Re: [R] reshape non-square matrix

2014-03-04 Thread Jeff Newmiller

On Tue, 4 Mar 2014, Chirag Gupta wrote:

This works fine for smaller ones but I have a big dataframe. Its ~35000 X 30. 
When I try this command,
it says "Using  as id variables".

Thank you.

You asked for a solution regarding a matrix. Now you talk about data 
frames. And in responding to Arun you have complained that it "takes away 
the names of the variables", leading me to question whether you really 
want what you have asked for because the "m,n,value" format has no room 
for the original names. (There are potential solutions to that problem, 
but they are outside of the scope of your original question.)

Since you apparently don't know the difference between a matrix and a data 
frame, I will pass on responding further to this thread until you provide 
a reproducible example.  This is because there are several potential 
problems introduced by applying this algorithm to arbitrary data frames. 
You should (re)read the Introduction to R regarding data frames and 
matrices (note particularly that each column of a data frame can be of a 
different type), and you should read [1] paying particular attention to 
how small amounts of sample data can be provided in your reproducible 

Also, please read the Posting Guide mentioned at the bottom of this email. 
In particular, that document requests that you NOT use HTML email format 
because what we see is usually not what you saw when you do that (which 
makes it very hard to understand what you are trying to tell us).


On Sat, Mar 1, 2014 at 12:38 AM, Jeff Newmiller  
  mx <- matrix( 1:12, nrow=3 )
  mxdf <- melt( mx )
  names( mxdf ) <- c( "m", "n", "value" )

  Jeff Newmiller                        The     .       .  Go 
  DCN:        Basics: ##.#.       ##.#.  Live 
                                        Live:   OO#.. Dead: OO#..  Playing
  Research Engineer (Solar/Batteries            O.O#.       #.O#.  with
  /Software/Embedded Controllers)               .OO#.       .OO#.  
  Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.

  On February 28, 2014 5:49:26 PM PST, Chirag Gupta  
  >Hi list
  >I have a matrix of size m x n (m and n are different, hence non
  >I want to melt it in such a way that I get a df of 3 columns. m ,n and
  >value in the original matrix.
  >Any suggestions?

Chirag Gupta
Department of Crop, Soil, and Environmental Sciences,
115 Plant Sciences Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701

Jeff NewmillerThe .   .  Go Live...
DCN:Basics: ##.#.   ##.#.  Live Go...
  Live:   OO#.. Dead: OO#..  Playing
Research Engineer (Solar/BatteriesO.O#.   #.O#.  with
/Software/Embedded Controllers)   .OO#.   .OO#.  rocks...1k
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Re: [R] format for as.Date and inserting missing rows in a data frame

2014-03-04 Thread PIKAL Petr

> -Original Message-
> From: [mailto:r-help-bounces@r-
>] On Behalf Of Stefano Sofia
> Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2014 11:58 AM
> To:
> Subject: [R] format for as.Date and inserting missing rows in a data
> frame
> Dear R users,
> I have a very long data frame (50 years, more than 1.5 million rows) of
> daily rainfall data from about 80 raingouges.
> The data frame that I have been given looks like
> Raingouge_number Station_number Year Month Day Rainfall
> 2004 2230 1951 1 1 2.60
> 2004 2230 1951 1 2 0.40
> 2004 2230 1951 1 3 0.00
> 2004 2230 1951 1 4 0.00
> 2004 2230 1951 1 5 0.20
> 2004 2230 1951 1 6 0.00
> 2004 2230 1951 1 7 0.00
> 2004 2230 1951 1 8 0.00
> 2004 2230 1951 1 9 0.00
> 2004 2230 1951 1 10 0.00
> ...
> There could be some missing days. I have two questions.
> 1st question:
> In order to handle eventual missing days I think that I have to
> transform three separate numbers (Year, Month and Day) to Date.
> Is there a format in as.Date suitable for this transformation or before
> all I have to set all the months and days to two digits, remove spaces
> and then apply as.Date with format "%Y%m%d"?

This shall do it if you put dataframe name instead of ...
as.Date(paste(...$Year, ...$Month, ...$Day, sep="."), format="%Y.%m.%d")

> 2nd question
> In case of missing day, the corresponding row will be missing and then
> I have to insert this new row and put -999.9 as Rainfall. Is there an
> easy way to do that?

Why? What is wrong with NA? What do you want to do with -999.9?
Anyway, you can get sequence of dates

and merge it with your data.

I do not help you to put -999.9 instead of NA as I consider it extremely silly.


> Thank you for your help
> Stefano
> AVVISO IMPORTANTE: Questo messaggio di posta elettronica può contenere
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Re: [R] reshape non-square matrix

2014-03-04 Thread Chirag Gupta

This works fine for smaller ones but I have a big dataframe. Its ~35000 X
30. When I try this command, it says "Using  as id variables".

Thank you.

On Sat, Mar 1, 2014 at 12:38 AM, Jeff Newmiller wrote:

> library(reshape2)
> mx <- matrix( 1:12, nrow=3 )
> mxdf <- melt( mx )
> names( mxdf ) <- c( "m", "n", "value" )
> ---
> Jeff NewmillerThe .   .  Go Live...
> DCN:Basics: ##.#.   ##.#.  Live
> Go...
>   Live:   OO#.. Dead: OO#..  Playing
> Research Engineer (Solar/BatteriesO.O#.   #.O#.  with
> /Software/Embedded Controllers)   .OO#.   .OO#.  rocks...1k
> ---
> Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.
> On February 28, 2014 5:49:26 PM PST, Chirag Gupta 
> wrote:
> >Hi list
> >
> >I have a matrix of size m x n (m and n are different, hence non
> >square!)
> >I want to melt it in such a way that I get a df of 3 columns. m ,n and
> >cell
> >value in the original matrix.
> >
> >Any suggestions?

*Chirag Gupta*
Department of Crop, Soil, and Environmental Sciences,
115 Plant Sciences Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701

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Re: [R] problem with previous code

2014-03-04 Thread arun

Hi Elio,

If you change the last line of the code:

m1[indx2N] <- m2[indx1]

m1[indx2N] <- m2[sort(indx1)]

#[1] 191
#[1] 191

The problem is in the order of the colnames/rownames in each of the datasets.  
I tested it on something like:
m1 <- matrix(0,12,12,dimnames=rep(list(paste0("a",1:12)),2))
 m2 <- 

which didn't show the problem.

But, if I change the order of colnames:

m1 <- matrix(0,12,12,dimnames=rep(list(paste0("a",c(1:3,8:12,4:7))),2))

 m2 <- 
vec1 <- paste0(rownames(m1)[row(m1)],colnames(m1)[col(m1)])
vec2 <- paste0(rownames(m2)[row(m2)],colnames(m2)[col(m2)])
indx <- match(vec1,vec2)
indx1 <- indx[!]

indx2 <- match(vec2,vec1)
indx2N <- indx2[!]
m1[indx2N] <- m2[sort(indx1)]

Hope this helps.

