Re: [R] Counting the loop-round of a "for"-loop

2012-02-13 Thread 538280
Consider using sapply instead of a for loop, if the code in the sapply
call returns a vector, and every vector is the same length, then
sapply will automatically form it into a matrix for you.

On Sun, Feb 12, 2012 at 12:30 PM, jolo999  wrote:
> It seems to work. Simple and effective!
> Thanks!
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Re: [R] apply pairs function to multiple columns in a data frame

2012-02-10 Thread 538280
You might find the pairs2 function in the TeachingDemos package useful.

On Fri, Feb 10, 2012 at 1:13 PM, jarvisma  wrote:
> I am very new to R and programming and thank you in advance for your patience
> and help with a complete novice!
> I am working with a large multivariate data set that has 10 explanatory
> environmental variables (e.g. temp, depth) and over 60 response variables
> (each is a separate species).  My data frame is set up like the simplified
> version below:
> JulianDay  Temperature  Salinity  Depth  Copepod  Barnacle  Gastropod
> Bivalve
> 222              12.1                    33            0.3         500
> 756             0                     178
> 222              12.3                    33.2         1.1        145
> 111             0                     0
> 223              11.1                    33.1         7            752
> 234             12                   0
> Where JulianDay, Temperature, Salinity, Depth, Copepod, Barnacle, Gastropod,
> and Bivalve are the column headers.
> I am using the pairs function in R to explore my data.  My data frame is
> named Sunset.
> Using this code:
> Z=cbind(Sunset$Copepod,Sunset[,c(1:10)])   #the first 10 columns of my data
> frame are explanatory variables such as temp
> Pairs.Copepod=pairs(Z,main="Copepods vs. explanatory variables",
> panel=panel.smooth)
> I get a great pair plot of Copepods vs. all of the 10 explanatory
> environmental variables.  I would like to do this for each of my 60+
> species.  I can't just make one big pair plot of all of my explanatory
> variables vs. all of my species because I have too many.  So instead I would
> like a separate pair plot for each species (each column of data after the
> first 10 columns of explanatory variables)
> I would like to be able to write a loop that creates all of these plots at
> once, but haven't been able to do so.  Ideally, each pair plot would have
> the main title be the column header (e.g. Copepod) for that plot.  I would
> love to include a way to save each pair plot as  separate jpeg to a folder
> on my desktop with a file name that includes the species name (e.g.
> Copepod).
> Again, I am very new to R and to programing so I would GREATLY appreciate
> anyone patient and kind enough to respond with lots of detail so I can
> hopefully follow your answer and suggestions.  I have searched but haven't
> been able to find a way to write a loop that uses each column of data, so I
> would love some help!
> Thank you!
> Marley
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Re: [R] Split dataframe into new dataframes

2012-02-10 Thread 538280
I think one of your problems (the others have been addressed by
others) is that you want the expression x$y to represent a column of x
whose name is stored in y (not the name y itself).  The problem here
is that the $ notation is a magical shortcut and like any other magic
if used incorrectly is likely to do the programmatic equivalent of
turning yourself into a toad.  It is better to use '[[' instead of the
shortcut, try replacing x$y with x[[y]] and see if that fixes that

On Wed, Feb 8, 2012 at 2:11 PM, Johannes Radinger  wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to split a dataframe based on a grouping variable (in one column). The 
> resulting new
> dataframes should be stored in a new variable. I tried to split the dataframe 
> using split() and
> to store it using a FOR loop, but thats not working so far:
> df <- data.frame(A=c("A1","A1","A2","A2"),B=seq(1:4))
> Fsplit <- function(x,y){
>        ls <- split(x,f=x$y)
>        for (i in names(ls)){
>                i <- ls$i
>        }
> }
> Fsplit(df,A) #1st argument is dataframe to split, 2nd argument grouping 
> variable
> Any suggestions how to get that done?
> Best regards
> Johannes
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Re: [R] How indices calculated in package "boot"

2012-02-10 Thread 538280
In your second example the boot function will still generate its
random indicies before your internal function calls sample, so the
seed will be different when you call sample from what you originally
set it to.  If you really want to know what the boot function does,
look at its code (it does some things to try and be more efficient
which might give different results than a simpler version).

On Wed, Feb 8, 2012 at 1:45 PM, Deng Nina  wrote:
> Hi,there,
> I am using R package "boot" to bootstrap. I have one question here: does
> anybody possibly know how the boot package generates the "indices" which is
> used in the statistic function?
> I thought "indices = sample(data, replace=TRUE)", but when I replaced
> "indices" with this command and used "boot", I got different results.
> Specifically, below are the codes for illustration.
> (1) The typical way by generating indices in the package:
> boot1 <- function (data, indices)
> {
>  d <- data[indices]
>  return(d)
> }
> AA <- c(1:10)
> require(boot)
> set.seed(123)
> results1 <- boot(data= AA, statistic=boot1, R=100)
> (2) The alternative way by calculating "indices" myself:
> boot2 <- function (data,indices)
> {
>  indices <- sample(data, replace=TRUE)
>  d <- data[indices]
>  return(d)
>  }
> AA <- c(1:10)
> set.seed(123)
> results2 <- boot(data= AA, statistic=boot2, R=100)
> When I looked up using results1$t and results2$t, I had totoally different
> bootstrap samples. I found this even had great impacts on the results in my
> study. Does the second approach have any problem? Anyone could provide any
> inputs on this? Thank you very much in advance!
> Regards
> Nina
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Re: [R] How to stop a loop for?

