[R] qvalue package: checking I'm using the right output values.

2017-01-11 Thread aoife doherty
Can I ask, when I run the below code:



qobj <-qvalue(p=pvals)




the qobj$qvalues list is:

 [1] 0.03592311 0.03592311 0.03592311 0.03991457 0.22490992 0.03991457

 [7] 0.19757712 0.03991457 0.23278177 0.03991457 0.25975174 0.03991457

[13] 0.23278177 0.03991457 0.22490992 0.03991457 0.08319037 0.03991457

[19] 0.22490992 0.03592311 0.03592311 0.03592311 0.03991457 0.03991457

[25] 0.03991457 0.03991457 0.03592311 0.03592311 0.03592311 0.03991457

[31] 0.22490992 0.03991457 0.19757712 0.03991457 0.23278177 0.03991457

[37] 0.25975174 0.03991457 0.23278177 0.03991457 0.22490992 0.03991457

[43] 0.08319037 0.03991457 0.22490992 0.03592311 0.03592311 0.03592311

[49] 0.03991457 0.03991457 0.03991457 0.03991457

and the qobj$lfdr list is:

 [1] 0.03070397 0.04312982 0.05458114 0.13925884 0.79081046 0.11311424

 [7] 0.79081046 0.13925884 0.79081046 0.11311424 0.79081046 0.13925884

[13] 0.79081046 0.11311424 0.79081046 0.13925884 0.34265237 0.11311424

[19] 0.79081046 0.03070397 0.04312982 0.05458114 0.06583569 0.07718949

[25] 0.08879583 0.10074920 0.03070397 0.04312982 0.05458114 0.13925884

[31] 0.79081046 0.11311424 0.79081046 0.13925884 0.79081046 0.11311424

[37] 0.79081046 0.13925884 0.79081046 0.12463425 0.79081046 0.13925884

[43] 0.34265237 0.11311424 0.79081046 0.03070397 0.04312982 0.05458114

[49] 0.06583569 0.07718949 0.08879583 0.10074920

Can I check that the qobj$lfdr are the FDR Q values (i.e. the number of
expected false positives over the number of significant results) for each


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[R] Fwd:

2015-12-22 Thread aoife doherty
Dear all,

I am hoping to use the mt.maxT package, so I'm trying to understand how the
maxT algorithm works in the multtest package.

I have an example of data:

SNP1 p value= 0.02
SNP1 permutation p values = 0.03, 0.03, 0.03, 0.04, 0.04.

SNP2 p value =0.03
SNP2 permutation p values = 0.4,0.5,0.5,0.6,0.7

SNP3 p value = 0.3
SNP3 p value permutation p values = 0.8,0.9,0.9,0.9,0.9

I was told that for this data set, the corrected P value for SNP1 is 1/6,
for SNP2 is 5/12 and SNP3 is 1. I am so confused as to how these numbers
were reached.

I've tried to come up with an explanation in my head, I would appreciate if
someone could tell me where I'm going wrong;


   First, you get the smallest permuted P Value across all of the SNPs for
   each permutation. In this case, it's: Perm1 smallest P val= 0.03 Perm2 =
   0.03 Perm3 = 0.03 Perm4 = 0.04 Perm5 = 0.04

   Then I was told that the corrected p value for SNP1 is 1/6. To get the
   6, is this the 5 permuted p values + my p value? So it's 1/6 chance of
   seeing a p value as low as mine in the original p value + permuted p value

   For SNP2 with an uncorrected p value of 0.03, I am totally confused as
   to how the answer is 5/12. I know ties count as 0.5. So in my smallest
   permuted data set: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03, 0.04, 0.04: if you add them up
   (allowing 0.03 and 0.04 to be worth 0.5 each since they are both ties), the
   sum of the 5 permuted values is 2.5. So then the chance of seeing 0.03,
   using the logic from step 1, is that it's 2.5/5, or 3.5/6 if you add in the
   uncorrected p value? Which isn't 5/12, but if you don't add in the original
   p value 0.03, the answer will be 2.5/6, which is 5/12but I don't
   understand why not to add in the original p value in this step, when I did
   it in step 1.

I'm obviously not understanding something, if someone could really simply
explain the calculation process/algorithm for maxT corrected p values for
this example I would appreciate it.