On Tuesday, March 4, 2014 3:16 PM, Elio Shijaku  wrote:

Hi Arun,

Sorry to disturb, but while trying your code to combine two matrices of unequal 
dimensions, I noticed a problem, the sum for each variable does not match, but 
the overall variables sum does match for both matrices, something isn't going 
right, perhaps the variables are getting mixed up, any idea??

Here is the code you sent me and the zipped files for testing:

dat1 <-

dat2 <-
m1 <- as.matrix(dat1)
m2 <- as.matrix(dat2)
vec1 <-
vec2 <- paste0(rownames(m2)[row(m2)],colnames(m2)[col(m2)])
indx <- match(vec1,vec2)
indx1 <- indx[!]
indx2 <- match(vec2,vec1)
indx2N <- indx2[!]
m1[indx2N] <- m2[indx1]

Thanks a lot!!



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[R] Is this a mistake in 'An Introduction to R'?

2014-03-04 Thread Geoff Loveman

In 'An Introduction to R', section 11.7 on nonlinear least squares fitting,
the following example is given for obtaining the standard errors of the
estimated parameters:

"To obtain the approximate standard errors (SE) of the estimates we do:
sqrt(diag(2*out$minimum/(length(y) - 2) * solve(out$hessian)))The 2 in the
line above represents the number of parameters."

I know the inverted Hessian is multiplied by the mean square error and that
the denominator of the MSE is the degrees of freedom (number of samples -
number of parameters) but why does the numerator of the MSE (which is the
RSS) get multiplied by the number of parameters? I have read through
explanations of the method for obtaining the SE but I don't see where the
MSE gets multiplied by the number of parameters or why this is needed as
shown in the example?

Thanks for any help!

Geoff Loveman
Tech lead SMERAS
QQ Maritime Life Support

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Re: [R] reshape non-square matrix

2014-03-04 Thread arun

You didn't provide any reproducible example to start with.
Using Jeff's example

mx <- matrix( 1:12, nrow=3 )
dimnames(mx) <- list(1:nrow(mx),1:ncol(mx)) ##

  m n value
1  1 1 1
2  2 1 2
3  3 1 3
4  1 2 4
5  2 2 5
6  3 2 6
7  1 3 7
8  2 3 8
9  3 3 9
10 1 4    10
11 2 4    11
12 3 4    12

mx1 <- 

   m    n value
1  1 Col1 1
2  2 Col1 2
3  3 Col1 3
4  1 Col2 4
5  2 Col2 5
6  3 Col2 6
7  1 Col3 7
8  2 Col3 8
9  3 Col3 9
10 1 Col4    10
11 2 Col4    11
12 3 Col4    12


On Tuesday, March 4, 2014 9:39 PM, Chirag Gupta  wrote:

This takes away names of all the variables

On Sat, Mar 1, 2014 at 9:30 AM, arun  wrote:

>You could try:
>#If mat1 is the matrix
>dimnames(mat1) <- list(1:nrow(mat1),1:ncol(mat1))
>On Friday, February 28, 2014 11:40 PM, Chirag Gupta  
>Hi list
>I have a matrix of size m x n (m and n are different, hence non square!)
>I want to melt it in such a way that I get a df of 3 columns. m ,n and cell
>value in the original matrix.
>Any suggestions?
>*Chirag Gupta*
>Department of Crop, Soil, and Environmental Sciences,
>115 Plant Sciences Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701
>    [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
> mailing list
>PLEASE do read the posting guide
>and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Chirag Gupta
Department of Crop, Soil, and Environmental Sciences,
115 Plant Sciences Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701

__ mailing list
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[R] cross validation with variables which have one factor only

2014-03-04 Thread Maik Rehnus

   Dear R-team
   I  did a model selection by AIC which explain me the habitat use of my
   animals   in   six   different   study   sites  (See  attached  files:
   cross_val_CORINE04032014.csv and cross_val_CORINE04032014.r). Sites were
   used as random factor because they are distributed over the Alps and so very
   different. In this way I also removed variables which exist in one study
   area  only  to  do the model selection. In next, I tried to do a cross
   validation with the estimated best model for its prediction per site. That
   means I used model of five sites togehther against the remaining site. In
   this step I received an error:

   > val_10_fold_minger <- cv.glm(data= minger, glmfit = best_model_year, K =
   Error in `contrasts<-`(`*tmp*`, value = contr.funs[1 + isOF[nn]]) :
 contrasts can be applied only to factors with 2 or more levels

   So for some of the model variables used in the model formula below there are
   actually  not  two factor levels (example=C324F where absence :153 but
   presence:  0 )
   best_model_year <- glm(dung1_b ~ C231F+C324F+C332F, family=binomial(logit),
   Does somebody know is there a possibility in cross validation methods which
   can deal with variables which have one factor only?

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Re: [R] reshape non-square matrix

2014-03-04 Thread Chirag Gupta
This takes away names of all the variables

On Sat, Mar 1, 2014 at 9:30 AM, arun  wrote:

> Hi,
> You could try:
> #If mat1 is the matrix
> dimnames(mat1) <- list(1:nrow(mat1),1:ncol(mat1))
> setNames(,c("m","n","value"))
> A.K.
> On Friday, February 28, 2014 11:40 PM, Chirag Gupta 
> wrote:
> Hi list
> I have a matrix of size m x n (m and n are different, hence non square!)
> I want to melt it in such a way that I get a df of 3 columns. m ,n and cell
> value in the original matrix.
> Any suggestions?
> --
> *Chirag Gupta*
> Department of Crop, Soil, and Environmental Sciences,
> 115 Plant Sciences Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701
> [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
> __
> mailing list
> PLEASE do read the posting guide
> and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

*Chirag Gupta*
Department of Crop, Soil, and Environmental Sciences,
115 Plant Sciences Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701

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Re: [R] format for as.Date and inserting missing rows in a data frame

2014-03-04 Thread arun
May be this helps:
dat <- read.table(text="Raingouge_number Station_number Year Month Day Rainfall
2004 2230 1951 1 1 2.60
2004 2230 1951 1 2 0.40
2004 2230 1951 1 3 0.00
2004 2230 1951 1 4 0.00
2004 2230 1951 1 5 0.20
2004 2230 1951 1 6 0.00
2004 2230 1951 1 7 0.00
2004 2230 1951 1 9 0.00
2004 2230 1951 1 10 0.00
2004 2230 1951 1 11 0.20",sep="",header=TRUE)
dat <-  within(dat,Date <- as.Date(paste(Year,Month,Day),format="%Y %m %d"))
dat2 <- data.frame(Date=seq(dat$Date[1],dat$Date[length(dat$Date)],by="day"))
 res <- merge(dat,dat2,all=TRUE)
res$Rainfall[$Rainfall)] <- -999

On Tuesday, March 4, 2014 5:58 AM, Stefano Sofia 
Dear R users,
I have a very long data frame (50 years, more than 1.5 million rows) of daily 
rainfall data from about 80 raingouges.
The data frame that I have been given looks like

Raingouge_number Station_number Year Month Day Rainfall
2004 2230 1951 1 1 2.60
2004 2230 1951 1 2 0.40
2004 2230 1951 1 3 0.00
2004 2230 1951 1 4 0.00
2004 2230 1951 1 5 0.20
2004 2230 1951 1 6 0.00
2004 2230 1951 1 7 0.00
2004 2230 1951 1 8 0.00
2004 2230 1951 1 9 0.00
2004 2230 1951 1 10 0.00

There could be some missing days. I have two questions.
1st question:
In order to handle eventual missing days I think that I have to transform three 
separate numbers (Year, Month and Day) to Date.
Is there a format in as.Date suitable for this transformation or before all I 
have to set all the months and days to two digits, remove spaces and then apply
as.Date with format "%Y%m%d"?