2012-02-10 Thread 538280
If you want to pause for the person to look at a plot before going on
to the next plot then just do:

> par(ask=TRUE)

This will actually allow your loop to continue with calculations while
the user looks at the plot but will pause before drawing the next plot
(hitting enter in the command window or clicking on the plot window
will allow the code to continue).

If you want to pause for something other than a plot then use readline
like Michael suggests.

On Wed, Feb 8, 2012 at 12:45 PM, Juan Andres Hernandez
> Hi all, I have some time trying to find a way to stop a loop for( ) until the
> user presses the enter key or any other one and the loop can continue.
> This could
> be an example:
>  library(MASS)
>  data <- data.frame(mvrnorm(1000,rep(0,5),Sigma=diag(1,5)))
>  for(i in 1:dim(data)[2]){
>  plot(density(data[,i]), main=paste('histogram',i))
>  #here something like waituntil command
>  }
> Thank's in advance
> Juan A. Hernandez
> Spain.
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Re: [R] How to have columns lined up?

2012-02-10 Thread 538280
A little more on topic is that there are tools for R to nicely format output.

The simplest is probably the R2wd package which will transfer objects
and text to word, you can send a matrix or data frame to word as a
nicely formatted table or wdVerbatim will send output to word but make
sure that the font is the correct type to make things line up.

If you are going to be doing a lot of this then you should investigate
the variations on Sweave (Sword, knitr, odfWeave, etc.) which allow
you to create a template file with R code and report text, then
process it to replace the R code with its output.

On Tue, Feb 7, 2012 at 9:07 PM, hithit168  wrote:
>  Hi there,
> Everytime when I paste My R output in WORD, the columns couldn't line up
> nicely like they appear in  R console. Is there a way to fix this problem?
> Thanks for any help!
> time n.risk n.event survival std.err lower 95% CI upper 95% CI
>    6     21       3    0.857  0.0764        0.707        1.000
>    7     17       1    0.807  0.0869        0.636        0.977
>   10     15       1    0.753  0.0963        0.564        0.942
>   13     12       1    0.690  0.1068        0.481        0.900
>   16     11       1    0.627  0.1141        0.404        0.851
>   22      7       1    0.538  0.1282        0.286        0.789
>   23      6       1    0.448  0.1346        0.184        0.712
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Re: [R] Fitting polynomial (power greater than 2)

2012-02-09 Thread 538280
This looks like homework, which is generally discouraged here.  You
should at the least admit that it is homework and tell what resources
your teacher has OK'd you to use.

Since you did show what you have done so far and are not just asking
for a handout, here is a hint:


On Tue, Feb 7, 2012 at 9:34 PM, dkendall44  wrote:
> Hey all, first time poster here. I'm new to R and working on my first real
> programming and forecasting asignment. I'm using unemployment data from
> 1948-2012.  I successfully completed part a and the linear fit for part b,
> but i am really struggling fitting a polynomial with a power greater than 2
> to my forecast. I'll upload my R code at the bottom. Any help is very much
> appreciated! Thank You!
> (a) Produce a time-series plot of your data.
>  (b) Fit linear, polynomial (use a power greater than 2), and R’s best fit
> models to your series.
> rm(list=ls(all=TRUE))
> z=read.table("longtermunempdata.txt")
> names(z)= c("Unemployment")
> attach(z)
> TIME=seq(1,769,by=1)
> Unemployment_ts<-ts(Unemployment,start=1948,freq=12)
> #quartz()
> #plot(stl(Unemployment_ts,s.window="periodic"))
> #1A
> quartz()
> plot(TIME, Unemployment, xlab="Year", ylab="Long Term
> Unemployment",type='l')
> #1B Linear
> quartz()
> plot(TIME,Unemployment,type="l", xlab="Year",ylab="Long Term Unemployment")
> modelu=lm(Unemployment~TIME)
> summary(modelu)
> abline(modelu,col="red3")
> modelu=lm(Unemployment~TIME)
> #1B Linear vs TS
> quartz()
> par(mfrow=c(2,1))
> plot(TIME, Unemployment, xlab="Year", ylab="Long Term
> Unemployment",type='l')
> abline(modelu,col="red3",lwd=2)
> plot(TIME,modelu$res,xlab="Year",ylab="Long Term Unemployment",type='l')
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Gregory (Greg) L. Snow Ph.D.

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Re: [R] Positioning text in top left corner of plot

2012-02-07 Thread 538280
You might want to look at the grconvertX and grconvertY functions.
You can use them to convert a coordinate relative to the plotting
device (screen, paper) or plotting region to user coordinates to use
with text or mtext.

