[R] Text Pattern Recognition - Model

2015-08-17 Thread Anshuk Pal Chaudhuri

I have a training dataset which has two columns which has around 70 values.

1.   PNRNo whose values like UT768G, CXKA, 4IOI59, 4BV7TW...(typical PNR 
number patterns)

2.   I have created one more factor variable mentioning (IsPNR) - so all 
the values are 1 (true)

My first objective is to create a model on this training set which would 
recognize the text pattern.

Second objective: The  model would then be used to predict IsPNR with new set 
of test values like Anshuk, 4EL58S...as 0 and 1...

Which model would be best for recognizing such kind of pattern and having 
decent accuracy? I tried naiveBayes, but I don't think it is all doing a good 
job. Its predicting all the test values as true. I suppose bayes is not meant 
for this.

Anshuk Pal Chaudhuri

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[R] Doing PDF OCR with R

2015-08-12 Thread Anshuk Pal Chaudhuri
Hi All,

I have been trying to do OCR within R (reading PDF data which data as scanned 
image). Have been reading about this @ 

This a very good post.

Effectively 3 steps:

convert pdf to ppm (an image format)
convert ppm to tif ready for tesseract (using ImageMagick for convert)
convert tif to text file
The effective code for the above 3 steps as per the link post:

lapply(myfiles, function(i){
  # convert pdf to ppm (an image format), just pages 1-10 of the PDF
  # but you can change that easily, just remove or edit the
  # -f 1 -l 10 bit in the line below
  shell(shQuote(paste0(F:/xpdf/bin64/pdftoppm.exe , i,  -f 1 -l 10 -r 600 
  # convert ppm to tif ready for tesseract
  shell(shQuote(paste0(F:/ImageMagick-6.9.1-Q16/convert.exe *.ppm , i, 
  # convert tif to text file
  shell(shQuote(paste0(F:/Tesseract-OCR/tesseract.exe , i, .tif , i,  -l 
  # delete tif file
  file.remove(paste0(i, .tif ))
The first two steps are happening fine. (although taking good amount of time, 
for 4 pages of a pdf, but will look into the scalability part later, first 
trying if this works or not)

While running this, the first two steps work fine.

While runinng the 3rd step, i.e

**shell(shQuote(paste0(F:/Tesseract-OCR/tesseract.exe , i, .tif , i,  -l 
I having this error:

Error: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?


Tesseract is crashing.

Any workaround or root cause analysis would be appreciated.

Anshuk Pal Chaudhuri

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Re: [R] Parsing all rows columns of a Dataframe into one column

2015-08-12 Thread Anshuk Pal Chaudhuri
Thanks. Another way of handling is which I understood from other forum, thought 
to share here as well.


Anshuk Pal Chaudhuri

-Original Message-
From: PIKAL Petr [mailto:petr.pi...@precheza.cz] 
Sent: 10 August 2015 12:21
To: Anshuk Pal Chaudhuri anshu...@motivitylabs.com; r-help@r-project.org
Subject: RE: Parsing all rows  columns of a Dataframe into one column


Your HTML posting scrammbled your question a bit. If I understand correctly and 
as you want values of various type in one column, probably the easiest way 
would be.

dim(mat) - NULL
newdata - data.frame(mat, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)


 -Original Message-
 From: R-help [mailto:r-help-boun...@r-project.org] On Behalf Of Anshuk 
 Pal Chaudhuri
 Sent: Monday, August 10, 2015 7:24 AM
 To: r-help@r-project.org
 Subject: [R] Parsing all rows  columns of a Dataframe into one column

 Hi All,

 I am using R for reading certain values in a dataset.

 I have values in a data frame all scattered in different columns  
 rows, some values might be NA as well.

 e.g. below three columns V1, V2,V3, and their respective values.















 What I would like to do is parse this data frame, create a new data 
 frame, omit all NA values. The new data frame would have one column, 
 lets say Value column. (order of the samples coming is not an issue)

 New Data Frame (Output Required):










 Any help would be appreciated.