2nd question
In case of missing day, the corresponding row will be missing and then I have 
to insert this new row and put -999.9 as Rainfall. Is there an easy way to do 

Thank you for your help

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__ mailing list
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[R] Building R for better performance

2014-03-04 Thread Anspach, Jonathan P

I'm a software engineer with Intel.  Recently I've been investigating R 
performance on Intel Xeon and Xeon Phi processors and RH Linux.  I've also 
compared the performance of R built with the Intel compilers and Intel Math 
Kernel Library to a "default" build (no config options) that uses the GNU 
compilers.  To my dismay, I've found that the GNU build always runs on a single 
CPU core, even during matrix operations.  The Intel build runs matrix 
operations on multiple cores, so it is much faster on those operations.  
Running the benchmark-2.5 on a 24 core Xeon system, the Intel build is 13x 
faster than the GNU build (21 seconds vs 275 seconds).  Unfortunately, this 
advantage is not documented anywhere that I can see.

Building with the Intel tools is very easy.  Assuming the tools are installed 
in /opt/intel/composerxe, the process is simply (in bash shell):

$ . /opt/intel/composerxe/bin/ intel64
$ ./configure --with-blas="-L/opt/intel/composerxe/mkl/lib/intel64 
-lmkl_intel_lp64 -lmkl_intel_thread -lmkl_core -liomp5 -lpthread -lm" 
--with-lapack CC=icc CFLAGS=-O2 CXX=icpc CXXFLAGS=-O2 F77=ifort FFLAGS=-O2 
FC=ifort FCFLAGS=-O2
$ make
$ make check

My questions are:
1) Do most system admins and/or R installers know about this performance 
difference, and use the Intel tools to build R?
2) Can we add information on the advantage of building with the Intel tools, 
and how to do it, to the installation instructions and FAQ?

I can post my data if anyone is interested.

Jonathan Anspach
Sr. Software Engineer
Intel Corp.

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[R] (no subject)

2014-03-04 Thread Agony
Dear all,
I have a problem reading xlsx files in R.
Could anybody help me how to resolve the problem?

install.packages("xlsx", dependencies=TRUE)

data <- read.xlsx("3.1.xlsx", sheetIndex = 3.1)
data <- read.xlsx("3.1.xlsx", sheetName= "a",, header=TRUE)
data <- read.xlsx("3.1.xlsx", 1)

the error message is :

Error in .jcall("RJavaTools", "Ljava/lang/Object;", "invokeMethod", cl,  : 
  java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded

I also have problem in reading Rmpi library.
I installed it correctly however when I read it by library(Rmpi) I received an 
error message:
Error : .onLoad failed in loadNamespace() for 'Rmpi', details:
  call: inDL(x, as.logical(local), as.logical(now), ...)
  error: unable to load shared object 
  LoadLibrary failure:  The specified module could not be found.

Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘Rmpi’

My many many thanks your help in advance.
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[R] Numbers at risk below cumulative incidence function plot

2014-03-04 Thread Sophia J
Hi guys
I am using cmprsk-package for CIF plot but I would like to plot the numbers at 
risk for the different causes of failure at specific timepoints below a 
cumulative incidence function plotIs anybody know how can I make that plot or 
which package shall I use to make it?Thanks in advance!
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Re: [R] Specifying strip.names in Lattice plots

2014-03-04 Thread Duncan Mackay
Hi Rich

The first arguments for strip.default are

which.given, which.panel,, factor.levels,

which means they take the names from the factors of each strip

without  a reproducible example here is something that may help


  xyplot(ncontrols ~ncases|alcgp, esoph,
 as.table = TRUE,
   par.settings = list(strip.background = list(col = "transparent"),
   axis.text = list(cex = 0.65),
   par.xlab.text = list(cex = 0.75),
   par.ylab.text = list(cex = 0.75)
  scales   = list(x = list(alternating = FALSE,
   relation= "same",
   rot = 0),
  y = list(alternating = FALSE,
relation= "same",
rot = 0)
   strip= strip.custom(factor.levels = paste(gsub("[a-z/]","",
levels(esoph$alcgp)), "g/day"),
   par.strip.text = list(cex = 0.65) ),

If you have multiple conditioning see 


which have the arguments strip and strip.left there and you fill the text

  useOuterStrips(strip  = strip.custom(factor.levels =
paste(gsub("[a-z/]","", levels(esoph$alcgp)), "g/day"),
   par.strip.text = list(cex =
 strip.left = strip.custom(factor.levels =
   par.strip.text = list(cex =
  xyplot(ncontrols ~ncases|alcgp*agegp, esoph,
 as.table = TRUE,
   par.settings = list(strip.background = list(col = "transparent"),
   axis.text = list(cex = 0.65),
   par.xlab.text = list(cex = 0.75),
   par.ylab.text = list(cex = 0.75)
  scales   = list(x = list(alternating = FALSE,
   relation= "same",
   rot = 0),
  y = list(alternating = FALSE,
relation= "same",
rot = 0)
  ) ## useOuterStrips


Duncan Mackay
Department of Agronomy and Soil Science
University of New England
Armidale NSW 2351
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-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Rich Shepard
Sent: Wednesday, 5 March 2014 05:49
Subject: [R] Specifying strip.names in Lattice plots

   I've read Deepayan's book, ?strip, and ?strip.default, without learning
how to specify strip names on xyplots. The following command produces the
attached plot:

xyplot(cbind(dalles.disch.ts, dalles.temp.ts), strip.left, main = "Columbia
River @ The Dalles", xlab = "Date (Year.Month)", ylab = c("Temperature
(C)","Discharge (cfs)"))

   However, when I try to specify names for each strip using panel functions
I either get a blank plot or error messages. What I want to learn how to do
is either 1) put the ylab in the strip or 2) eliminate the strip as



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[R] [R-pkgs] New package on CRAN: greport

2014-03-04 Thread Frank Harrell
The first submission of the new greport package is now on CTAN.  This 
package facilitates graphical reporting of clinical trials an is highly 
tied to LaTeX, Hmisc, and lattice.  It creates hyperlinks and pop-up 
tooltips in the resulting pdf report.  Tables are greatly de-emphasized, 
but hyperlinks take you from primary graphics to supporting tables in an 
appendix, which are hyperlinked back to the graphic.

