[R] Dropping predictor variables based on adjusted R square

2015-05-14 Thread Shivi82
Hello experts,

I have recently (1month) started using R. Earlier I was using SAS to work on
analytic assignments. 
In SAS there is an option - forward selection, backward selection, step wise
selection where in it removes the least impacting predictor variable from
the set  of variables based on adjusted r square and leaves us with the
highest impacting variables to predict.
Is there any similar functionality or function in R studio. Kindly suggest.

View this message in context: 
Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

[R] Counting consecutive events in R

2015-05-14 Thread Abhinaba Roy

I have the following dataframe

structure(list(Type = c(QRS, QRS, QRS, QRS, QRS, QRS,
PP, PP, PP, PP, PP, PP, PP, PP, QTc, QTc,
QTc, QTc, QTc, QTc, QTc, QTc, QTc, QTc, QTc,
QTc, QTc, QTc, QTc), Time_Point_Start = c(2015-04-01 14:57:15.0.0312,
2015-04-01 14:57:15.0.7839, 2015-04-01 14:57:16.0.5343,
2015-04-01 14:57:17.0.2573,
2015-04-01 14:57:18.0.0234, 2015-04-01 14:57:18.0.7722,
2015-04-01 14:57:19.0.5265,
2015-04-01 14:57:24.0.0195, 2015-04-01 14:57:24.0.7839,
2015-04-01 14:57:25.0.5343,
2015-04-01 14:57:26.0.2768, 2015-04-01 14:57:27.0.0273,
2015-04-01 14:58:03.0.0702,
2015-04-01 14:58:03.0.8190, 2015-04-01 14:58:04.0.5694,
2015-04-01 14:57:58.0.4134,
2015-04-01 14:57:59.0.1637, 2015-04-01 14:57:59.0.9126,
2015-04-01 14:58:00.0.6630,
2015-04-01 14:58:01.0.4134, 2015-04-01 14:58:02.0.1637,
2015-04-01 14:58:02.0.9126,
2015-04-01 14:58:03.0.6630, 2015-04-01 14:58:04.0.4134,
2015-04-01 14:57:07.0.4212,
2015-04-01 14:57:08.0.1715, 2015-04-01 14:57:08.0.9204,
2015-04-01 14:57:09.0.6864,
2015-04-01 14:57:10.0.4368, 2015-04-01 14:57:11.0.1871,
2015-04-01 14:57:11.0.9360,
2015-04-01 14:57:12.0.6591, 2015-04-01 14:57:13.0.4251,
2015-04-01 14:57:14.0.1754,
2015-04-01 14:57:14.0.9243, 2015-04-01 14:57:15.0.6903,
2015-04-01 14:57:16.0.4407,
2015-04-01 14:57:17.0.1676, 2015-04-01 14:57:17.0.9321),
Time_Point_End = c(2015-04-01 14:57:15.0.0858, 2015-04-01
2015-04-01 14:57:16.0.6006, 2015-04-01 14:57:17.0.0351,
2015-04-01 14:57:18.0.1403, 2015-04-01 14:57:18.0.8385,
2015-04-01 14:57:19.0.5889, 2015-04-01 14:57:24.0.0858,
2015-04-01 14:57:24.0.8346, 2015-04-01 14:57:25.0.5772,
2015-04-01 14:57:26.0.3939, 2015-04-01 14:57:27.0.0936,
2015-04-01 14:58:03.0.8190, 2015-04-01 14:58:04.0.5694,
2015-04-01 14:58:05.0.3197, 2015-04-01 14:57:59.0.1637,
2015-04-01 14:57:59.0.9126, 2015-04-01 14:58:00.0.6630,
2015-04-01 14:58:01.0.4134, 2015-04-01 14:58:02.0.1637,
2015-04-01 14:58:02.0.9126, 2015-04-01 14:58:03.0.6630,
2015-04-01 14:58:04.0.4134, 2015-04-01 14:58:05.0.1793,
2015-04-01 14:57:07.0.8775, 2015-04-01 14:57:08.0.6435,
2015-04-01 14:57:09.0.3705, 2015-04-01 14:57:10.0.1209,
2015-04-01 14:57:10.0.8697, 2015-04-01 14:57:11.0.6201,
2015-04-01 14:57:12.0.3861, 2015-04-01 14:57:13.0.1364,
2015-04-01 14:57:13.0.8853, 2015-04-01 14:57:14.0.6513,
2015-04-01 14:57:15.0.4017, 2015-04-01 14:57:16.0.1248,
2015-04-01 14:57:16.0.9165, 2015-04-01 14:57:17.0.6162,
2015-04-01 14:57:18.0.3900), Value = c(0.0546, 0.0507,
0.0663, 0.0936, 0.117, 0.0663, 0.0624, 0.0663, 0.0507, 0.0429,
0.117, 0.0663, 0.7488, 0.7488, 0.7488, 0.7488, 0.7488, 0.7488,
0.7488, 0.7488, 0.7488, 0.7488, 0.7488, 0.7644, 0.033103481,
0.034056449, 0.032367699, 0.031000613, 0.031405867, 0.031241866,
0.032367699, 0.034337907, 0.033125921, 0.034337907, 0.034337907,
0.031241866, 0.034337907, 0.032367699, 0.032930616), Score = c(0L,
0L, 0L, 0L, 3L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 3L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L,
0L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 0L, 0L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L,
3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L), Type_Desc = c(NA, NA, NA,
NA, 1L, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, 1L, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, 1L,
1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, NA, NA, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L,
0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L), Pat_id = c(4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L,
4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L,
4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L,
4L, 4L, 4L)), .Names = c(Type, Time_Point_Start, Time_Point_End,
Value, Score, Type_Desc, Pat_id), class = data.frame,
row.names = c(NA,

For each unique value in column 'Type' , I want to check for
consecutive 5 rows (if any) of 'Score'  0.

Now, if there are five consecutive rows with Score  0 and 'Type_Desc'
= 0, then we print Type_low , else if

'Type_Desc' = 1, we print Type_high. The search should end once 5
consecutive rows have been found.

So, for this data frame we will have two statements as follows,


(reason - consecutive 5 rows of score  0 and

'Type_Desc' = 1 )

(reason - consecutive 5 rows of score  0 and

'Type_Desc' = 0 )

How can this problem tackled in R?



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Re: [R] binding two lists of lists of dataframes together

2015-05-14 Thread Vin Cheng
Hi David,
Understood.  I've done a lot of work around this structure, but if there isn't 
anyway to change it back to the original structure then I'll work around it.
Could you possibly show me how to add colnames to list3a?
c(id,WgtBand,Wgt,Held,LID,Issuer,Bid,Offer) these would be 
repeated once for each V1,V2,V3.
Thank you again for all the help!  It's much appreciated!

 Subject: Re: [R] binding two lists of lists of dataframes together
 From: dwinsem...@comcast.net
 Date: Wed, 13 May 2015 15:51:47 -0700
 CC: r-help@r-project.org
 To: newrnew...@hotmail.com
 On May 13, 2015, at 2:01 PM, Vin Cheng wrote:
  Hi David,
  I tried both solutions you provided(lapply(dlist, function(x) rbind(x,x) ) 
   Map( rbind, smaller, smaller))  and they seem to transpose and reshape 
  the data into a different structure.  Whenever I added the str - I only get 
  a NULL.
 I believe you are misrepresenting my suggestion. I suggested that you coerce 
 each of the items in those lists to data.frames with appropriate column names 
 before applying rbind.data.frame
 Those list1 and list2 examples appear to me as pathologically deformed. They 
 claim to be data.tables but they have no self referential pointers, 
 suggesting to me that they are not data.tables, and they have no column names 
 suggesting not either data.table, nor data.frame.
 [1] data.table data.frame
 [1] data.table data.frame
   You basically want a list of the same general structure as list1 where 
   all the elements in list two at the same position and depth have been 
  Yes - that sounds exactly right.
 Fix up the data.structures, first. Then use Map(rbind, ...)    as 
 described previously.
  list1a - lapply(list1, function(x) setNames( data.frame(x), paste0(V, 
 seq(length(x)) ) ) )
  list2a - lapply(list2, function(x) setNames( data.frame(x), paste0(V, 
 seq(length(x)) ) ))
  list3a - Map( rbind.data.frame, list1a, list2a)
 List of 3
  $ V1:'data.frame':   22 obs. of  8 variables:
   ..$ V1: int [1:22] 15 19 28 9 17 3 11 21 7 8 ...
   ..$ V2: num [1:22] 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ...
   ..$ V3: num [1:22] NaN NaN NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
   ..$ V4: num [1:22] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
   ..$ V5: Factor w/ 29 levels ID1,ID10,ID11,..: 7 11 21 29 9 23 3 14 27 
 28 ...
   ..$ V6: Factor w/ 29 levels Issuer1,Issuer10,..: 7 11 21 29 9 23 3 14 
 27 28 ...
   ..$ V7: num [1:22] 99.5 95.5 99.5 100 98.5 ...
   ..$ V8: num [1:22] 0.4 0.55 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.45 0.4 0.45 0.6 0.4 ...
  $ V2:'data.frame':   22 obs. of  8 variables:
   ..$ V1: int [1:22] 10 29 5 19 28 3 10 12 1 21 ...
   ..$ V2: num [1:22] 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ...
   ..$ V3: num [1:22] NaN NaN NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
   ..$ V4: num [1:22] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
   ..$ V5: Factor w/ 29 levels ID1,ID10,ID11,..: 2 22 25 11 21 23 2 4 1 
 14 ...
   ..$ V6: Factor w/ 29 levels Issuer1,Issuer10,..: 2 22 25 11 21 23 2 4 1 
 14 ...
   ..$ V7: num [1:22] 98.5 100.2 99 95.5 99.5 ...
   ..$ V8: num [1:22] 0.6 0.4 0.45 0.55 0.4 0.45 0.6 0.55 0.5 0.45 ...
  $ V3:'data.frame':   22 obs. of  8 variables:
   ..$ V1: int [1:22] 21 28 3 7 25 25 15 13 3 20 ...
   ..$ V2: num [1:22] 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ...
   ..$ V3: num [1:22] NaN NaN NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
   ..$ V4: num [1:22] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
   ..$ V5: Factor w/ 29 levels ID1,ID10,ID11,..: 14 21 23 27 18 18 7 5 
 23 13 ...
   ..$ V6: Factor w/ 29 levels Issuer1,Issuer10,..: 14 21 23 27 18 18 7 5 
 23 13 ...
   ..$ V7: num [1:22] 98 99.5 99.6 99.8 99.4 ...
   ..$ V8: num [1:22] 0.45 0.4 0.45 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.45 0.3 ..
  I've created new input(list1,list2) and desired output(list3) examples 
  below.  I hope this makes the request a lot clearer.
  Not sure if this helpful, but I found this bit of script and it keeps 
  V1,V2,V3 separate and keeps each set of observations as vectors, but it 
  doesn't concatenate the v1 observations with v2 observations together.
  sample.list - list(list1,list2)
  nr - nrow(sample.list[[1]])
  fastbind.ith.rows - function(i) rbindlist(lapply(sample.list, [, i, 
  fastbound - lapply(1:nr, fastbind.ith.rows)
  Thank you again!
  Please find below the structure for list1, list2, and the desired output 
  V1 = list(c(15L, 19L, 28L, 9L, 17L, 3L, 11L, 21L,7L, 8L, 11L, 13L), 
   c(1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11), 
   c(NaN,NaN, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), 
   c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), 
   structure(c(7L, 11L, 21L, 29L, 9L, 23L, 3L, 14L, 27L, 28L, 3L, 5L), .Label 
  = c(ID1, ID10, ID11, ID12, ID13, ID14, ID15, ID16, ID17, 
  ID18, ID19, ID2, ID20, ID21, ID22, ID23, ID24, ID25, 
  ID27, ID28, ID29, ID3, ID4, ID5, ID6, ID7, ID8, ID9), 
  class = factor), 

Re: [R] Dropping predictor variables based on adjusted R square

2015-05-14 Thread Jim Lemon
Hi Shiv82,
For a start, look at the step function in the stats package. There
are a number of functions in other packages that offer different
variable selection procedures.


