Re: [ESS] ESS failing to load from a directory outside the FHS

2021-03-17 Thread Steve Gutreuter via ESS-help

Thanks Rodney,

Sysadmins did the installation, which is when I presume everything was 

At any rate, setting ess-etc-directory did not result in ESS loading.  I 
still get the message "Error: Cannot open load file: No such file or 
directory, ess.rd.el".  Yet, ess.rd.el is present. Naively, it looks to 
me as if (add-to-list 'load-path "/apps/x86_64/emacs/ess-18.10.2/") is 
not being executed.

On 3/17/21 11:36 AM, Sparapani, Rodney via ESS-help wrote:

Hi Steve:

Well, maybe you didn’t see my earlier post.  But, you
should not need to byte-compile ESS to make it work.
This error has to do with the anticipated directory
structure that is being violated: “ERROR:ess-etc-directory”
You can probably work-around that by something like…
(setq ess-etc-directory “FILL THIS IN ACCORDINGLY”)
Rodney Sparapani, Associate Professor of Biostatistics
Chair ISBA Section on Biostatistics and Pharmaceutical Statistics
Institute for Health and Equity, Division of Biostatistics
Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee Campus

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[ESS] ESS failing to load from a directory outside the FHS

2021-03-17 Thread Steve Gutreuter via ESS-help
I have been unable to get ESS to load into Emacs on a CentOS7 compute 
server on which software is installed in locations that are not part of 
the FHS.

Lines 99 and 100 of my .emacs file contain:

(add-to-list 'load-path "/apps/x86_64/emacs/ess-18.10.2/lisp/")
(require 'ess-site)

A full byte-compiled ESS installation exists in 
apps/x86_64/emacs/ess-18.10.2. I have tried with and without the final 
~lisp/, but neither works.

When byte-compiling my .emacs I get the following two related (I think) 
messages.  In the *Messages* buffer I get:

Relative to ess-lisp-directory, one of the following must exist:
../etc/ess, ../etc, ../../etc/ess or ./etc

And in the *Compile-log* buffer I get:

Compiling file /scicomp/home-pure/wqh4/.emacs at Wed Mar 17 08:25:49 2021
.emacs:100:1:Error: Cannot open load file: No such file or directory, 

Note that line 100 in .emacs contains (require 'ess-site). Further, both 
ess.rd.el and ess.rd.elc exist in /apps/x86_64/emacs/ess-18.10.2/lisp/ 
and I have read+write permissions on that directory.

So it *looks* like /apps/x86_64/emacs/ess-18.10.2/lisp/ is not actually 
being added to the load path.  Any tips?

Thanks in advance.

Steve Gutreuter

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[ESS] User-space installation of ESS 18.10.2 failing

2021-03-15 Thread Steve Gutreuter via ESS-help
I am trying to install ess-18.10.2 from the tarball into .emac.d on a 
compute server for which I am not root.  After extracting the tarball 
into ~/.emacs.d/ess-18.10.2, entering that directory and executing make 
(all per the instructions in the ESS manual), I am getting

$> make
cd lisp; make all
make[1]: Entering directory 
emacs -batch -no-site-file -no-init-file --directory . -f 
batch-byte-compile julia-mode.el
Opening directory: Permission denied, 

make[1]: *** [julia-mode.elc] Error 255
make[1]: Leaving directory 

make: *** [all] Error 2

There is no .configure file.  How doe one avoid the apparent need to 
write to /apps/x86_64/emacs/27.1/share/emacs/site-lisp/ess in order to 
install ess in .emacs.d?

Note: I tried installation from MELPA first, but the version of ess 
there insists on Emacs 25.1, and my available options are 26.1 or 27.1.

Thanks in advance for any tips.

Steve Gutreuter

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Re: [ESS] [External] Re: ESS M-x R failing in a Windows installation

2021-03-10 Thread Steve Gutreuter via ESS-help

Hi Jeremie and Richard

Again, all is working well now that I replaced Vincent Goulet's 
Emacs/ESS/AucTeX bundles with straight-up Emacs 27.1 from and 
ESS 18.10.2 from MELPA-stable.  I do not recall the ESS version that is 
bundled into Vincent's emacs-26.1-modified-2, but his 
emacs-27.1-modified-1 includes ESS 18.10.2.


On 3/10/21 3:33 PM, Jeremie Juste via ESS-help wrote:

To be clear, for my part I was referring to the latest MELPA version

"ess-version: 18.10.3snapshot [elpa: 20210307.735]

And once inferior-ess-r-program is properly set, I didn't experience any
trouble loading R and in using ess-flymake on windows.

Best regards,

On Wednesday, 10 Mar 2021 at 19:54, Richard M. Heiberger via ESS-help wrote:

The relevant question is what version of ess are you using?
more specifically which version of ess is included with VIncent Goulet's 

the "bin/x64/Rterm.exe" construction is not in ess-16.10
It is in ess-18.10

the /x64/ wasn't meaningful until R stsarted releasing both 32-bit versions and 
64-bit versions.

