
In my experiment I have 2 Groups (control patient) and 4 blocks of trials
per subject,  n=12 for Control and n=11 for patient
The variances of the patients is very much higher than that of the Control.

1-  I tried an ANOVA with Groups as between factor and Blocks as within
factor (repeated measures).
    aov(Y ~ gr*block+Error(subj/block), data=d)
    works OK but without the significant effect I was looking for, which may
be caused by the variances.  So  I though I¹d use lme....

2-  lme.m = lme(Y ~ gr*block, data=d, random=~1 + block | subj);

I¹d like to make sure that my lme model is correctly psecified.

Thanks in advance for your help!
Patrick Bédard Ph.D.
Dept. of Neuroscience
Brown University

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