[R] lme, lmer, gls, and spatial autocorrelation

2009-08-24 Thread Timothy_Handley

Hello folks,

I have some data where spatial autocorrelation seems to be a serious
problem, and I'm unclear on how to deal with it in R. I've tried to do my
homework - read through 'The R Book,' use the online help in R, search the
internet, etc. - and I still have some unanswered questions. I'd greatly
appreciate any help you could offer. The super-super short explanation is
that I'd like to draw a straight line through my data, accounting for
spatial autocorrelation and using Poisson errors (I have count data).
There's a longer explanation at the end of this e-mail, I just didn't want
to overdo it at the start.

There are three R functions that do at least some of what I would like, but
I'm unclear on some of their specifics.

1. lme - Maybe models spatial autocorrelation, but doesn't allow for
Poisson errors. I get mixed messages from The R Book. On p. 647, there's an
example that uses lme with temporal autocorrelation, so it seems that you
can specify a correlation structure. On the other hand, on p.778, The R
Book says, "the great advantage of the gls function is that the errors are
allowed to be correlated". This suggests that only gls (not lme or lmer)
allows specification of a corStruct class. Though it may also suggest that
I have an incomplete understanding of these functions.

2. lmer - Allows specification of a Poisson error structure. However, it
seems that lmer does not yet handle correlated errors.

3. gls - Surely works with spatial autocorrelation, but doesn't allow for
Poisson errors. Does allow the spatial autocorrelation to be assessed
independently for different groups (I have two groups, one at each of two
different spatial scales).

Since gls is what The R Book uses in the example of spatial
autocorrelation, this seems like the best option. I'd rather have Poisson
errors, but Gaussian would be OK. However, I'm still somewhat confused by
these three functions. In particular, I'm unclear on the difference between
lme and gls. I'd feel more confident in my results if I had a better
understanding of these choices. I'd greatly appreciate advice on the matter

More detailed explanation of the data/problem is below:

The data:
[1] A count of the number of plant species present on each of 96 plots that
are 1m^2 in area.
[2] A count of the number of plant species present on each of 24 plots that
are 100m^2 in area.
[3] X,Y coordinates for the centroid of all plots (both sizes).

1. A best fit straight-line relating log10(area) to #species.
2. The slope of that line, and the standard error of that slope. (I want to
compare the slope of this line with the slope of another line)

The problem:
Spatial autocorrelation. Across our range of plot-separation-distances,
Moran's I ranges from -.5 to +.25. Depending on the size of the
distance-bins, about 1 out of 10 of these I values are statistically
significant. Thus, there seems to be a significant degree of spatial
autocorrelation. if I want 'good' values for my line parameters, I need to
account for this somehow.

Tim Handley
Fire Effects Monitor
Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area
401 W. Hillcrest Dr.
Thousand Oaks, CA 91360

R-help@r-project.org mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] lme, lmer, gls, and spatial autocorrelation

2009-08-24 Thread Timothy_Handley
Bert -

 I took a look at that page just now, and I'd classify my problem as
spatial regression. Unfortunately, I don't think the spdep library fits my
needs. Or at least, I can't figure out how to use it for this problem. The
examples I have seen all use spdep with networks. They build a graph,
connecting each location to something like the nearest N neighbors, attach
some set of weights, and then do an analysis. The plots in my data have a
very irregular, semi-random, yet somewhat clumped (several isolated
islands), spatial distribution. Honestly, it's quite weird looking. I don't
know how to cleanly turn this into a network, and even if I did, I don't
know that I ought to. To me (and please feel free to disagree) it seems
more natural to use a matrix of distances and associated correlations,
which is what the gls function appears to do.

In the ecological analysis section, it looks like both 'ade4' and 'vegan'
may have helpful tools. I'll explore that some more. However, I still think
that one of lme or gls already has the functionality I need, and I just
need to learn how to use them properly.

Tim Handley
Fire Effects Monitor
Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area
401 W. Hillcrest Dr.
Thousand Oaks, CA 91360

 Bert Gunter   
 08/24/2009 11:43
 AM cc 
   RE: [R] lme, lmer, gls, and spatial 

Have you looked at the "Spatial" task view on CRAN? That would seem to me
the logical first place to go.

