Re: [R] R plot split screen in uneven panels

2018-12-12 Thread Franklin Bretschneider
Dear Luigi Marongiu,


> Dear all,
> I would like to draw two plots in the same device so that there is a
> single row and two columns, with the first column being 1/3 of the
> device's width.
> I am creating a PNG object with width = 30 and height = 20 cm.
> I know that I should use split.screen or layout but I am lost with the
> matrix to pass to the functions.
> For istance, I tried:
> # distance in arbitrary units (so let's say cm) from of corners
> # left, right, bottom, and top counting from bottom left corner
> # that is first panel has the bottom right corner 20 cm from the bottom left?
>> m = matrix(c(0,20,40,0, 20,60,40,0), byrow=T, ncol=4)
>> m
> [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
> [1,]0   20   400
> [2,]   20   60   400
>> split.screen(m)
> Error in par(split.screens[[cur.screen]]) :
>  invalid value specified for graphical parameter "fig"
>> m[1,]
> [1]  0 20 40  0
>> split.screen(m[1,])
> Error in split.screen(m[1, ]) : 'figs' must specify at least one screen
> What should be the syntax for this task?
> -- 
> Best regards,
> Luigi
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Screen parrts shoeld be fractions (0 ...1), not percentages.
And bottom first, so ...

m = matrix(c(0,20,0,40, 20,60,0,40)/100, byrow=T, ncol=4)

 ... will work.

Success and
Best regards,


Franklin Bretschneider
Dept of Biology
Utrecht University

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Re: [R] Identify does sort the locations

2018-02-15 Thread Franklin Bretschneider

Isn't this loop more simple to retain the click-order:

result = numeric(n)
for (i in 1:n) {
id = identify(x, y, n=1)
result[i] = id

Hope this helps,

Best regards,

Franklin Bretschneider
Dept of Biology
Utrecht University

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Re: [R] Override/Insert (Change) a value (default value) inside a function

2017-03-11 Thread Franklin Bretschneider
Dear Mohammad Tanvir Ahamed,


> Hi!, 
> Lets I have a function form a package. 
> The function is,  as an example, 
> myplot <- function(x,y) { plot(x,y) }
> Now I can use the function according to function's defined argument. 
> x<- sort(runif(200))
> y<- 1:200
> myplot(x,y)
> Now I want to input extra argument or override default value of plot inside 
> the function myplot. 
> If I use  myplot (x,y, col = "red", cex = 0.1 )  it does not work . I clearly 
> understand , why it does not work . 
> But in this situation how can i solve the problem ? 

That's where the three-dot argument is for.

See "Introduction to R", paragraph 10.4 The ‘…’ argument.

Succes and
best regards,


Franklin Bretschneider
Dept of Biology
Utrecht University

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Re: [R] Euler & Runge-Kutta

2016-11-07 Thread Franklin Bretschneider
Hello Tom Mosca,


> Can someone help me with R code to perform approximations to second order 
> differential equations and systems of first order differential equations 
> using Euler's method and Runge-Kutta?  I am not a student and this is not for 
> a test or graded assignment.
> Examples (unrelated to each other):
> h = 0.1
> 1.  3(t^2)y'' - 5ty' + 5y = 0
> y(1) = 0, y'(1) = 2/3
> 2.  Lotka-Volterra
> x' = x(3-y)
> y' = y(x-3)

For solving differential equations, the famous "lsoda" solver is best, far 
better than the simple Euler method, and also better than Runge & Kutta.
Angels, or very nice people, implemented solving methods using the lsoda into 
R. Download the package "deSolve" and the world of numerical solutions is at 
your feet.

Succes, Franklin

Franklin Bretschneider
Dept of Biology
Utrecht University

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Re: [R] Same code on Mac?

2016-09-01 Thread Franklin Bretschneider
Dear Tom Mosca,


> Using a PC I have written the R code for my elementary statistics students.  
> One of the students has a Mac.  Should the same lines of code work on a Mac?
> Where can the student find support for R on her Mac?  I don't know anything 
> about them, and have never used one.

Some commands are platform-dependent though, such as opening the standard 
graphics window [quartz() vs windows()].
This needn't be a problem, since in R a script can sense on which platform it 
is running.
Some years ago I wrote a platform-sensing graphics routine, reproduced below.
This might help to prevent problems with simple graphics demos, and can no 
doubt be extended to other commands.