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[R] egscore - lambda will not go below 1.1

2015-12-11 Thread aoife doherty
Hi all,

I want to associate mortality with ~100K SNPs, in 6,500 samples that are
divided up into 60 breeds.

So it's important to account for population stratification in my analysis.

I'm using egscore (the eigenstrat method) for the association (and I've
tried using the polygen and grammar packages too). The problem is that I
cannot get lambda (the inflation factor) to go below the accepted inflation
threshold of 1.1, it seems to converge around 1.5-1.6 when I include an
increasing number of PC axes into the analysis.

Then, I also tried to use the polygen and grammar packages, but the same
thing happens.

Here is the code that I am using:

#Load the data as a gwaa.class
my.geno.data <- load.gwaa.data(phenofile =

#Calculate the IBS matrix
kin<-ibs(my.geno.data, weight="freq", snpfreq=NULL)
diag(kin) <-hom(my.geno.data)$Var

# Estimation of polygenic model, This estimates the residuals when the
effect of covariates breeds are factored out.
polygen <-polygenic(mortality~breed,kin=kin,my.geno.data)
grammarobject <-qtscore(polygen$pgres,data=my.geno.data,clam=FALSE)

so then you found that the lambda was still > 1.1

#So then I used egscore on the output from polygen
output <-egscore(polygen$pgresidualY,data=my.geno.data,kin=kin,naxes=X)

where I iteratively included an increasing number of PC axes (naxes=X),
lambda still > 1.1, and doesn't change if I run egscore on the raw data
instead of the environmental residuals (again iterating through axes), and
it also doesn't change regardless of if I include breed as a co-variate, or
as a stratification variable.

output <-egscore(mortality~breed,data=my.geno.data,kin=kin,naxes=X)

Am I doing something wrong? What else can I try to properly account for
population stratification in an association between trait and SNPs?


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[R] convert.snp.ped in GenAbel

2015-12-01 Thread aoife doherty
Having a problem with convert.snp.ped in GenABEL (on linux).

My map file looks like this (tab-separated) (called Genotype.map)

chrom name position

13   SNP1   39703523

My ped file looks like this (Called Genotype.ped)

PF1 PF1 0 0 2 -9 C C

PF2 PF2 0 0 2 -9 C A

PF3 PF3 0 0 1 -9 C C

PF4 PF4 0 0 1 -9 C C

The commands I'm using are:

> library("GenABEL")

> data <-convert.snp.ped(pedfile="~/Genotype.ped"
,mapfile="~/Genotype.map", outfile="~/Genotype.out")

The error I get is:

Error in convert.snp.ped(pedfile = "~/Genotype.ped", : could not open file
'~/Genotype.map' !

Any idea? It's in the same directory as the ped file, so I don't know why
it can find the ped file and not the map file?


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[R] Cox model -missing data.

2014-12-19 Thread aoife doherty
Hi all,

I have a data set like this:

Test.cox file:

V1V2 V3   Survival   Event
ann  13  WTHomo   41
ben  20  *51
tom  40  Variant  61

where * indicates that I don't know what the value is for V3 for Ben.

I've set up a Cox model to run like this:

death.dat - read.table(Test.cox,header=T)
deathdat.kmat -2*with(death.dat,makekinship(famid,ID,faid,moid))
Model - coxme(Surv(Survival,Event)~ strata(factor(V1)) +
strata(factor(V2)) + factor(V3)) +

As you can see from the Test.cox file, I have a missing value *. How and
where do I tell the R script treat * as a missing variable. If I can't
incorporate missing values into the model, I assume the alternative is to
remove all of the rows with missing data, which will greatly reduce my data
set, as most rows have at least one missing variable.


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Re: [R] Cox model -missing data.

2014-12-19 Thread aoife doherty
Many thanks, I appreciate the response.

When I convert the missing values to NA and run the cox model as described
in previous post,  the cox model seems to remove all of the rows with a
missing value (as the number of rows n in the cox output after I
completely remove any row with missing data is the same as the number of
rows n in the cox output after I change the missing values to NA).

What I had been hoping to do is not completely remove a row with missing
data for a co-variable, but rather somehow censor or estimate a value for
the missing value?

