Re: [R] axis labels not showing

2012-04-08 Thread Ivan Allaman
It's very simple my boy!! Do you already to play with "mar"? So..Try to
change the values this object. For example, par(..., mar=c(*5*,2,2,2)).


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[R] Help ordinal mixed model!

2012-03-24 Thread Ivan Allaman
Good afternoon, gentlemen! After several days studying and researching on
categorical data (various forums with answers from the owner of the library
- all incipient) how to interpret the output the function MCMCglmm, come to
enlist the help of you, if someone has already worked with MCMCglmm function
in the case of variables ordinal dependent. I've read and reread all the
pdf's of the package, the coursenotes Jarrod, finally, I'm exhausted. To
clarify the database, the treatment (called fases) consist of three levels
(1-pre, 2-propolis and 3-vincris) and the ordinal variable response has
three categories (1-normal, 2-agudo, 3 - cronico). See table!

du <-
du <- subset(du, ALT.RENAIS != 'NA')  

tabela <- table(du[,c(2,4)])
colnames(tabela) <- c('Normal','Aguda','Crônica')
rownames(tabela) <- c('Pre','Propolis','Vincr')

#the mixed model:
mod1 <- MCMCglmm(ALT.RENAIS ~-1+FASES, random= ~ ANIMAIS,

Then the pain starts, since the documentation is insufficient in this case.
According to him Jarrod (forums), the a posteriori means of the coefficients
of the covariates are the probit scale. According to my study, these
coefficients are the scores of standard normal distribution. More scores
should not correspond to cutpoints? In this case, we would have j (response
variable categories) -1 cutpoints, ie, two cutpoints. The output shows me
only one cutpoint. How can then calculate the probabilities with only one
cutpoint? According to the documentation (Vignettes, page 22), if P (y = k)
= F (yk | l (vlatente), 1) - F (yk-1 | l, 1), this '1' would probably be the
category '1' of the dependent variable? Anyway gentlemen, how can I extract
the probabilities for the stages for each category of the dependent
variable? I thank everyone's attention.

#Absurd results!
latentv <- mean(mod1$Liab)
cutpoint <- mean(mod1$CP)

pnorm(-(latentv), 0, sqrt(2))
pnorm(cutpoint - (latentv),0, sqrt(2)) - pnorm((latentv),0, sqrt(2))
1- pnorm(cutpoint - (latentv),0, sqrt(2))

#this would have a logical outcome to some extent, more would just be
referring to category '1' of the dependent variable. And the other?
bre <-
pnorm(bre[4])-pnorm(bre[3])# negative probability? 

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[R] To add cut-off points in surface response with lattice

2011-06-11 Thread Ivan Allaman
Good morning gentlemen! 

I'm not a fan of the lattice due to a large number of procedures what should
be done to reach a simple goal, but have confess that in some cases the
graphics are way better than the graphics. Some days I have been searching
without success as is to add a cut-off point on a graph of response surface.
It is interesting that the researcher to look at the graph spotting cut-off
point. Here is a minimal code reproducible. 

jet.colors <- colorRampPalette( c("blue", "green") )  
x <- seq(-1.95, 1.95, length=30)
y <- seq(-1.95, 1.95, length=35)
da <- expand.grid(x=x, y=y)
da$z <- with(da, x*y^2)

panel.3d.contour <-
  function(x, y, z, rot.mat, distance,
   nlevels = 20, zlim.scaled, ...)
add.line <- trellis.par.get("add.line")
panel.3dwire(x, y, z, rot.mat, distance,
 zlim.scaled = zlim.scaled, ...)
clines <-
  contourLines(x, y, matrix(z, nrow = length(x), byrow = TRUE),
   nlevels = nlevels)
for (ll in clines) {
  m <- ltransform3dto3d(rbind(ll$x, ll$y, zlim.scaled[1]),
rot.mat, distance)
  panel.lines(m[1,], m[2,], col = add.line$col,
  lty = add.line$lty, lwd = add.line$lwd)
wireframe(z~x+y, da, drape=TRUE,

Tank' s!

