[R] R-code for carrying out step-wise panel regression

2014-10-21 Thread Amarjit Singh
Dear all
For one of my empirical research investigation,  I tried to carry out step-wise 
panel regression analysis by making adaptation in the use of plm package (since 
stepAIC command does not work with plm). Say, I tried to regress an explained 
variable (DEP) on 3 explanatory variables (EX1, EX2, EX3) using a panel data 
set (dat). Of course, the required set of instructions would be:require(plm)reg 
<- plm(DEP ~ EX1 + EX2 + EX3, data = dat, method = "within")             ... 
(A)But, what I wish to do (for the purpose of carrying out the analysis 
iteratively) is as follows:dep <- "DEP"exp <- c("EX1", "EX2", "EX3")and then 
use somehow these dep and exp to get a  statement compatible with (A). I tried 
the following
frm <- as.formula(paste(dep, "~", exp))reg <- plm(frm, data = dat, method = 
"within)But it did not work properly. I could get the output only in respect of 
DEP ~ EX1, whereas I need the same in respect of DEP ~ EX1 + EX2 + EX3.Kindly 
help.  Or, you may pl. suggest some alternative via media.RegardsAmarjit Singh

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[R] command for plm

2014-10-18 Thread Amarjit Singh
Dear allI am trying to carry out step-wise panel regression analysis by making 
adaptation in the use of plm package. Say, I am trying to regress the explained 
variable (DEP) on 3 explanatory variables (EX1, EX2, EX3) using a panel data 
set (dat). Of course, the required set of instructions would be:require(plm)reg 
<- plm(DEP ~ EX1 + EX2 + EX3, data = dat, method = "within")                    
                                              ... (A)But, what I wish to do 
(for the purpose of carrying out the analysis iteratively) is as follows:dep <- 
"DEP"exp <- c("EX1", "EX2", "EX3")and then use somehow these dep and exp to get 
a  statement compatible with (A). I tried the following
frm <- as.formula(paste(dep, "~", exp))
reg <- plm(frm, data = dat, method = "within)But it did not work properly. I 
could get the output only in respect of DEP ~ EX1, whereas I need the same in 
respect of DEP ~ EX1 + EX2 + EX3.Kindly help.  RegardsAmarjit Singh
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[R] How to define a number of matrices through loops

2011-04-08 Thread Amarjit Singh Sethi
Hi all
I need to deal with a number (say, 5) of diferent ordered matrices  
simultaneously in my computational work. I tried to define these matrices 
through looping, but got an error message:

row <- c(3,4,6,4,5)
mt <- c()
for (i in 1:5){  
mt[i] <- matrix(nrow=row[i],ncol=4)

Kindly help


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Re: [R] Repetitive correlation test

2008-10-25 Thread Amarjit Singh Sethi
Dear Burns
Replacing comma through tilde has not helped; I got the message:

Error in cor.test.formula(frm, alternative = "two.sided", method = "pearson") : 
'formula' missing or invalid.

As you know, the syntax for test for corelation coefficient b/w variables x1 & 
x2  is as:

cor=cor.test(x1,x2,alternative = "two.sided", method = "pearson")

That is, the variables essentially need be separated by a comma. So please help.

--- On Sat, 25/10/08, Patrick Burns <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> From: Patrick Burns <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [R] Repetitive correlation test
> Date: Saturday, 25 October, 2008, 2:39 PM
> I think you mean to paste a tilde rather than a
> comma in the command that creates 'frm'.
> Patrick Burns
> +44 (0)20 8525 0696
> http://www.burns-stat.com
> (home of S Poetry and "A Guide for the Unwilling S
> User")
> Amarjit Singh Sethi wrote:
> > Dear all,
> > Through the following code, I wanted to perform
> correlation test repetedly (through loop) on different
> combinations of variables of a data set.
> >
> > Code:
> >
> >
> x=read.table("sample.txt",header=T,sep="\t")
> > out="corout.txt"
> > sink(out)
> > nm = names(x)
> > print(nm)
> > nvr=3
> > # nvr=Total no. of variables in the input data file
> > for (i in 1:(nvr-1))
> > {
> > for(j in (i+1):nvr) 
> > {
> > frm=
> as.formula(paste(nm[i+1],",",nm[j+1],sep=""))
> >
> crl=cor.test(frm,alternative="two.sided",method="pearson")
> > smr=summary(crl)
> > print(smr)
> > }
> > }
> > sink()
> >
> > Sample Data:
> >
> > S NoV1  V2  V3
> > 1   15  10  4
> > 2   6   4   7
> > 3   10  5   2
> > 4   8   6   6
> >
> > But the code does not work; there seems to be some
> problem in the statement marked ($$) above. The message I
> get is:
> >
> > Error in parse(text = x) : unexpected ',' in
> "V1,"
> >
> > Kindly help to get rid of the bug
> >
> > Regards
> >
> > ajss
> >
> >
> >   Unlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it
> now, on
> http://help.yahoo.com/l/in/yahoo/mail/yahoomail/tools/tools-08.html/
> >
> > __
> > R-help@r-project.org mailing list
> > https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help
> > PLEASE do read the posting guide
> http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
> > and provide commented, minimal, self-contained,
> reproducible code.
> >
> >
> >