The package's web page, with example pdf reports, is at

Frank E Harrell Jr Professor and Chairman  School of Medicine
   Department of Biostatistics Vanderbilt University

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Re: [R] phlyloclim help

2014-03-04 Thread Clint Bowman
I suspect the space in the filename could be the throwing the parser 
off--you may need some "" around the filename or fill the space with an 


Clint BowmanINTERNET:
Air Quality Modeler INTERNET:
Department of Ecology   VOICE:  (360) 407-6815
PO Box 47600FAX:(360) 407-7534
Olympia, WA 98504-7600

USPS:   PO Box 47600, Olympia, WA 98504-7600
Parcels:300 Desmond Drive, Lacey, WA 98503-1274

On Mon, 3 Mar 2014, Dana Ikeda wrote:


I'm trying to run a niche.equivalency.test and keep getting the following
Error in file(fname, "r") : cannot open the connection
In addition: Warning message:
In file(fname, "r") :
 cannot open file 'C:/Users/Dana/Desktop/NicheIDresults/out/Populus
arizona_proj.asc': No such file or directory

Here's my code:
app<-paste("C:/Users/Dana/Desktop/maxent/maxent.jar", sep="")
files<-list.files(path =
pattern = '[.]asc', all.files = FALSE,
  full.names = FALSE, recursive = FALSE, = FALSE, include.dirs = FALSE, no.. = FALSE)
test<-niche.equivalency.test(p, env, n=99, maxent.exe, dir)

Maxent runs fine, and I can see the Populus arizona_proj.asc file in the
"out" directory.

Any ideas on what is going on?

Thank you!
Dana Ikeda, PhD Candidate
Cottonwood Ecology Group
Department of Biological Sciences
Northern Arizona University
Flagstaff, AZ 86011

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Re: [R] How to set up the plot region

2014-03-04 Thread 张以春
Hi, Jim

Thank you very much for your suggestion. But, x11() seems to be invalid for my 
computer. I have tried to use mar() to resolve this question. Thanks a lot.


> -原始邮件-
> 发件人: "Jim Lemon" 
> 发送时间: 2014年3月4日 星期二
> 收件人: "张以春" 
> 抄送:
> 主题: Re: [R] How to set up the plot region
> On 03/04/2014 12:40 AM, 张以春 wrote:
> > Dear friends,
> >
> >
> > I have a question don't know how to do. I want to plot two graphs in one 
> > column of one plot. Also, I want to make every graph to be a square with 
> > width to be 8cm, and their gap is 2cm. How do I set up in par()? Thank you 
> > very much.
> >
> >
> > Yichun
> >
> Hi Yichun,
> Your question is not entirely clear, but I'll try to make some 
> suggestions. If what you mean is the "figure" region (that's the plot 
> and the margins around it), you want something like this:
> x11(width=3.15,height=7.09)
> layout(matrix(c(1,3,2),ncol=1),heights=c(1,0.25,1))
> plot(1:5)
> plot(1:5)
> If you just want plots with nothing around them, maybe this:
> x11(width=3.15,height=7.09)
> layout(matrix(c(1,3,2),ncol=1),heights=c(1,0.25,1))
> par(mar=c(0,0,0,0))
> plot(1:5,axes=FALSE)
> box()
> plot(1:5,axes=FALSE)
> box()
> Jim

Dr Yichun Zhang
State Key Laboratory of Palaeobiology and Stratigraphy, Nanjing Institute of 
Geology and Palaeontology
39 East Beijing Road, Nanjing, China, 210008

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[R] Specifying strip.names in Lattice plots

2014-03-04 Thread Rich Shepard

  I've read Deepayan's book, ?strip, and ?strip.default, without learning
how to specify strip names on xyplots. The following command produces the
attached plot:

xyplot(cbind(dalles.disch.ts, dalles.temp.ts), strip.left, main = "Columbia
River @ The Dalles", xlab = "Date (Year.Month)", ylab = c("Temperature
(C)","Discharge (cfs)"))

  However, when I try to specify names for each strip using panel functions
I either get a blank plot or error messages. What I want to learn how to do
is either 1) put the ylab in the strip or 2) eliminate the strip as



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Re: [R] Non-negative solution to an underdetermined linear system

2014-03-04 Thread Berend Hasselman

On 04-03-2014, at 12:38, wrote:

> I don't have any cost function to minimize. My task is to create the "best" 
> matrix, matching the row sums, the column sums, row sumproducts (with the 
> rows from another constant matrix) and also column sumproducts - it's a 
> transportation problem of finding OD matrix corresponding the total tonnage 
> and tonne-kilometres. Maybe the more suitable function would be "lsei", but 
> it retuns also negative values for some X-es. Do you have an idea where in 
> the code to put some verification for non-negative results?

From the manual entry of lsei it seems that you should specify matrix G and 
vector h (inputs of lsei).


PS: Please do not post in HTML (see the posting guide).

> Thanks in advance.
> Best Regards.
> - Цитат от Berend Hasselman (, на 27.02.2014 в 21:09 -
>> On 27-02-2014, at 13:22, wrote:
>>> Dear R users,
>>> I have to find optimal solution of an underdetermined linear system, but
>>> only with positive variables. I tried the function from this post
>>> , but it's
>>> solution includes also negative values. 
>> Have a look at package limSolve. Maybe (and only maybe) function linp can be 
>> of use.
>> Berend
>>> Thanks in advance.
>>> Best Regards.
>>> -
>>> Майски празници на остров Лефкада, Гърция от 158 евро
>>> Безкрайните романтични пясъци съчетани с узо...
>>> Дати: 30/04/14 - 05/04/14
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>>> __
>>> mailing list
>>> PLEASE do read the posting guide
>>> and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.
> -
> Mail.BG: Безплатен e-mail адрес. Най-добрите характеристики на българския 
> пазар - 20 GB пощенска кутия, 1 GB прикрепен файл, безплатен POP3, мобилна 
> версия, SMS известяване и други.

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Re: [R] From data frame to time series matrix and plot [RESOLVED]

2014-03-04 Thread Rich Shepard

On Mon, 3 Mar 2014, Rich Shepard wrote:

 I'm missing something simple here so a pointer is needed.

  Figured it out: I created two ts() objects, one for each parameter, then
plotted them using cbind. Just need to tweak how the dates display on the x
axis, but that should be doable.


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[R] Shortest connected path in a matrix

2014-03-04 Thread McCloskey, Bryan
I have a binary rectangular T/F matrix; I need to be able to calculate the
shortest path (i.e., Pythagorean distance) between a populated cell in row
j and any populated cell in some row j+n.

For instance, if I have a chessboard with random black/white square colors,
I need the shortest distance (linear distance, not number of steps) for a
king to get from a specified black space on the first row, to _any_ black
space in a specified further row, traveling only on black spaces.