 Anshuk Pal Chaudhuri

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 guide.html and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, 
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[R] Parsing all rows columns of a Dataframe into one column

2015-08-09 Thread Anshuk Pal Chaudhuri
Hi All,

I am using R for reading certain values in a dataset.

I have values in a data frame all scattered in different columns  rows, some 
values might be NA as well.

e.g. below three columns V1, V2,V3, and their respective values.















What I would like to do is parse this data frame, create a new data frame, omit 
all NA values. The new data frame would have one column, lets say Value column. 
(order of the samples coming is not an issue)

New Data Frame (Output Required):










Any help would be appreciated.

Anshuk Pal Chaudhuri

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[R] Supervised Learning for Text Classification

2015-08-06 Thread Anshuk Pal Chaudhuri
Hi All,

The current process which I am doing:

1.   Reading Unstructured data, Understand what text means what. e.g. a 
phrase like JOHN SMITH this is a customer name. or a phrase like CLAIM 
DURATION is a reason type field. Currently, doing this manually (no issue over 

2.   Creating a data frame with fields - Reason, Name, Category, 
Sub-Reason, Description. There is no boolean or numeric field (Do I need to 
create any? based on #5 need).

3.   Manually feeding the data frame with values as read from the 
unstructured data text. This would have approximate be having 50 rows. and this 
is my training set. (no issue over here)

4.   Dataframe #3 would be nothing but a supervised train data set.

Following #5, this is what I need to achieve (and need help here)-

5.   Now when I receive another file (test data),lets say to start - just a 
phrase **, can I predict that text based on the trained 
model, it is a Reason related phrase (based on the probability, lets say more 
than 70%), create a new data frame (PredcitedDF) and add a column (e.g. Reason) 
add a row for this text under Reason field. Again receive on more text phrase, 
which seems like Name, add a column Name in the PredictedDF and add this 
value under Name column as second row...and hence further.

I was reading about RTextTools (http://www.rtexttools.com/), well in that case 
it has be told that this value is for this text and hence further...

Any help would be appreciated.

Anshuk Pal Chaudhuri

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Re: [R] Itinerary Ticket Parser

2015-07-31 Thread Anshuk Pal Chaudhuri
Dear All, 

Was trying to study similar kind of this and found out a post on one of stack 
overflow site: 

I guess this is not really answered yet. But wanted to check the all 
R-enthusiasts, if something has been done or not. 

Anshuk Pal Chaudhuri

-Original Message-
From: R-help [mailto:r-help-boun...@r-project.org] On Behalf Of Anshuk Pal 
Sent: 30 July 2015 21:16
To: r-help@r-project.org
Subject: [R] Itinerary Ticket Parser

Dear All,

I have seeing a lot of apis', (like worldmate or new product called sift from 
easilydo) which is used for parsing email and different itinerary tickets. Is 
there any packages in R which does that?

Anshuk Pal Chaudhuri

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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

[R] Itinerary Ticket Parser

2015-07-30 Thread Anshuk Pal Chaudhuri
Dear All,

I have seeing a lot of apis', (like worldmate or new product called sift from 
easilydo) which is used for parsing email and different itinerary tickets. Is 
there any packages in R which does that?

Anshuk Pal Chaudhuri

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[R] R Parse HTML tabular data and apply NLP

2015-07-30 Thread Anshuk Pal Chaudhuri
Hi All,

I have quite a few files which is having HTML tabular data. All the files have 
have different format, numerous nested tables and different information and the 
table structure is completely different. The only common thing in these files 
is that they are in tables.

I was able to read the table using the readHTMLTable function. e.g one file has 
23 tables, able to put all data one data frame. Obviously, the read function is 
not able to interpret the header obviously (which is also it not supposed to), 
hence creating creating variables like V1, V2..

Now when I have got all the text into a dataframe (the data is scattered in 
different columns), how do I interpret the text using machine learning to train 
that this text (sentence,word..)means this, or this text means this. Basically, 
automatic categorization of the all the text in the dataframe.

I was reading about RTextTools (http://www.rtexttools.com/), well in that case 
it has be told that this value is for this text and hence further...

Any help would be appreciated.

Anshuk Pal Chaudhuri

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