Bert Gunter
Genentech Nonclinical Biostatisics

-Original Message-
From: r-help-boun...@r-project.org [mailto:r-help-boun...@r-project.org] On
Behalf Of timothy_hand...@nps.gov
Sent: Monday, August 24, 2009 11:12 AM
To: r-help@r-project.org
Subject: [R] lme, lmer, gls, and spatial autocorrelation

Hello folks,

I have some data where spatial autocorrelation seems to be a serious
problem, and I'm unclear on how to deal with it in R. I've tried to do my
homework - read through 'The R Book,' use the online help in R, search the
internet, etc. - and I still have some unanswered questions. I'd greatly
appreciate any help you could offer. The super-super short explanation is
that I'd like to draw a straight line through my data, accounting for
spatial autocorrelation and using Poisson errors (I have count data).
There's a longer explanation at the end of this e-mail, I just didn't want
to overdo it at the start.

There are three R functions that do at least some of what I would like, but
I'm unclear on some of their specifics.

1. lme - Maybe models spatial autocorrelation, but doesn't allow for
Poisson errors. I get mixed messages from The R Book. On p. 647, there's an
example that uses lme with temporal autocorrelation, so it seems that you
can specify a correlation structure. On the other hand, on p.778, The R
Book says, "the great advantage of the gls function is that the errors are
allowed to be correlated". This suggests that only gls (not lme or lmer)
allows specification of a corStruct class. Though it may also suggest that
I have an incomplete understanding of these functions.

2. lmer - Allows specification of a Poisson error structure. However, it
seems that lmer does not yet handle correlated errors.

3. gls - Surely works with spatial autocorrelation, but doesn't allow for
Poisson errors. Does allow the spatial autocorrelation to be assessed
independently for different groups (I have two groups, one at each of two
different spatial scales).

Since gls is what The R Book uses in the example of spatial
autocorrelation, this seems like the best option. I'd rather have Poisson
errors, but Gaussian would be OK. However, I'm still somewhat confused by
these three functions. In particular, I'm unclear on the difference between
lme and gls. I'd feel more confident in my results if I had a better
understanding of these choices. I'd greatly appreciate advice on the matter

More detailed explanation of the data/problem 

Re: [R] lme, lmer, gls, and spatial autocorrelation

2009-08-25 Thread Timothy_Handley

Thanks for the reference. I printed it out and read through it this

I think I'm going to take a gls approach. I've spent the last couple weeks
reading about spatial autocorrelation, and found that the world of SAC is
large, complex, and requires more time than I currently have. Using gls
seems a reasonable compromise between statistical rigour, and the
unfortunate but real constraint of my limited time to work on this project.
According to Dorman et al, in their (admittedly limited) tests, GLS worked
reasonably well with Poisson distributed synthetic data.

Also, I've come to think that the ability to do model comparison would be
useful. While I would like to be able to confidently choose a model for
spatial autocorrelation a priori, based on biological knowledge, I don't
have enough information to do this. Even after some data exploration, using
variograms and plots of Moran's I, it still seems like there's insufficient
information. Using a fitness score such as AIC, I could compare a small
number of reasonable models to find the most appropriate error structure.
Additionally, I could compare the SAC-informed and SAC-ignorant models to
get a holistic assessment of the importance of SAC in my data.

Tim Handley
Fire Effects Monitor
Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area
401 W. Hillcrest Dr.
Thousand Oaks, CA 91360

 Manuel Morales
 08/24/2009 05:31   cc 
 PMBert Gunter 
   Re: [R] lme, lmer, gls, and spatial 

Hi Tim,

I don't believe there is a satisfactory solution in R - at least yet -
for non-normal models. Ultimately, this should be possible using lmer()
but not in the near-term. One possibility is to use glmPQL as described

Dormann, F. C., McPherson, J. M., Araújo, M. B., Bivand, R., Bolliger,
J., Carl, G., Davies, R. G., Hirzel, A., Jetz, W., Kissling, W. D.,
Kühn, I., Ohlemüller, R., Peres-Neto, P. R., Reineking, B., Schröder,
B., Schurr, F. M. and Wilson, R. 2007. Methods to account for spatial
autocorrelation in the analysis of species distributional data: a
review. – Ecography 30: 609–628.