Success, and
Best regards,

Franklin Bretschneider
Dept of Biology
Utrecht University

#  function PIgraph.r
#  Platform-Independent graphics init
#  determines platform (Windows or Mac) then chooses device type
#  F. Bretschneider; 04-08-2009

PIgraph <- function(w,h) if(.Platform$OS.type == "windows") windows(w=w, h=h) 
else quartz(w=w, h=h)

#  example application
plot(x,y, type = 'o')

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Re: [R] as(, "numeric") vs as.numeric()

2016-02-01 Thread Franklin Bretschneider
Dear Erik Wright,


> Could someone please explain this R behavior to me:
>> typeof(as.numeric(1:10))
> [1] "double"
>> typeof(as(1:10, "numeric"))
> [1] "integer"
> I expected "double" in both cases.  In the help for the "as" function it says:
> "Methods are pre-defined for coercing any object to one of the basic 
> datatypes. For example, as(x, "numeric") uses the existing as.numeric 
> function."

This happens because 1:10 yields only integers, and so can be stored cheap,
whereas as.numeric() actually means: as.double.
The "numeric" in the second line is an unused argument.

Best regards,


Franklin Bretschneider
Dept of Biology
Utrecht University

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Re: [R] R editor for Mac

2016-01-20 Thread Franklin Bretschneider
Dear Christofer Bogaso,


> Could you please suggest a good R editor for Mac OS X (10.7.5)

Indeed, as Roy Mendelssohn wrote, the editor built into "", the GUI 
program which is part of the standard R for OS X, has a beautiful editor, 
complete with syntax colouring and bracket balancing. And one can run only one 
or a few lines from a script at wish.
I couldn't wish myself more.

Success and best wishes,


Franklin Bretschneider
Dept of Biology
Utrecht University

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Re: [R] Help request from Ph.D. Students

2016-01-11 Thread Franklin Bretschneider


> Dear All,
> I am Ph.D. student in Econometrics. My thesis is about "Linear Filtering on a 
> Time Series"  which R has already a nice package, namely "Filter". This 
> package is really helpful for my study. But, I really help from you to create 
> two filter using with "filter" package.
> I want to create two filter desribed in attachment (effects word file) using 
> "filter" package. But, I dont know how?
> I really need your reply,
> Sincerely,
> Alpay KOCAK
> (etc...)

I don't know a package called "filter", but a function "filter" is in the 
"stats" package
There are however more packages to filter time data. I use "signal", which also 
has a "filter" function in addition to functions to design filters yourself 
(from simple first-order to higher-order butterworth etc).
This package is intended to filter (electrical) signals, but might be used for 
any time series.
In addition, there are several packages for the analysis of seasonal data. You 
might search CRAN for the names.
Success and
Best Wishes,


Franklin Bretschneider
Dept of Biology
Utrecht University

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Re: [R] Problems trying to generate a prime factor vector

2015-12-03 Thread Franklin Bretschneider
Hi Kevin Wright,

> I am very new to 'R' and am trying to write an R function which returns the
> prime factors of a given number(n)
> Unfortunately, the function only works for very small numbers, if for
> example I pass 18 to the function
> a mysteriously long vector is returned. I have not been able to find where
> or why this is happening.
> I know I've done something wrong. I've tried using debugging statements.
> Sometimes the
> currentPrime variable seems to become some sort of array?!
> can you help?
> library(gmp)

But why writing one? Such a function is already in gmp: factorize(n), and
it works with fairly large numbers:

Big Integer ('bigz') object of length 13:
 [1] 2   2   2   2   5   7   11  73  101 109 109 137 167



Franklin Bretschneider
Dept of Biology
Utrecht University

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Re: [R] [FORGED] Re: How to correct documentation?

2015-10-25 Thread Franklin Bretschneider
Dear all,

As to stating units in graphs: IMHO it should be as follows:

If an axis reads 0  ... 10  ... 20 ... etc and the unit is pounds (lb), the 
legend should read "weight/lb" (pronounced "weight in pound").
The logic is: 10 lb/lb = 10. In orther words, dividing a dimensioned number by 
the dimension leaves the bare number, which is what the axis shows.
So in the case of the OP the legend should read: "weight/1000lb".
Thus, 2 lb/1000lb = 20, which is what the axis shows.