On Thu, May 14, 2015 at 9:35 PM, Shivi82 shivibha...@ymail.com wrote:
 Hello experts,

 I have recently (1month) started using R. Earlier I was using SAS to work on
 analytic assignments.
 In SAS there is an option - forward selection, backward selection, step wise
 selection where in it removes the least impacting predictor variable from
 the set  of variables based on adjusted r square and leaves us with the
 highest impacting variables to predict.
 Is there any similar functionality or function in R studio. Kindly suggest.

 View this message in context: 
 Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

 R-help@r-project.org mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see
 PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
 and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

[R] Need help with lm function on MAC OS X. R version - 3.2.0

2015-05-14 Thread samarvir singh
I Have a data frame named BSE and CP is my independent variable
and here;s the error I get if I try to run an lm function
any idea whats wrong

P.S - all my data is in numeric except company which is a factor. I have
2700 row and 450 variable

P.P.S -  I have no missing data, I have 0 in Empty field.

 BSE_Reg - lm(CP ~.-company, data = bse)
Error in `contrasts-`(`*tmp*`, value = contr.funs[1 + isOF[nn]]) :
  contrasts can be applied only to factors with 2 or more levels

 BSE_Reg - lm(CP ~., data = bse)
Error in `contrasts-`(`*tmp*`, value = contr.funs[1 + isOF[nn]]) :
  contrasts can be applied only to factors with 2 or more levels
Error in as.character(tools:::httpdPort) :
  cannot coerce type 'closure' to vector of type 'character'
Error in as.character(tools:::httpdPort) :
  cannot coerce type 'closure' to vector of type 'character'
Error in as.character(tools:::httpdPort) :
  cannot coerce type 'closure' to vector of type 'character'
Error in as.character(tools:::httpdPort) :
  cannot coerce type 'closure' to vector of type 'character'

[1] x86_64-apple-darwin13.4.0

[1] x86_64

[1] darwin13.4.0

[1] x86_64, darwin13.4.0


[1] 3

[1] 2.0

[1] 2015

[1] 04

[1] 16

$`svn rev`
[1] 68180

[1] R

[1] R version 3.2.0 (2015-04-16)

[1] Full of Ingredients

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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

[R] create a vector from several data frames

2015-05-14 Thread Stefano Sofia
Dear r-users,
suppose that I have 20 data frames df1, df2, ..., df20 (one for each different 
location) with the same column names and column types (the first column 
contains a date, the others are numeric) like

day tmax tmin
2015-05-10 20 10
2015-05-11 21 12
2015-05-12 17 9
2015-05-13 24 13
2015-05-14 25 18

I need to create a vector tmax_all of length 20 with the tmax referred to a 
particular day (let's say 2015-05-14).
I would first build a new data frame

tmax_df - Reduce(function(x, y) merge(x, y, by=day), list(df1[ , c(day, 
tmax)], df2[ , c(day, tmax)], ..., df20[ , c(day, tmax)]))

and then select the row of tmax_df where day is the day I want to.
Is there an easiest way? Is it possible to create straightforward this vector 
without passing through the merge of all the data frames?

Thank you for your help

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Re: [R] Counting consecutive events in R

2015-05-14 Thread Sarah Goslee
Assuming I understand the problem correctly, you want to check for
runs of at least length five where both Score and Test_desc assume
particular values. You don't care where they are or what other data
are associated, you just want to know if at least one such run exists
in your data frame.

Here's a function that does that:

checkruns - function(testdata) {

test1 - ifelse(testdata$Score  0  testdata$Type_Desc == 1 
!is.na(testdata$Type_Desc), 1, 0)
test0 - ifelse(testdata$Score  0  testdata$Type_Desc == 0 
!is.na(testdata$Type_Desc), 1, 0)

test1.rle - rle(test1)
test0.rle - rle(test0)

if(any(test1.rle$lengths = 5  test1.rle$values == 1))
if(any(test0.rle$lengths = 5  test0.rle$values == 1))



On Thu, May 14, 2015 at 8:16 AM, Abhinaba Roy abhinabaro...@gmail.com wrote:

 I have the following dataframe

 structure(list(Type = c(QRS, QRS, QRS, QRS, QRS, QRS,
 PP, PP, PP, PP, PP, PP, PP, PP, QTc, QTc,
 QTc, QTc, QTc, QTc, QTc, QTc, QTc, QTc, QTc,
 QTc, QTc, QTc, QTc), Time_Point_Start = c(2015-04-01 
 2015-04-01 14:57:15.0.7839, 2015-04-01 14:57:16.0.5343,
 2015-04-01 14:57:17.0.2573,
 2015-04-01 14:57:18.0.0234, 2015-04-01 14:57:18.0.7722,
 2015-04-01 14:57:19.0.5265,
 2015-04-01 14:57:24.0.0195, 2015-04-01 14:57:24.0.7839,
 2015-04-01 14:57:25.0.5343,
 2015-04-01 14:57:26.0.2768, 2015-04-01 14:57:27.0.0273,
 2015-04-01 14:58:03.0.0702,
 2015-04-01 14:58:03.0.8190, 2015-04-01 14:58:04.0.5694,
 2015-04-01 14:57:58.0.4134,
 2015-04-01 14:57:59.0.1637, 2015-04-01 14:57:59.0.9126,
 2015-04-01 14:58:00.0.6630,
 2015-04-01 14:58:01.0.4134, 2015-04-01 14:58:02.0.1637,
 2015-04-01 14:58:02.0.9126,
 2015-04-01 14:58:03.0.6630, 2015-04-01 14:58:04.0.4134,
 2015-04-01 14:57:07.0.4212,
 2015-04-01 14:57:08.0.1715, 2015-04-01 14:57:08.0.9204,
 2015-04-01 14:57:09.0.6864,
 2015-04-01 14:57:10.0.4368, 2015-04-01 14:57:11.0.1871,
 2015-04-01 14:57:11.0.9360,
 2015-04-01 14:57:12.0.6591, 2015-04-01 14:57:13.0.4251,
 2015-04-01 14:57:14.0.1754,
 2015-04-01 14:57:14.0.9243, 2015-04-01 14:57:15.0.6903,
 2015-04-01 14:57:16.0.4407,
 2015-04-01 14:57:17.0.1676, 2015-04-01 14:57:17.0.9321),
 Time_Point_End = c(2015-04-01 14:57:15.0.0858, 2015-04-01
 2015-04-01 14:57:16.0.6006, 2015-04-01 14:57:17.0.0351,
 2015-04-01 14:57:18.0.1403, 2015-04-01 14:57:18.0.8385,
 2015-04-01 14:57:19.0.5889, 2015-04-01 14:57:24.0.0858,
 2015-04-01 14:57:24.0.8346, 2015-04-01 14:57:25.0.5772,
 2015-04-01 14:57:26.0.3939, 2015-04-01 14:57:27.0.0936,
 2015-04-01 14:58:03.0.8190, 2015-04-01 14:58:04.0.5694,
 2015-04-01 14:58:05.0.3197, 2015-04-01 14:57:59.0.1637,
 2015-04-01 14:57:59.0.9126, 2015-04-01 14:58:00.0.6630,
 2015-04-01 14:58:01.0.4134, 2015-04-01 14:58:02.0.1637,
 2015-04-01 14:58:02.0.9126, 2015-04-01 14:58:03.0.6630,
 2015-04-01 14:58:04.0.4134, 2015-04-01 14:58:05.0.1793,
 2015-04-01 14:57:07.0.8775, 2015-04-01 14:57:08.0.6435,
 2015-04-01 14:57:09.0.3705, 2015-04-01 14:57:10.0.1209,
 2015-04-01 14:57:10.0.8697, 2015-04-01 14:57:11.0.6201,
 2015-04-01 14:57:12.0.3861, 2015-04-01 14:57:13.0.1364,
 2015-04-01 14:57:13.0.8853, 2015-04-01 14:57:14.0.6513,
 2015-04-01 14:57:15.0.4017, 2015-04-01 14:57:16.0.1248,
 2015-04-01 14:57:16.0.9165, 2015-04-01 14:57:17.0.6162,
 2015-04-01 14:57:18.0.3900), Value = c(0.0546, 0.0507,
 0.0663, 0.0936, 0.117, 0.0663, 0.0624, 0.0663, 0.0507, 0.0429,
 0.117, 0.0663, 0.7488, 0.7488, 0.7488, 0.7488, 0.7488, 0.7488,
 0.7488, 0.7488, 0.7488, 0.7488, 0.7488, 0.7644, 0.033103481,
 0.034056449, 0.032367699, 0.031000613, 0.031405867, 0.031241866,
 0.032367699, 0.034337907, 0.033125921, 0.034337907, 0.034337907,
 0.031241866, 0.034337907, 0.032367699, 0.032930616), Score = c(0L,
 0L, 0L, 0L, 3L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 3L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L,
 0L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 0L, 0L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L,
 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L), Type_Desc = c(NA, NA, NA,
 NA, 1L, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, 1L, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, 1L,
 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, NA, NA, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L,
 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L), Pat_id = c(4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L,
 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L,
 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L,
 4L, 4L, 4L)), .Names = c(Type, Time_Point_Start, Time_Point_End,
 Value, Score, Type_Desc, Pat_id), class = data.frame,
 row.names = c(NA,

 For each unique value in column 'Type' , I want to check for
 consecutive 5 rows (if any) of 'Score'  0.

 Now, if there are five consecutive rows with Score  0 and 'Type_Desc'
 = 0, then we print Type_low , else if

 'Type_Desc' = 1, we print Type_high. The search should end once 5
 consecutive rows have been found.

 So, for this data frame we will have two statements as 

Re: [R] Plotting times at night and getting plot limits correct

2015-05-14 Thread Jeff Newmiller

I might do it this way using Jim's sample data:

epoch - as.POSIXct( 1970-01-01 ) # any date you like
dta - data.frame( Timestamps = epoch
  + as.difftime( ifelse( Times = 5/24
   , Times
   , Times + 1 )
   , units=days )
 , Thing=Thing
brks - epoch + as.difftime( seq( 5, 29, 1 ), units=hours )
plot( Thing ~ Timestamps, dta, xaxt=n, xlim=c( min(brks), max(brks) ) )
axis.POSIXct( 1, at=brks, format=%H:%M )

or, using ggplot2 instead of base graphics:

ggplot( dta, aes( x=Timestamps, y=Thing ) ) +
geom_point() +
scale_x_datetime( breaks=brks
, limits=c( min(brks), max(brks) )
, labels=date_format(%H:%M) ) +
theme( axis.text.x = element_text( angle = 90, hjust = 1 ) )

On Thu, 14 May 2015, Jim Lemon wrote:

Hi Bob,
Given the other answers I may be off target, but perhaps this will help:

# create two nights worth of data
%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S)
# telescope the two nights into repeated hours
# get a measure that can be checked for the correct output
# plot the repeated values - looks okay
# now calculate the mean values for each hourly measurement
# plot the means, making sure that the orders match


On Wed, May 13, 2015 at 1:20 AM, Richard M. Heiberger r...@temple.edu wrote:

Try this.