Any idea? Thanks,


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Re: [R] Using indirect arguments in tapply

2014-03-04 Thread arun

I would use ?with() instead of ?attach.
sMean <- with(sorted,tapply(PRICE,ITEM,mean))
#Double Single Triple 
# 352.4  379.9  563.5 
parameter <- data.frame(Pname,Iname,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
#Double Single Triple 
# 352.4  379.9  563.5 


On Tue, 3/4/14, Barry King  wrote:

 Subject: [R] Using indirect arguments in tapply
 To: "" 
 Date: Tuesday, March 4, 2014, 9:01 AM

 I am reading parameters from an Excel
 file but am having trouble using them
 in tapply.  Here is a mini-version of my problem.

 sorted <-
      c(324.5, 435.3, 568.3, 345.4,
 143.5, 563.5))
 colnames(sorted) <- c("ITEM","PRICE")

 sMean <- tapply(PRICE,ITEM,mean)  # works but cannot
 use column names
   # since reading them from an Excel file
   # a parameter file

 Pname <- c("PRICE")
 Iname <- c("ITEM")
 parameter <- data.frame(Pname,Iname)  # This mimics
 reading the specific
 column names
       # from Excel
 # Now I want to indirectly reference the PRICE and ITEM
 columns but this
 # not work as expected
 sMean2 <- tapply(parameter$Pname, parameter$Iname, mean)


 Any  assistance would be greatly appreciated.
 *Barry E. King, Ph.D.*
 Chief Modeler
 Qualex Consulting Services, Inc.
 O: (317)940-5464
 M: (317)507-0661

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Re: [R] From data frame to time series matrix and plot [UPDATE]

2014-03-04 Thread Rich Shepard

On Tue, 4 Mar 2014, Rich Shepard wrote:

 Would xyplot() be a better function for these data?

  Here's the syntax for the xyplot() command; the output is attached. What
have I done incorrectly here?

xyplot(col.riv.ts, data = NULL, screens = 1, cut = FALSE, auto.key = TRUE)


structure(c(16126, 16127, 16128, 16129, 16130, 16131, 128000, 
126000, 135000, 136000, 153000, 172000, 3.4, 3.5, 3.7, 4, 4.2, 
4.1), .Dim = c(6L, 3L), .Dimnames = list(c("[787,]", "[788,]", 
"[789,]", "[790,]", "[791,]", "[792,]"), c("date", "disch", "temp"



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Re: [R] Using indirect arguments in tapply

2014-03-04 Thread Rui Barradas


Try instead

sMean2 <- tapply(parameter[[Pname]], parameter[[Iname]], mean)

Hope this helps,

Rui Barradas
Em 04-03-2014 17:01, Barry King escreveu:

I am reading parameters from an Excel file but am having trouble using them
in tapply.  Here is a mini-version of my problem.

sorted <- data.frame(c("Single","Single","Double","Double","Double",
  c(324.5, 435.3, 568.3, 345.4, 143.5, 563.5))
colnames(sorted) <- c("ITEM","PRICE")

sMean <- tapply(PRICE,ITEM,mean)  # works but cannot use column names
   # since reading them from an Excel file
   # a parameter file

Pname <- c("PRICE")
Iname <- c("ITEM")
parameter <- data.frame(Pname,Iname)  # This mimics reading the specific
column names
   # from Excel
# Now I want to indirectly reference the PRICE and ITEM columns but this
# not work as expected
sMean2 <- tapply(parameter$Pname, parameter$Iname, mean)

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Re: [R] From data frame to time series matrix and plot [UPDATE]

2014-03-04 Thread Rich Shepard

On Mon, 3 Mar 2014, Rich Shepard wrote:

 I would like to plot (separately) time series for the 'disch' and
'tempMean' columns but have not had success in passing the correct syntax to
the plot() function and having the x-axis labels as human-readable dates
rather than the epoch time (which is what I assume is in the date class).

  Significant progress has been made, but I'm still not using the correct

  1) I modified the original data frame to 3 columns: date, disch, and temp.
  2) Using ts() I converted the data frame to a ts object.
  3) After reading ?plot.ts and ?ts.plot I determined that the latter is
appropriate for a multivariate time series on a single set of axes:

plot.ts(col.riv.ts, plot.type = "single", xylabels = c("Date","Amount"))
Warning messages:
1: In plot.window(xlim, ylim, log, ...) :
  "xylabels" is not a graphical parameter
2: In title(main = main, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, ...) :
  "xylabels" is not a graphical parameter
3: In axis(1, ...) : "xylabels" is not a graphical parameter
4: In axis(2, ...) : "xylabels" is not a graphical parameter
5: In box(...) : "xylabels" is not a graphical parameter

  But, not only have I not correctly specified xylabels, but the dates are
not correctly presented (that is, as dates rather than numbers), and there
are other options which I need to better understand.

  Would xyplot() be a better function for these data?


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[R] Using indirect arguments in tapply

2014-03-04 Thread Barry King
I am reading parameters from an Excel file but am having trouble using them
in tapply.  Here is a mini-version of my problem.

sorted <- data.frame(c("Single","Single","Double","Double","Double",
 c(324.5, 435.3, 568.3, 345.4, 143.5, 563.5))
colnames(sorted) <- c("ITEM","PRICE")

sMean <- tapply(PRICE,ITEM,mean)  # works but cannot use column names
  # since reading them from an Excel file
  # a parameter file

Pname <- c("PRICE")
Iname <- c("ITEM")
parameter <- data.frame(Pname,Iname)  # This mimics reading the specific
column names
  # from Excel
# Now I want to indirectly reference the PRICE and ITEM columns but this
# not work as expected
sMean2 <- tapply(parameter$Pname, parameter$Iname, mean)


Any  assistance would be greatly appreciated.
*Barry E. King, Ph.D.*
Chief Modeler
Qualex Consulting Services, Inc.
O: (317)940-5464
M: (317)507-0661

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[R] [R-pkgs] rms package updated

2014-03-04 Thread Frank Harrell

Changes are listed below.

NOTE: The next release of rms will replace the survfit.formula function 
with a new function named npsurv ("nonparametric survival estimates") so 
as to not conflict with the survival package.  This is a 
NON-DOWNWARD-COMPATIBLE change.  To get Kaplan-Meier estimates in the 
NEXT release use npsurv() instead of survfit().

The web site for more information about rms is

Changes in version 4.1-3 (2014-03-02)
   * num.intercepts: removed (is in Hmisc)
	 * survfit.formula, cph, psm: changed to use inputAttributes attribute 
of Surv objects (introduced earlier in survival package so that rms 
could drop its customized Surv function)

   * Exported survfit.formula
   * Changed survival fitting functions and residuals to use units.Surv

Changes in version 4.1-2 (2014-02-28)
   * psm: Fixed bug to allow computation of Dxy with left censoring
   * val.prob: Fixed recently introduced bug that made calibration 
intercept and slope always 0,1.  Thanks:

   * plot.Predict: added between to leave space between panels
   * fixed error in kmid calculation when heavy ties at first 
level of y.  Thanks: Yuwei Zhu
   * setPb: changed default to now use tktcl to show progress bars for 

   * predictrms: fixed bug with type='terms'
   * val.surv: handle case where survival estimates=0 or 1 when using 
log-log transform

Changes in version 4.1-1 (2014-01-22)
   * Removed use of under.unix in anova.rms, latex.summary, plot.nomogram
   * Removed use of oldUnclass, oldClass, is.category
   * Fixed class of Rq object; had failed with bootcov.  Thanks: Max Gordon
   * survplot: preserved par()
   * Srv: removed, changed all uses to Surv() for new survival package 
that preserves attributes for Surv inputs

   * survplot.survfit, survdiffplot: added conf='diffbands'
   * predictrms: fixed num. intercepts calculation order
   * survplot, survdiffplot: used original standard error for 
survdiffplot, and fun

   * dyx.cens: allow left-censoring

Frank E Harrell Jr Professor and Chairman  School of Medicine
   Department of Biostatistics Vanderbilt University

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[R] [R-pkgs] New version of Hmisc package on CRAN

2014-03-04 Thread Frank Harrell

Recent changes include the following.

