Re: [R] Strange error while passing string as an argument to the function in bnlearn package

2014-11-14 Thread Alexandr M
Hello Marco,

 By any chance, are using that for prediction?

Yes, I am using it for prediction.

 To compute P(A = a | whatever you conditioned on), just sum the
 corresponding weights over the total weight mass. Since no language
 trickery is involved, this works reliably.

Thank you! It's exactly what I needed.


On 11 November 2014 23:33, Marco Scutari wrote:

 Hi Alexandr,

 On 11 November 2014 00:10, Alexandr M wrote:
  Sorry that I formulated my question not very accurately.
  I form expressions/(logic conditions for parameters evidence and event)
  dynamically inside the loop and they are sometimes quite long.

 By any chance, are using that for prediction? Because predict(...,
 method = bayes-lw) does posterior predictions from any set of

 As an alternative, you can do cpdist(..., method = lw) which also
 generates from the posterior distribution:

  str(cpdist(fit, node = A, evidence = list(B = b), method = lw))
 Classes ‘bn.cpdist’ and 'data.frame':1 obs. of  1 variable:
  $ A: Factor w/ 3 levels a,b,c: 1 2 2 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 ...
  - attr(*, weights)= num  0.114 1 1 0.428 0.114 ...
  - attr(*, method)= chr lw

 To compute P(A = a | whatever you conditioned on), just sum the
 corresponding weights over the total weight mass. Since no language
 trickery is involved, this works reliably.


 Marco Scutari, Ph.D.
 Lecturer in Statistics, Department of Statistics
 University of Oxford, United Kingdom

Best regards,
Alexander Maslov

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[R] Strange error while passing string as an argument to the function in bnlearn package

2014-11-10 Thread Alexandr M
Hello everybody,

I am working with the package bnlear, but, probably, error is caused not by
the package itself.

There is a function cpquery() to which I pass argument str2:

prob.s = cpquery(fitted1,

- Error in parse(text = str2) : object 'str2' not found

fitted1 is a fitted model

But if I put value of str2 directly into function call:

prob.s = cpquery(fitted1,
it works fine.

Does anybody have any idea how to fix it?

- I used documentation to the package:
function cpquery()
- I also trued to use backslashes \' \ - doesn't work too

Best regards,

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Re: [R] Strange error while passing string as an argument to the function in bnlearn package

2014-11-10 Thread Alexandr M
Hi Marco,

Thanks for your reply!

Logic sampling in cpquery() relies on handling unevaluated
 expressions, so it is a tad fragile in any complex setting (inside
 loops and function calls, for example).

Actually I am doing it inside the loop.
Inside the loop I determine important features and form expressions
dynamically in the string format:

for( i in 1:N )

varnames = names(newrow) # new piece of data in a form of the row with
variables names

# like in the documentation: event parameter
str1 = paste((, var[1] , ==', as.character(newrow[1, 1]), '), sep =

# evidence parameter:
str2 = paste((, var[-1], ==', sapply(newrow[1,-1], as.character), '),
sep = , collapse =   )

# estimate conditional probability
event   = eval(parse(text=str1)),
evidence = eval(parse(text=str2)))

For the simple query you are trying to do, just use likelihood weighting

Sorry that I formulated my question not very accurately.
I form expressions/(logic conditions for parameters evidence and event)
dynamically inside the loop and they are sometimes quite long.

Best regards,

On 10 November 2014 23:28, Marco Scutari wrote:

 Hi Alexandr,

 On 10 November 2014 17:46, Alexandr M wrote:
  I am working with the package bnlear, but, probably, error is caused not
  the package itself.

 Logic sampling in cpquery() relies on handling unevaluated
 expressions, so it is a tad fragile in any complex setting (inside
 loops and function calls, for example). On its own, the
 eval(parse(...)) trick works if you do it in the global environment,
 or in relatively simple scripts.

 For the simple query you are trying to do, just use likelihood weighting:

 prob.s = cpquery(fitted1,
  method = lw)

 passing str2 as a list.


 Marco Scutari, Ph.D.
 Lecturer in Statistics, Department of Statistics
 University of Oxford, United Kingdom

Best regards,
Alexander Maslov

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[R] Shewhart Control Charts for Time Series data (qcc package)

2012-04-09 Thread Alexandr M
Hello everybody!

I am trying to apply qcc function to time series data.

There is an example from documentation:

diameter - qcc.groups(diameter, sample)
qcc(diameter[1:25,], type=xbar)

So, we have 5 iteams at each row - sample size =5

But what should I do if I have just a one dimensional time series data?

out.m - aggregate(pistonrings$diameter, list(sample = pistonrings$sample),
qcc(out.m$x, type=xbar) - Error: group sizes must be larger than one

Probably in this case samples are a consecutive subsets of the data but
they are not grouped as in an example.

I would like to apply qcc() like rollapply(width = sample_size, by =
step) in such a way that 'width' would stands for a samples taken from an
input data.

Thank you in advance !

Kind regards, Alexandr

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