From the full data-time value subtract 18:00:00.

This places the times you are interested in into the range 00:00:00 - 12:00:00
Remove the date from these adjusted date-time values and plot y
against the new times.
Take control of the tick-labels and display 18:00 - 0600 instead of
the default 00:00 - 12:00


On Tue, May 12, 2015 at 10:34 AM, Bob O'Hara rni@gmail.com wrote:

I'm helping colleagues with analysis of frog calls at night, and they
want to plot call statistics against time. This means we hit a
problem: we want the x-axis to start at (say) 18:00 and end at (say)
06:00. I'm reluctant to use the date as well, because we have data
from several dates, but only want to plot against time of day.

Here's some code to illustrate the problem (don't worry about the data
being outside the range of the plot: this is only for illustration).

Times - chron(times.=paste(c(18:23,0:9),:30:00, sep=))
Thing - rnorm(length(Times)) # just something for the y-axis

plot(Times,Thing) # x-axis wrong
plot(Times,Thing, xlim=chron(times.=c(05:00:00, 18:00:00))) # x-axis right
plot(Times,Thing, xlim=chron(times.=c(18:00:00, 05:00:00))) #
would like this to work...

Can anyone suggest a solution?


Bob O'Hara

Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre
Senckenberganlage 25
D-60325 Frankfurt am Main,

Tel: +49 69 798 40226
Mobile: +49 1515 888 5440
WWW:   http://www.bik-f.de/root/index.php?page_id=219
Blog: http://occamstypewriter.org/boboh/
Journal of Negative Results - EEB: www.jnr-eeb.org

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Re: [R] Counting consecutive events in R

2015-05-14 Thread Johannes Huesing

I normally use rle() for these problems, see ?rle.

for instance,

k - rbinom(999, 1, .5)   
series - function(run) { r - rle(run)ser - which(r$lengths  5  r$values)  } 

returns the indices of consecutive runs that have length 5 or longer.

Abhinaba Roy abhinabaro...@gmail.com [Thu, May 14, 2015 at 02:16:31PM CEST]:


I have the following dataframe

structure(list(Type = c(QRS, QRS, QRS, QRS, QRS, QRS,
PP, PP, PP, PP, PP, PP, PP, PP, QTc, QTc,
QTc, QTc, QTc, QTc, QTc, QTc, QTc, QTc, QTc,
QTc, QTc, QTc, QTc), Time_Point_Start = c(2015-04-01 14:57:15.0.0312,
2015-04-01 14:57:15.0.7839, 2015-04-01 14:57:16.0.5343,
2015-04-01 14:57:17.0.2573,
2015-04-01 14:57:18.0.0234, 2015-04-01 14:57:18.0.7722,
2015-04-01 14:57:19.0.5265,
2015-04-01 14:57:24.0.0195, 2015-04-01 14:57:24.0.7839,
2015-04-01 14:57:25.0.5343,
2015-04-01 14:57:26.0.2768, 2015-04-01 14:57:27.0.0273,
2015-04-01 14:58:03.0.0702,
2015-04-01 14:58:03.0.8190, 2015-04-01 14:58:04.0.5694,
2015-04-01 14:57:58.0.4134,
2015-04-01 14:57:59.0.1637, 2015-04-01 14:57:59.0.9126,
2015-04-01 14:58:00.0.6630,
2015-04-01 14:58:01.0.4134, 2015-04-01 14:58:02.0.1637,
2015-04-01 14:58:02.0.9126,
2015-04-01 14:58:03.0.6630, 2015-04-01 14:58:04.0.4134,
2015-04-01 14:57:07.0.4212,
2015-04-01 14:57:08.0.1715, 2015-04-01 14:57:08.0.9204,
2015-04-01 14:57:09.0.6864,
2015-04-01 14:57:10.0.4368, 2015-04-01 14:57:11.0.1871,
2015-04-01 14:57:11.0.9360,
2015-04-01 14:57:12.0.6591, 2015-04-01 14:57:13.0.4251,
2015-04-01 14:57:14.0.1754,
2015-04-01 14:57:14.0.9243, 2015-04-01 14:57:15.0.6903,
2015-04-01 14:57:16.0.4407,
2015-04-01 14:57:17.0.1676, 2015-04-01 14:57:17.0.9321),
   Time_Point_End = c(2015-04-01 14:57:15.0.0858, 2015-04-01
   2015-04-01 14:57:16.0.6006, 2015-04-01 14:57:17.0.0351,
   2015-04-01 14:57:18.0.1403, 2015-04-01 14:57:18.0.8385,
   2015-04-01 14:57:19.0.5889, 2015-04-01 14:57:24.0.0858,
   2015-04-01 14:57:24.0.8346, 2015-04-01 14:57:25.0.5772,
   2015-04-01 14:57:26.0.3939, 2015-04-01 14:57:27.0.0936,
   2015-04-01 14:58:03.0.8190, 2015-04-01 14:58:04.0.5694,
   2015-04-01 14:58:05.0.3197, 2015-04-01 14:57:59.0.1637,
   2015-04-01 14:57:59.0.9126, 2015-04-01 14:58:00.0.6630,
   2015-04-01 14:58:01.0.4134, 2015-04-01 14:58:02.0.1637,
   2015-04-01 14:58:02.0.9126, 2015-04-01 14:58:03.0.6630,
   2015-04-01 14:58:04.0.4134, 2015-04-01 14:58:05.0.1793,
   2015-04-01 14:57:07.0.8775, 2015-04-01 14:57:08.0.6435,
   2015-04-01 14:57:09.0.3705, 2015-04-01 14:57:10.0.1209,
   2015-04-01 14:57:10.0.8697, 2015-04-01 14:57:11.0.6201,
   2015-04-01 14:57:12.0.3861, 2015-04-01 14:57:13.0.1364,
   2015-04-01 14:57:13.0.8853, 2015-04-01 14:57:14.0.6513,
   2015-04-01 14:57:15.0.4017, 2015-04-01 14:57:16.0.1248,
   2015-04-01 14:57:16.0.9165, 2015-04-01 14:57:17.0.6162,
   2015-04-01 14:57:18.0.3900), Value = c(0.0546, 0.0507,
   0.0663, 0.0936, 0.117, 0.0663, 0.0624, 0.0663, 0.0507, 0.0429,
   0.117, 0.0663, 0.7488, 0.7488, 0.7488, 0.7488, 0.7488, 0.7488,
   0.7488, 0.7488, 0.7488, 0.7488, 0.7488, 0.7644, 0.033103481,
   0.034056449, 0.032367699, 0.031000613, 0.031405867, 0.031241866,
   0.032367699, 0.034337907, 0.033125921, 0.034337907, 0.034337907,
   0.031241866, 0.034337907, 0.032367699, 0.032930616), Score = c(0L,
   0L, 0L, 0L, 3L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 3L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L,
   0L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 0L, 0L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L,
   3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L), Type_Desc = c(NA, NA, NA,
   NA, 1L, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, 1L, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, 1L,
   1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, NA, NA, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L,
   0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L), Pat_id = c(4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L,
   4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L,
   4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L,
   4L, 4L, 4L)), .Names = c(Type, Time_Point_Start, Time_Point_End,
Value, Score, Type_Desc, Pat_id), class = data.frame,
row.names = c(NA,

For each unique value in column 'Type' , I want to check for
consecutive 5 rows (if any) of 'Score'  0.

Now, if there are five consecutive rows with Score  0 and 'Type_Desc'
= 0, then we print Type_low , else if

'Type_Desc' = 1, we print Type_high. The search should end once 5
consecutive rows have been found.

So, for this data frame we will have two statements as follows,


(reason - consecutive 5 rows of score  0 and

'Type_Desc' = 1 )

(reason - 

[R] specific package to laply

2015-05-14 Thread Benjamin

I have a batch jobs problem for parallel code without sudo.  When I try to
send a package to the different nodes, as follows:

.libPaths( c(.libPaths(),
cl - makeCluster(detectCores())
sites - paste0(https://www.site,1:2,.com;)

html0 - foreach(i=sites,.packages='rvest') %dopar% html(i)

I get the following output:

Error in e$fun(obj, substitute(ex), parent.frame(), e$data) :
  worker initialization failed: there is no package called ‘rvest’
Calls: %dopar% - Anonymous

Presumably, I need a way to export my .libPaths() to the nodes.  Any


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Re: [R] specific package to laply

2015-05-14 Thread Jeff Newmiller
I suggest you post using plain text to minimize communication problems on this 

I use the clusterEvalQ and cluster export functions to setup the slave 
processes before I start processing.
Jeff NewmillerThe .   .  Go Live...
DCN:jdnew...@dcn.davis.ca.usBasics: ##.#.   ##.#.  Live Go...
  Live:   OO#.. Dead: OO#..  Playing
Research Engineer (Solar/BatteriesO.O#.   #.O#.  with
/Software/Embedded Controllers)   .OO#.   .OO#.  rocks...1k
Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.

On May 14, 2015 11:01:50 AM PDT, Benjamin hess...@gmail.com wrote:

I have a batch jobs problem for parallel code without sudo.  When I try
send a package to the different nodes, as follows:

.libPaths( c(.libPaths(),
cl - makeCluster(detectCores())
sites - paste0(https://www.site,1:2,.com;)

html0 - foreach(i=sites,.packages='rvest') %dopar% html(i)

I get the following output:

Error in e$fun(obj, substitute(ex), parent.frame(), e$data) :
  worker initialization failed: there is no package called ‘rvest’
Calls: %dopar% - Anonymous

Presumably, I need a way to export my .libPaths() to the nodes.  Any


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Re: [R] create a vector from several data frames

2015-05-14 Thread David L Carlson
If you combine all of the df's into a list, e.g.

dfn - paste0(df, 1:20)
df - lapply(dfn, get)
names(df) - dfn

and if target is the day you want in the same date/time format as the day 
variable in the data frames:

sapply(df, function(x) x[x$day==target, tmax])

will return a named vector of the tmax values.

David L Carlson
Department of Anthropology
Texas AM University
College Station, TX 77840-4352

-Original Message-
From: R-help [mailto:r-help-boun...@r-project.org] On Behalf Of Stefano Sofia
Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2015 9:23 AM
To: r-help@r-project.org
Subject: [R] create a vector from several data frames

Dear r-users,
suppose that I have 20 data frames df1, df2, ..., df20 (one for each different 
location) with the same column names and column types (the first column 
contains a date, the others are numeric) like

day tmax tmin
2015-05-10 20 10
2015-05-11 21 12
2015-05-12 17 9
2015-05-13 24 13
2015-05-14 25 18

I need to create a vector tmax_all of length 20 with the tmax referred to a 
particular day (let's say 2015-05-14).
I would first build a new data frame

tmax_df - Reduce(function(x, y) merge(x, y, by=day), list(df1[ , c(day, 
tmax)], df2[ , c(day, tmax)], ..., df20[ , c(day, tmax)]))

and then select the row of tmax_df where day is the day I want to.
Is there an easiest way? Is it possible to create straightforward this vector 
without passing through the merge of all the data frames?