In reality, I have ~600 people with survival data and say 6 variables
attached to them. After I incorporate a 7th variable (for which the
information isn't available for every individual), I have 400 people left.
Since I still have survival data and almost all of the information for the
other 200 people (the only thing missing is information about that 7th
variable), it seems a waste to remove all of the survival data for 200
people over one co-variate. So I was hoping instead of completely removing
the rows, to just somehow acknowledge that the data for this particular
co-variate is missing in the model but not completely remove the row? This
is more what I was hoping someone would know if it's possible to
incorporate into the model I described above?


On Fri, Dec 19, 2014 at 10:21 AM, Ted Harding ted.hard...@wlandres.net

 Hi Aoife,
 I think that if you simply replace each * in the data file
 with NA, then it should work (NA is usually interpreted
 as missing for those functions for which missingness is
 relevant). How you subsequently deal with records which have
 missing values is another question (or many questions ... ).

 So your data should look like:

 V1   V2  V3   Survival   Event
 ann  13  WTHomo   41
 ben  20  NA   51
 tom  40  Variant  61

 Hoping this helps,

 On 19-Dec-2014 10:12:00 aoife doherty wrote:
  Hi all,
  I have a data set like this:
  Test.cox file:
  V1V2 V3   Survival   Event
  ann  13  WTHomo   41
  ben  20  *51
  tom  40  Variant  61
  where * indicates that I don't know what the value is for V3 for Ben.
  I've set up a Cox model to run like this:
  death.dat - read.table(Test.cox,header=T)
  deathdat.kmat -2*with(death.dat,makekinship(famid,ID,faid,moid))
  Model - coxme(Surv(Survival,Event)~ strata(factor(V1)) +
  strata(factor(V2)) + factor(V3)) +
  As you can see from the Test.cox file, I have a missing value *. How
  where do I tell the R script treat * as a missing variable. If I can't
  incorporate missing values into the model, I assume the alternative is to
  remove all of the rows with missing data, which will greatly reduce my
  set, as most rows have at least one missing variable.
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 E-Mail: (Ted Harding) ted.hard...@wlandres.net
 Date: 19-Dec-2014  Time: 10:21:23
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Re: [R] exclude missing co-variable data in cox model

2014-12-18 Thread aoife doherty
Hi all,

I have a data set like this:

Test.cox file:

V1V2 V3Survival   Event
ann  13  WTHomo  41
ben  20  *51
tom  40 Variant   61

where * indicates that I don't know what the value is for V3 for Ben.

I've set up a Cox model to run like this:

death.dat - read.table(Test.cox,header=T)
deathdat.kmat -2*with(death.dat,makekinship(famid,ID,faid,moid))
Model - coxme(Surv(Survival,Event)~ strata(factor(V1)) +
strata(factor(V2)) + factor(V3)) +

As you can see from the Test.cox file, I have a missing value *. How do I
alter the R script to include treat * as a missing variable. If I can't
incorporate missing values into the model, I assume the alternative is to
remove all of the rows with missing data, which will greatly reduce my data
set, as most rows have at least one missing variable.


On Wed, Dec 17, 2014 at 5:19 PM, r-help-ow...@r-project.org wrote:

 Message rejected by filter rule match

 -- Forwarded message --
 From: Eva Marie aoife.marie.dohe...@gmail.com
 To: r-help@r-project.org
 Date: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 09:09:52 -0800 (PST)
 Subject: exclude missing co-variable data in cox model
 Hi all,

 I have a data set like this:

 Test.cox file:

 where * indicates that I don't know what the value is for V3 for Ben.

 I've set up a Cox model to run like this:

 As you can see from the Test.cox file, I have a missing value *. How and
 where do I tell the R script treat * as a missing variable. If I can't
 incorporate missing values into the model, I assume the alternative is to
 remove all of the rows with missing data, which will greatly reduce my data
 set, as most rows have at least one missing variable.


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[R] R shell script

2012-04-25 Thread aoife doherty
Hey guys,
Does anyone have an example of a REALLY simple shell script in R.

Basically i want to run this command:


in a shell script something like this:

for i in *.out
wilcox.test($i,${i/out}.out2,paired=TRUE)  $i.out

that i can run on a command line this this:
sh R.sh

because i've SO many files to run this command on.

I've been googling, but i'm having trouble of just finding a simple example
explaining how to make this shell script.

Any help appreciated :)

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Re: [R] R shell script

2012-04-25 Thread aoife doherty
Thanks for replying.