I don't remember ever using the Windows directory.
U introduced ess-rterm-version-paths at some point.  It has been rewritten
since then, but should still be working as long as you have a recent enough ess.

From: ESS-help  on behalf of Sparapani, Rodney via 
Sent: Wednesday, March 10, 2021 10:40
Subject: [External] Re: [ESS] ESS M-x R failing in a Windows installation

Hi Jeremie:

As you say, Windows installs do depend on the user’s preferences.
However, in ancient ESS (circa 2004), we coded around this by
going to the Windows registry.  However, I have rarely used
Windows since so I can’t say how that approach might be
used today (or if it is, how it might be failing).  I think a big
issue is that few (if any) ESS developers are using Windows.
Rich was probably the rear guard and he switched to Mac.

PS. the old registry discussions are probably in the archives

Rodney Sparapani, Associate Professor of Biostatistics
Chair ISBA Section on Biostatistics and Pharmaceutical Statistics
Institute for Health and Equity, Division of Biostatistics
Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee Campus

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Re: [ESS] ESS M-x R failing in a Windows installation

2021-03-10 Thread Steve Gutreuter via ESS-help

Hi Rodney,

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\R-core\R\4.0.3\InstallPath and 
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\R-core\R\4.0.3\InstallPath both 
exist in my Windows 10 installation.


On 3/10/21 1:28 PM, Sparapani, Rodney via ESS-help wrote:

Hi Gang:

Just to follow-up on my own post.  I see that the Windows
Registry was discussed here in June of 2012 and March of
2013 (not 2004 which was my initial guess).  But, whether
that even exists in modern Windows, IDK!

Here are the most relevant snippets…

On 06/15/2012 12:06 PM, Rodney Sparapani wrote:

Hi Paul:

Very nice thoughts. I'm just going to react to this part which seems
to be the most straightforward. I think you can call this from elisp.
But, the problem with this code is that it doesn't work, does it? Here's
what I get on Windows XP:

H:\>reg query hklm\software\R-core\R /v InstallPath

Error: The system was unable to find the specified registry key or value

H:\>reg query hklm\software\wow6432Node\r-core\r /v InstallPath

Error: The system was unable to find the specified registry key or value

What do you see?


Oh, hang on.  For me, I need

H:\>reg query hkcu\software\R-core\R /v InstallPath

  InstallPath REG_SZ C:\Documents and Settings\rsparapa.MCWCORP\My

Ok, I think I see what is going on.  You need to check each ROOTKEY

REG QUERY KeyName [/v ValueName | /ve] [/s]

  Machine - Name of remote machine,  omitting defaults to the current
   Only HKLM and HKU are available on remote machines
  FullKey  - in the form of ROOTKEY\SubKey name
   SubKey  - The full name of a registry key under the selected
/v  query for a specific registry key
   ValueName  - The name, under the selected Key, to query
   if omitted, all values under the Key are queried
/ve query for the default value or empty value name 
/s  queries all subkeys and values

So, that code is incomplete.  But, it could easily be adapted.


On 03/28/2013 01:42 PM, Ross Boylan wrote:

BTW, the path is available in the registry at
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\R-core\R\2.15.3 under InstallPath.  There is
also an entry that uses \R32\ instead of \R\ in the registry tree.

Something like this has been suggested before (for example, see the
discussion from June 15th).  There are a few problems here:

1) Generally, ESS developers are not cracker-jack Windows developers.
2) There have been MAJOR changes in Windows especially 7 and 8
which may (or may not) be at issue here; for example, multi-user
installs of ESS require omniscience.
3) it is not obvious to me why we need to search both the
HKLM and HKCU root keys (and perhaps others as well?!?).

So, I don't see this suggestion being acted on UNLESS there is
a Windows developer lurking out there who wants to work on ESS.
But, thanks anyways ;o)
Rodney Sparapani, Associate Professor of Biostatistics
Chair ISBA Section on Biostatistics and Pharmaceutical Statistics
Institute for Health and Equity, Division of Biostatistics
Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee Campus

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Steve Gutreuter

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[ESS] ESS M-x R failing in a Windows installation

2021-03-05 Thread Steve Gutreuter via ESS-help
M-x R is returning the message "Searching for program: No such file or 
directory, Rterm" under MS Windows.

R 4.0.3 is installed in c:\Program Files\R\4.0.3, and Rterm.exe is 
present in c:/Program Files/R/R-4.0.3/bin/x64.

My path environment variable includes c:\Program Files\R\4.0.3.
R starts fine outside of Emacs.
My .emacs file includes:
   (require 'ess-rutils)
   (setq inferior-ess-r-program "c:/Program 
I am using Vincent Goulet's emacs-26.1-modified-2.exe and 
emacs-27.1-modified-1.exe which bundle ESS within the Emacs installation.
Everything worked fine under Emacs 26.1 and earlier.  I upgraded to 
Emacs 27.1 and M-x R still worked.  I backed down to Emacs 26.1 and now 
M-x R is broken.

I am baffled as to why ESS is not finding R.  Any clues?

Many thanks
Steve Gutreuter

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