Thank you for your help

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Re: [R] error using the huge R package

2015-05-14 Thread David Winsemius

On May 13, 2015, at 3:45 PM, Juan Fernandez wrote:

 Dear List
 I am trying to do an association network using some expression data I have, 
 the data is really huge: 300 samples and ~30,000 genes. I would like to apply 
 a gaussian graphical model to my data using the huge R package.
 Here is the code I am using
 #[1] 317 32200
 huge.out - huge.npn(data)
 huge.stars - huge.select(huge.out, criterion=“stars”)
 However in this last step I got the following error:
 Error in cor(x) : sampling…..in progress:10%
 Missing values present in input variable ‘x’. Consider using use = 

Responded on StackOverflow where this duplicate question was posted yesterday


 Any help would be very appreciated
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David Winsemius
Alameda, CA, USA

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[R] mixed-and weights

2015-05-14 Thread Jana Říhová


I´m beginner with R and I hope that someone can help me.

I need to know how make command weights in mixed-effect model wit random 
intercept. Command weights=xxx is not function in nlme package. But I think 
that this command is commonly used for linear models. 

Should I use a different package or special command. 

Thank you for your advice

Jana Ř.
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[R] Determinant

2015-05-14 Thread chasiotisv


I am Vasilis Chasiotis and I am a candidate Ph.D. student in Aristotle  
University of Thessaloniki in Greece.

I have the following problem.

I want to check if the square of a number ( for example the square of  
1.677722e+29 ) is an integer.

The problem is that this number is the calculation of the determinant  
(so the number should be an integer) of a matrix 22x22, which means it  
has an approximation ( the real number is 1.6777216e+29 but R gives  
to me  1.677721599849e+29 ), because R use LU-decomposition to  
calculate the determinant.

That means that the radical of the number 1.677721599849e+29 is  
not an integer, but it should be.

How can we overcome this problem?

Thank you in advance.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Vasilis Chasiotis

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Re: [R] binding two lists of lists of dataframes together

2015-05-14 Thread David Winsemius

On May 14, 2015, at 7:15 AM, Vin Cheng wrote:

 Hi David,
 Understood.  I've done a lot of work around this structure, but if there 
 isn't anyway to change it back to the original structure then I'll work 
 around it.

I suppose there might be a way to make it back into a data.table, but it won't 
be a structure that I would recognize as such. The usual data table column is a 
vector, whereas your object had a complex list structure stored as a single 
column. It was list1 and list 2 that had the class attribute of 
c('data.table', 'data.frame'), rather than each list component having those 
attributes which might have made more sense.

If there is some virtue in the origianl structure that I am not appreciating, 
then just this:

list3a - data.table(list3a)   # untested

 Could you possibly show me how to add colnames to list3a?
 c(id,WgtBand,Wgt,Held,LID,Issuer,Bid,Offer) these would be 
 repeated once for each V1,V2,V3.

The code I used to build colnames was just:

list1a - lapply(list1, function(x) setNames( data.frame(x),
   paste0(V, seq(length(x)) )
) )

So modifying it to put that character vector in the  names attribute on list3a 
itself could just be:

list3a - lapply(list3a, function(x) setNames( data.frame(x), 
c(id,WgtBand,Wgt,Held,LID,Issuer,Bid,Offer) ) )


 Thank you again for all the help!  It's much appreciated!
  Subject: Re: [R] binding two lists of lists of dataframes together
  From: dwinsem...@comcast.net
  Date: Wed, 13 May 2015 15:51:47 -0700
  CC: r-help@r-project.org
  To: newrnew...@hotmail.com
  On May 13, 2015, at 2:01 PM, Vin Cheng wrote:
   Hi David,
   I tried both solutions you provided(lapply(dlist, function(x) rbind(x,x) 
   )  Map( rbind, smaller, smaller)) and they seem to transpose and reshape 
   the data into a different structure. Whenever I added the str - I only 
   get a NULL.
  I believe you are misrepresenting my suggestion. I suggested that you 
  coerce each of the items in those lists to data.frames with appropriate 
  column names before applying rbind.data.frame
  Those list1 and list2 examples appear to me as pathologically deformed. 
  They claim to be data.tables but they have no self referential pointers, 
  suggesting to me that they are not data.tables, and they have no column 
  names suggesting not either data.table, nor data.frame.
  [1] data.table data.frame
  [1] data.table data.frame
You basically want a list of the same general structure as list1 where 
all the elements in list two at the same position and depth have been 
   Yes - that sounds exactly right.
  Fix up the data.structures, first. Then use Map(rbind, ...)  as 
  described previously.
  list1a - lapply(list1, function(x) setNames( data.frame(x), paste0(V, 
  seq(length(x)) ) ) )
  list2a - lapply(list2, function(x) setNames( data.frame(x), paste0(V, 
  seq(length(x)) ) ))
  list3a - Map( rbind.data.frame, list1a, list2a)
  List of 3
  $ V1:'data.frame':  22 obs. of 8 variables:
  ..$ V1: int [1:22] 15 19 28 9 17 3 11 21 7 8 ...
  ..$ V2: num [1:22] 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ...
  ..$ V3: num [1:22] NaN NaN NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
  ..$ V4: num [1:22] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
  ..$ V5: Factor w/ 29 levels ID1,ID10,ID11,..: 7 11 21 29 9 23 3 14 27 
  28 ...
  ..$ V6: Factor w/ 29 levels Issuer1,Issuer10,..: 7 11 21 29 9 23 3 14 
  27 28 ...
  ..$ V7: num [1:22] 99.5 95.5 99.5 100 98.5 ...
  ..$ V8: num [1:22] 0.4 0.55 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.45 0.4 0.45 0.6 0.4 ...
  $ V2:'data.frame':  22 obs. of 8 variables:
  ..$ V1: int [1:22] 10 29 5 19 28 3 10 12 1 21 ...
  ..$ V2: num [1:22] 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ...
  ..$ V3: num [1:22] NaN NaN NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
  ..$ V4: num [1:22] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
  ..$ V5: Factor w/ 29 levels ID1,ID10,ID11,..: 2 22 25 11 21 23 2 4 1 
  14 ...
  ..$ V6: Factor w/ 29 levels Issuer1,Issuer10,..: 2 22 25 11 21 23 2 4 1 
  14 ...
  ..$ V7: num [1:22] 98.5 100.2 99 95.5 99.5 ...
  ..$ V8: num [1:22] 0.6 0.4 0.45 0.55 0.4 0.45 0.6 0.55 0.5 0.45 ...
  $ V3:'data.frame':  22 obs. of 8 variables:
  ..$ V1: int [1:22] 21 28 3 7 25 25 15 13 3 20 ...
  ..$ V2: num [1:22] 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ...
  ..$ V3: num [1:22] NaN NaN NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
  ..$ V4: num [1:22] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
  ..$ V5: Factor w/ 29 levels ID1,ID10,ID11,..: 14 21 23 27 18 18 7 5 
  23 13 ...
  ..$ V6: Factor w/ 29 levels Issuer1,Issuer10,..: 14 21 23 27 18 18 7 5 
  23 13 ...
  ..$ V7: num [1:22] 98 99.5 99.6 99.8 99.4 ...
  ..$ V8: num [1:22] 0.45 0.4 0.45 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.45 0.3 ..
   I've created new input(list1,list2) and desired output(list3) examples 
   below. I hope this makes the request a lot clearer.
   Not sure if this helpful, but I found this bit of script and it keeps 

Re: [R] binding two lists of lists of dataframes together

2015-05-14 Thread Vin Cheng
Thanks David!
Have a good one!
 Subject: Re: [R] binding two lists of lists of dataframes together
 From: dwinsem...@comcast.net
 Date: Thu, 14 May 2015 07:58:43 -0700
 CC: r-help@r-project.org
 To: newrnew...@hotmail.com
 On May 14, 2015, at 7:15 AM, Vin Cheng wrote:
  Hi David,
  Understood.  I've done a lot of work around this structure, but if there 
  isn't anyway to change it back to the original structure then I'll work 
  around it.
 I suppose there might be a way to make it back into a data.table, but it 
 won't be a structure that I would recognize as such. The usual data table 
 column is a vector, whereas your object had a complex list structure stored 
 as a single column. It was list1 and list 2 that had the class attribute of 
 c('data.table', 'data.frame'), rather than each list component having those 
 attributes which might have made more sense.
 If there is some virtue in the origianl structure that I am not appreciating, 
 then just this:
 list3a - data.table(list3a)   # untested
  Could you possibly show me how to add colnames to list3a?
  c(id,WgtBand,Wgt,Held,LID,Issuer,Bid,Offer) these would be 
  repeated once for each V1,V2,V3.
 The code I used to build colnames was just:
 list1a - lapply(list1, function(x) setNames( data.frame(x),
paste0(V, seq(length(x)) )
 ) )
 So modifying it to put that character vector in the  names attribute on 
 list3a itself could just be:
 list3a - lapply(list3a, function(x) setNames( data.frame(x), 

 c(id,WgtBand,Wgt,Held,LID,Issuer,Bid,Offer) ) )
  Thank you again for all the help!  It's much appreciated!
   Subject: Re: [R] binding two lists of lists of dataframes together
   From: dwinsem...@comcast.net
   Date: Wed, 13 May 2015 15:51:47 -0700
   CC: r-help@r-project.org
   To: newrnew...@hotmail.com
   On May 13, 2015, at 2:01 PM, Vin Cheng wrote:
Hi David,

I tried both solutions you provided(lapply(dlist, function(x) 
rbind(x,x) )  Map( rbind, smaller, smaller)) and they seem to 
transpose and reshape the data into a different structure. Whenever I 
added the str - I only get a NULL.
   I believe you are misrepresenting my suggestion. I suggested that you 
   coerce each of the items in those lists to data.frames with appropriate 
   column names before applying rbind.data.frame
   Those list1 and list2 examples appear to me as pathologically deformed. 
   They claim to be data.tables but they have no self referential pointers, 
   suggesting to me that they are not data.tables, and they have no column 
   names suggesting not either data.table, nor data.frame.
   [1] data.table data.frame
   [1] data.table data.frame

 You basically want a list of the same general structure as list1 
 where all the elements in list two at the same position and depth 
 have been concatenated?

Yes - that sounds exactly right.