However, note the caution:

"This is an inofficial abuse of a Generalized Linear Mixed Model
function (glmmPQL {MASS}), which is a wrapper function for lme {nlme},
which in turn internally calls gls {nlme}."

If all you need are parameter estimates, fine. If you want to do model
comparison, though, no luck.


On Mon, 2009-08-24 at 12:10 -0700, timothy_hand...@nps.gov wrote:
> Bert -
>  I took a look at that page just now, and I'd classify my problem as
> spatial regression. Unfortunately, I don't think the spdep library fits
> needs. Or at least, I can't figure out how to use it for this problem.
> examples I have seen all use spdep with networks. They build a graph,
> connecting each location to something like the nearest N neighbors,
> some set of weights, and then do an analysis. The plots in my data have a
> very irregular, semi-random, yet somewhat clumped (several isolated
> islands), spatial distribution. Honestly, it's quite weird looking. I
> know how to cleanly turn this into a network, and even if I did, I don't
> know that I ought to. To me (and please feel free to disagree) it seems
> more natural to use a matrix of distances and associated correlations,
> which is what the gls function appears to do.
> In the ecological analysis section, it looks like both 'ade4' and 'vegan'
> may have helpful tools. I'll explore that some more. However, I still
> that one of lme or gls already has the functionality I need, and I just
> need to learn how to use them properly.
> Tim Handley
> Fire Effects Monitor
> Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area
> 401 W. Hillcrest Dr.
> Thousand Oaks, CA 91360
> 805-370-2347

>  Bert Gunter


[R] understanding the output from gls

2009-09-01 Thread Timothy_Handley

I'd like to compare two models which were fitted using gls, however I'm
having trouble interpreting the results of gls. If any of you could offer
me some advice, I'd greatly appreciate it.

Short explanation of models: These two models have the same fixed-effects
structure (two independent, linear effects), and differ only in that the
second model includes a corExp structure for spatial autocorrelation. (more
detailed explanation of the models at end).

Specific questions:

1. The second model estimates two additional parameters in the process of
fitting the corSpatial object - the range and nugget of the spatial
autocorrelation. Based on this, I would expect the second model to have two
fewer residual degrees of freedom. However, the summary function reports
that both models have the same number of residual degrees of freedom.  Why
is this? (Interestingly, the difference in AIC between the two models
reflects this difference in the number of model parameters)

2. In the model summary, what is the meaning of the small correlation
matrix under the heading "Correlation:"? At first, I thought that this was
describing possible correlations among the predictor variables, but then I
saw that it also included the model intercept. What do these correlation
value mean?

##More detailed information
##function calls:
  sppl.i.xx = gls(all.all.rch~l10area+newx, data = gtemp, method="ML")
  sppl.i.ex = gls(all.all.rch~l10area+newx, data = gtemp, method="ML",
  correlation = corExp(c(20,.8), form=~x+y|area, nugget=TRUE))

##model summaries

> summary(sppl.i.xx)
Generalized least squares fit by maximum likelihood
  Model: all.all.rch ~ l10area + newx
  Data: gtemp
   AIC BIClogLik
  567.4893 578.572 -279.7446

   Value Std.Error   t-value p-value
(Intercept) 6.891867 0.3295097 20.915522   0e+00
l10area 6.586182 0.3048870 21.602046   0e+00
newx0.047901 0.0117281  4.084307   1e-04

(Intr) l10are
l10area -0.364
newx 0.577 -0.007

Standardized residuals:
Min  Q1 Med  Q3 Max
-3.34307266 -0.57949890 -0.07214605  0.64309760  2.66409931

Residual standard error: 2.590313
Degrees of freedom: 118 total; 115 residual

Generalized least squares fit by maximum likelihood
  Model: all.all.rch ~ l10area + newx
  Data: gtemp
  AIC  BIClogLik
  559.167 575.7911 -273.5835

Correlation Structure: Exponential spatial correlation
 Formula: ~x + y | area
 Parameter estimate(s):
 range nugget
15.4448835  0.3741476