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[R] Repetitive correlation test

2008-10-24 Thread Amarjit Singh Sethi
Dear all,
Through the following code, I wanted to perform correlation test repetedly 
(through loop) on different combinations of variables of a data set.


nm = names(x)
# nvr=Total no. of variables in the input data file
for (i in 1:(nvr-1))
for(j in (i+1):nvr) 
frm= as.formula(paste(nm[i+1],",",nm[j+1],sep=""))($$)

Sample Data:

S NoV1  V2  V3
1   15  10  4
2   6   4   7
3   10  5   2
4   8   6   6

But the code does not work; there seems to be some problem in the statement 
marked ($$) above. The message I get is:

Error in parse(text = x) : unexpected ',' in "V1,"

Kindly help to get rid of the bug



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Re: [R] Getting names of variables without quotes

2008-10-21 Thread Amarjit Singh Sethi
Dear Menne/ Jorge

Many thanks for the help rendered by you both.

Now, may I augment my problem. 

While running the regressions (through 'for' loop), I tried to generate time 
series plots for each iteration. Although the summary results from regressions 
were saved in the output file (through sink() statement), yet the plots were 
not saved. The tried code was:

nm = names(x)
for (i in 1:2)
  for(j in (i+1):3) 
formula= as.formula(paste(nm[i]," ~ ",nm[j],sep=""))
slr=lm(formula, data=x)



Kindly help to get the plots saved, preferably in separate output files for 
each iteration. 



--- On Sun, 19/10/08, Dieter Menne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> From: Dieter Menne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [R] Getting names of variables without quotes
> Date: Sunday, 19 October, 2008, 9:29 PM
> Amarjit Singh Sethi  yahoo.co.in>
> writes:
> (Please do not use tabs  when sending a data sample, these
> must be 
> manually edited)
> V1,V2,V3
> 15,10,4
> 6,4,7
> 10,5,2
> 8,6,6
> This does the work. However, I fear that you are going to
> use it on 
> 100 variables, and I would strongly advice againts
> searching for 
> linear relations
> that way.
> Dieter
> x=read.table("sample.txt",header=T,sep=",")
> nm = names(x)
> for (i in 1:2)
> {
>   for(j in (i+1):3) # note that you need the ()!
>   {
> formula=
> as.formula(paste(nm[i],"~",nm[j],sep=""))
> slr=lm(formula, data=x)
> smr=summary(slr)
> print(smr)
>   }
> }
> __
> R-help@r-project.org mailing list
> https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help
> PLEASE do read the posting guide
> http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
> and provide commented, minimal, self-contained,
> reproducible code.

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Re: [R] Getting names of variables without quotes

2008-10-19 Thread Amarjit Singh Sethi
Dear Jorge

Many thanks for your prompt reply. I tried to make use of the code provided by 
you (as per file attached), but it did not work for me; got the following 

> # ---
> # Data set
> # ---
> mydata=read.table(textConnection(" 
+   V1V2V3
+ 115104
+ 2647
+ 31052
+ 4866"),header=TRUE)
> closeAllConnections()
> # ---
> # Regression models
> # ---
> # Combinations
> library(forward)
> comb=t(fwd.combn(colnames(mydata),2))
Error in fwd.combn(colnames(mydata), 2) : n < m
> # Summariesres=apply(comb,1,function(x){
> y1=mydata[,x[1]]
Error in .subset(x, j) : invalid subscript type 'list'
> x1=mydata[,x[2]]
Error in .subset(x, j) : invalid subscript type 'list'
> m=lm(y1~x1)
Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : object "y1" not found
> summary(m)
Error in summary(m) : object "m" not found
> }
Error: unexpected '}' in "}"
> )
Error: unexpected ')' in ")"
> names(res)= apply(comb,1,paste,collapse="/",sep=" ")
Error in apply(comb, 1, paste, collapse = "/", sep = " ") : 
  object "comb" not found
> # Output in an external file
> sink("E:/out.txt")
> res
Error: object "res" not found
> sink()

I do not know as to where the problem lies (Frankly, I have not been able to 
grasp intricacies of this code). Will you kindly help me in getting rid of the 


--- On Sun, 19/10/08, Jorge Ivan Velez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: Jorge Ivan Velez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [R] Getting names of variables without quotes
Cc: "Dieter Menne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "R mailing list" 
Date: Sunday, 19 October, 2008, 9:19 PM

