[R] numerical approximation of survival function

2016-11-18 Thread Carlo Giovanni Camarda
Dear R-users,

my question concerns numerical approximation and, somehow, survival 
Let’s assume we have a density function and we aim to numerically 
compute the hazard, which is, in theory, the ratio between density and 
In the following example, I take a pdf from a log-normal and proceed as 
I would have known only this function. I numerically approximate the 
survival function by splinefun() and integrate().Finally I compute the 
hazard. It’s easy to see that (1) true hazard is different from the 
numerically approximated one and (2) discrepancy depends upon the 
approximation carried out to compute the survival. Is there any way to 
overcome or attenuate this issue? Or do I just miss something obvious?
In my real study I do not deal with analytically defined pdf, so I would 
like to be sure that approximation is done at its best.

Thanks in advance for your help.
Giancarlo Camarda

## x-values
delta <- 0.1
x <- seq(0, 200, by=delta)
m <- length(x)
## true pdf
fxT <- dlnorm(x, meanlog=3.5, sdlog=0.5)
fxT <- fxT/sum(fxT)
## true survival
SxT <- 1 - plnorm(x, meanlog=3.5, sdlog=0.5)
## true hazard
hxT <- fxT/SxT
## numerical approximation of the pdf
fx <- spline(x, fxT, n=m)$y
## numerical approximation of the survival
Sx <- numeric(m)
fxfun <- splinefun(x, fx/delta)
for(j in 1:m){
   Sx[j] <- 1 - integrate(fxfun, x[1], x[j])$value
## hazard: pdf divided by survival
hx <- fx/Sx ## both numerical approx
hx1 <- fx/SxT ## only the survival numerically approx
hx2 <- fxT/Sx ## only the pdf numerically approx
## plotting hazards
plot(x, hxT)
lines(x, hx, col=2, lwd=2)
lines(x, hx1, col=3, lwd=2)
lines(x, hx2, col=4, lty=2, lwd=2)
## it seems that we have got something
## at the survival approx level:
plot(x, Sx/SxT)

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[R] matrix built by diagonal matrices with a given structure (2nd trial)

2014-07-09 Thread Carlo Giovanni Camarda

Dear R-users,

three weeks ago I sent the mail below, but I didn't receive any 
response. Maybe it was overlooked.

Thanks anyway for all the help you gave us by this mailing-list,
Giancarlo Camarda


I have a matrix with a series of not-overlapping in a row dimension 
vectors in a given structure. Something like:

|a1,  0,  0,  0|

| 0, a2, a3,  0|

|a4,  0,  0, a5|

where ai are column-vectors of the equal length, m.

My aim is to construct a new matrix formed by diagonal matrices built by 
the mentioned vectors and placed following the original structure. 
Something like:


|   0, diag(a2), diag(a3),0|

|diag(a4),0,0, diag(a5)|

Of course the zeros are vectors of length m, and empty (m times m) 
matrices in the first and second scheme, respectively.

I found a way to obtain what I need by selecting an augmented version of 
the original matrix which I have constructed using the kronecker 
product. I was wondering whether there is a more elegant and 
straightforward procedure.

See below a simple reproducible example of my challenge in which the 
length of the vectors is 4.

Thanks in advance for your help,

Giancarlo Camarda

## size of the diagonal matrices

## or length of the vectors

m - 4

## the original matrix

ze - rep(0,m)

A - cbind(c(1,2,3,4,ze,13,14,15,16),




## augmenting the original matrix

A1 - kronecker(A, diag(m))

## which rows to select

w1 - seq(1, m^2, length=m)

w2 - seq(0, 2*m^2, by=m^2)

w0 - outer(w1, w2, FUN=+)

w - c(w0)

## final matrix

A2 - A1[w,]

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Re: [R] Simplifying matrix computation

2014-01-29 Thread Carlo Giovanni Camarda
Dear David, and R-users,

thanks for the response. I'll do my best to describe the context.

My data consists in two matrices, D and T. The former provides simple 
values, the latter is a Boolean matrix. The number of rows in D is equal 
to the number of columns in T.