   Fix up the data.structures, first. Then use Map(rbind, ...)  as 
   described previously.
   list1a - lapply(list1, function(x) setNames( data.frame(x), paste0(V, 
   seq(length(x)) ) ) )
   list2a - lapply(list2, function(x) setNames( data.frame(x), paste0(V, 
   seq(length(x)) ) ))
   list3a - Map( rbind.data.frame, list1a, list2a)
   List of 3
   $ V1:'data.frame':22 obs. of 8 variables:
   ..$ V1: int [1:22] 15 19 28 9 17 3 11 21 7 8 ...
   ..$ V2: num [1:22] 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ...
   ..$ V3: num [1:22] NaN NaN NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
   ..$ V4: num [1:22] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
   ..$ V5: Factor w/ 29 levels ID1,ID10,ID11,..: 7 11 21 29 9 23 3 14 
   27 28 ...
   ..$ V6: Factor w/ 29 levels Issuer1,Issuer10,..: 7 11 21 29 9 23 3 14 
   27 28 ...
   ..$ V7: num [1:22] 99.5 95.5 99.5 100 98.5 ...
   ..$ V8: num [1:22] 0.4 0.55 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.45 0.4 0.45 0.6 0.4 ...
   $ V2:'data.frame':22 obs. of 8 variables:
   ..$ V1: int [1:22] 10 29 5 19 28 3 10 12 1 21 ...
   ..$ V2: num [1:22] 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ...
   ..$ V3: num [1:22] NaN NaN NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
   ..$ V4: num [1:22] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
   ..$ V5: Factor w/ 29 levels ID1,ID10,ID11,..: 2 22 25 11 21 23 2 4 
   1 14 ...
   ..$ V6: Factor w/ 29 levels Issuer1,Issuer10,..: 2 22 25 11 21 23 2 4 
   1 14 ...
   ..$ V7: num [1:22] 98.5 100.2 99 95.5 99.5 ...
   ..$ V8: num [1:22] 0.6 0.4 0.45 0.55 0.4 0.45 0.6 0.55 0.5 0.45 ...
   $ V3:'data.frame':22 obs. of 8 variables:
   ..$ V1: int [1:22] 21 28 3 7 25 25 15 13 3 20 ...
   ..$ V2: num [1:22] 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ...
   ..$ V3: num [1:22] NaN NaN NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
   ..$ V4: num [1:22] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
   ..$ V5: Factor w/ 29 levels ID1,ID10,ID11,..: 14 21 23 27 18 18 7 5 
   23 13 ...
   ..$ V6: Factor w/ 29 levels Issuer1,Issuer10,..: 14 21 23 27 

[R] Reading a tiff image

2015-05-14 Thread Preethi Balaji
Dear R users,

I am new to R and trying to learn raster image processing in R.

I have a tiff image with pixel values and I am trying to read this image in
R so that I can make some calculations and process the image.

Could you please tell me how to read a tiff image in R?


*Preethi Malur Balaji* | PhD Student
University College Cork | Cork, Ireland.

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Re: [R] Determinant

2015-05-14 Thread Boris Steipe
Of course the number _is_ an integer. It seems you are asking whether that 
integer can be exactly _represented_ on a computer? That depends on your 
processor (eg. 32/64 bit) and the size of the number; alternatively you could 
calculate with arbitrary precision with the Rmpfr package.

For more insights, have a look at Pat Burs' summary of number representation in 
 and/or read chapter one of his R inferno.

Or, maybe you can state more clearly what you are trying to achieve in the end, 
there might be other options.


On May 14, 2015, at 4:44 AM, chasiot...@math.auth.gr wrote:

 I am Vasilis Chasiotis and I am a candidate Ph.D. student in Aristotle 
 University of Thessaloniki in Greece.
 I have the following problem.
 I want to check if the square of a number ( for example the square of 
 1.677722e+29 ) is an integer.
 The problem is that this number is the calculation of the determinant (so the 
 number should be an integer) of a matrix 22x22, which means it has an 
 approximation ( the real number is 1.6777216e+29 but R gives to me  
 1.677721599849e+29 ), because R use LU-decomposition to calculate the 
 That means that the radical of the number 1.677721599849e+29 is not an 
 integer, but it should be.
 How can we overcome this problem?
 Thank you in advance.
 I look forward to hearing from you soon.
 Vasilis Chasiotis
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[R] Error: Gradient function might be wrong - check it! for system of equations using Optimx

2015-05-14 Thread Olufemi Bolarinwa
Hello,I am estimating a system of 3 equations using a nonlinear GMM.The first 
and second equations consists of a linear part and a nonlinear part. The 
nonlinear parts is specified as a logit and the logit as a whole has a 
coefficient attached to it. For the first two equations, it is specified as 
follows:The whole equation: (a1*x1 + a2*x2 +a3*x3 + a4*x4 + a5*x5 + 
a22*(exp(a6*x6 + a7*x7 + a8*x9 + a9*x10 + a10*x11 + a11*x12 + 
a14*x16)/(1+exp(a6*x6 + a7*x7 + a8*x9 + a9*x10 + a10*x11 + a11*x12 + a14*x16
The linear portion of the equation: a1*x1 + a2*x2 +a3*x3 + a4*x4 + a5*x5The 
nonlinear portion of the equation: a22*(exp(a6*x6 + a7*x7 + a8*x9 + a9*x10 + 
a10*x11 + a11*x12 + a14*x16)/(1+exp(a6*x6 + a7*x7 + a8*x9 + a9*x10 + a10*x11 + 
a11*x12 + a14*x16)))The third equation is a logit with seven independent 
variables.The first and the second equation have 12 variables while the third 
equation have 7 variables. I did calculate my gradient from the moment 
conditions which led to a 12 by 12 matrix for the first equation, a 12 by 12 
matrix for the second equation and a 7 by 7 matrix for the third equation 
because I have 12, 12, and 7 instruments for the three equations 
respectively.Since it is estimated as a system of equations, I made it into a 
block diagonal matrix which is a 31 by 31 matrix.
This is the matrix that I used in my optimx routine which gave me the error 
Maximizing -- use negfn and neggrError: Gradient function might be wrong - 
check it! In addition: Warning message:In gn - ga :  longer object length is 
not a multiple of shorter object length
When I used optim routine, I got a similar error messageError in optim(parm, fn 
= obj, gr = gradient, method = BFGS, hessian = TRUE) :   gradient in optim 
evaluated to length 1023 not 35
 I used the numDeriv to compare my gradient with the numerical gradient and I 
have the following error require(numDeriv) mygrad = gradient(parm) numgrad = 
jacobian(obj, parm) cbind(mygrad,numgrad)Error in cbind(mygrad, numgrad) :   
number of rows of matrices must match (see arg 2) all.equal(mygrad,numgrad)[1] 
Attributes:  Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components  
Attributes:  Component “dim”: Mean relative difference: 0.5625 [3] 
Numeric: lengths (1023, 35) differ
A way forward will be appreciated.


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[R] Reading access file

2015-05-14 Thread silvano
Hello everybody.

I have a access file to read in R but I can’t to do this. 

I used Hmisc package, but it doesn’t work. 

Someone has the commands to read this kind of file?

I attached the access file.


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Re: [R] Reading access file

2015-05-14 Thread Kehl Dániel
Hi Silvano,

your attachment did not go through (only a couple of formats are supported). 
Please try to give your code next time and what error you get but first read 
this, it might help:



Feladó: R-help [r-help-boun...@r-project.org] ; meghatalmaz#243;: silvano 
Küldve: 2015. május 14. 13:31
To: R
Tárgy: [R] Reading access file

Hello everybody.

I have a access file to read in R but I can’t to do this.

I used Hmisc package, but it doesn’t work.

Someone has the commands to read this kind of file?

I attached the access file.


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Re: [R] Cross correlation between two time series over nested time periods?

2015-05-14 Thread Tim via R-help

Here the period of my time series B is a proper subinterval of the period of A.

Does ccf(A,B) requires A and B span the same period?

If A and B don't span the same period, what does ccf do?
When moving B along the period of A by a lag, does ccf(A,B) calculate the cross 
correlation between B and the part of A overlapping with B?
Or does ccf(A,B) calculate the cross correlation between A and the extension of 
B to the period of A by zero padding?

On Thu, 5/14/15, Franklin Bretschneider brets...@xs4all.nl wrote:

 Subject: Re: [R] Cross correlation between two time series over nested time 

 Date: Thursday, May 14, 2015, 6:14 AM

 2015-05-14 , at 02:11, Tim via R-help r-help@r-project.org

 Hello Tim,


  I have two time series
  Calculate and plot cross correlation
 between two time series over nested time periods. Each point
 in either time series is for a week (not exactly a calendar
 week, but the first week in a calendar year always starts
 from Jan 1, and the other weeks in the same year follow
 that, and the last week of the year may contain more than 7
 days but no more than 13 days).
  The first time series A is stored in a
 compressed (.gz) text file, which looks like (each week and
 the corresponding time series value are separated by a comma
 in a line):
  The second time series B is similarly
 stored in a compressed (.gz) text file, but over a subset of
 period of A, which looks like:
  I wonder how to calculate the cross
 correlation between the two time series A and B (up to a
 specified maximum lag), and plot A and B in a single plot?

 The auto- and crosscorrelation
 functions are in the stats package:

 acf(x, lag.max = NULL,
 type = c(correlation, covariance,
     plot = TRUE,
 na.action = na.fail, demean = TRUE, ...)

 ccf(x, y, lag.max = NULL, type =
 c(correlation, covariance),
     plot = TRUE, na.action = na.fail, ...)

 See further: ?ccf

 Succes and
 Best wishes,


 Franklin Bretschneider
 Dept of
 Utrecht University

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[R] Deparse substitute assign with list elements

2015-05-14 Thread soeren . vogel

When I use function `foo` with list elements (example 2), it defines a new 
object named `b[[1]]`, which is not what I want.  How can I change the function 
code to show the desired behaviour for all data structures passed to the 
function?  Or is there a more appropriate way to sort of pass by references 
in a function?


bar - function(x) {
return( x + 3 )

foo - function(x, value) {
nm - deparse(substitute(x))
tmp - bar( value )
assign(nm, tmp, parent.frame())

# 1)
a - NA
foo(a, 4)
a # 7, fine :-)

# 2)
b - list(NA, NA)
foo(b[[1]], 4) # the first list item should be 7
b # wanted 7 but still list with two NAs :-(

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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] Reading access file

2015-05-14 Thread Wensui Liu
demo-sqlFetch(mdbConnect, tblDemo);

On Thu, May 14, 2015 at 6:31 AM, silvano silv...@uel.br wrote:

 Hello everybody.

 I have a access file to read in R but I can’t to do this.

 I used Hmisc package, but it doesn’t work.

 Someone has the commands to read this kind of file?

 I attached the access file.


 R-help@r-project.org mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see
 PLEASE do read the posting guide
 and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

WenSui Liu
Credit Risk Manager, 53 Bancorp

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Re: [R] Determinant

2015-05-14 Thread David Winsemius

On May 14, 2015, at 1:44 AM, chasiot...@math.auth.gr wrote:

 I am Vasilis Chasiotis and I am a candidate Ph.D. student in Aristotle 
 University of Thessaloniki in Greece.
 I have the following problem.
 I want to check if the square of a number ( for example the square of 
 1.677722e+29 ) is an integer.

The square of 1.677722e+29 is almost certainly an integer since the power of 10 
 (+29)  exceeds the number of digits. That implies that the number in 
non-scientific notation has many 0's on the righthand side.

I'm guessing that you may be asking whether the square-root is an integer.

 The problem is that this number is the calculation of the determinant (so the 
 number should be an integer) of a matrix 22x22, which means it has an 
 approximation ( the real number is 1.6777216e+29 but R gives to me  
 1.677721599849e+29 ), because R use LU-decomposition to calculate the 
 That means that the radical of the number 1.677721599849e+29 is not an 
 integer, but it should be.