Changes in version 3.14-2 (2014-02-26)
   * latex.default: improved logic using new function in Misc: latexBuild
	 * latex.default: fixed bug with ctable=TRUE with no caption by 
removing default label

   * latex.default: improved formatting for
   * latex.default: added tests, fixed insert.bottom
   * latex.summaryM: return stat summary key as legend attribute, use 
this according to insert.bottom argument
   * latex.summary.formula.response: fixed bug related to computation 
of cdec.  Thanks: Kevin Thorpe
   * latex.default: added new argument star: ctables uses this to 
spread over two columns when the LaTeX document is in \twocolumn mode. 
Thanks:  David Whiting

Changes in version 3.14-1 (2014-02-25)
   * Added latexNeedle function
   * Change latexTherm, latexNeedle to use user LaTeX macro \tooltipn 
to do the pop-up

   * latex.default: changed line breaks around \end{tabular}
   * latex.summaryM: put insert.bottom text in minipage so \tooltip 
will not devote wide space to it
   * sas.get: added defaultencoding argument and logic (Thanks: 
Reinhold Koch)

   * plot.summaryP: omit tick marks for proportion > 1.0
   * format.df (used by latex): fixed na.blank logic for character var
   * latex: removed newlines when ending environments, added hyperref 

   * latex: added center='centerline', fixed 'centering'
   * upData, cleanup.import, dataframeReduce: changed argument pr to print
   * rcspline.eval: added more evasive action in case of extreme ties

Changes in version 3.14-0 (2014-01-22)
   * Added trans argument to varclus
   * Removed recode, existsFunction functions, under.unix object, 
survfitKM, functions used only by S-Plus: comment, mem, mulbar.chart, 

   * as.category, is.category, untangle.special: removed
   * Removed reference to .R. from many functions
   * Remove oldClass, oldUnclass, getFunction
   * latex.default: changed 'rotate' to 'sideways' for ctable mode. 
Thanks: Simon Zehnder 

   * gView: removed
   * ldBands: removed
   * summaryP: new function - graphical replacement for tables of 
   * ynbind: new function for combining related yes/no variables into a 
matrix with a label

   * added file argument to prn
   * summaryP: added autoarrange
   * added addMarginal and nobsY functions
   * pBlock: new function for blocking variables for summaryP
   * summaryP: changed text positioning to grid absolutes, added argument
   * scat1d, histSpike: if grid used and y has grid units, fixed logic 
for frac

   * plsmo, panel.plsmo: added scat1d.opts argument
   * label.Surv, units.Surv: added, removed ::: in survival calls
   * summarize: added keepcolnames argument
   * Suppressed startup message unless options(Hverbose=TRUE) is set
   * summaryS: new function - multi-panel lattice xy and dot plots
   * summaryD: added ylab argument
   * dotchart3: quit letting left margin be less than pre-existing one
   * multLines: new function
   * Improved nobsY to respect subject IDs when counting number of 
subjects, and to return an attribute 'formula' without id variable; 
changed bpplotM, summaryP, summaryS to use this
   * Removed nobsY calculations from bpplotM, summaryP, summaryS, 
enhanced nobsY to allow stratification by treatment

   * panel.bpplot: added violin and violin.opts arguments
   * summaryS: added medvPanel support during-plot vertical violin plots
   * plot.summaryP: padded x-axis limits
   * latexTabular: added translate and hline arguments; moved to its 
own file and help page

   * latexTherm: added tooltip using LaTeX ocgtools package
   * summaryP: stopped reversing order of panels
   * summaryM: added table.env argument, changed how model.frame built
   * latex.summaryM: changed to print proportions by default, added 

   * character.table: added xpd=NA; thanks: Dale
   * summaryP: added latex method
   * latex.default: added argument
   * summaryM: added stratification (multiple tables)

Frank E Harrell Jr Professor and Chairman  School of Medicine
   Department of Biostatistics Vanderbilt University

R-packages mailing list

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Re: [R] Non-negative solution to an underdetermined linear system

2014-03-04 Thread klqmba

I don't have any cost function to minimize. My task is to create the "best"
matrix, matching the row sums, the column sums, row sumproducts (with the
rows from another constant matrix) and also column sumproducts - it's a
transportation problem of finding OD matrix corresponding the total tonnage
and tonne-kilometres. Maybe the more suitable function would be "lsei", but
it retuns also negative values for some X-es. Do you have an idea where in
the code to put some verification for non-negative results?

Thanks in advance.

Best Regards.

- Цитат от Berend Hasselman (, на 27.02.2014 в
21:09 -  
On 27-02-2014, at 13:22, wrote:

Dear R users,

I have to find optimal solution of an underdetermined linear system, but
only with positive variables. I tried the function from this post , but it's
solution includes also negative values. 

Have a look at package limSolve. Maybe (and only maybe) function linp can
be of use.


Thanks in advance.

Best Regards.


Майски празници на остров Лефкада,
Гърция от 158 евро
Безкрайните романтични пясъци съчетани
с узо...
Дати: 30/04/14 - 05/04/14
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известяване и други.
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[R] format for as.Date and inserting missing rows in a data frame

2014-03-04 Thread Stefano Sofia
Dear R users,
I have a very long data frame (50 years, more than 1.5 million rows) of daily 
rainfall data from about 80 raingouges.
The data frame that I have been given looks like

Raingouge_number Station_number Year Month Day Rainfall
2004 2230 1951 1 1 2.60
2004 2230 1951 1 2 0.40
2004 2230 1951 1 3 0.00
2004 2230 1951 1 4 0.00
2004 2230 1951 1 5 0.20
2004 2230 1951 1 6 0.00
2004 2230 1951 1 7 0.00
2004 2230 1951 1 8 0.00
2004 2230 1951 1 9 0.00
2004 2230 1951 1 10 0.00

There could be some missing days. I have two questions.
1st question:
In order to handle eventual missing days I think that I have to transform three 
separate numbers (Year, Month and Day) to Date.
Is there a format in as.Date suitable for this transformation or before all I 
have to set all the months and days to two digits, remove spaces and then apply
as.Date with format "%Y%m%d"?