My aim is to construct a larger matrix which is made up of sum(T) 
diagonal matrices constructed from the rows of D, and placed according 
to a structure given by a transformation of T.

Whereas the positions of the columns in which T is equal to 1 informs 
about the placement of the diagonal matrices, the positions of the rows 
in which T is equal to 1 informs about which row to take from D in order 
to create these diagonal matrices.
In the code below (corrected in the last line with respect to the 
previous version, sorry), I first created the matrices D and T. Then I 
built a 0/1 matrix (M0) that presents the structure of the final 
block-matrix made up of diagonal matrices, and, by Kronecker product, a 
matrix with the final 0/1 structure is constructed, M.
Using the rows in which T is equal to 1, I select the values from D and 
place in the matrix M, where such matrix is equal to 1.

It's a long explanation and I could not find a better way to program 
(and explain) it.

Thanks for you help,

## data in matrices
D - matrix(1:15, 3, 5)
T - matrix(0, 3, 3)
T[c(2,4,6,8)] - 1

## the col of T equal to 1 gives the position
wr - which(T==1, arr.ind=TRUE)[,2]
## we aim to sum(T) diagonal matrices
wc - 1:sum(T)
## structure: how to place the diagonal matrices
M0 - matrix(0, nrow(T), sum(T))
M0[cbind(wr,wc)] - 1

## number of columns
m - ncol(D)
## final 0/1 matrix
M - kronecker(M0, diag(m))

## the row of T equal to 1 gives which rows to take from D
pos - which(T==1, arr.ind=TRUE)[,1]
## filling up with data
M[M!=0] - t(D[pos,])

On 29/01/2014 01:49, David Winsemius wrote:
 On Jan 27, 2014, at 8:04 AM, Carlo Giovanni Camarda wrote:

 Dear R-users,

 I would like to know whether you know some trick for skipping some of
 the steps in the example below (especially the last step in a way that
 would make easier to be written succinctly in a text).

 I could try to explain in words the whole process, but I'm sure the code
 below would be clearer.
 After looking at the code and output, I must disagree. The lack of any 
 response from the rest of the readership suggests to me that I am not the 
 only one who thinks a natural language description of the context and goals 
 for this effort would help.

 Thanks in advance for your help,

 ## data in matrices
 D - matrix(1:15, 3, 5)
 T - matrix(0, 3, 3)
 T[c(2,4,6,8)] - 1

 ## how to place the diag matrices of each row
 M0 - matrix(0, nrow(T), sum(T))
 wr - which(T==1, arr.ind=TRUE)[,2]
 wc - 1:ncol(M0)
 M0[cbind(wr,wc)] - 1

 ## number of columns
 m - ncol(D)
 ## non-zero positions
 M - kronecker(M0, diag(m))
 ## which rows to take
 pos - which(T==1, arr.ind=TRUE)[,1]
 ## filling up with data
 M[M!=0] - t(D[wr,])

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 R-help@r-project.org mailing list
 PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
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 David Winsemius
 Alameda, CA, USA

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[R] Simplifying matrix computation

2014-01-27 Thread Carlo Giovanni Camarda
Dear R-users,

I would like to know whether you know some trick for skipping some of 
the steps in the example below (especially the last step in a way that 
would make easier to be written succinctly in a text).

I could try to explain in words the whole process, but I'm sure the code 
below would be clearer.

Thanks in advance for your help,

## data in matrices
D - matrix(1:15, 3, 5)
T - matrix(0, 3, 3)
T[c(2,4,6,8)] - 1

## how to place the diag matrices of each row
M0 - matrix(0, nrow(T), sum(T))
wr - which(T==1, arr.ind=TRUE)[,2]
wc - 1:ncol(M0)
M0[cbind(wr,wc)] - 1

## number of columns
m - ncol(D)
## non-zero positions
M - kronecker(M0, diag(m))
## which rows to take
pos - which(T==1, arr.ind=TRUE)[,1]
## filling up with data
M[M!=0] - t(D[wr,])

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