   Value Std.Error   t-value p-value
(Intercept) 7.621306 0.7648135  9.964921  0.
l10area 6.400442 0.5588160 11.453576  0.
newx0.066535 0.0204417  3.254857  0.0015

(Intr) l10are
l10area -0.592
newx 0.358  0.014

Standardized residuals:
   Min Q1Med Q3Max
-3.0035983 -0.5990432 -0.2226852  0.5113270  2.263

Residual standard error: 2.820337
Degrees of freedom: 118 total; 115 residual

Tim Handley
Fire Effects Monitor
Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area
401 W. Hillcrest Dr.
Thousand Oaks, CA 91360

R-help@r-project.org mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] understanding the output from gls

2009-09-02 Thread Timothy_Handley

Thanks for the information. As you suggest, if I don't hear from anyone
else about the degrees of freedom issue in a couple days, I'll try r-devel.

Also, while I appreciate your explanation of the correlation matrix
produced by summary.gls, I'm afriad I don't have the statistical background
to fully understand it. If it wouldn't impose too much on your time, could
you suggest a more intuitive way to interpret these numbers, or perhaps a
reference with a more intuitive explanation?

To me, the idea that fixed effects estimates could be correlated just
sounds odd. I understand that the effects themselves could be correlated.
While I have good biological reasons for thinking that my two fixed effects
are independent, the data may prove me wrong. However, the fixed effects
estimates are each just a single number for the data/model as a whole. How
can one pair of two single numbers be correlated?

Tim Handley
Fire Effects Monitor
Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area
401 W. Hillcrest Dr.
Thousand Oaks, CA 91360

 Kingsford Jones   
 09/01/2009 05:53   cc 
   Re: [R] understanding the output
   from gls

Hi Tim,

On Tue, Sep 1, 2009 at 2:00 PM,  wrote:
> I'd like to compare two models which were fitted using gls, however I'm
> having trouble interpreting the results of gls. If any of you could offer
> me some advice, I'd greatly appreciate it.
> Short explanation of models: These two models have the same fixed-effects
> structure (two independent, linear effects),

Known to be independent?

> and differ only in that the
> second model includes a corExp structure for spatial autocorrelation.
> detailed explanation of the models at end).
> Specific questions:
> 1. The second model estimates two additional parameters in the process of
> fitting the corSpatial object - the range and nugget of the spatial
> autocorrelation. Based on this, I would expect the second model to have
> fewer residual degrees of freedom. However, the summary function reports
> that both models have the same number of residual degrees of
freedom.  Why
> is this? (Interestingly, the difference in AIC between the two models
> reflects this difference in the number of model parameters)

That's a good question.  It does seem degrees of freedom would be
spent in estimating the spatial parameters.

The reason the functions using logLik get the number of parameters
"right" is because logLik.gls includes:

attr(val, "df") <- p + length(coef(object[["modelStruct"]])) + 1

where modelStruct holds the estimated parameters that structure
residual variance and correlation, and I believe p is the number of
columns in the design matrix, but I couldn't easily follow the code
within gls that produces it.

If nobody offers an explanation for the current result from
print.summary.gls you could ask on r-devel if the results are

> 2. In the model summary, what is the meaning of the small correlation
> matrix under the heading "Correlation:"? At first, I thought that this
> describing possible correlations among the predictor variables, but then
> saw that it also included the model intercept. What do these correlation
> value mean?

The GLS covariance of estimated fixed effects (including the
intercept) is (X' \hat{\Sigma}^-1 X)^-1, where X is the model matrix
and \Sigma is the response/error covariance matrix.  This will
generally have non-zero off-diagonals, implying the fixed effects
estimates are correlated.  The values you're inquiring about are the
scaled estimates of those off-diagonals.


Kingsford Jones

> ##More detailed information
> ##function calls:
>  sppl.i.xx = gls(all.all.rch~l10area+newx, data = gtemp, method="ML")
>  sppl.i.ex = gls(all.all.rch~l10area+newx, data = gtemp, method="ML",
>              correlation = corExp(c(20,.8), form=~x+y|area, nugget=TRUE))
> ##model summaries
>> summary(sppl.i.xx)
> Generalized least squares fit by m