Franklin Bretschneider
Dept of Biology
Utrecht University

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Re: [R] Command to input a variable value in real time

2015-10-12 Thread Franklin Bretschneider
Dear nicholas.wray,


> Hi  I am sure that there is a command in R which tells the prog to wait until
> you have input a value for a variable, but for the life of me I can't find it.
> Searches on the net only seem to talk about inputting datasets etc, not about
> real time single inputs. I'd be most grateful if anyone could point me in the
> right direction
> Thanks, Nick Wray
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Maybe you need "readline()" in base-R:

> readline {base}   R Documentation
> Read a Line from the Terminal
> Description
> readline reads a line from the terminal (in interactive use).
> Usage
> readline(prompt = "")
> Arguments
> prompt
> the string printed when prompting the user for input. Should usually end with 
> a space " ".

Best wishes,


Franklin Bretschneider
Dept of Biology
Utrecht University

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Re: [R] Opposite color in R

2015-07-26 Thread Franklin Bretschneider
Dear Atte Tenkanen,

 I have tried to find a way to find opposite or complementary colors in R.
 I would like to form a color circle with R like this one:
 If you just make a basic color wheel in R, the colors do not form 
 complementary color circle:
 pie(rep(1, 24), col = Colors)
 There is a package ”colortools” where you can find function opposite(), but 
 it doesn’t work as is said. I tried
 opposite(violet) and got green instead of yellow and
 opposite(blue) and got yellow instead of orange.
 Do you know any solutions?
 Atte Tenkanen

Actually, yellow and blue are complementary colours, but red and green aren't. 

The human visual system has three types of cones: red-sensitive, 
green-sensitive and blue-sensitive.
(the labels are approximate, e.g. red-sensitive cones have their optimum 
sensitivity at a wavelength we might call orange, but for understanding 
colours, R-G-B is the useful standard designation).
A certain combination of these three together, such as in sunlight, is seen as 
white. In the digital domain, the three colour channels of an image are 
usually scaled to 8-bit numbers, i.e. from zero up to and including 255. So, 
all three channels 255 makes white.

Leaving one of the three colors out yields yellow (no blue), magenta (no green) 
and cyan (no red). The pairs yellow-blue, magenta-green and cyan-red  are truly 
complementary colours.

Colours are the result of the wavelength of the light, so one would expect 
colours to lie on a linear scale, from about 700 nm (red), through 550 (green) 
to about 440 nm (blue).

There is a complication, however: the photosensitive pigment of our red cones 
has a second action peak past that of the blue cones, so past pure blue we see 
a sort of reddish blue, in other words violet or purple. Therefore, the colours 
can be plotted in a circle, where violet and purple fill the gap between blue 
and red.

Using a combination of the three ground colors R, G and B, any desired colour 
shade can be composed. Orange, for example, consists of (approximately) all red 
and half green. 

- - - - - - - - -

R has ample possibilities to compose colours or colour palettes, with which one 
can create (almost continuous) gradients or stepwise colour patches.
Examples are col2rgb():

green  165
blue 0

green  130
blue   238

Cindy Brewer wrote a fine set of colour functions, adapted to R by Erich 
Neuwirth. See package RColorBrewer.

And much can be done with the standard R distribution:
The following code plots a some colours in a circle, with the complementary 
colours at opposite sides (so crudely what you're after):

# define colour triplets
reds =   c( 255, 255,  255,0,0,0,0,  128)
greens = c(   0, 127,  255,  255,  255,  127,0,0)
blues=   c(   0,   0,0,0,  255,  255,  255,  255)
n = length(reds)
#  compute circle to plot in
stp = 2*pi/n
th = seq(0,2*pi-stp, length.out=n)
x = cos(th); y=sin(th)
#  plot (on a Mac, for other OSses call the appropriate grahics window
quartz(w=5, h=5)
plot(x,y,pch=15, cex=8, col=rgb(reds, greens, blues, maxColorValue = 255), 
asp=1, axes=FALSE, xlab='', ylab='')
points(x,y,pch=0, cex=8, col=black)
# arrows connect the complementary colours
arrows(0,0, 0.7*x, 0.7*y, length = 0.25, col = grey)

Hope this helps;
Best wishes,


Franklin Bretschneider
Dept of Biology
Utrecht University

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Re: [R] Cross correlation between two time series over nested time periods?