2nd question
In case of missing day, the corresponding row will be missing and then I have 
to insert this new row and put -999.9 as Rainfall. Is there an easy way to do 

Thank you for your help

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[R] alternative to wireframe()

2014-03-04 Thread Rainer M Krug

I am slowly getting enough of wireframe() from the package lattice, as
it is to complicated for what I need and does not really do what I
want. I am using it to produce a (surprise!) wireframe plot (see example
The plot function is part of plot.tss in a package which I am working
on, and the plot looks nice, but I would like to have the option to use
it as part of a layout(), which does not work.

Also, I did not get a real handle if I have to wrap the wireframe
function into a print().

So I am looking for a simpler alternative, which produces a similar plot
to the one created by the example below. I would prefer a different
legend and I would like to have the 3D plot respect the layout() command

Any suggestions which function I could use?



--8<---cut here---start->8---
x <- structure(list(threshold1 = c(21, 74.5, 128, 181.5, 235, 21, 
74.5, 128, 181.5, 235, 21, 74.5, 128, 181.5, 235, 21, 74.5, 128, 
181.5, 235, 21, 74.5, 128, 181.5, 235), threshold2 = c(0, 0, 
0, 0, 0, 61.25, 61.25, 61.25, 61.25, 61.25, 122.5, 122.5, 122.5, 
122.5, 122.5, 183.75, 183.75, 183.75, 183.75, 183.75, 245, 245, 
245, 245, 245), overallAccuracy = c(0.606076276664512, 0.606076276664512, 
0.606076276664512, 0.606076276664512, 0.606076276664512, 0.594182288299935, 
0.597026502908856, 0.605559146735617, 0.606076276664512, 0.606076276664512, 
0.6120232708468, 0.62262443438914, 0.633742727860375, 0.611376858435682, 
0.606076276664512, 0.618616677440207, 0.630122818358112, 0.706658047834518, 
0.695151906916613, 0.606076276664512, 0.393923723335488, 0.405429864253394, 
0.482740788623142, 0.58655462184874, 0.606076276664512), sensitivity = c(0, 
0, 0, 0, 0, 0.012471283229406, 0.0118148999015425, 0.00393829996718083, 
0, 0, 0.130620282244831, 0.126025598949787, 0.0912372825730226, 
0.0141122415490647, 0, 0.598949786675418, 0.594355103380374, 
0.526419428946505, 0.296685264194289, 0, 1, 0.995405316704956, 
0.927469642271086, 0.661962586150312, 0), specificity = c(1, 
1, 1, 1, 1, 0.972269624573379, 0.977389078498293, 0.996587030716723, 
1, 1, 0.924914675767918, 0.945392491467577, 0.986348122866894, 
0.99957337883959, 1, 0.631399317406143, 0.653370307167236, 0.823805460750853, 
0.954138225255973, 1, 0, 0.0219709897610922, 0.193686006825939, 
0.537542662116041, 1), tss = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -0.0152590921972152, 
-0.010796021600164, 0.000525330683904368, 0, 0, 0.0555349580127491, 
0.0714180904173634, 0.0775854054399168, 0.0136856203886551, 0, 
0.230349104081562, 0.24772541054761, 0.350224889697358, 0.250823489450262, 
0, 0, 0.0173763064660479, 0.121155649097025, 0.199505248266353, 
0), kappa = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -0.0182824920390604, -0.0129583064846108, 
0.000635541910639162, 0, 0, 0.0639760122213153, 0.0828765513813943, 
0.0918579943188013, 0.0165372451769894, 0, 0.223843122923358, 
0.242311121014362, 0.363093208690974, 0.28206036774748, 0, 0, 
0.0137627491763651, 0.100591615720438, 0.187264280971332, 0), 
pP = c(0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 38L, 36L, 12L, 0L, 0L, 398L, 384L, 
278L, 43L, 0L, 1825L, 1811L, 1604L, 904L, 0L, 3047L, 3033L, 
2826L, 2017L, 0L), pA = c(0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 130L, 106L, 
16L, 0L, 0L, 352L, 256L, 64L, 2L, 0L, 1728L, 1625L, 826L, 
215L, 0L, 4688L, 4585L, 3780L, 2168L, 0L), aA = c(4688L, 
4688L, 4688L, 4688L, 4688L, 4558L, 4582L, 4672L, 4688L, 4688L, 
4336L, 4432L, 4624L, 4686L, 4688L, 2960L, 3063L, 3862L, 4473L, 
4688L, 0L, 103L, 908L, 2520L, 4688L), aP = c(3047L, 3047L, 
3047L, 3047L, 3047L, 3009L, 3011L, 3035L, 3047L, 3047L, 2649L, 
2663L, 2769L, 3004L, 3047L, 1222L, 1236L, 1443L, 2143L, 3047L, 
0L, 14L, 221L, 1030L, 3047L), n = 7735L), .Names = c("threshold1", 
"threshold2", "overallAccuracy", "sensitivity", "specificity", 
"tss", "kappa", "pP", "pA", "aA", "aP", "n"), class = "TSS", link = 
.Primitive("&"), largerPres1 = TRUE, largerPres2 = FALSE, threshold1 = c(21, 
74.5, 128, 181.5, 235), threshold2 = c(0, 61.25, 122.5, 183.75, 
245), dimension = 2)

columns <- c("tss", "sensitivity", "specificity")
column.col <- rainbow(length(columns))
xp <- rep(x$threshold1, length(columns))
yp <- rep(x$threshold2, length(columns))
zp <- NULL
for (i in 1:length(columns)) {
zp <- c(zp, x[[columns[i]]])

grp <- rep(columns, each=length(x$tss))

layout(matrix(1:4, ncol=2), c(1,2,3,4))

zp ~ xp * yp,
xlab = "threshold 1",
ylab = "threshold 2",
zlab = paste(columns, collapse="\n"),
groups = grp,
par.settings = simpleTheme(
alpha = 0.7,
col = column.col,
scales = list(arrows = FALSE),
auto.key = TRUE
--8<---cut here---end--->8---

Rainer M. Krug

email: RMKruggmailcom

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Re: [R] delayedAssign list members

2014-03-04 Thread Philippe Grosjean
> delayedAssign("foo$bar", 2)
> foo$bar  # 1
> `foo$bar`  # 2

Yes, you assign to the new variable `foo$bar`, not to bar component of the foo 
You can use an environment for doing what you want:
e <- new.env()
e$bar <- 1
delayedAssign("bar", 2, assign.env = e)

But notice also the eval.env= argument of delayedAssign()… Depending on what 
you want do, you have to provide this also. Note also that the use of 
environments, as well as playing with lazy evaluation are advanced techniques 
you should really well understand, or you will encounter many other surprises. 
Take care, for instance, about how you save and reload, or dump(), etc. 
environment objects, if that happens to be something you want do too.

So, unless you really find an advantage with this, you would be better to 
continue using plain list() and try to forget about delayedAssign().


