[R] problem understanding the result of pnorm2d()

2009-02-24 Thread jass

Hi all,

I am using the fMultivar package for calculating probabilities of bivariate 
normal distribution. I use the manual's example to understand what is going on, 
but let's take it for smaller dimensions of x and y: 

## Bivariate Normal Density:
x = c(0.3,10)
y = c(-10,0.2)
X = grid2d(x,y)
z = pnorm2d(X$x, X$y, rho = 0.5)
Z = list(x = x, y = y, z = matrix(z, ncol = length(x)))
persp(Z, theta = -40, phi = 30, col = steelblue) 

What does the grid2d() command do?
In the Z- result in the matrix, I really cannot figure out where the 4 
probabilities are referring to. Can anyone enlighten me?
Thank you for your time!


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[R] anova() or aov()?

2009-01-12 Thread jass

Dear all,

I have a simple (I think) question that is troubling me lately:

Is there any main difference between anova() command and aov() command when 
performing an ANOVA in Experimental design 

Thank you for your time,


R-help@r-project.org mailing list
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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

[R] what is there in a numeric (0)?

2008-11-27 Thread jass

 I will repeat my question :what is there in a numeric(0)?

 In a function, I have several matrices with dimensions 288x1, also matrices 
with dimensions  
 0x1 (numeric(0)).
 But I really do not know in which matrix there are elements or not.
 So, these matrices that do not contain anything, if I am saying this 
correctly, I would like to make them
 matrices with the same dimensions as the first ones but with NA elements and 
the ones with elements to remain as they 
 For this reason, I thought to use the ifelse command. But I have problems 
determining the arguments of this ifelse...
 I tried to use: 
 A1 - ifelse(nrow(A)==0,matrix(rep(NA,288),288,1),A)

 If A is a matrix with elements, then I get a A1 matrix with replicated 288 
times its first element, but I want the  
 initial A matrix. If A is a matrix with no elements (numeric(0)) then I get 
only 1 NA.  
So, how can I test if there are elements in my matrix and if there are to 
return itself the matrix and if there are not to get a matrix 288x1 with NAs?
Thank you for your time!


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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

[R] a date x-axis in a xyplot

2008-11-04 Thread jass

Dear all,

In the x-axis of a xyplot I define dates ,for example 01-10-2007 instead of 
numbers, in a range of 77 days. I would like in my output to have the whole 
date as a point. When I plot it, then the output is a big mess! I can not 
distinguish anything; the result is a thick, black line of overlapping dates.
Is there any solution so I can really distinguish and see clearly the dates in 
the x-axis?

Thanks in advance!


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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

[R] difficulties in reading a .prn file

2008-10-29 Thread jass


I am having problems in reading appropriately a huge .prn file of almost 
450.000 rows and 29 columns.
The variables are consisted of characters, dates, time, numeric values.
I use read.table(file.prn, header=F, sep=\t, na.strings=*), where the 
missing values are declared as *.
The R engine is reading it like it, but when I am asking for the dimensions of 
the data frame I get the right number of rows but only 1 column...
[1] 422344  1

It is somehow as it reads the whole row as one column.
When I am asking for the first 3 lines for example I got the message that R is 
reading everything as factors and I get something like this below:

ID   DATETime  RRR  VEl   Leng Weig  Sub   
var1 var2 var3 var4 var5 var6 var7 var8 var9
VAR14   VAR15
[2] 54678611   39356   0.1572569RW  892014   
21400  V11A11  4500  7200  4700  5000 * 
* * * * * * * * 
* * 0   527   594   567 * * 
* * * * * * * * 
[3] 54678612   39356   0.158RW   811716   
33000   T11O3  7100  9100  5700  5600  5500 
* * * * * * * * 
* * 0   397   605   133   133 * 
* * * * * * * * 

422344 Levels:ID   DATETime RRR VElLeng 
   Weig Sub var1 var2 var3 var4 var5 var6   
  var7 var8 var9var10var11var12var13var14var15  
 VAR11   VAR12   VAR13   VAR14   VAR15 ..

Is there any solution? Any suggestion?
And what is going on with the *? Is there any suggestion for this as well???
Thanks for your time!


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