Dear AJSS,


# ---
# Data set
# ---

   V1    V2    V3
1  15     10      4
2    6      4       7
3  10      5       2
4    8      6       6"),header=TRUE)

# ---
# Regression models
# ---

# Combinations

# Summaries
names(res)= apply(comb,1,paste,collapse="/",sep="")

# Output in an external file



On Sun, Oct 19, 2008 at 11:38 AM, Amarjit Singh Sethi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Dear Jorge/Dieter
Thank you very much for your help. I indeed have been able to get names of the 
variables through 'noquote( )'statement. Yet my problem (regarding running 
regression analysis iteratively: of V1 upon V2; of V1 upon V3; and of V2 upon 
V3) could not be solved. My input data:

    V1    V2    V3
1  15 10  4
2    6  4   7
3  10  5   2
4    8  6   6

I tried the following code:

for (i in 1:2){
for(j in i+1:3){
slr=lm(dep ~ ind, data=x)
But I could not get any results. Kindly help or suggest suitable alternative.
The data and the code are given as attachments also.

--- On Sun, 19/10/08, Jorge Ivan Velez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: Jorge Ivan Velez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [R] Getting names of variables without quotes
Cc: r-help@r-project.org
Date: Sunday, 19 October, 2008, 1:04 AM

Dear AJSS, 

Perhaps ?noquote might be useful for you. Here is an example:

> x=c('V1','V2','V3','V4')

> x
[1] "V1" "V2" "V3" "V4"
> noquote(x)
[1] V1 V2 V3 V4



On Sat, Oct 18, 2008 at 3:04 PM, Amarjit Singh Sethi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Dear R-helpers,
I am seeking your help in somehow getting names of variables without quotes (" 
Let us say, we have a table with 3 variables V1, V2 and V3. After the table is 
read, I get names of the variables (thro' the following code) as under quotes 
(like "V1" rather than the original representation V1)
> x
    V1    V2    V3
1  15     10      4
2    6      4       7
3  10      5       2
4    8      6       6
> nm=names(x)
> nm
[1] "V1" "V2" "V3"
In fact I need the variables in the original representation (i.e.., as they 
appear in the input data file) so as to use them repeatedly (through loop 
statement) in regression analysis. Ki

[R] Getting names of variables without quotes

2008-10-18 Thread Amarjit Singh Sethi
Dear R-helpers,
I am seeking your help in somehow getting names of variables without quotes (" 
Let us say, we have a table with 3 variables V1, V2 and V3. After the table is 
read, I get names of the variables (thro' the following code) as under quotes 
(like "V1" rather than the original representation V1)
> x
    V1    V2    V3
1  15     10      4
2    6      4       7
3  10      5       2
4    8      6       6
> nm=names(x)
> nm
[1] "V1" "V2" "V3"
In fact I need the variables in the original representation (i.e., as they 
appear in the input data file) so as to use them repeatedly (through loop 
statement) in regression analysis. Kindly help. 

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[R] Iterative estimation of linear regression model

2008-10-15 Thread Amarjit Singh Sethi
Dear all
I am intrested in making iterative estimation (thro' loop statements) of, say, 
linear regression model. For this purpose, I have written the following 
programme and that I have made use of a sample data (viz., exp.txt):
# Linear regression modelling with sample data (try5.txt)
# Repeated estimation through loop statement
for(i in 1:nv1){
# The 1st dependent variable is C1 (at column no. 2)
for(j in 1:nv2){
# The first independent variable is C5 (at column no. 6)
# Estimation of simple linear regression equation 
slr=lm(dep ~ ind,data=x)
Data file (try.txt):
Year C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10
Y1 3.5 13.8 9.5 6.8 0.4 24.0 3 7.1 24.6 0.03
Y2 3.8 13.9 9.9 7.6 0.7 12.8 5 9.0 32.5 0.01
Y3 4.5 14.5 14.2 9.2 0.6 14.5 1 7.5 22.9 0.05
Y4 5.9 16.2 24.6 12.7 0.2 24.3 3 8.0 26.8 0.04
Y5 7.2 20.4 40.6 18.2 0.8 28.2 5 9.2 44.3 0.02
Y6 5.9 18.6 37.4 14.5 0.3 36.9 8 9.5 32.9 0.10
Y7 8.0 16.1 88.6 24.1 0.1 34.6 2 8.7 11.1 0.02
Y8 13.6 21.1 56.3 19.0 0.7 33.3 6 9..5 10.8 0.06 
Y9 11.2 20.4 40.7 12.9 1.1 40.3 3 12.2 6.5 0.04
Y10 7.6 18.3 27.5 8.1 2.3 41.9 2 5.9 2.9 1.00
Y11 8.8 22.2 33.3 8.8 0.6 44.4 4 6.6 55.5 0.09
Y12 9.4 16.5 35.6 16.2 0.7 50.2 5 8..8 31.4 0.07
(These files have been given as attachments as well)

The data file has 10 variables in all, divided into two groups:  G1 consisting 
of the first 4 variables and G2 of the remaining 6 variables. We wish to 
iteratively pick one variable from the group G1 and regress it upon (an 
iteratively picked) variable from G2 and save the summary results. We also wish 
to save the repeatedly generated diagrams in an output file. But the programme 
has failed to work. Kindly help; I'm a raw hand in R-language.