Again guessing that by 'radical' you mean the square-root. I am also confused 
about  what test you were applying to that result to determine that it was not 
an integer. 

At any rate, I'm guessing that the limitation of R's numerical accuracy may get 
in the way of determining whether the square-root is an integer. If it were 
integer then it should equal floor(n) :

 (1.677721599849e+29)^(1/2) - floor((1.677721599849e+29)^(1/2)) 
#[1] 0.125

 (1.6777216e+29)^(1/2) - floor( (1.6777216e+29)^(1/2) )
#[1] 0

That's because that number was the product of two perfect squares:

 16777216^(1/2) - floor( 1.6777216^(1/2) )
[1] 4095

And 10^22 = 10^11*10^11

If you know how big the  original was you could round it to the correct 
precision but that seems too much to hope for.

 print( round(1.677721599849e+29, digits=10) , digits=10)
#[1] 1.6777216e+29

identical( (1.6777216e+29)^(1/2) , floor( (1.6777216e+29)^(1/2) ) )
#[1] TRUE

 How can we overcome this problem? 

There are a couple of packages that support exact math on really large numbers. 
You need to clarify what is being requested. You definitely need to review 
R-FAQ 7.31 and make sure you understand it and also review ?double and ?integer


David Winsemius
Alameda, CA, USA

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Re: [R] Reading a tiff image

2015-05-14 Thread Sarah Goslee
There are many easy ways to answer this kind of question yourself.

One possibility: go to www.rseek.org and search for read tiff file.

That will quickly suggest the tiff package, which you can install from
CRAN, and also the rtiff package, ditto. It will also link to previous
discussions of that very topic on this mailing list, and other useful


On Thu, May 14, 2015 at 6:50 AM, Preethi Balaji
preet.balaj...@gmail.com wrote:
 Dear R users,

 I am new to R and trying to learn raster image processing in R.

 I have a tiff image with pixel values and I am trying to read this image in
 R so that I can make some calculations and process the image.

 Could you please tell me how to read a tiff image in R?


 *Preethi Malur Balaji* | PhD Student
 University College Cork | Cork, Ireland.

Sarah Goslee

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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] Reading a tiff image

2015-05-14 Thread Kehl Dániel

please set your mailing program to plain text instead of HTML if you post to 
this list.
If you google read tiff in R you end up with the package called 'tiff'. 
In case you do not know how to install and load a package, please consult the 
intro to R pdf which comes with your installation.

Good luck with R,

Feladó: R-help [r-help-boun...@r-project.org] ; meghatalmaz#243;: Preethi 
Balaji [preet.balaj...@gmail.com]
Küldve: 2015. május 14. 12:50
To: r-help@r-project.org
Tárgy: [R]  Reading a tiff image

Dear R users,

I am new to R and trying to learn raster image processing in R.

I have a tiff image with pixel values and I am trying to read this image in
R so that I can make some calculations and process the image.

Could you please tell me how to read a tiff image in R?


*Preethi Malur Balaji* | PhD Student
University College Cork | Cork, Ireland.

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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

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PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] Determinant

2015-05-14 Thread David Winsemius

On May 14, 2015, at 12:50 PM, David Winsemius wrote:

 On May 14, 2015, at 1:44 AM, chasiot...@math.auth.gr wrote:
 I am Vasilis Chasiotis and I am a candidate Ph.D. student in Aristotle 
 University of Thessaloniki in Greece.
 I have the following problem.
 I want to check if the square of a number ( for example the square of 
 1.677722e+29 ) is an integer.
 The square of 1.677722e+29 is almost certainly an integer since the power of 
 10  (+29)  exceeds the number of digits. That implies that the number in 
 non-scientific notation has many 0's on the righthand side.
 I'm guessing that you may be asking whether the square-root is an integer.
 The problem is that this number is the calculation of the determinant (so 
 the number should be an integer) of a matrix 22x22, which means it has an 
 approximation ( the real number is 1.6777216e+29 but R gives to me  
 1.677721599849e+29 ), because R use LU-decomposition to calculate the 
 That means that the radical of the number 1.677721599849e+29 is not an 
 integer, but it should be.
 Again guessing that by 'radical' you mean the square-root. I am also confused 
 about  what test you were applying to that result to determine that it was 
 not an integer. 
 At any rate, I'm guessing that the limitation of R's numerical accuracy may 
 get in the way of determining whether the square-root is an integer. If it 
 were integer then it should equal floor(n) :
 (1.677721599849e+29)^(1/2) - floor((1.677721599849e+29)^(1/2)) 
 #[1] 0.125
 (1.6777216e+29)^(1/2) - floor( (1.6777216e+29)^(1/2) )
 #[1] 0
 That's because that number was the product of two perfect squares:
 16777216^(1/2) - floor( 1.6777216^(1/2) )
 [1] 4095

Sorry: Meant to copy this to the response:

 16777216^(1/2) - floor( 16777216^(1/2) )
[1] 0
[1] 4096

 And 10^22 = 10^11*10^11
 If you know how big the  original was you could round it to the correct 
 precision but that seems too much to hope for.
 print( round(1.677721599849e+29, digits=10) , digits=10)
 #[1] 1.6777216e+29
 identical( (1.6777216e+29)^(1/2) , floor( (1.6777216e+29)^(1/2) ) )
 #[1] TRUE
 How can we overcome this problem? 
 There are a couple of packages that support exact math on really large 
 numbers. You need to clarify what is being requested. You definitely need to 
 review R-FAQ 7.31 and make sure you understand it and also review ?double and 
 David Winsemius
 Alameda, CA, USA
 R-help@r-project.org mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see
 PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
 and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

David Winsemius
Alameda, CA, USA

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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] Determinant

2015-05-14 Thread William Dunlap
Note that when using double precision arithmetic you cannot tell
if that number is different from other numbers within 10 billion of
it -- they all have the same representation.

 1.677721599849e+29 == 1.677721599849e+29 + 1e10
[1] TRUE

You need to use other, time consuming, methods (e.g., arbitrary
precision arithmetic such as in the Rmpfr package, or some

Bill Dunlap
TIBCO Software
wdunlap tibco.com

On Thu, May 14, 2015 at 12:17 PM, Boris Steipe boris.ste...@utoronto.ca

 Of course the number _is_ an integer. It seems you are asking whether that
 integer can be exactly _represented_ on a computer? That depends on your
 processor (eg. 32/64 bit) and the size of the number; alternatively you
 could calculate with arbitrary precision with the Rmpfr package.

 For more insights, have a look at Pat Burs' summary of number
 representation in R (
 and/or read chapter one of his R inferno.

 Or, maybe you can state more clearly what you are trying to achieve in the
 end, there might be other options.


 On May 14, 2015, at 4:44 AM, chasiot...@math.auth.gr wrote:

  I am Vasilis Chasiotis and I am a candidate Ph.D. student in Aristotle
 University of Thessaloniki in Greece.
  I have the following problem.
  I want to check if the square of a number ( for example the square of
 1.677722e+29 ) is an integer.
  The problem is that this number is the calculation of the determinant
 (so the number should be an integer) of a matrix 22x22, which means it has
 an approximation ( the real number is 1.6777216e+29 but R gives to me
 1.677721599849e+29 ), because R use LU-decomposition to calculate the
  That means that the radical of the number 1.677721599849e+29 is not
 an integer, but it should be.
  How can we overcome this problem?
  Thank you in advance.
  I look forward to hearing from you soon.
  Vasilis Chasiotis
  R-help@r-project.org mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see
  PLEASE do read the posting guide
  and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

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 and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R-es] comportamiento de data.table al hacer calculos por grupos

2015-05-14 Thread Freddy Omar López Quintero

Reproduje tu ejemplo y ciertamente las filas se duplican innecesariamente.
No supe cómo corregir este comportamiento. Si no se pudiera arreglar esto,
por favor considera la librería sqldf y obtendrás el resultado correcto:

sqldf(select sol, dia, con, avg(media) as ave from dd group by sol, dia,
   sol dia con   ave
1  con   1   0 -29.37000
2  con   2   0 -31.65000
3  con   3   0 -28.25000

donde dd es tu conjunto de datos.


2015-05-14 20:00 GMT-03:00 eric ericconchamu...@gmail.com:

 Estimada comunidad tengo un problema del que no encuentro datos que me
 ayuden mucho en la web.

 Estoy haciendo calculos por grupos con data,table. Tengo un archivo
 (zp.res) con tres columnas que clasifican los datos (sol, con, dia)  y una
 columna de datos numericos (media), de la siguiente forma:

  sol con dia media
   1: con   0   1 -22.6
   2: con   0   1 -36.6
   3: con   0   1 -35.6

 y quiero calcular el promedio de media (la col 4) agrupando con las
 variables sol,con,dia. Lo hago de la siguiente forma:

 med - zp.res[, mean(media), by=sol,dia,con]

 cuando reviso med esta todo bien, se han calculado las medias y el
 objeto tiene solo las filas que corresponden a los promedios con sus
 respectivas columnas sol,con,dia que los identifican. Pero como notaran por
 el codigo, la columna con el resultado no tiene un nombre asi es que R la
 bautiza como V1. Quise ponele un nombre y agregue este al codigo de la
 siguiente forma:

 med - zp.res[, ave:=mean(media), by=sol,dia,con]

 el problema es que ahora el objeto med tiene el mismo numero de filas que
 zp.res y repite el promedio para cada dato dentro del grupo obtenido con
 by=sol,dia,con. Esto no me sirve pues tengo que graficar los promedios ...

 m puede que mi explicacion sea algo confusa, espero que me entiendan.

 Encontre que luego puedo renombrar la columna, pero no lo quiero hacer,
 pues pienso que deberia ser estandar poder ponerle el nombre y que se
 construya bien el objeto con los promedios inmediatamente. Ademas el
 promedio es solo uno de los calculos que debo hacer y los otros tambien
 quedan con el nombre V1 en la mismo data.table.

 Alguna idea de como hacerlo ?

 Adjunto archivo con datos.

 Saludos y gracias, eric.

 Forest Engineer
 Master in Environmental and Natural Resource Economics
 Ph.D. student in Sciences of Natural Resources at La Frontera University
 Member in AguaDeTemu2030, citizen movement for Temuco with green city
 standards for living

 Nota: Las tildes se han omitido para asegurar compatibilidad con algunos
 lectores de correo.

 R-help-es mailing list

«No soy aquellas sombras tutelares
que honré con versos que no olvida el tiempo.»

JL Borges

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Re: [R] Deparse substitute assign with list elements

2015-05-14 Thread William Dunlap
You could use a 'replacement function' named 'bar-', whose last argument
is called 'value', and use bar(variable) - newValue where you currently
use foo(variable, newValue).

bar - function(x) {
x + 3
`bar-` - function(x, value) {

a - NA
bar(a) - 4
# [1] 7
b - list(NA, NA)
bar(b[[1]]) - 4
#[1] 7
#[1] NA

Bill Dunlap
TIBCO Software
wdunlap tibco.com

On Thu, May 14, 2015 at 11:28 AM, soeren.vo...@posteo.ch wrote:


 When I use function `foo` with list elements (example 2), it defines a new
 object named `b[[1]]`, which is not what I want.  How can I change the
 function code to show the desired behaviour for all data structures passed
 to the function?  Or is there a more appropriate way to sort of pass by
 references in a function?


 bar - function(x) {
 return( x + 3 )

 foo - function(x, value) {
 nm - deparse(substitute(x))
 tmp - bar( value )
 assign(nm, tmp, parent.frame())

 # 1)
 a - NA
 foo(a, 4)
 a # 7, fine :-)

 # 2)
 b - list(NA, NA)
 foo(b[[1]], 4) # the first list item should be 7
 b # wanted 7 but still list with two NAs :-(

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 PLEASE do read the posting guide
 and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

[R-es] comportamiento de data.table al hacer calculos por grupos

2015-05-14 Thread eric
Estimada comunidad tengo un problema del que no encuentro datos que me 
ayuden mucho en la web.