On Tue, Feb 7, 2012 at 4:06 AM, Manta  wrote:
> Dear all,
> another questions related to zoo plotting. I would like to do as in the
> subject. Here a reproducible code:
> library(zoo)
> par(mfrow=c(2,1)
> plot(zoo(seq(1:10),as.Date(seq(1:10),origin="1970-01-01")),xlab="",ylab="",main="Value",las=1)
> mtext("EUR billions",adj=0,cex=0.7)
> plot(zoo(seq(1:10),as.Date(seq(1:10),origin="1970-01-01")),xlab="",ylab="",main="Value",las=1)
> par(xpd=T)
> text(par("usr")[1],par("usr")[3]+10.5,"EUR billions",cex=0.7)
> In the first graph I use the mtext function, which does the trick but it
> places the text too close too the y-axis.
> A second possibility is to use the text function, prior specification of the
> option parameter par(xpd=T). However, this does not look consistent as,
> depending on the graph, I would need to add different numbers in the y
> specification of the axis (par("usr")[3]+XXX).
> Any idea?
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Re: [R] text command - how to get a white background to cover grid lines

2012-02-06 Thread 538280
An alternative is the shadowtext function in the TeachingDemos package.

On Mon, Feb 6, 2012 at 1:19 AM, Jim Lemon  wrote:
> On 02/06/2012 08:23 AM, Henry wrote:
>> New to R - rookie question.
>> I'm a mechanical engineer and enjoying using R to make high quality
>> graphs.
>> I've searched.
>> I want to put text notation on graph plot areas and have the text
>> background
>> "box" white to cover over the grid lines.
>> my command so far
>> text(15,5200,"Air Flow",cex=.8,col="blue", background="white") # this
>> doesn't work...
>> I've tried bg="white", background color="white" and a number of other
>> attempts.
>> The text is getting placed on the chart where I want it.
> Hi Henry,
> have a look at the boxed.labels function in the plotrix package.
> Jim
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Re: [R] Clear last x entries of R console

2012-02-03 Thread 538280
You may want to look at functions like: txtProgressBar, winProgressBar
(windows onnly), or tkProgressBar (tcltk package), rather than
reinventing the wheel.

On Fri, Feb 3, 2012 at 7:00 AM, angliski_jigit
> Hi All,
> I am trying to build in a progress-tracker into my loops that let me have a
> sense of their progress. I'd like to be able to output to screen a series of
> periods "" etc. for each completion of the loop, but I  want to
> build a pyramid, e.g.
> .
> ..
> ...
> etc. So I need to be able to delete  of the console entry to
> accomplish this. There are commands to erase the whole console, but that's
> not what I want either; ideally, the command would allow me to erase the
> last line or the last x lines.
> Thanks
> Angliski
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Re: [R] an unusual use for R

2012-02-03 Thread 538280

Last year I found that my office needed some decoration and my wife
has some fancy sewing machines that can be programmed to do embroidery
and cross-stitch.  So I designed some cross stitches (using R and the
program for the machines) that show distribution functions and
equations for the Central Limit Theorem, Bayes Theorem, and the Mean
Value Theorem of Integration and my wife stitched them out for me.  I
certainly get varied comments when people see them.

Nice to know there are others who mix R, Statistics, and Textile crafts.

On Thu, Feb 2, 2012 at 3:54 PM, Sarah Goslee  wrote:
> I thought some of you might be amused by this.
> In my non-work time, I'm an avid weaver and teacher of weaving. I'm
> working on a project involving creating many detailed weaving
> patterns, so I wrote R code to automate it.
> Details here:
> If the overlap between R users and avid tablet weavers turns out to be
>>> 1, I'll polish it up and turn it into a package.
> Sarah
> --
> Sarah Goslee
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Re: [R] Vertical string with horizontal letters

2012-02-02 Thread 538280
There are only a few graphics devices that honor the 'crt' setting to
rotate characters differently from the string rotation (postscript is
the only one I know of, and then not always).

For your specific case you could do something like:

> text(1,1, paste( unlist(strsplit('output','')), collapse='\n'), adj=c(0,1))

You could use gsub instead of the paste and strsplit, but it adds an
extra line feed at the beginning and end, or use:
gsub('(?<=.)(?=.)','\n','output', perl=TRUE)

You may also want to play around a little with the adj=c(0,1) to get
the positioning that you want.

On Thu, Feb 2, 2012 at 10:20 AM, Israel Byrd  wrote:
> I'm trying to format text on a plot such that the string is vertical but the 
> letters are horizonal.  I tried
> text(1,1,label="output", srt=270)
> This gives the string rotation I want, but that rotates the entire "output" 
> so the letters are also rotated.  I've also tried
> text(1,1,label="output", srt=270, crt=270)
> to no avail.  par()$crt doesn't seem to affect text? The format I want is 
> demonstrated below:
> o
> u
> t
> p
> u
> t
> Thanks.
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