My problem is that i have say 50 input files, that i wanted to run a
particular command on, get 50 output files, and then when i close R, have
them in my directory?

so for example if i say:



list.files(pattern = .out)

sapply(list.files(pattern  = *.out), function(x) wilcox.test ( ... ) )

send each output to a different file, and save it in such a way that
when i close R the outputs are still there

i thought this might be easier in a shell way?

On Wed, Apr 25, 2012 at 4:03 PM, R. Michael Weylandt 
michael.weyla...@gmail.com wrote:

 You can do this in bash but why not just do it in R directly? You probably

 list.files(pattern = .out)

 to get started. Then just wrap your script in a function and pass it
 to (s|l)apply something like:

 sapply(list.files(pattern  = *.out), function(x) wilcox.test ( ... ) )


 On Wed, Apr 25, 2012 at 6:47 AM, aoife doherty
 aoife.m.dohe...@gmail.com wrote:
  Hey guys,
  Does anyone have an example of a REALLY simple shell script in R.
  Basically i want to run this command:
  in a shell script something like this:
  for i in *.out
  wilcox.test($i,${i/out}.out2,paired=TRUE)  $i.out
  that i can run on a command line this this:
  sh R.sh
  because i've SO many files to run this command on.
  I've been googling, but i'm having trouble of just finding a simple
  explaining how to make this shell script.
  Any help appreciated :)
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[R] check for difference.

2012-04-23 Thread aoife doherty
I have two lists of numbers, each list is ~800 numbers long. I want to know
if the two lists are significantly different from each other.
Could anyone suggest what library in R to use?

I think maybe the mann-whitney test, as it is not parametric, but i am
unsure if it is suitable as my list of items are so long.So i am unsure
which library would suit best.


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[R] plot columns

2012-03-16 Thread aoife doherty
Hey guys, can anyone help?

i have a sample table:

table - structure(c(4, 7, 0.2, 3, .1, 7, 222, 3, 10, 5, 11,
  8, 8, 10, 7), .Dim = c(5L, 3L), .Dimnames = list(c(gene1,
  gene2, gene3, gene4, gene5), c(codon1, codon2,


  codon1 codon2 codon3
gene14.0  7 11
gene27.0222  8
gene30.2  3  8
gene43.0 10 10
gene50.1  5  7

i want to plot column 1 versus column 3.

Does anyone know how to read in particular columns and plot?

i was looking at this:


but i can't seem to alter it to my needs

Thank you

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[R] (no subject)

2012-03-12 Thread aoife doherty
Hey guys,

if i do a correspondance analysis, e.g.:

table - structure(c(4, 7, 0.2, 3, .1, 7, 222, 3, 10, 5, 11,
   8, 8, 10, 7), .Dim = c(5L, 3L), .Dimnames = list(c(gene1,
   gene2, gene3, gene4, gene5), c(codon1, codon2,



is there a way that i can see the second principal axis of this analysis?


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Re: [R] help please. 2 tables, which test?

2012-03-10 Thread aoife doherty
Thank you for the replies.
So what my test wants to do is this:

I have a big matrix, 30 rows (students in a class) X 50 columns (students
grades for the year).
An example of the matrix is as such:

grade1   grade2grade3 .  grade 50
student 1
student 2***
student 3
student 4***
student 5***
student 6
student 30***

As you can see, four students (students 2,4,5 and 30) have stars beside
their name. I have chosen these students based on a particular
characteristic that they all share.I then pulled these students out to make
a new table:

grade1  grade2 grade3 ... grade 50

student 2
student 4
student 5
student 30

and what i want to see is basically is there any difference between the
grades this particular set of students(i.e. student 2,4,5 and 30) got, and
the class as a whole?

So my null hypothesis is that there is no difference between this set of
students grades, and what you would expect from the class as a whole.


On Sat, Mar 10, 2012 at 12:18 AM, Greg Snow 538...@gmail.com wrote:

 Just what null hypothesis are you trying to test or what question are
 you trying to answer by comparing 2 matrices of different size?

 I think you need to figure out what your real question is before
 worrying about which test might work on it.

 Trying to get your data to fit a given test rather than finding the
 appropriate test or other procedure to answer your question is like
 buying a new suit then having plastic surgery to make you fit the suit
 rather than having the tailor modify the suit to fit you.

 If you can give us more information about what your question is we
 have a better chance of actually helping you.