2015-05-14 Thread Franklin Bretschneider

On 2015-05-14 , at 02:11, Tim via R-help wrote:

Hello Tim,


 I have two time series
 Calculate and plot cross correlation between two time series over nested time 
 periods. Each point in either time series is for a week (not exactly a 
 calendar week, but the first week in a calendar year always starts from Jan 
 1, and the other weeks in the same year follow that, and the last week of the 
 year may contain more than 7 days but no more than 13 days).
 The first time series A is stored in a compressed (.gz) text file, which 
 looks like (each week and the corresponding time series value are separated 
 by a comma in a line):
 The second time series B is similarly stored in a compressed (.gz) text file, 
 but over a subset of period of A, which looks like:
 I wonder how to calculate the cross correlation between the two time series A 
 and B (up to a specified maximum lag), and plot A and B in a single plot? 

The auto- and crosscorrelation functions are in the stats package:

acf(x, lag.max = NULL,
type = c(correlation, covariance, partial),
plot = TRUE, na.action =, demean = TRUE, ...)

ccf(x, y, lag.max = NULL, type = c(correlation, covariance),
plot = TRUE, na.action =, ...)

See further: ?ccf

Succes and
Best wishes,


Franklin Bretschneider
Dept of Biology
Utrecht University

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Re: [R] A problem with string handling to make a time duration

2015-05-05 Thread Franklin Bretschneider
Hello gavinr,

 I have a character string that represents a time duration. It has an hours
 minutes seconds structure(ish) but with letters denoting units (H,M or S) no
 leading zeros and no placeholder at all where one or other of the units are
 not required.
 It looks like this:
 t-c(10H20M33S,1H1M,1M,21M9S,2H55S ))
 #ideally should look like:
 I need to get it into hours minutes and seconds either in time format or as
 a string with leading zeros and all three time units represented in each
 one, as in df2.  The data, part of a very large dataset, are for onward use
 and processing in a GIS application.  I’ve messed about with string handling
 statements in SQL to no avail, but wondered if R would be a better bet? 
 I’ve had a look at some of the commands in stringr, but am unsure how to
 operationalise a solution using this package.  Any advice is welcome.

This can be done easily with the substring function, e.g.

# say:


#then pick:


#  and join again:

newstr = paste(h,m,sep=:)
#  etcetera

Success and
Best regards,


Franklin Bretschneider
Dept of Biology
Utrecht University

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Re: [R] [R-SIG-Mac] Unsubscribe from the list

2015-05-04 Thread Franklin Bretschneider
Hi Silvia Solis,


 I wanted to ask you to scratch this email address from the mailing 
 list.  This is a work address and I already receive your emails con my 
 personal account.  My mistake this one time I replied from a different 
 email address.
   [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
 R-SIG-Mac mailing list

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Franklin Bretschneider
Dept of Biology
Utrecht University

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Re: [R] FFT Normalization Documentation

2015-02-03 Thread Franklin Bretschneider
Dear Elke; Jeff,


 Eike: Understanding Discrete Fourier Transform theory is not trivial... while 
 a vignette added to the stat package has the potential help a lot of users, 
 it is a bit ambitious to try to supplant the extensive published material on 
 using and interpreting the DFT (particularly as there is more than one way 
 to do it and the R fft() function is very typical of fft implementations). 
 (Similar arguments could be applied to most of the stat package... note the 
 absence of vignettes there.) It might be more practical to propose to R-devel 
 some patches to the fft() help file references and examples sections. 
 Alternatively, you could write YAB (Yet Another Blog) for people to search 
 Frank: While folding is an important concept to know about when interpreting 
 DFT results, I think something went rather wrong in your example with your 
 mask variable since folding applies to f (for forward fft) or t (for 
 inverse fft), not to the corresponding magnitudes. In addition to that, it is 
 simply not necessary to pre-fold your data before applying the fft... the 
 folding is assumed by the math to exist in the input outside the input 
 window, and there is nothing you can do to the data to affect that 
 assumption. Folding in the output is more visibly evident, but presenting it 
 as a symmetric plot is entirely optional and is not done in most cases.

Maybe I didn't use the proper terminology, but what I called 'folding' is a 
modification of the input signal used only to present the amplitude spectrum in 
a convenient way. The FFT (butterfly algorithm) yields a complex array where 
the highest frequencies (pos and neg) are in the middle, the lowest (and DC and 
fNyq) are at the ends. To display this same array with the DC value in the 
middle, the neg frequencies increasing to the left and the pos frequencies to 
the right, the trick with the +1/-1 mask is performed. This mask function is in 
fact a square wave at the Nyquist frequency.
In Matlab, it is in a routine called fftshift, see here:

 Y = fftshift(X) rearranges the outputs of fft, fft2, and fftn by moving the 
 zero-frequency component to the center of the array. It is useful for 
 visualizing a Fourier transform with the zero-frequency component in the 
 middle of the spectrum.