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[R] The nls2 function automatically prints the object!

2010-11-24 Thread Ivan Allaman

Good morning gentlemen!

When I use the function nls2, and store it in an object, that object is
automatically printed, without the summary or to draw the object. For

model <- nls2 (...)

Number of iterations to convergence: ...
Achieved convergence tolerance: ...
Nonlinear regression model
  model: ... ~ ...
   Date: NULL
The B k
 ... ... ...
 residual sum-of-squares: ...

Number of iterations to convergence: ...
Achieved convergence tolerance: ...

I would not print automatically, I would like to remain stored in the object
"model", and only if I authorize impressed, calling the "model" or a
summary. Does anyone know how to get around this?
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[R] How using the weights argument in nls2?

2010-09-02 Thread Ivan Allaman

Good morning gentlemen!

How using a weighted model in nls2? Values with the nls are logical since
values with nls2 are not. I believe that this discrepancy is due to I did
not include the weights argument in nls2.

Here's an example:

MOISTURE <- c(28.41640,  28.47340,  29.05821,  28.52201,  30.92055, 
31.07901,  31.35840, 31.69617,  32.07168,  31.87296,  31.35525,  32.66118, 
33.23385,  32.72256,
32.57929,  32.12674,  52.35225,  52.77275,  64.90770,  64.90770,  85.23800,
84.43300,  68.96560,  68.41395,  70.82880,  71.18400,  96.13240,  96.07920,
95.35160,  94.71660,  87.59190,  88.63250,  89.78760,  90.17820, 88.46160,
87.10860, 94.86660,  94.51830,  75.79000,  76.98780, 144.70950, 143.88950,
111.58620, 112.71510, 120.85300, 121.43100, 116.34840, 114.87420, 195.35040,
191.36040, 265.35220, 267.25450, 227.13700, 228.78000, 238.37120, 242.70700,
299.54890, 291.04110, 220.09920, 219.82650, 236.79150, 243.70710, 208.79880,
208.12260, 417.21420, 429.59480, 360.91080, 371.66400, 357.72520, 360.53640,
383.82600, 383.82600, 434.02700, 432.57500, 440.56260, 438.32340, 468.69600,
469.82140, 497.93680, 497.17010)

YEARS <-  rep(c(86,109, 132, 158, 184, 220, 254, 276, 310,

VARIANCE <- c(2.0879048 ,   2.0879048,2.0879048,2.0879048,   
0.3442724,0.3442724,0.3442724,0.3442724,   0.3442724,
0.3442724,  151.9481710,  151.9481710,  151.9481710,  151.9481710,
151.9481710,  151.9481710,  151.9481710,  151.9481710,  115.3208995,
115.3208995,  115.3208995,  115.3208995,  115.3208995,  115.3208995,
115.3208995,  115.3208995,   51.9965027,   51.9965027,   51.9965027,
51.9965027,   51.9965027,   51.9965027,  51.9965027,   51.9965027,
180.0496045, 180.0496045,  180.0496045,  180.0496045,  180.0496045,
180.0496045,  180.0496045,  180.0496045,  791.3223240,  791.3223240,
791.3223240,  791.3223240,  791.3223240,  791.3223240,  791.3223240,
791.3223240, 1280.0179973, 1280.0179973, 1280.0179973, 1280.0179973,
1280.0179973, 1280.0179973, 1280.0179973, 1280.0179973,  728.9582154,
728.9582154,  728.9582154,  728.9582154,  728.9582154,  728.9582154,
728.9582154,  728.9582154,  752.4591144,  752.4591144,  752.4591144,
752.4591144,  752.4591144,  752.4591144,  752.4591144,  752.4591144)

test <- data.frame(YEARS,MOISTURE,VARIANCE)

mod.nls <- nls(MOISTURE ~ A/(1+B*exp(-k*YEARS)),
data = test, 
weights = 1/VARIANCE,
start = list(A=1500, B=200, k=0.03345),
control=list(maxiter = 500),

Following the example of pdf!

st1 <- expand.grid(A = seq(0, 2000, len = 10),
B = seq(0, 500, len = 10), k = seq(-1, 10, len = 10))

mod.nls2 <-nls2(MOISTURE ~ A/(1+B*exp(-k*YEARS)),
data = test, 
start = st1,

I appreciate everyone's attention.
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[R] Res: How to use the function "glht" of multcomp package to test interaction?

