rows

2012-12-13 Thread Gerrit Eichner

Hi Raphael,

see below.

I have the following data frame (df):
> df2

73 574618.3 179650
74 574719.0 179688
75 574719.0 179688
76 574723.5 179678
77 574724.9 179673
78 574747.1 179598
79 574641.8 179570
80 574639.6 179573
81 574618.3 179650
82   NA NA
83   NA NA
44   NA NA
45   NA NA
46   NA NA

followed by removing the NA's using

> df2 <- df2[!,]

... df2) produces a logical matrix (!), and you are then indexing the 
rows of your data frame with a matrix which is "converted" into a vector 
of its elements producing far too many logical indices for your task (so 
to say).

I assume you should be using

na.omit( df2)


 Hth  --  Gerrit

Dr. Gerrit Eichner   Mathematical Institute, Room 212   Justus-Liebig-University Giessen
Tel: +49-(0)641-99-32104  Arndtstr. 2, 35392 Giessen, Germany
Fax: +49-(0)641-99-32109

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[R] how to aggregate the data ?

2012-12-13 Thread Tammy Ma


now I have dataset:

  Product Price_LC.1 Price_LC.2 Price_elasticity.1 
Price_elasticity.2 Mean_Price Mean_Price_elasticity Trade_Price_Band Country
1 100   357580.1   527483.6 -4.1498383  
   -2.8459564   473934.0-3.6935476 0-542811  VN
51208   436931.9   536143.9 -3.9432305  
   -3.4570170   469330.2-3.6595372 0-542811 VN
61280   419666.6   520936.3 -1.7357983  
   -0.7689443   461367.0-1.2848528 0-542811  VN
2 101   629371.0   735167.2 -5.2289933  
   -3.0364372   676059.9-3.8059064542812-904779  VN
71616   576816.1   663369.6 -4.5528840  
   -3.9523261   614864.5-4.3181914542812-904779  VN
81661   583587.9   689853.0 -5.0948101  
   -4.3427497   650680.0-4.8109781542812-904779  VN

I want to get the following dataset:

Product   VN Price_band
100  -3.69354760-542811
   [357580.1, 527483.6 ]  
   [-2.8459564, 473934.0]

1208-3.6595372   0-542811 
   [436931.9, 536143.9]
   [-3.9432305, -3.4570170]

how do I get this in r?? Thanks.

Kind regards,

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[R] remove NA in df results in NA, NA.1 ... rows

2012-12-13 Thread raphael.felber
Good morning!

I have the following data frame (df):

X.outer  Y.outer   X.PAD1   Y.PAD1   X.PAD2 Y.PAD2   X.PAD3 Y.PAD3   X.PAD4 
73 574690.0 179740.0 574690.2 179740.0 574618.3 179650 574729.2 179674 574747.1 
74 574680.6 179737.0 574693.4 179740.0 574719.0 179688 574831.8 179699 574724.9 
75 574671.0 179734.0 574696.2 179740.0 574719.0 179688 574807.8 179787 574729.2 
76 574663.6 179736.0 574699.1 179734.0 574723.5 179678 574703.4 179760 574831.8 
77 574649.9 179734.0 574704.7 179724.0 574724.9 179673 574702.4 179755 574852.3 
78 574647.3 179742.0 574706.9 179719.0 574747.1 179598 574702.0 179754 574747.1 
79 574633.6 179739.0 574711.4 179710.0 574641.8 179570 574698.0 179747   NA 
80 574634.9 179732.0 574716.6 179698.0 574639.6 179573 574700.2 179738   NA 
81 574616.5 179728.6 574716.7 179695.0 574618.3 179650 574704.4 179729   NA 
82 574615.4 179731.0 574718.2 179690.0   NA NA 574708.1 179724   NA 
83 574614.4 179733.6 574719.1 179688.0   NA NA 574709.3 179720   NA 

44 574702.0 179754.0   NA   NA   NA NA   NA NA   NA 

45 574695.1 179751.0   NA   NA   NA NA   NA NA   NA 

46 574694.4 179752.0   NA   NA   NA NA   NA NA   NA 

Which I subset to

df2 <- df[,c("X.PAD2","Y.PAD2")]



73 574618.3 179650

74 574719.0 179688

75 574719.0 179688

76 574723.5 179678

77 574724.9 179673

78 574747.1 179598

79 574641.8 179570

80 574639.6 179573

81 574618.3 179650

82   NA NA

83   NA NA


44   NA NA

45   NA NA

46   NA NA

followed by removing the NA's using

df2 <- df2[!,]

If I now call df2, I get:

   X.PAD2 Y.PAD2

73   574618.3 179650

74   574719.0 179688

75   574719.0 179688

76   574723.5 179678

77   574724.9 179673

78   574747.1 179598

79   574641.8 179570

80   574639.6 179573

81   574618.3 179650


NA.1   NA NA

NA.2   NA NA

NA.3   NA NA

NA.4   NA NA

NA.5   NA NA

NA.6   NA NA

NA.7   NA NA

NA.8   NA NA

It seems there are still NA's in my data frame. How can I get rid of them? What 
is the meaning of the rows numbered NA, NA.1 and so on?

Thanks for any hints.

Best regards

Raphael Felber

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Re: [R] An important question about running MCMC

2012-12-13 Thread Barry Rowlingson
On Thu, Dec 13, 2012 at 3:22 AM, Chenyi Pan  wrote:
> Dear officer
> I have a question concerning running R when I am doing my research. Can you
> help me to figure that out?
> I am now running a MCMC iteration in the R program. But it is always
> stucked in some loop. This cause big problems for my research. So I want to
> know whether we can skip the current dataset and move to next simulated
> data when the iteration is stucked? Alternatively, can the MCMC chain skip
> the current iteration when it is stucked and automatically to start another
> chain with different starting values.
> I am looking forward to your reply.

 What do you mean by 'stucked in some loop'? Is it so stuck it isn't
generating proposals, because of a bug in your code? Or do you mean it
is generating proposals but never accepting them? In which case maybe
you need to look at your proposal distribution and make your proposal
scheme adaptive. Or is it looping around a set of accepted values? Or

 Remember, for true convergence of an MCMC you have to loop an
infinite number of times - have you tried that?


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