This is from the MathWorks web site:

In addition, in my example I forgot to scale the amplitude. This must indeed be 
divided by n (the number of data points).
So, change my line YY - fft(yy) into YY - fft(yy)/n. Now the amplitudes of 
the spectral line are numerically the same as given in the composition of y.
These values must indeed be regarded with caution, since with real-world 
signals the energy will most often be spread among several spectral lines.
Windowing (Hann, Hanning, Blackman etc.) then improves the spectrum, but that's 
a different story.

Best wishes,


Franklin Bretschneider
Dept of Biology
Utrecht University

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Re: [R] FFT Normalization Documentation

2015-02-02 Thread Franklin Bretschneider
Dear Eike Petersen,


 Hello everyone,
 the docpage for the fft function states:
 “Description: Performs the Fast Fourier Transform of an array.”
 “Arguments – inverse: if ‘TRUE’, the unnormalized inverse transform is 
 (the inverse has a ‘+’ in the exponent of e, but here, we do _not_ divide by
 Judging from this, I would expect ‘fft(x)’ to yield the correct FFT of x, and
 ‘fft(X, inverse = TRUE) / length(X)’ to yield the correct inverse FFT of X.
 However, it seems to me that actually the result of ‘fft(x)’ should be scaled 
 ‘1/length(x)’, while ‘fft(X, inverse=TRUE)’ seems to yield a correct result by
 t - seq(0.001, 1, 0.001)
 y - 1 + sin(2*pi*20*t) + 1.5 * sin(2*pi*30*t)
 Y - fft(y)
 plot(abs(Y)) ## Shows peaks at amplitudes 1000, 500 and 750, while they should
 be at amplitude 1, 0.5 and 0.75.
 y2 - Re(fft(Y / length(Y), inverse = TRUE))
 max(abs(y-y2)) ## The IFFT yields a correctly scaled result by default, if
 applied to a correctly scaled FFT.
 Did I get something wrong? If not, having spent quite some time figuring this
 out, I would like to see the documentation clearly pointing this out. I find 
 current text rather confusing.
 On another note: I have spent some time working on demo files that showcase 
 of the properties of the FFT and their implementation in R. I have done this
 primarily for myself, as I keep forgetting how these things work, but I 
 that it might be helpful to others as well. Any hints on where/how I should
 publish such a thing?
 Kind regards and many thanks in advance,
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As far as I know an FFT must be normalized and folded to obtain a spectrum in 
the form we like, so this would be my version:

#  your time signal:

t - seq(0.001, 1, 0.001)
y - 1 + sin(2*pi*20*t) + 1.5 * sin(2*pi*30*t)

# find time and frequency calibration:

n = length(y)
dt = t[2]-t[1]
fNyq = 1/(2*dt)
tmax = max(t)
df = 1/tmax

#  make frequency vector to display as x-values of the spectrum rather than the 

f = seq(-fNyq, fNyq-df, by=df)

#  make folding mask

mask=rep(c(1, -1),length.out=n)

#  fold the spectrum around the Nyquist frequency; so the DC value (f=0) is in 
the middle; the - and + max frequency at the ends.

yy = y * mask

#  #  Then do the FFT

YY - fft(yy)

Plot the amplitude spectrum vector against the freq. vector

plot(f,abs(YY), type='h') 

It would be a good idea to put such an example in the help pages indeed. 
The short example given in the manual isn't of much help for the usual 
(periodic!) time signals.

Hoping this helps, I remain

With best wishes,


Franklin Bretschneider
Dept of Biology
Utrecht University

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Re: [R] help with looping a specific code

2015-01-07 Thread Franklin Bretschneider

On 2015-01-07 , at 16:29, Haznadar, Majda (NIH/NCI) [E] wrote:

 I would like to loop a specific code through multiple files ending in .CDF in 
 the same directory, but I am unsure of how to do that (new to R).
 Can someone please help me with this-thank you.
 This is the code I would like to loop:
 xr-xcmsRaw(mh141210xg2_sccs_00101.CDF, profstep=0)
 write.mzdata(xr, file=mh141210xg2_sccs_00101.CDF)
 And there are 675 of these .CDF files in the directory that I would like to 
 apply the code to. Also, when I save the file in the second line of code, I 
 would like it to have the same name as it previously had, so just re-write 
 the old file.
 Thanks so much for your time!!