2010-05-31 Thread Ivan Allaman

Hi Richard,

First thank you for your attention. Actually
the way it approached the examples of statements do not like a lot,
because the calculations are done separately for each factor of
interest to the interaction. Why will not it pleases me so much? Tukey's tests 
as for example using the mean square error (MSE) for the calculation of minimum 
significant differences (MSD). When
the analysis is done separately, the contrasts are made with the new
model, rather than the original model which contained the interactions. Thus 
the contrasts are different, since they use different MSE. What is your opinion?

M.Sc Ivan Bezerra Allaman 
Doutorando em Produção Animal/Aquicultura - UFLA 
email e msn - 
Tel: (35)3826-6608/9925-6428

De: Richard M. Heiberger [via R] 

Enviadas: Domingo, 30 de Maio de 2010 13:09:37
Assunto: Re: How to use the function "glht" of multcomp package to test 

Usually you will want to look at simple effects of the factors when there is 
interaction.  Please look at the WoodEnergy demos in the HH package. 
These examples use glht. 

install.packages("HH")  ## if you don't currently have HH 


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[R] How to use the function "glht" of multcomp package to test interaction?

2010-05-30 Thread Ivan Allaman

It's been a few weeks I'm racking my brains on how to use the function glht
the package multcomp to test interactions. Unfortunately, the creator of the
package forgot to put a sample in pdf package how to do it. I have looked in
several places, but found nothing. If someone for the love of God can help
me I'll be extremely grateful. The model is glm.

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[R] Split-plot design in GLM with only fixed factors.

2010-05-23 Thread Ivan Allaman

Good evening gentlemen!

I have a test in split-plot with randomized block design where my answer is
a binomial variable. I wonder if there is any way I can calculate the
probability of my factors considering the design errors in the case are two.
I looked at various threads here and elsewhere, and unfortunately no to
answer objective my problem that is very simple. My interest isn't to
estimate variance components, so I see no reason to use functions like LM as
found on most topics. If anyone knows a way to calculate the probability of
my factors as we do in an LM model, ie, announcing the types of errors so
that the probability factor in interest is not prejudiced, I'd be grateful.
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Re: [R] Res: Using the zero-inflated binomial in experimental designs

2010-05-19 Thread Ivan Allaman

Hi Ben!

Following his recommendations I did the following:
1st step:
I compared the best model for binomial and binomial inflates.
1.1 Best model for Binomial.

dg$resp.mumi <- cbind(dg$MUMI,dg$NT - dg$MUMI)
mod.mumi.binomial  <- glm(resp.mumi ~ factor(PARTO)*REG, family=binomial,
data = dg)
mod.mumi.binomial1 <- glm(resp.mumi ~ factor(PARTO) + REG, family=binomial,
data = dg)
mod.mumi.binomial2 <- glm(resp.mumi ~ REG, family=binomial, data = dg)
df= 15) 
[1] 0.1354171
df= 5) 
[1] 0.06030012

The 5% significance level, we can choose the most parsimonious model, ie the
model "mod.mumi.binomial2".

1.2 Best model for binomial inflates
mod.mumi.binomialinflacionada <- vglm(resp.mumi ~
factor(PARTO)*REG,zibinomial, data = dg)
mod.mumi.binomialinflacionada1 <- vglm(resp.mumi ~
factor(PARTO)+REG,zibinomial, data = dg)
mod.mumi.binomialinflacionada2 <- vglm(resp.mumi ~ REG,zibinomial, data =
df= 15) 
[1] 0.1477837
df= 5) 
[1] 0.0989934

The 5% significance level, we can choose the most parsimonious model, ie the
model "mod.mumi.binomialinflacionada2".