Estoy haciendo calculos por grupos con data,table. Tengo un archivo 
(zp.res) con tres columnas que clasifican los datos (sol, con, dia)  y 
una columna de datos numericos (media), de la siguiente forma:

 sol con dia media
  1: con   0   1 -22.6
  2: con   0   1 -36.6
  3: con   0   1 -35.6

y quiero calcular el promedio de media (la col 4) agrupando con las 
variables sol,con,dia. Lo hago de la siguiente forma:

med - zp.res[, mean(media), by=sol,dia,con]

cuando reviso med esta todo bien, se han calculado las medias y el 
objeto tiene solo las filas que corresponden a los promedios con sus 
respectivas columnas sol,con,dia que los identifican. Pero como notaran 
por el codigo, la columna con el resultado no tiene un nombre asi es que 
R la bautiza como V1. Quise ponele un nombre y agregue este al codigo de 
la siguiente forma:

med - zp.res[, ave:=mean(media), by=sol,dia,con]

el problema es que ahora el objeto med tiene el mismo numero de filas 
que zp.res y repite el promedio para cada dato dentro del grupo obtenido 
con by=sol,dia,con. Esto no me sirve pues tengo que graficar los 
promedios ...

m puede que mi explicacion sea algo confusa, espero que me entiendan.

Encontre que luego puedo renombrar la columna, pero no lo quiero hacer, 
pues pienso que deberia ser estandar poder ponerle el nombre y que se 
construya bien el objeto con los promedios inmediatamente. Ademas el 
promedio es solo uno de los calculos que debo hacer y los otros tambien 
quedan con el nombre V1 en la mismo data.table.

Alguna idea de como hacerlo ?

Adjunto archivo con datos.

Saludos y gracias, eric.

Forest Engineer
Master in Environmental and Natural Resource Economics
Ph.D. student in Sciences of Natural Resources at La Frontera University
Member in AguaDeTemu2030, citizen movement for Temuco with green city 
standards for living

Nota: Las tildes se han omitido para asegurar compatibilidad con algunos 
lectores de correo.

Re: [R] Reading access file

2015-05-14 Thread Jeff Newmiller
Be sure to use the 32bit version of R with the code below. This is a limitation 
of the ODBC driver for mdb files. If you use the odbcConnectAccess2007() 
function to connect to accdb files then you can use 64bit R.
Jeff NewmillerThe .   .  Go Live...
DCN:jdnew...@dcn.davis.ca.usBasics: ##.#.   ##.#.  Live Go...
  Live:   OO#.. Dead: OO#..  Playing
Research Engineer (Solar/BatteriesO.O#.   #.O#.  with
/Software/Embedded Controllers)   .OO#.   .OO#.  rocks...1k
Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.

On May 14, 2015 1:58:38 PM PDT, Wensui Liu liuwen...@gmail.com wrote:
demo-sqlFetch(mdbConnect, tblDemo);

On Thu, May 14, 2015 at 6:31 AM, silvano silv...@uel.br wrote:

 Hello everybody.

 I have a access file to read in R but I can’t to do this.

 I used Hmisc package, but it doesn’t work.

 Someone has the commands to read this kind of file?

 I attached the access file.


 R-help@r-project.org mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see
 PLEASE do read the posting guide
 and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

WenSui Liu
Credit Risk Manager, 53 Bancorp

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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

[R] Interpreting GLM Interaction Contrasts in R (using glht)

2015-05-14 Thread David Robichaud


I am trying to do a BACI analysis on count data, and I am having trouble 
interpreting the output from  multcomp::glht.   I don't understand how 
the contrast's coefficients are related to effect size (if at all??).

I have 5 treatment conditions (one is a control), and I have counts from 
before the treatments were applied and after. Let's say that my model 
form is this (Period is the 'before' vs 'after' factor):

m.pois - glm(Y_count ~ Treatment + Period + Treatment:Period,
   data = df.temp,
   family = poisson)

As in all BACI designs, I am interested in the interaction term, i.e., 
the differences of the differences.  For example, I'd like to test 
whether TreatmentVR30 changed more than the Control did:
   (TreatmentVR30Later - TreatmentVR30Before) - (ControlLater - 

I have done the math, and I created all my planned contrasts, run them 
through the multcomp::glht, and I am struggling to interpret the 
output.  As an example of my confusion, I ran the same contrast in two 
directions (A-B and B-A), which should give the same result (one 
positive, one negative):

contr - rbind(
  VR30 vs Control = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 1),
  Control vs VR30 = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, -1)  )
m.pois.contr - summary(glht(m.pois, contr))

which works perfectly, returning one positive and one negative estimate, 
as expected:

Linear Hypotheses:
 Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(|z|)
VR30 vs Control == 0   0.7354 0.5621   1.3080.191
Control vs VR30 == 0  -0.7354 0.5621  -1.3080.191
(Adjusted p values reported -- single-step method)

Understanding that the estimates are in log space (due to the link 
function of the poisson family in the glm), I back transformed using 
exp(coef(m.pois.contr) to get:

VR30 vs Control Control vs VR30
  2.0862414   0.4793309

So, which is it?  Did Control change more than VR30, or did VR30 change 
more than Control, and for both questions, by how much?

Clearly I am missing something here.  I expect that this will be a 
simple fix, but surprisingly, I cannot find it anywhere online.

Thanks in advance to anyone who can help,

David Robichaud, Victoria, BC, Canada

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Re: [R-es] comportamiento de data.table al hacer calculos por grupos

2015-05-14 Thread Carlos Ortega

Puedes crear las dos nuevas variables (media y desviación) y ordenar así:

 med - datIn[, .(vmed=mean(media), vstd=sd(media)),
   sol dia con   vmed vstd
1: con   1   0 -29.37 4.415641
2: con   2   0 -31.65 3.178487
3: con   3   0 -28.25 1.485672
4: con   4   0 -26.17 1.159550
5: con   5   0 -27.94 2.563505
6: con   6   0 -28.68 3.142823

Carlos Ortega

El 15 de mayo de 2015, 3:00, eric ericconchamu...@gmail.com escribió:

 Muchas gracias Freddy y Carlos ... estuve intentando con .() y con list(),
 para calcular la media y el error estandar al mismo tiempo en dos columnas,
 pero me arrojaba un error que no supe interpretar.

 Ahora ya funciona como sugiere Carlos.

 Muchas gracias de nuevo.

 Saludos, Eric.

 On 14/05/15 19:28, Carlos Ortega wrote:


 La forma de hacerlo con data.table es esta:

   datIn - fread(zp.res)
   med - datIn[, .(vmed=mean(media)), by=.(sol,dia,con)]
 sol dia con   vmed
 1: con   1   0 -29.37
 2: dec   1   1 -30.35
 3: dec   1   3 -37.15
 4: dec   1   5 -31.55
 5: dol   1   1 -24.02
 6: dol   1   3 -32.95

   * La solución que has empleado actualiza el valor de una columna. Y
 aunque te calcula el valor medio por grupo, lo adjunta al data.table
   * En cambio esta otra forma se calcula únicamente el valor medio por

 Y bueno si quieres ordenar para que salga el mismo orden que en sqldf,
 puedes hacer esto otro:

   setorder(med, sol, dia)
 sol dia con   vmed
 1: con   1   0 -29.37
 2: con   2   0 -31.65
 3: con   3   0 -28.25
 4: con   4   0 -26.17
 5: con   5   0 -27.94
 6: con   6   0 -28.68

 Carlos Ortega
 www.qualiytexcellence.es http://www.qualiytexcellence.es

 El 15 de mayo de 2015, 1:00, eric ericconchamu...@gmail.com
 mailto:ericconchamu...@gmail.com escribió:

 Estimada comunidad tengo un problema del que no encuentro datos que
 me ayuden mucho en la web.

 Estoy haciendo calculos por grupos con data,table. Tengo un archivo
 (zp.res) con tres columnas que clasifican los datos (sol, con, dia)
 y una columna de datos numericos (media), de la siguiente forma:

   sol con dia media
1: con   0   1 -22.6
2: con   0   1 -36.6
3: con   0   1 -35.6

 y quiero calcular el promedio de media (la col 4) agrupando con
 las variables sol,con,dia. Lo hago de la siguiente forma:

 med - zp.res[, mean(media), by=sol,dia,con]

 cuando reviso med esta todo bien, se han calculado las medias y el
 objeto tiene solo las filas que corresponden a los promedios con sus
 respectivas columnas sol,con,dia que los identifican. Pero como
 notaran por el codigo, la columna con el resultado no tiene un
 nombre asi es que R la bautiza como V1. Quise ponele un nombre y
 agregue este al codigo de la siguiente forma:

 med - zp.res[, ave:=mean(media), by=sol,dia,con]

 el problema es que ahora el objeto med tiene el mismo numero de
 filas que zp.res y repite el promedio para cada dato dentro del
 grupo obtenido con by=sol,dia,con. Esto no me sirve pues tengo que
 graficar los promedios ...

 m puede que mi explicacion sea algo confusa, espero que me

 Encontre que luego puedo renombrar la columna, pero no lo quiero
 hacer, pues pienso que deberia ser estandar poder ponerle el nombre
 y que se construya bien el objeto con los promedios inmediatamente.
 Ademas el promedio es solo uno de los calculos que debo hacer y los
 otros tambien quedan con el nombre V1 en la mismo data.table.

 Alguna idea de como hacerlo ?

 Adjunto archivo con datos.

 Saludos y gracias, eric.

 Forest Engineer
 Master in Environmental and Natural Resource Economics
 Ph.D. student in Sciences of Natural Resources at La Frontera
 Member in AguaDeTemu2030, citizen movement for Temuco with green
 city standards for living

 Nota: Las tildes se han omitido para asegurar compatibilidad con
 algunos lectores de correo.

 R-help-es mailing list
 R-help-es@r-project.org mailto:R-help-es@r-project.org

 Carlos Ortega
 www.qualityexcellence.es http://www.qualityexcellence.es

 Forest Engineer
 Master in Environmental and Natural Resource Economics
 Ph.D. student in Sciences of Natural Resources at La Frontera University
 Member in AguaDeTemu2030, citizen movement for Temuco with green city
 standards for living

 Nota: Las tildes se han omitido para asegurar compatibilidad con algunos
 lectores de correo.