 On Fri, Mar 9, 2012 at 9:46 AM, aoife doherty aaral.si...@gmail.com
  Thank you. Can the chi-squared test compare two matrices that are not the
  same size, eg if matrix 1 is a 2 X 4 table, and matrix 2 is a 3 X 5
  On Fri, Mar 9, 2012 at 4:37 PM, Greg Snow 538...@gmail.com wrote:
  The chi-squared test is one option (and seems reasonable to me if it
  the the proportions/patterns that you want to test).  One way to do
  the test is to combine your 2 matrices into a 3 dimensional array (the
  abind package may help here) and test using the loglin function.
  On Thu, Mar 8, 2012 at 5:46 AM, aaral singh aaral.si...@gmail.com
   Hi.Please help if someone can.
   I have 2 matrices
   matrix 1:
  Freq  None  Some
Heavy32  5
Never8   13 8
Occas14  4
Regul 95 7
   matrix 2:
Freq None Some
Heavy7  1 3
Never  87 18  84
Occas  12   34
   I want to see if matrix 1 is significantly different from matrix 2. I
   consider using a chi-squared test. Is this appropriate?
   Could anyone advise?
   Many thank you.
   Aaral Singh
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Re: [R] max.print

2012-03-10 Thread aoife doherty
Hey i have a similar size dataset and ran into the same problem, but i
found this command works fine:


to fix it?

On Sat, Mar 10, 2012 at 4:35 PM, sybil kennelly sybilkenne...@gmail.comwrote:

 Dear all.

 I wanted to read in a 20,000 row X 60 column matrix (called table) into

 i did this:

 table - read.table(table, header=TRUE)

 it prints out the start of my table (~1 rows by 7 columns) and then
 this error:

  [ reached getOption(max.print) -- omitted 5465 rows ]]
 There were 50 or more warnings (use warnings() to see the first 50)

 I have tried:

 options(max.print = Inf)

 and options(max.print = 9)

 but i still get the same error. I have seen many people on R help have
 this problem. However the solution of options(max.print = Inf) does
 not seem to work for me.

 Any ideas?


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Re: [R] layer plots.

2012-03-09 Thread aoife doherty
Many thanks for reply.
I have trouble understanding how to use response, i am sorry.
My question is i have two matrices. I then plot two matrices. Then I have 2
seperate plots. I can color the nodes in the plots in two different colors.
Then, how do i merge the two plots to view one overlapping the other? i.e.
to view two sets of data in one 2D space?

Many thanks

On Fri, Mar 9, 2012 at 3:51 PM, R. Michael Weylandt 
michael.weyla...@gmail.com wrote:

 No idea what table1, table2 are

 plot(1:5, type = l)
 points(5:1, col = 2)

 should get you started.


 On Fri, Mar 9, 2012 at 10:17 AM, aaral singh aaral.si...@gmail.com
  I have 2 plots.
  plot1 -plot(table1)
  plot2 -plot(table2)
  How may i plot these both on the same graph, i.e. layer one graph on top
  the other one.
  The result should look similar to this the image below, where the black
  lines indicate one plot, and the red dots indicate the second plot.
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Re: [R] help please. 2 tables, which test?

2012-03-09 Thread aoife doherty
Thank you. Can the chi-squared test compare two matrices that are not the
same size, eg if matrix 1 is a 2 X 4 table, and matrix 2 is a 3 X 5 matrix?

On Fri, Mar 9, 2012 at 4:37 PM, Greg Snow 538...@gmail.com wrote:

 The chi-squared test is one option (and seems reasonable to me if it
 the the proportions/patterns that you want to test).  One way to do
 the test is to combine your 2 matrices into a 3 dimensional array (the
 abind package may help here) and test using the loglin function.

 On Thu, Mar 8, 2012 at 5:46 AM, aaral singh aaral.si...@gmail.com wrote:
  Hi.Please help if someone can.
  I have 2 matrices
  matrix 1:
 Freq  None  Some
   Heavy32  5
   Never8   13 8
   Occas14  4
   Regul 95 7
  matrix 2:
   Freq None Some
   Heavy7  1 3
   Never  87 18  84
   Occas  12   34
  I want to see if matrix 1 is significantly different from matrix 2. I
  consider using a chi-squared test. Is this appropriate?
  Could anyone advise?
  Many thank you.
  Aaral Singh
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