2st step:
Compare the best model of the binomial model with the best of inflated
df= 1) 
[1] 0.1929690

There wasn't difference between the models. Must i choose the most
parsimonious model?

Thanks for your attention and sorry for the inconvenience.

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[R] Res: Using the zero-inflated binomial in experimental designs

2010-05-18 Thread Ivan Allaman

Hi Ben!

First I thank you for your attention. Unfortunately, the ANOVA does not work 
with vglm. In
another email, Rafael warned me that actually a lot of zeros does not
necessarily imply a distribution of zeros binomail inflated. So how could I 
test if my variable is or not a binomial zero inflated?


M.Sc Ivan Bezerra Allaman 
Doutorando em Produção Animal/Aquicultura - UFLA 
email e msn - 
Tel: (35)3826-6608/9925-6428

De: Ben Bolker [via R] 

Enviadas: Terça-feira, 18 de Maio de 2010 13:34:01
Assunto: Re: Using the zero-inflated binomial in experimental designs

 Ivan Allaman> writes: 

> I'm trying to use the inflated binomial distribution of zeros (since 75% of 
> the values are zeros) in a randomized block experiment with four 
> quantitative treatments (0, 0.5, 1, 1.5), but I'm finding it difficult, 
> since the examples available in VGAM packages like for example, leave us
> unsure of how it should be the data.frame for such analysis. Unfortunately 
> the function glm does not have an option to place a family of this kind I'm 
> about, because if I had, it would be easy, made that my goal is simple, just 
> wanting to compare the treatments. For that you have an idea, here is an
> example of my database. 
> Inicial   0  18 0 

> where: NIV are the treatments; NT is the total number of piglets born; Mumi 
> is the number of mummified piglets NT. Mumi The variable is of interest. If 
> someone can tell me some stuff on how I can do these tests in R, similar to 
> what I would do using the function glm, I'd be grateful. 
> I thank everyone's attention. 

something like comparing the likelihoods of 

m1 <- vglm(cbind(MUMI,NT-MUMI)~NIV*BLOCK,zibinomial,data=mydata) 
m2 <- vglm(cbind(MUMI,NT-MUMI)~NIV+BLOCK,zibinomial,data=mydata) 
m3 <- vglm(cbind(MUMI,NT-MUMI)~BLOCK,zibinomial,data=mydata) 

I don't know whether the anova() method works for VGLM objects 
or not. 

  By the way, 75% zeroes doesn't necessarily imply zero-inflation -- 
perhaps it just means a low incidence? 

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[R] Using the zero-inflated binomial in experimental designs

2010-05-18 Thread Ivan Allaman

I'm trying to use the inflated binomial distribution of zeros (since 75% of
the values are zeros) in a randomized block experiment with four
quantitative treatments (0, 0.5, 1, 1.5), but I'm finding it difficult,
since the examples available in VGAM packages like for example, leave us
unsure of how it should be the data.frame for such analysis. Unfortunately
the function glm does not have an option to place a family of this kind I'm
about, because if I had, it would be easy, made that my goal is simple, just
wanting to compare the treatments. For that you have an idea, here is an
example of my database.

Inicial 0  18 0 
Inicial 0  15 0 
Inicial 0.5 9 0 
Inicial 0.5   19  1 
Inicial 1 13  1 
Inicial 1 11  0 
Inicial 1.5  12  2
Inicial 1.5  10  1
Meio   0   13 0 
Meio  0  10   2 
Meio 0.5   17 0 
Meio 0.5  14  1 
Meio  1   13  0 
Meio 1  9 0 
Meio  1.5  110 
Meio  1.5  12   1

where: NIV are the treatments; NT is the total number of piglets born; Mumi
is the number of mummified piglets NT. Mumi The variable is of interest. If
someone can tell me some stuff on how I can do these tests in R, similar to
what I would do using the function glm, I'd be grateful.
I thank everyone's attention.
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