Carlos Ortega

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Re: [R-es] comportamiento de data.table al hacer calculos por grupos

2015-05-14 Thread Carlos Ortega

La forma de hacerlo con data.table es esta:

 datIn - fread(zp.res)
 med - datIn[, .(vmed=mean(media)), by=.(sol,dia,con)]
   sol dia con   vmed
1: con   1   0 -29.37
2: dec   1   1 -30.35
3: dec   1   3 -37.15
4: dec   1   5 -31.55
5: dol   1   1 -24.02
6: dol   1   3 -32.95

   - La solución que has empleado actualiza el valor de una columna. Y
   aunque te calcula el valor medio por grupo, lo adjunta al data.table
   - En cambio esta otra forma se calcula únicamente el valor medio por

Y bueno si quieres ordenar para que salga el mismo orden que en sqldf,
puedes hacer esto otro:

 setorder(med, sol, dia)
   sol dia con   vmed
1: con   1   0 -29.37
2: con   2   0 -31.65
3: con   3   0 -28.25
4: con   4   0 -26.17
5: con   5   0 -27.94
6: con   6   0 -28.68

Carlos Ortega

El 15 de mayo de 2015, 1:00, eric ericconchamu...@gmail.com escribió:

 Estimada comunidad tengo un problema del que no encuentro datos que me
 ayuden mucho en la web.

 Estoy haciendo calculos por grupos con data,table. Tengo un archivo
 (zp.res) con tres columnas que clasifican los datos (sol, con, dia)  y una
 columna de datos numericos (media), de la siguiente forma:

  sol con dia media
   1: con   0   1 -22.6
   2: con   0   1 -36.6
   3: con   0   1 -35.6

 y quiero calcular el promedio de media (la col 4) agrupando con las
 variables sol,con,dia. Lo hago de la siguiente forma:

 med - zp.res[, mean(media), by=sol,dia,con]

 cuando reviso med esta todo bien, se han calculado las medias y el
 objeto tiene solo las filas que corresponden a los promedios con sus
 respectivas columnas sol,con,dia que los identifican. Pero como notaran por
 el codigo, la columna con el resultado no tiene un nombre asi es que R la
 bautiza como V1. Quise ponele un nombre y agregue este al codigo de la
 siguiente forma:

 med - zp.res[, ave:=mean(media), by=sol,dia,con]

 el problema es que ahora el objeto med tiene el mismo numero de filas que
 zp.res y repite el promedio para cada dato dentro del grupo obtenido con
 by=sol,dia,con. Esto no me sirve pues tengo que graficar los promedios ...

 m puede que mi explicacion sea algo confusa, espero que me entiendan.

 Encontre que luego puedo renombrar la columna, pero no lo quiero hacer,
 pues pienso que deberia ser estandar poder ponerle el nombre y que se
 construya bien el objeto con los promedios inmediatamente. Ademas el
 promedio es solo uno de los calculos que debo hacer y los otros tambien
 quedan con el nombre V1 en la mismo data.table.

 Alguna idea de como hacerlo ?

 Adjunto archivo con datos.

 Saludos y gracias, eric.

 Forest Engineer
 Master in Environmental and Natural Resource Economics
 Ph.D. student in Sciences of Natural Resources at La Frontera University
 Member in AguaDeTemu2030, citizen movement for Temuco with green city
 standards for living

 Nota: Las tildes se han omitido para asegurar compatibilidad con algunos
 lectores de correo.

 R-help-es mailing list

Carlos Ortega

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[R] Using iconv from glibc

2015-05-14 Thread Smith, Virgil
The R Installation and Administration manual section A.1 states that glibc 
should provide a suitable iconv function, but I can't get R's configure script 
to accept/validate iconv on a platform I need to support using glibc 2.20.

Is glibc is actually compatible (or if gnu libiconv is essentially the only 

If glibc should work, what should I check to troubleshoot my environment?

The configure error I get is
checking iconv.h usability... yes
checking iconv.h presence... yes
checking for iconv.h... yes
checking for iconv... yes
checking whether iconv accepts UTF-8, latin1, ASCII and UCS-*... no
configure: error: a suitable iconv is essential

My full list of installed glibc / libc packages is
glibc-binary-localedata-en-gb - 2.20-r0
glibc-binary-localedata-en-us - 2.20-r0
glibc-gconv - 2.20-r0
glibc-gconv-utf-16 - 2.20-r0
glibc-locale-en-gb - 2.20-r0
libc6 - 2.20-r0
libc6-dev - 2.20-r0
libc6-extra-nss - 2.20-r0
libc6-thread-db - 2.20-r0

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Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

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Re: [R] Using iconv from glibc

2015-05-14 Thread Jeff Newmiller
This belongs on R-devel. Read the Posting Guide, which also warns you to post 
in plain text (for less confusion and a better reception).
Jeff NewmillerThe .   .  Go Live...
DCN:jdnew...@dcn.davis.ca.usBasics: ##.#.   ##.#.  Live Go...
  Live:   OO#.. Dead: OO#..  Playing
Research Engineer (Solar/BatteriesO.O#.   #.O#.  with
/Software/Embedded Controllers)   .OO#.   .OO#.  rocks...1k
Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.

On May 14, 2015 4:13:28 PM PDT, Smith, Virgil virgil.sm...@flir.com wrote:
The R Installation and Administration manual section A.1 states that
glibc should provide a suitable iconv function, but I can't get R's
configure script to accept/validate iconv on a platform I need to
support using glibc 2.20.

Is glibc is actually compatible (or if gnu libiconv is essentially the
only path)?

If glibc should work, what should I check to troubleshoot my

The configure error I get is
checking iconv.h usability... yes
checking iconv.h presence... yes
checking for iconv.h... yes
checking for iconv... yes
checking whether iconv accepts UTF-8, latin1, ASCII and
UCS-*... no
configure: error: a suitable iconv is essential

My full list of installed glibc / libc packages is
glibc-binary-localedata-en-gb - 2.20-r0
glibc-binary-localedata-en-us - 2.20-r0
glibc-gconv - 2.20-r0
glibc-gconv-utf-16 - 2.20-r0
glibc-locale-en-gb - 2.20-r0
libc6 - 2.20-r0
libc6-dev - 2.20-r0
libc6-extra-nss - 2.20-r0
libc6-thread-db - 2.20-r0

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Re: [R-es] comportamiento de data.table al hacer calculos por grupos

2015-05-14 Thread eric
Muchas gracias Freddy y Carlos ... estuve intentando con .() y con 
list(), para calcular la media y el error estandar al mismo tiempo en 
dos columnas, pero me arrojaba un error que no supe interpretar.

Ahora ya funciona como sugiere Carlos.

Muchas gracias de nuevo.

Saludos, Eric.

On 14/05/15 19:28, Carlos Ortega wrote:


La forma de hacerlo con data.table es esta:

  datIn - fread(zp.res)
  med - datIn[, .(vmed=mean(media)), by=.(sol,dia,con)]
sol dia con   vmed
1: con   1   0 -29.37
2: dec   1   1 -30.35
3: dec   1   3 -37.15
4: dec   1   5 -31.55
5: dol   1   1 -24.02
6: dol   1   3 -32.95

  * La solución que has empleado actualiza el valor de una columna. Y
aunque te calcula el valor medio por grupo, lo adjunta al data.table
  * En cambio esta otra forma se calcula únicamente el valor medio por

Y bueno si quieres ordenar para que salga el mismo orden que en sqldf,
puedes hacer esto otro:

  setorder(med, sol, dia)
sol dia con   vmed
1: con   1   0 -29.37
2: con   2   0 -31.65
3: con   3   0 -28.25
4: con   4   0 -26.17
5: con   5   0 -27.94
6: con   6   0 -28.68

Carlos Ortega
www.qualiytexcellence.es http://www.qualiytexcellence.es

El 15 de mayo de 2015, 1:00, eric ericconchamu...@gmail.com
mailto:ericconchamu...@gmail.com escribió:

Estimada comunidad tengo un problema del que no encuentro datos que
me ayuden mucho en la web.

Estoy haciendo calculos por grupos con data,table. Tengo un archivo
(zp.res) con tres columnas que clasifican los datos (sol, con, dia)
y una columna de datos numericos (media), de la siguiente forma:

  sol con dia media
   1: con   0   1 -22.6
   2: con   0   1 -36.6
   3: con   0   1 -35.6

y quiero calcular el promedio de media (la col 4) agrupando con
las variables sol,con,dia. Lo hago de la siguiente forma:

med - zp.res[, mean(media), by=sol,dia,con]

cuando reviso med esta todo bien, se han calculado las medias y el
objeto tiene solo las filas que corresponden a los promedios con sus
respectivas columnas sol,con,dia que los identifican. Pero como
notaran por el codigo, la columna con el resultado no tiene un
nombre asi es que R la bautiza como V1. Quise ponele un nombre y
agregue este al codigo de la siguiente forma:

med - zp.res[, ave:=mean(media), by=sol,dia,con]

el problema es que ahora el objeto med tiene el mismo numero de
filas que zp.res y repite el promedio para cada dato dentro del
grupo obtenido con by=sol,dia,con. Esto no me sirve pues tengo que
graficar los promedios ...

m puede que mi explicacion sea algo confusa, espero que me

Encontre que luego puedo renombrar la columna, pero no lo quiero
hacer, pues pienso que deberia ser estandar poder ponerle el nombre
y que se construya bien el objeto con los promedios inmediatamente.
Ademas el promedio es solo uno de los calculos que debo hacer y los
otros tambien quedan con el nombre V1 en la mismo data.table.

Alguna idea de como hacerlo ?

Adjunto archivo con datos.

Saludos y gracias, eric.

Forest Engineer
Master in Environmental and Natural Resource Economics
Ph.D. student in Sciences of Natural Resources at La Frontera University
Member in AguaDeTemu2030, citizen movement for Temuco with green
city standards for living

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algunos lectores de correo.

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Carlos Ortega
www.qualityexcellence.es http://www.qualityexcellence.es

Forest Engineer
Master in Environmental and Natural Resource Economics
Ph.D. student in Sciences of Natural Resources at La Frontera University
Member in AguaDeTemu2030, citizen movement for Temuco with green city 
standards for living

Nota: Las tildes se han omitido para asegurar compatibilidad con algunos 
lectores de correo.

R-help-es mailing list

Re: [R] Cross correlation between two time series over nested time periods?

2015-05-14 Thread Franklin Bretschneider

On 2015-05-14 , at 02:11, Tim via R-help r-help@r-project.org wrote:

Hello Tim,


 I have two time series
 Calculate and plot cross correlation between two time series over nested time 
 periods. Each point in either time series is for a week (not exactly a 
 calendar week, but the first week in a calendar year always starts from Jan 
 1, and the other weeks in the same year follow that, and the last week of the 
 year may contain more than 7 days but no more than 13 days).
 The first time series A is stored in a compressed (.gz) text file, which 
 looks like (each week and the corresponding time series value are separated 
 by a comma in a line):
 The second time series B is similarly stored in a compressed (.gz) text file, 
 but over a subset of period of A, which looks like:
 I wonder how to calculate the cross correlation between the two time series A 
 and B (up to a specified maximum lag), and plot A and B in a single plot? 

The auto- and crosscorrelation functions are in the stats package:

acf(x, lag.max = NULL,
type = c(correlation, covariance, partial),
plot = TRUE, na.action = na.fail, demean = TRUE, ...)

ccf(x, y, lag.max = NULL, type = c(correlation, covariance),
plot = TRUE, na.action = na.fail, ...)

See further: ?ccf

Succes and
Best wishes,


Franklin Bretschneider
Dept of Biology
Utrecht University

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