I use this function to find the appropriate file names, as follows:

getFolder - function(pat)
#cat(paste(\nFilename found is: ,fname,'\n'))
cat(paste(\nFolder name found is: ,foln,'\n'))
drtext=dir(foln, pattern=pat, full.names = TRUE)

# it can be called with the appropriate extension as a pattern, e.g. .wav

#  this variable now contains all filenames (complete path names) of the 
selected type
# and can be used t read in a loop:

#  for (i in 1:length(follist) {
#  rad ypur file
#  do something with it
#  view or save the results
#  }

Maybe you can adapt this to your problem.

Success and
Best wishes,

Franklin Bretschneider
Dept of Biology
Utrecht University

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Re: [R] quartz() and windows()

2014-06-28 Thread Franklin Bretschneider
Dear Megersa ,

 Which version of R  is used for quartz  function please?

Quartz is the Apple Mac graphics window (device).
On Windows use ... windows()

Best wishes,

Franklin Bretschneider
Dept of Biology
Utrecht University

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Re: [R] par(mfrow)

2014-04-04 Thread Franklin Bretschneider


 I have some problems using the par function: I want to split the screen into 
 2 rows and 4 col and I type  par(mfrow=c(2, 4))  but when I do that, 
 instead of setting a graphical parameter, it creates a white Quarz.
 I'm currently using the R base version for Mac Os, 3.0.3 .
 Could you give me an help?
 Thank you very much, 

But that's correct, if you don't plot something afterwards. Try plotting 8 x-y 
graphs, then you'll see that 8 small plot will appear (unless the margins will 
prove to be too large).

Good luck,

Franklin Bretschneider
Dept of Biology
Utrecht University

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Re: [R] [R-SIG-Mac] upgrade to Mavericks

2014-03-28 Thread Franklin Bretschneider
Dear Richard M. Heiberger,


 Apple has been popping an offer for a free upgrade to Mavericks.
 (I currently have OS X Lion10.7.5 on an 8GB MacBook Air).
 Other than this offer from Apple, I have no dissatisfaction with the Mac
 for my use pattern.
 There has been much comment on this list about the difficulties of
 compiling R with Mac.
 I am not planning to compile R.
 Are there any remaining issues with using R on the Mac that should make
 we want to not upgrade?  Or is Mavericks now stable enough that upgrading
 would make sense.

Mavericks seems OK: I bought a MacBook Air last december, and immediately put 
Mavericks on it. 
Since then, I'm running R (3.0.x) without any problems (as far as I remember). 
So it seems safe to upgrade (as to R; other software, such as Filemaker pro, 
might be incompatible, so read the forums).

Best regards,


Franklin Bretschneider
Dept of Biology
Utrecht University

__ mailing list
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Re: [R] Problem of ! operator

2014-03-28 Thread Franklin Bretschneider
Daer Massimiliano Tripoli,


 Dear all,
 I wrote a function :
 idrecfun - function(x)
  idi - 1
  esn - x[order(x)]
  if !(all(esn==x)) stop(x not ordered)
  esn - as.character(esn)
  for (i in 2:length(esn)) if(esn[i]==esn[i-1]) 
  idi[i] - idi[i-1] else idi[i] - idi[i-1] + 1
 for whichever I send the code R give to me this error:
 idrecfun - function(x)
 +   {
 +   idi - 1
 +   esn - x[order(x)]
 +   if !(all(esn==x)) stop(x not ordered)
 Error: unexpected '!' in:
   esn - x[order(x)]
  if !
  esn - as.character(esn)
 Error: object 'esn' not found
  for (i in 2:length(esn)) if(esn[i]==esn[i-1]) 
 +   idi[i] - idi[i-1] else idi[i] - idi[i-1] + 1
 Error: object 'esn' not found
 Error: object 'idi' not found
 Error: unexpected '}' in  }
 What's wrong with my code? Anyone may help me, please?
 This is the output of sessionInfo():
 R version 3.0.3 (2014-03-06)
 Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
 [1] LC_COLLATE=English_United States.1252  LC_CTYPE=English_United 
 [3] LC_MONETARY=English_United States.1252 LC_NUMERIC=C   