  Be the first one to try the new Messenger 9 Beta! Go to 
http://in.messenger.yahoo.com/win/# Linear regression modelling with sample data (try5.txt)
# Repeated estimation through loop statement
for(i in 1:nv1){
# The 1st dependent variable is C1 (at column no. 2)
for(j in 1:nv2){
# The first independent variable is C5 (at column no. 6)
# Estimation of simple linear regression equation 
slr=lm(dep ~ ind,data=x)

YearC1  C2  C3  C4  C5  C6  C7  C8  C9  
Y1  3.5 13.89.5 6.8 0.4 24.03   7.1 24.6
Y2  3.8 13.99.9 7.6 0.7 12.85   9.0 32.5
Y3  4.5 14.514.29.2 0.6 14.51   7.5 22.9
Y4  5.9 16.224.612.70.2 24.33   8.0 26.8
Y5  7.2 20.440.618.20.8 28.25   9.2 44.3
Y6  5.9 18.637.414.50.3 36.98   9.5 32.9
Y7  8.0 16.188.624.10.1 34.62   8.7 11.1
Y8  13.621.156.319.00.7 33.36   9.5 10.8
Y9  11.220.440.712.91.1 40.33   12.26.5 
Y10 7.6 18.327.58.1 2.3 41.92   5.9 2.9 
Y11 8.8 0.6 44.44   6.6 55.5
Y12 9.4 16.535.616.20.7 50.25   8.8 31.4
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[R] Suitable package for carrying out sigma and beta convergence in panel data

2008-05-28 Thread Amarjit Singh Sethi
Dear all
I wish to carry out sigma- and beta-convergence analysis in respect of panel 
data [wherein current value of one of the variables needs be regressed upon 
suitably transformed lagged values of another variable(s)]. I am quite new to 
the R-language and am not very much aware of the availbaility of suitable 
package(s)/ code in the language. Can any one help me in letting me know of 
appropriate package/procedural steps to undertake the anlaysis. Kindly let me 
know as well, format of the input data file for such a package.
Amarjit Singh Sethi

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PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

[R] Importing data in text file into R

2008-05-23 Thread amarjit singh sethi
Dear all,
I am quite new to R; facing certain problems:
Say, I have a text file( named as "try"):
YearC1  C2  C3  C4  C5  C6
Y1  3.5 13.89.5 6.8 0.4 24.2
Y2  3.8 13.99.9 7.6 0.7 12.8
Y3  4.5 14.514.29.2 0.6 14.5
Y4  5.9 16.224.612.70.2 24.3
Y5  7.2 20.440.618.20.8 28.2
Y6  5.9 18.637.414.50.3 36.9
Y7  8.0 16.188.624.10.1 34.6
Y8  13.621.156.319.00.7 33.3

I wish to import the file into R and make certain
computations, like intercorrelation matrix. I tried
the following syntax:

# Inputting the data file (saved in text format)
idt=read.table(df,header=T, sep="\t")
# To generate intercorrelatio matrix
r = cor(idt)
r=round(r, 4)

The seems to have been read, but further computations
not made, with the following output:

> # Inputting the data file (saved in text format)
> df="trial.txt"
> idt=read.table(df,header=T, sep="\t")
> idt
  Year   C1   C2   C3   C4  C5   C6
1   Y1  3.5 13.8  9.5  6.8 0.4 24.2
2   Y2  3.8 13.9  9.9  7.6 0.7 12.8
3   Y3  4.5 14.5 14.2  9.2 0.6 14.5
4   Y4  5.9 16.2 24.6 12.7 0.2 24.3
5   Y5  7.2 20.4 40.6 18.2 0.8 28.2
6   Y6  5.9 18.6 37.4 14.5 0.3 36.9
7   Y7  8.0 16.1 88.6 24.1 0.1 34.6
8   Y8 13.6 21.1 56.3 19.0 0.7 33.3
> # To generate intercorrelatio matrix
> r = cor(idt)
Error in cor(idt) : missing observations in cov/cor
In addition: Warning message:
In cor(idt) : NAs introduced by coercion
> r=round(r, 4)
Error: object "r" not found
> r
Error: object "r" not found

Kindly advise me as to how to get rid of the error


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