[R] calculate response probabilities using sem-analysis

2010-03-22 Thread Tryntsje Wesselius
 Hi everyone,

I just conducted a structural equation model for estimating a response
model. This model should predict the probability that someone is responding
to a direct mailing. I used the sem package for this. When I have my
coefficients I want to know how well my model predicts the probability of
response. How can I calculate these probabilities?
I tried to use the unstandardized coefficients, just like a regression
coefficient in the following formula:
Y = b1*x1 + b2*x2
But then I have values larger than 1, so that aren't probabilities. Does
anyone dealt with this problem before?
You can be of great help to me!!

Kind regards,


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[R] calculate response probabilities using sem-analysis

2010-03-22 Thread Tryntsje Wesselius
Hi everyone,

I just conducted a structural equation model for estimating a response
model. This model should predict the probability that someone is responding
to a direct mailing. I used the sem package for this. When I have my
coefficients I want to know how well my model predicts the probability of
response. How can I calculate these probabilities?
I tried to use the unstandardized coefficients, just like a regression
coefficient in the following formula:
Y = b1*x1 + b2*x2
But then I have values larger than 1, so that aren't probabilities. Does
anyone dealt with this problem before?
You can be of great help to me!!

Kind regards,


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[R] Confidence/prediction interval for choice probabilities mlogit

2009-03-11 Thread Tryntsje Wesselius

I have estimated a multinomial logit model with use of the
mlogit-package for my choice data.
I predicted the probabilities for each choice, using the formula:
pred1 - exp(B1*X1.1 + B2*X2.1 + B3*X3.1)
pred2 - exp(B1*X1.2 + B2*X2.2 + B3*X3.2)
pred3 - exp(B1*X1.3 + B2*X2.3 + B3*X3.3)
sumpred - pred1+pred2+pred3
pred1 - pred1/sumpred
pred2 - pred2/sumpred
pred3 - pred3/sumpred

Then for each choice I have a prediction of the choice probabilities.

Now I want to calculate a confidence interval of the choice
probablities. I'm not sure if it is called a confidence interval or a
prediction interval.

At the internet I haven't found anything useful. Most examples are
about the confidence interval of a certain regression coefficient, for
example the intercept. But I want to know the interval around my
choice probabilities.
The predict() function does not work with mlogit, I think.

Can anybody help me?

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[R] Difference MNP-package and rmnpGibbs from bayesm-package

2009-02-13 Thread Tryntsje Wesselius
Hi all,

For my research I have to use a Multinomial Probit model. I saw that
there are two packages, that include a method to estimate my
parameters. The first one is the MNP-package of Imai and van Dyk. The
second one is part of the bayesm-package of Rossi.
The results for both packages are not the same using the same data.
Does anybody know what the difference is between these two approaches?

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[R] LCA (e1071 package): error

2009-01-15 Thread Tryntsje Wesselius

I will use the lca method in the e1071 package. But I get the following error:
Error in pas[j, ] - drop(exp(rep(1, nvar) %*% log(mp))) :
  number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length

Does anybody know this error and knows what this means?

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[R] Output mlogit package (multinomial logisti c regression)‏

2008-12-14 Thread Tryntsje Wesselius

For my master thesis I conducted a conjoint analysis. Using the
mlogit-package of Yves Croissant I should be able to analyse my choice
I read the whole program of mlogit, but I do not understand how my
coefficients must be interpreted.
Are they a result of P(Y=i) or are they P(Y=i)/P(Y=1) where 1 is my
base category, or are they a result of ln(P(Y=i)/P(Y=1)). I can not
find an answer to this in the package. Hence, are they logits, odds or
just a ratio? Can anyone help me with this?

Kind regards,


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