Philippe Grosjean

On 04 Mar 2014, at 09:23, "Shan Huang"  wrote:

> I am fascinated by lazy evaluation mechanism provided by delayedAssign. Like
> delayedAssign("foo", { 
>  Sys.sleep(1)  # or any other time consuming operations
>  1
> }
> Time consuming operations will be evaluated only if object "foo" is used.
> But when I try: 
> foo <- list()
> foo$bar <- 1
> delayedAssign("foo$bar", 2)
> foo$bar  # 1
> `foo$bar`  # 2
> Shows that delayedAssign can't be applied to list members, instead symbol
> with "$" will be assigned.
> What I actually want is a lazy evaluation wrapper for large complex
> hierarchical datasets. Like:
> MyDatasets <- list(
>  Dataset1 = complexData1
>  Dataset2 = complexData2
> )
> There is no need for loading whole datasets when I only use Dataset1. And I
> want to implement some 
> incremental updating mechanism fetching data from remote host.
> Can any one give me some tips to implement this?
> __
> mailing list
> PLEASE do read the posting guide
> and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

__ mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] sub function problem

2014-03-04 Thread Philippe Grosjean

Despite OS is not provided, we can guess it is Windows, since Tinn-R works only 
on Windows. The error message is quite clear, I think: R must start a socket 
server in order for Tinn-R to communicate with it. Did you look at 
?startSocketServer in the svSocket package? Then, you would have a clue of what 
it is.

Now, why is your communication between Tinn-R and R broken once you have 
crashed R (or for some reasons, R did not close completely and a zombie R 
process remains in memory)? Simply because the zombie process has still the 
corresponding socket open, and you cannot start another R process and create a 
server on the same port. You have to kill the zombie first! In Linux, people 
are used to that kind of situation, but many Windows users have difficulties to 
deal with this. See for instance here:


Philippe Grosjean

On 04 Mar 2014, at 08:33, PIKAL Petr  wrote:

> Hi
> I also used Tinn-R but an old version and did not experience such 
> error. Maybe you could try to use plain Notepad for your code just to check 
> if it is Tinn-R issue.
> I have no idea what the error means. However for anybody to have sensible 
> answer you definitelly need to reveal your OS, R version, Tinn-R version and 
> code which leads to such error.
> Regards
> Petr
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Massimiliano Tripoli []
>> Sent: Monday, March 03, 2014 5:39 PM
>> To: PIKAL Petr
>> Cc:
>> Subject: Re: [R] sub function problem
>> Hi Petr,
>> thanks for your response.
>> You're right. I counted incorrectly the numbers of spaces at the
>> beginning of the sub function directly called as you can see at the
>> end.
>> If the string has a length more than 10 it works correctly returning
>> the same string of input except if there are some spaces at the
>> beginning, that correctly it reduces to one as it expected.
>> But what about the error 10061 that I usually encountered ? In this
>> case I used Tinn-R (I know it's not a Tinn-R forum sorry). Is it
>> correlated with it.
>> Thanks
>> - Messaggio originale -
>> Da: "PIKAL Petr" 
>> A: "Massimiliano Tripoli" ,
>> Inviato: Lunedì, 3 marzo 2014 10:36:02
>> Oggetto: RE: [R] sub function problem
>> Hi
>> Everything works for me as expected. Nothing happens R starts as usual.
>> You can shorten your function
>> corregge2 <- function(stringa){
>> nc <- nchar(stringa)
>> stringa <- sub("^ ", "", stringa)
>> stringa <- sub(" +$", "", stringa)
>> if (nc <9) stringa <- NA
>> if (nc == 9) stringa <- paste("0",stringa,sep="") if (nc == 10) stringa
>> <- paste("00",stringa,sep="") stringa }
>> What if your string has length more than 10?
>> Regards
>> Petr
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: [mailto:r-help-bounces@r-
>>>] On Behalf Of Massimiliano Tripoli
>>> Sent: Friday, February 28, 2014 5:44 PM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: [R] sub function problem
>>> Dear all,
>>> I write a R function that it should handles strings like removing
>>> spaces at the beginning or returning NA according an IF condition.
>>> Here you are the code:
>>> corregge.CF <- function(stringa){
>>> nc <- nchar(stringa)
>>> stringa <- sub("^ ", "", stringa)
>>> stringa <- sub(" +$", "", stringa) if (nc == 1) stringa <- NA if
>>> (nc == 2) stringa <- NA if (nc == 3) stringa <- NA if (nc == 4)
>>> stringa <- NA if (nc == 5) stringa <- NA if (nc == 6) stringa <- NA
>> if
>>> (nc == 7) stringa <- NA if (nc == 8) stringa <- NA if (nc == 9)
>>> stringa <- paste("0",stringa,sep="") if (nc == 10) stringa <-
>>> paste("00",stringa,sep="")
>>> }
>>> I had this result:
 corregge.CF <- function(stringa){
>>> + nc <- nchar(stringa)
>>> +  stringa <- sub("^ ", "", stringa)
>>> +  stringa <- sub(" +$", "", stringa) if (nc == 1) stringa <- NA
>>> + if (nc == 2) stringa <- NA if (nc == 3) stringa <- NA if (nc == 4)
>>> + stringa <- NA if (nc == 5) stringa <- NA if (nc == 6) stringa <- NA
>>> + if (nc == 7) stringa <- NA if (nc == 8) stringa <- NA if (nc == 9)
>>> + stringa <- paste("0",stringa,sep="") if (nc == 10) stringa <-
>>> + paste("00",stringa,sep="")
>>> + stringa
>>> + }
 corregge.CF (" fsfhsfh")
>>> [1] NA
 nchar(" fsfhsfh")
>>> [1] 8
 sub("^  ", "", "  fghaghf")
>>> [1] "fghaghf"
>>> And restarting R I had this message:
>>> Error:10061
>>> R is not in server mode.
>>> Please, start R and/or run the startSocket Server function available
>>> in svSocket package!
>>> Anyone could help me,
>>> Thanks in advance
>>> --
>>> Massimiliano Tripoli
>>> Collaboratore T.E.R. scado il 31/12/2014 ISTAT - DCCN - Direzione
>>> Centrale della Contabilità N

[R] delayedAssign list members

2014-03-04 Thread Shan Huang
I am fascinated by lazy evaluation mechanism provided by delayedAssign. Like


delayedAssign("foo", { 

  Sys.sleep(1)  # or any other time consuming operations




Time consuming operations will be evaluated only if object "foo" is used.

But when I try: 


foo <- list()

foo$bar <- 1

delayedAssign("foo$bar", 2)

foo$bar  # 1

`foo$bar`  # 2


Shows that delayedAssign can't be applied to list members, instead symbol
with "$" will be assigned.

What I actually want is a lazy evaluation wrapper for large complex
hierarchical datasets. Like:


MyDatasets <- list(

  Dataset1 = complexData1

  Dataset2 = complexData2



There is no need for loading whole datasets when I only use Dataset1. And I
want to implement some 

incremental updating mechanism fetching data from remote host.

Can any one give me some tips to implement this?

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PLEASE do read the posting guide
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.