 [5] LC_TIME=English_United States.1252
 attached base packages:
 [1] stats graphics  grDevices utils datasets  methods   base 
 loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] tools_3.0.3
 Massimiliano Tripoli 
 Collaboratore T.E.R. scado il 31/12/2014 
 ISTAT - DCCN - Direzione Centrale della Contabilità Nazionale 
 U.O. Contabilità dei flussi di materia del sistema economico - CSA/C 
 Via Depretis, 74/B 00184 Roma 
 Tel. 06.4673.3132 
 Collaboratore T.E.R. scado il 31/12/2014 
 Dipartimento  DICS Dipartimento per i conti nazionali e le statistiche 
 Direzione DCCN Direzione Centrale della contabilità nazionale
 Servizio  FIP Servizio Statistiche della Finanza Pubblica
 Ufficio   FIP/E U.O. Conti trimestrali delle amministrazioni pubbliche e 
 conti della sanità
 Via Depretis, 74/B 00184 Roma 
 Tel. 06.4673.3132 
 __ mailing list
 PLEASE do read the posting guide
 and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

This line is wrong:

 if !(all(esn==x)) stop(x not ordered)

Try again with ! after (

(so if (!something)...

And if there prove to be more problems, scrutinize your code (check, re-check 
and double-check).

Best regards,


Franklin Bretschneider
Dept of Biology
Utrecht University

__ mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] How to fix the warning message the condition has length 1 and only the first element will be used?

2014-03-19 Thread Franklin Bretschneider
Hi jcrosbie ,


 I'm trying to create a function to return the date x months in the past. 
 With the code below I'm getting the warning message:
 Warning message:
 In if (MonthsBack = CurrentMonth) { :
 the condition has length  1 and only the first element will be used

Use ifelse(), that's for vectors. If is intended for single elements only.

Best wishes,


Franklin Bretschneider
Dept of Biology
Utrecht University

__ mailing list
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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] tip: large plots

2011-11-18 Thread Franklin Bretschneider
Dear Sarah,


 Hi all,
 I'm working with a bunch of large graphs, and stumbled across
 something useful. Probably many of you know this, but I didn't and so
 others might benefit.
 Using pch=. speeds up plotting considerably over using symbols.
 x - runif(100)
 y - runif(100)
 system.time(plot(x, y, pch=.))
   user  system elapsed
  1.042   0.030   1.077
 system.time(plot(x, y))
   user  system elapsed
 37.865   0.033  38.122
 If you have enough points, the result is also more legible.
 Choice of which pch symbol makes a difference too, the default pch=1 being
 the slowest of what I tried, but . is by far the speediest.
 system.time(plot(x, y, pch=0))
   user  system elapsed
 11.191   0.011  11.270
 system.time(plot(x, y, pch=1))
   user  system elapsed
 38.024   0.008  38.245
 system.time(plot(x, y, pch=2))
   user  system elapsed
 14.140   0.027  14.270
 system.time(plot(x, y, pch=3))
   user  system elapsed
 15.696   0.011  15.799
 system.time(plot(x, y, pch=4))
   user  system elapsed
 18.770   0.007  18.888
 This is a vanilla R session, 2.13.1 for x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu. I
 haven't tried it on any other OS, but it's making my life a lot
 smoother right now.

With Mac OS10 (Snow Leopard, MacBookPro, R version 2.14.0), it 's a bit 
[1] plot symbol . (dot)
   user  system elapsed 
 16.620   0.087  16.731 
[1] plot symbol default (circle)
   user  system elapsed 
 53.132   0.134  52.959 
[1] symbol#  0
   user  system elapsed 
 18.828   0.090  18.803 
[1] symbol#  1
   user  system elapsed 
 53.046   0.134  52.877 
[1] symbol#  2
   user  system elapsed 
 22.000   0.154  22.401 
[1] symbol#  3
   user  system elapsed 
 20.794   0.096  20.763 
[1] symbol#  4
   user  system elapsed 
 23.534   0.098  23.542 

It seems that even-numbered symbols are plotted faster than the odd ones

By the way, I learn a lot about R programming by just following r-help!

Best regards,

Franklin Bretschneider
Dept Biologie
Kruytgebouw W711
Padualaan 8
3584 CH Utrecht
The Netherlands

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